“Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world…â€
Alot of us are familiar with these lines from Yeats’s thoroughly anthologized and often-quoted The Second Coming. How can they not come to mind as the French government of Emmanuel Macron, the centrist par excellence, falls in a heap of high-handed hubris?
Everyone in Paris is blaming everyone since the Macron government’s energized opposition in the National Assembly forced Premier Michel Barnier from office with a vote of no confidence last week. The truth is that Barnier is a casualty of his own political camp — an arrogant “center†that is not, in fact, the center of anything. It is composed of neoliberal ideologues who hold themselves as high as falcons above voters, refuse to hear them and wage war to remain in power even when they are voted out of it.
What is unfolding now in France is unfolding one or another way across those Western powers that form the walls of the neoliberal fortress. You see variants in Germany, Britain and, understood properly, in the United States. The center is not holding but the center insists on holding. Neoliberalism, after decades during which it has prevailed without effective challenge, is now critically threatened on all sides. And its defenders are fighting a ferocious battle to preserve its ideological primacy.
In effect, the Emmanuel Macrons and Michel Barniers of the Atlantic world are destroying what remains of democracy in the name of defending it. It is important to understand this in the clearest possible terms, given what is at stake. It cannot lead anywhere other than some form of authoritarianism unless the Macrons, the Barniers and their kind are turned back or otherwise subdued. Isn’t this already evident? It can lead, to look at the question another way, to what could easily turn into political anarchy, and this will not be so “mere†as Yeats imagined a century and a few years ago.
Macron, a former merchant banker, “president of the rich†as the French call him, is a laboratory specimen for his imperious insistence on the neoliberal orthodoxies. He decided to risk snap elections last summer after his Renaissance Party was trounced in European Parliament polls. Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National won 30 seats, with 31% of the vote. La France Insoumise, France Unbowed, Macron’s leftist challenger, took nine more seats. Renaissance went home with 13 seats, 14.6% of the vote. Macron, ever out-of-touch, calculated that snap legislative elections would restore the balance of power in his favor.
In the National Assembly elections last June and July, Macron was outdone once again. The Nouveau Fronte Populaire, a leftist alliance formed just weeks before the polls, won 188 seats, Le Pen’s National Rally 142 and Macron’s centrist alliance 161. In sum, no party had the 289 seats required to achieve a legislative majority in the 577–seat Assembly. The leftist front was the surprise winner, and National Rally had the most votes of any single party. Both then demanded, altogether rightfully, the president name a new premier from their ranks.
So did Macron’s anti-democratic defense of French democracy begin — or continue more pointedly, better put. He refused for two months to name anyone to Matignon, the prime minister’s residence and office. And his eventual choice of Barnier, a conservative dedicated to neoliberal austerity and the European Union’s technocracy, was an in-your-face rejection of last summer’s election results.
It is interesting to consider what Macron charged Barnier with accomplishing. In the Assembly he faced hostility to Macron’s centrist regime over both shoulders — either from the left (the Nouveau Fronte Populaire) or from the populist right (Le Pen’s Rassemblement). Barnier’s job was to navigate this stony political terrain while sustaining Macron’s neoliberal economics. I would have called this a mission impossible, a fool’s errand, given the two opposition blocs held 330 seats between them. But it is difficult to overstate the arrogance of a president who operates with so profound an indifference to his electorate.
The inevitable moment of truth came when Barnier had to present a budget. He did so on Oct. 10. After a lot of performative bargaining with his left-side, right-side adversaries, during which he, Barnier, made a few minor compromises that left intact what was a budget obviously hostile to the Assembly’s majority. It called for — past tense here, as the proposal is now dead —€60 billion in tax increases (70% of the total) and spending cuts (30%), most of which would fall on working people and the French middle class.
Barnier’s efforts to dress up these aggressive numbers are worth noting if only as a case study in the kind of political chicanery we all know well. He drew the direst possible picture of France’s finances before presenting the budget — a tiresome resort to “There is no alternative,†the ruse Margaret Thatcher made famous. And he prettified the figures by including in them €12 billion in taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals — but with the proviso these fair-at-first-glance levies were temporary and would be cut in the course of the 2026–27 fiscal year, at which point bingo, ordinary French men and women would bear all the burden of fiscal adjustments favoring said corporations and the wealthy.
The interesting thing about the Macron–Barnier standoff with … with the majority of French voters is that everyone knew well in advance that their budget would not pass. And everyone knew in advance that Barnier would then push it through the Assembly without a vote, a legal peculiarity in the French system but one that usually prompts outrage when invoked. And everyone knew Barnier would then face a vote of no confidence, lose it and be forced to resign.
And now all sides condemn the other side for this national debacle. Le Pen described Barnier’s budget as “violent, unjust, inefficient,†which holds up well to scrutiny. In a widely dismissed speech last week, Macron charged his opponents with “choosing disorder,†which holds up well only if you are an orthodox centrist who equates order with neoliberal primacy. “I will never shoulder the irresponsibility of others,†the grossly irresponsible Macron saith.
The French case is easy to read for the openly belligerent conduct of its protagonists. Macron is a remote figure who speaks to the French public with dignity but whose contempt for the people to whom he speaks rarely fails to come through by way of the various “reforms†he imposes or attempts to impose. These may be a rise in the retirement age, cuts in the health care system, increased fuel charges, or higher taxes: It is always the same. France’s fiscal position is weak, but the burden of repair must fall on the electorate, not the various elites above them. Macron the centrist, to put this point another way, is at bottom a “trickle-down†man, a Reaganesque supply-sider.
And what unfolds in France as we speak — Macron says he will shortly name a new premier — is a variant of what we witness across the neoliberal world, if I can suggest this term. Democratic process is to be sacrificed at the altar of power.
In Germany, Olaf Scholz’s centrist coalition took a beating in state elections last summer, and his government is now in a state of slow-motion collapse. The nation’s two insurgent parties are an approximate parallel of France’s: There is AfD, Alternativ für Deutschland, on the right and on the other side BSW, Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht, the party Wagenknecht, the dynamic leftist from the former East Germany, recently founded and named for herself. It is political sport among the centrists to cast these two as neo–Nazis on one hand and Communists on the other — and both as dangerous Kremlin sympathizers. This is not democratic politics: This is self-indulgent smear on the part of insecure ideologues who cannot survive in the context of democratic politics.
In the Anglosphere you see something different but the same. British centrists effectively colonized the Labour Party as it became clear that Jeremy Corbyn, its leader from 2015 to 2020, would restore it as an institution worthy of its name. Corbyn was forced out by way of crude, conjured-from-nothing charges of antisemitism. Kier Starmer, Corbyn’s successor, is a neoliberal in sheep’s clothing. As this dawned on the British electorate, which did not take long, his approval rating after he became prime minister last July fell by 49 percentage points, a record in British political history, and now stands at –38.
To keep the ledger tidy, Scholz’s approval rating is 18% and Macron’s—this before the Barnier mess—17%. Both leaders have set records of their own, but neither plans to go anywhere. Scholz intends to stand for reelection next spring, and Macron insists he will serve out the two years remaining in his term despite mounting calls for his resignation.
We should think about the U.S. in this context. It was the centrists who corrupted one national institution after another in the cause of subverting Donald Trump’s first presidential term, and centrists who, for years, kept the senile Joe Biden in office as the most certain strategy for holding on to power. It was the centrists, of course, who tried to sell Americans Kamala Harris when the Biden strategy failed. Now we must watch closely, for there are already signs aplenty that the centrist elites in Washington intend to do to Trump’s second terms what they so disgracefully did to his first.
There is something important to consider as we witness the corrupting machinations of the Atlantic world’s collective and tightly knit centrists. Two things, actually.
In 1937, Mao, while living in the Yan’an caves at the Long March’s end, wrote an essay distinguishing primary and secondary contradictions. The former are the most pressing antagonisms and require those who may have differences to unite. The differences, secondary contradictions, can be addressed after the primary contradiction is resolved. There is nothing too complicated here. Roosevelt and Churchill allied with Stalin to defeat the Reich. Facing Stalin came later.
This thought is pertinent as we consider the doings of entrenched centrist elites across the West. You may not care for AfD or Le Pen’s Rassemblement National; on the other hand you may not care for the French popular front or Sarah Wagenknecht’s BSW. The important thing is to understand these matters as, for the moment, secondary contradictions. The primary contradiction is the destruction of what remains of the Western democracies at the hands of centrist regimes struggling to remain in power. This is what makes them dangerous and, so, what must be opposed.
This question caused all manner of confusion during Trump’s first term. There were any number of reasons not to support Donald Trump, just as there are many reasons not to support him now. But there was a greater threat than Trump, as I and a few others argued. This was the rampant abuse of government institutions — the Justice Department, the FBI and so on — and the despoliation of public discourse altogether in the cause of subverting a duly elected president. You got called all manner of names for taking this position back then. There is yet less room to repeat this error now.
The second matter to consider reads straight out of the first. I have done a fair amount of traveling around Europe these past few months. And I find here and there, especially but not only in Germany, a new givenness to set aside the old distinctions between left and right (such as these may be any longer of use) in favor of drawing together to confront centrist regimes on questions of common opposition. Immigration, the war in Ukraine and relations with Russia are three such questions. It is not clear how far this kind of thinking will go, but it is to be watched and encouraged — this on both sides of the Atlantic.
American liberals have lost their way over the course of many years, and Europeans of similar political stripes have followed them. This is a complex topic, and for now I will keep the thought simple.
The old liberalism of possibility — the sort one knew in the 1960s, the sort you find Kennedy’s best-known speeches, let’s say — gave way to a liberalism of resignation. An emancipatory liberalism that entertained visions of a different, better future evolved into a liberalism with no vision or promise other than an eternally extended present. Nothing new could be imagined. Nothing else was possible in the world as we had made it.
I was struck by a headline atop a piece in UnHerd the other day: “Keir Starmer has no dream.†How perfectly to the point. None of the centrist leaders holding desperately onto power has a dream, any kind of vision. They offer empty slogans and adjustments at the margin — “an opportunity economy,†lower grocery prices and so on — but nothing in the way of authentic change of the kind electorates are telling them at the polls they want. The UnHerd essay was a critical review of Starmer’s “Programme for Change.†Expect none that makes any difference was the theme.
We call these kinds of leaders neoliberals now. Theirs is a liberalism of no possibility, one whose enemy is any suggestion of possibility. They ally with conservatives whenever genuine liberals assert themselves effectively. Their grail is “stability†— Macron uses this term frequently these days. Stability can be a fine thing, but it is not universally and always desirable. Stability is a very wrong thing when change — radical or reformist can be debated — is the necessary thing, as it is now.
In March 1962, Kennedy gave one of those speeches to which I just made reference. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,†he said, “make violent revolution inevitable.†It is a famous sentence now. Kennedy lived amid a revolutionary era, when dozens of new nations arose out of the long-reigning colonial regimes.
Our time is something different, but we can draw a lesson from President Kennedy’s remarkable rhetoric. What centrist figures such as Macron mean when they speak of stability is that they must remain in power. All alternatives must be rendered impossible. And so have they made the rise of alternative parties and ideologies inevitable. So do they lose elections. So does their cause require, at this point, immense damage to the polities in whose interests they pretend to act.
Does that mean the Agencies, the permanent establishment of “security” organizations the bankers use to run their countries?
There is an easier way to discuss all this. What do the big investors want? They want place holders (Macron was actually good for them) to keep the pesky voters stuck in trivia and meaningless chatter while they continue to drain the world’s wealth from any rooted population and into their own portfolios.
Everything is noise.
It may have seemed crazy what the Americans were doing at the start of the Bidet regime in shaping the new world order. (Thats why Trump had to be cheated at the polls last time, he would of ruined the timing for the start of the last push.) But it seems to be working.
Europe is neuted, probably for good, the middle-east chessboard has seen the axis of resistance in check-mate, and now it time to focus on China.
It is money well spent to bribe, blackmail or assasinate your people into power around the world, and to use your airpower to kill everything possible that resists you, the U.S could possibly own the world soon due to the resistance not willing to do what is required to win.
Look at Iran threats but no action, Lebanon waits until Israel is ready, then is destroyed by poor internal security when the Israelis told them they were next? What has Syria being doing since the last war?
But its not hopeless, the U.S cannot defeat anyone if you clip the wings of their bombers in the sky, the means are available in drone technology, swarming drones sucked into the motors etc. And the attack on energy will harm the U.S and the west and China, but what has China done to help?
Those who don’t want their decendants to be dumbed down to “useful idiots” until AI is to a stage that can see the last “useful idiots” euthanized, must fight, now!
We are at a crossroads that leads to the victory of the Neo fascist that came to the west post WW2 to resume the plan for the final victory or will a humane future be the path?
It doesn’t look to good for the humane, they don’t fight to win?
Macron does not speak to the French public “with dignity,” as this writer says. He speaks to them with extreme condescension, refers vaporously to “des gens de rien” (“people of no account”) and “les sans-dents” (“the toothless”). His gendarmes killed five and blinded more than thirty people in one eye with “rubber bullets” during the Gilets Jaunes agitations, simply for exercising their constitutional right to protest in the streets.
He has shattered the French health-care system, once considered the world’s best, he has farmed out waste disposal to private companies, so that this once litter-free country is now strewn with almost as much crap as the US or Italy, and he never negotiates with the once powerful, now feeble remaining labor unions.
French talk-show host Thierry Ardisson called him the “gauleiter of Brussels” and was promptly canceled. Pop philosopher Michel Onfray had a program on national radio, on which he severely criticized Macron, and he was canceled too.
Macron constantly ignores parliamentary decisions and rules mostly by diktat. He is the most hated French leader since the end of WWII, possibly since the Revolution. And his electoral victories were rigged.
Macron is not a centrist. Waving the rainbow flag is a pathetic fig-leaf for his crypto-fascism. As we see with the Americans, waving the rainbow flag (which used to stand for peace and tolerance) is simply a cover for extreme authoritarianism. And his economic policies are pure Reagan-Thatcher, at a moment when those same policies, long in place in countries like the US and UK, have brought our world to the brink of disaster. Those policies used to be called, correctly, “hard right.”
There is no “center” in our current political landscape. And there is no “left,” no actual constituted truly left-wing formation with institutional power. Citizens have only the choice between two rights: the international-financial right and the nationalist right. And they lean more towards the latter because they know that the nationalists are at least a little more likely to take their interests to heart.
Patrick Lawrence, some of whose analysis is very good, needs to scrap his desire to rejoin the mainstream, which has become a sewer. He needs to give it up. At any rate, they’ll never take him back.
I live in France.
Instead of “centrists,” perhaps a useful term for these slimey creatures deperately trying to maintain/defend the neocon status quo might be to call them “hollow men”–to steal a phrase from T.S. Eliot.
Macron is President because of the votes of the French Left. The church burning rainbow flag crowd IS the Left. Always has been.
None of these people are centrists. They are dangerous extremists who are as off the popular center as possible. They support extremist positions, such as policy of the Great Replacement, anti-White discrimination, forever wars, subservience to America and Israel to the detriment of own countries, support of troonism, repression of dissent by force, support of the globalist agenda, etc. That’s not common sense centrism, that’s extremism.
Maybe you can cell them neoliberal extremists, but certainly not centrists.
You obviously have little to no understanding of politics. I’m talking about actual, left-wing, labor-based parties. You’ve been living too long in the States, which has had no real institutional left since before WWII.
The “center cannot hold†because every illusion is fated to be unmasked. The center was the false god of the free market, which smells suspiciously like Anarchism for folks who have given up on reason and returned to belief in ineffable divine-ish plans. The best explication I’ve ever read of how under-regulated capitalism perverted the Enlightenment’s noble ideals of individuality and liberal democracy comes from those bad boys the German National Socialists. The fantasy that limited government is the solution to the problems created by abolishing legitimate governmental oversight is dead; long live the new fantasy.
Even if our empire manages to keep its major vassal states under control, those in the east are openly rebelling and have the option to join the booming Russian/Chinese economic block that doesn’t demand open borders, trade restrictions, the purchase of ultra-expensive American LNG, or doubling military spending:
Video Link
The left/right paradigm is wholly inadequate to describe the array of possible political positions.
Its use is lazy and imprecise.
Recommend we abandon it.
mark this event in poor France: a former lawyer is being prosecuted by the bar for a very strange indictment: INDIRECT apology of terrorism for having published photographs which infuriate some.
The word ‘indirect’ tells a lot about what authoritarism is like.
The problem for democracy is more democracy.
This article describes the current great internal disorder in the West. That is good so. But I think it misses a crucial point.
I see another, intensifying force in the West. It is not a defensive force, but an offensive force. It has goals and dreams. It is currently best represented by the Zionist leadership. But it is widespread in the West. A number of events are difficult to explain without this new force: the coup against Biden (replaced by Harris), the assassination attempts against Trump, the Kursk attack, the missile attacks against Russia, the invasion of Syria, the (failed) coup in South Korea.
This new force has nothing to do with centrism or liberalism. Not even with democracy. Its ideology is based almost exclusively on brutal power. More or less all means are permitted. Traditional Western leaders such as Biden, Macron, Scholz or Starmer are lightweights in comparison (may-be Macron would like to be part of this new force).
Trump’s government is not part of this new force today. But it is very possible that the two, i.e. Trump and this new force, will come to an arrangement.
All the so-called “centrists” are agents of zionism.
Zionism has destroyed the US
and will take the empire down with it.
Neoliberalism (de facto one party rule by ZioGlobalist bandits) hasn’t benefited the public.
As an illustration take the 40 years 1982 – 2022. Which countries have successfully bettered the lives of the majority of their citizens? That’s to say on benchmarks that really matter like real income, infrastructure, education and security (crime)?
There ‘s an abysmal divide between Neoliberalism (hidden one party rule by ZioGlobalist bandits – example USA) and Capitalist Nationalist Autocracy (explicit one party rule aiming for national development – for example China).
The results are in for 1982 – 2022:
If the centre is ZioGlobalist bandit Neoliberalism then it really can’t hold.
“Centrists”? What a laugh. They are anti-white, anti-Christians, anti-normalcy extremists.
Macron, a homosexual married to a transgender, a former Rothschild banker, who told non-vaccinated people to “f… off”, is a “centrist”?
Don’t make me laugh.
What’s happening is that they are simply abandoning all pretences of “democracy”, or, rather, perhaps just showing democracy for what it really is — a theatre, play-acting for the dumb masses to hide the real rulers from view, like in the Wizard of Oz.
Did you vote for Macron to help defeat Le Pen? Because that was what the real Left, the existing French Left, not your imaginary, non-existing Left, did in the last presidential election.
Perhaps Far Center is an apt name? It’s catchy, I think, and ‘Far’ captures their extremist ideology.
There isnt different sides in modern western politics. They are all serving the same banking elite. They are just different sides of the same coin. Just like Stalin said, best way to control opposition is to lead it yourself and thats what they are doing.
We will destroy american and british satanists in the end. God will prevail.
On the continuum of ideological politics promulgated by the mainstream media, these people are ‘centrists’ in the same way Angela Merkel was ‘conservative’ or ‘centre-right.’
The non-racial political Right has been putting out this kind of worthless ‘analysis’ for decades — it appears there’s an inexhaustible supply of it — even worse, there appears to be an inexhaustible supply of them.
Unless you start looking at things thru the lens of race, all you will see is the continued destruction of Western civilization — it’s absurd to remain focused on the phony left vs right paradigm when white people and their nations are both facing such a menacing future — it’s a distraction from the main issue: race.
What Diversity Means & Why Conservatives Are White People’s Worst Enemy
The Judeofascists and their “centrist” stooges are a ruthless, soulless, inhuman lot. The goyim world’s problem is that it is too humane, and up against heartless, soulless Satanists/evil who thinks they’re “Jews” but deep down, known they are not even human — and don’t care.
I’ll say what I always say, but never does any good anyway: Moses, the founder of Judaism, put these reptiles to the sword.
It could have but it failed as a theory of the role of the state in economic progress.
Its main tenet was that the state must help the rich get richer, and the final outcome will be that all will be better off eventually: the rising tides narratives.
The theory was implemented by de-unionizing, outsourcing manufacturing capacity, massive immigration of cheap labor, privatization of public services, de-taxation of capital, co-opting the left with identity politics, and many other policies to decrease the burden of labor on capital profits.
As a theory for the role of the state in the economy of a nation it was simple, easy to implement, and gave lots of corruption opportunities for enrichment of politicians.
But 5o yr later it’s obvious that neoliberal theory failed: the rich got richer but the vast majority just got poorer and the state got captured in runaway debt.
I offer a shorter name for the conservative alternative to neoliberalism: national capitalism.
Almost as impressive as China’s success was the Saudi Arabian and more importantly, the Russian exponential economic development post-90s. The Saudi case supports your autocratic bias but the Russian case does not.
The Russian success shows that the alternative to Western Neoliberalism need not be autocratic, it may retain the formalities of electoral politics.
But there has to be one ammendment to the liberal state in connection with autocracy: the rule of successful leaders must not be interrupted but the desire of other politicians to have a shot at being the top dog. Successful leaders as judged by the populace must be able to rule continuously by electoral processes.
There is nothing moderate or centrist about their policies though.
These people are extremists, i.e. the opposite of centrists. It’s like calling the current genocidal Israeli regime ‘centrist.’ No sensible person wants extreme replacement migration from non-White countries, or forever wars for the benefit of Israel and Israel alone, or normalization of child troonism, or any of the other shit these people have being doing for the last decades. These things are being forced down people’s throats, they have to be shamed and bullied into accepting them.
Perhaps they call themselves centrists as a marketing trick, but centrists they are not.
Far Satanic Pedos is what they are.
“Left” and “Right” were terms that perhaps made some sense 50 years ago. Now what do they describe? Nothing. There are globalists on one side, and globalists on the other side, and globalists on the alternative sides too.
When corporations push LGBT stuff, and supporters of the “working class” defend migrants on the dole or bringing wages down, which side are you on?
“Is it good for the Jews?” is the only motto of all politicians in the West these days. That describes even a lot of supposed “far-right nationalists”.
Portraying the dross (Shitz, Micron, Stammer) as “centrists” (lol) that cannot hold as per Yeats only shows that you Mr Lawrence have no clue.
Those three shitheads, and their hangers-on staff, are managers for the ZWO.
Encouragement for ordinary people, who have suffered for many decades under such administrations, and still do suffer, may be seen in the increasingly low-grade trash (like those three) that the ZWO has to choose from.
Of course in any responsible society, they would be taken out and put against a wall.
A solution that increasing numbers see as being overdue.
Since the French revolution and the Napoleonic wars, French think they are special, gifted with a sort of manifest destiny to guide Europe. You ask them how can they get retired 5 years before Germans, Brits, Italians and Spaniards, and they just answer “Nous sommes la France” = “we are special”. That special destiny has been reinforced by the ridiculous decision of USA and GB to include France among WW2 winners, in order to symbolize the European fight against Fascism and Nazism.
Dans la France, millions of people, mainly but not only immigrants, get unemployment subsidies whose amount is only few hundreds Euros less than basic salaries, and result is of course that a lot of people prefer not to work, or to work in the black market. It is only obvious: would you go to work for 8 hours every day for only 2-300 Euros of net difference?
The very first thing they should do, in addition of the drastic extension of retirement age, is to cut unemployment benefits and to increase basic salaries. Unfortunately, nobody in France has the courage to do it, because they fear a repetition of the violent revolts of the banlieues of the first decade of this century. They are under the fear and the blackmail of an Islamic and African generalized revolt.
The poor French thought that “the superior French culture” would have transformed Islamic and African immigrants into perfect French citizens. On the contrary, Islamic and African immigrants do not give a damn about Descartes, Rousseau, Voltaire or Maupassant, etc. A big share of the third and fourth immigrants generations are still totally dis-integrated and live at the margin of French society, thanks to unemployment benefits.
Either the French will understand they need a radical change towards a productive society or they will end up with a giant and violent political clash. In the latter case, the neighbouring countries will have to lay out a sanitary cordon around France, to prevent contagion.
A cryptic statement. If you mean “the problem is democracy itself” I agree.
The constitutional republic is probably the best form of government one can hope for. Unfortunately any document, no matter how well formulated, can be perverted and rendered null and void.
Also unfortunately there is a powerful group that dedicates itself to perverting and rendering null and void LOL.
Sure, I agree, but French problems are deeper. The French get retired 5 years before Brits, Germans, Italians and Spaniards, and in some compartment (transport and railways) at 55 – 10 years before the European average! Did you see what happened when Macron did the right thing, i.e. proposing a slight extension (2-3 years) of retirement age? All French protesting in the streets, as if they were oppressed coalminers.
whose god?
Stammer again under public pressure this Sunday morning.
Another demonstration at Downing st. re Gaza.
Polls show that this has the support of some 80% of citizens, yet the UK minority “government” continues as a n arm of Mr Rothschild.
L antechrist est parmi nous
China’s very existence is bankrupting the US economy.
Again, what a surprise.
Lawrence makes it clear what “populist” means in “political reality land”. “Populism” assumes that the “lumpenvotetariat”, the country’s base population, is just like any other coalition member. That is, the electorate can be part of the governing coalition on the same terms as the armed forces and the major corporations and the racial voting blocks. The base population will support a candidate if the candidate gives the base population money and power.
A populist government is, then, a governing coalition that includes its base population in the ruling coalition, as a full coalition member with an agreed share of the political spoils. The share might be something like limiting immigration, an attempt at full employment, suppression of crime, limiting environmental toxins, investing for the future (think “NASA†here, and capital gains taxes), etc. That is, the base population gets “public goodsâ€, enjoyed by everybody.
The problem with populism, under Lawrence’s definition, is that always destroys “public goodsâ€, and so is unstable, as follows:
USSR’s kind of leftism promised the Russian people that they would be transformed into a society would have so many “public goods†(as defined above) that all strife would cease [1]. This was the populist New Deal writ large. The USSR level of leftism, destroys its productive (and demographic) base (e.g. exporting industry/business and importing what amount to slaves whose children become citizens), and the gradually immiserated electorate doesn’t like that.
Leftism is all about control, first physical, then mental. The more central control of an economy, the less productive it becomes, and the electorate’s pay for remaining in the governing coalition is gradually reduced. As the electorate becomes more immiserated and slowly stops supporting the government, the government strengthens (gives more money and mission to) its remaining supports, to include regime support forces. Eventually, as in the US after its “all of society” approach failed during COVID, government abandons the electorate and the mass media it used to communicate with the electorate. Government relies on its regime support forces (as in the 1/6 riots), perhaps also increasing indoctrination of children in school to make the future electorate more docile.
You can see that this is a feedback process that ends in something like the Syria collapse of recent memory. The next step can be underpaid regime protection forces going into business for themselves by taking bribes and (as in the USSR) selling equipment held in reserve for an emergency. The emergency comes, the equipment and personnel are either gone or ineffective, and, voila, the regime fails. In the US, I’d imagine that several coalitions of States would become the new government.
Anyway, as pointed out by other commentators, the “center” in the US is by no means a “center”. It is merely a form of government, built on New Deal Populism, but taken over by the Jewish coalition in, say, 1968 when the Democratic Convention was physically attacked be streetfighters ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1968_Democratic_National_Convention ). The Jewish coalition lost its dominance starting in 2008, with complete loss by Obama’s “Pen and phone” speech, and Obama’s coalition appears to have disintegrated into near panic after Trump’s election, 2024/11. Obama’s coalition designated Jewish people as “Whiteâ€, hence predatory and exploitative, and the Jewish coalition has since tried to join the Trump coalition.
The emergence of “tent cities”, much like the “Hoovervilles” and “Hobo jungles” of the 1930s, not to mention the “deplorables” and “trash” descriptions of the electorate, show that the US base population has been ejected from the Federal government coalition. It remains to be seen if Trump will in practice include the US base population in his Administration. Should Trump fail to include the US base population, the US will most likely break into parts and subsidies to fragments that contain major US urban areas will be reduced to foreign aid from various countries interested in annexing the fragments.
Internationally, the US has been acting like a suzerain (rules subservient governments rather than ruling directly through proconsuls or the like) and its client governments, also modeled after the New Deal, are disintegrating by the same feedback process as the US. The center cannot hold, as Lawrence reminds us ( https://www.unz.com/article/the-centrists-cannot-hold/ ).
I’d also like to point out that, by Dutton’s estimate of a 1 IQ point/year decline since ~1870, the US is about 8 points below the WW II level, same for Europe, and may be too damned stupid to sustain a representative democracy. Leaders have can only have an IQ within about 1 standard deviations above or below the ruled, or else the ruled can’t understand the leaders. That’s why NCOs are smarter than troops and officers smarter than NCOs, and why an officer or NCO or enlisted can be too damned smart to be effective [2]. Sic transit gloria mundi?
Karl Marx, see: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8116796-for-as-soon-as-the-distribution-of-labour-comes-into
Marx never said why hunters and farmers and ranchers should want to be “critical criticsâ€.
However, in the USSR, people of academic inclination took jobs that consisted of standing by to help should some failure occur and used their “standby†time to conduct the academic work they thought to be important. ( Alexi Yurchak, Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More: The last Soviet Generation ; Princeton University Press, 2005. )
2] And why mixed crews of scientists and Navy almost always end up with scientists in one camp and military in another. Note that the more intelligent are not always, or even usually, the more correct in picking successful courses of action in the mixed crew cases.
You live in France but so what? Patrick Lawrence knows French phrases!
“Emmanuel Macron, the centrist par excellence” , says PL.
Not just a “centrist,” but one “par excellence”… It’s a warning right at the beginning of the article so that readers can get an idea what in-depth “analysis” to expect.
Thank you for your highly informative comment
Here’s an insightful video on why the “Conservatives” are such pathetic losers.
Video Link
I just think it is easier to demote the ‘centrist’ qualification than to rescue it from neolibs and neocons.
Speaking of ‘why conservatives are the enemy of white people’ and the non-racial Right:
Unvergessen — 28. Parteitag der CDU am 14. Dezember 2015
In 2015 the CDU had their annual Parteitag on 14 Dec, at a time when due to Merkel’s decision to suspend enforcement of the Dublin Regulation, 10k Africans and muslims were entering Germany every day — yet the CDU members present gave her a 10m standing ovation.
So in Germany, ‘conservatives’ and the non-racial Right gave an old maid, a pudgy cow like Merkel, who accelerated the racial destruction of a nation it took men hundreds of years to build, a 10m standing ovation — a viscerally disgusting spectacle.
More cowardice and shallow thinking from Lawrence. (a) What makes him think democracy is worth saving? (b) He once again fails to mention, or even hint at, the Jewish power structure behind such atrocious leaders. Jews care only about power and their own wealth; “vision” makes them nervous because it often tends toward the opposite, meaning, justice and fairness for the people. Honest and legitimate White leaders would sacrifice for the well-being of their people. But not Jews. Nor the lackeys that they put into power, who are the most craven and reprehensible examples of humanity.
Lawrence is thus either ignorant of root causes, or a malicious front — hard to know which.
They want easily controllable simps. The photos and tapes they have on Macron and the old “woman” he married must be enough to keep that monkey dancing. Biden is owned because they have proof of all his corruption and Scholz looks like the type who wears a dog collar and leather chaps. The West is managd by deviants and women because the owners want the easily controlled. Trump must’ve gotten 75% of the vote for them to let him in. Or he made a deal.
Just on the grounds of Russia’s economic recovery and subsequent development under Putin, his autocracy (which is what it is) has to be judged a success.
There seems to be a fundamental problem with democracy in that the special interest corruption is virtually built into it*.
For example Park Chung Hee (autocrat and initiator of modern South Korea’s spectacular development) writing about his 1962 revolution in his book “The Country the Revolution and I ” Hollym Corporation Publishers, Seoul 1962. He makes clear his (apparently genuine) desire to return to democracy and the result when he tried it:
* possibly apart from Swiss democracy – but that’s a very special case run on issue by issue legally binding national referendums.
There is however some good news —
Any political or party centrists still hanging around are irrelevant and impotent. The political scene today in American politics is domestic radicalism by the left and international radicalism by the right No one else counts.
“Lawrence is thus either ignorant of root causes, or a malicious front — hard to know which.”
And ultimately of little importance since the result is the same
I concur.
European elites are not centrists. They are Globalists left enemies of European Christians and Jews. Why else would they support The Great Muslim Replacement of Judeo-Christians?
The Globalist left is quite arrogant and open about it. Merkel is proud of her “Welcome Rape-ugees” plan & legacy for Islamification the EU. Here is a photo of the Muslim troop transport, Sea Watch 4, bringing a cargo of enemy combatants to destabilize Europe.
The far left, black flag of the Fascist Stormtroopers of Antifa. The SJWðŸ³ï¸â€ðŸŒˆMuslim flag of IslamoGloboHomo flying in open hatred of Judeo-Christian values.
Trump’s 2nd term is much better prepared than his 1st. There is a clear majority in the Senate for Confirmations. Some trading has occurred, but the caliber of people around the table will be much better. The attempted smear job on Hegseth is collapsing.
Can Trump achieve 100% of absolutely everything instantly? Of course not. Establishment Globalists dug this hole over decades. The most Trump’s 2nd term is to begin repairing the damage. It will take multiple MAGA administrations to fully reindustrialize.
Masquerading as “Jews” and as “Christians” and as “liberals” and as “progressives” is also part of the marketing trick.
I’m not saying a ton of them aren’t of hebroid background, because that seems to be a common “chosen” thread, but Judeofascists is really what they are — Judeofascist totalitarians and psychopaths who act and maybe even think (the libroids in particular) they’re rebelling against “oppressive” Moses and Christ and Christendom and Western Civilization and human civilization. But what they truly amount to are Satanists — the Neocons and “Christian” Zionists included.
The top jews like Netanyahu and Soros and Fink for sure know they’re pursuing Talmudist Satanism, but so do the top Shabbos goy. (A Shabbos goy is everyone who refuses to name the Judeofascist and the Synagogue of Satan, or who practices Voodoo in conjunction with the Satanic Talmudists — for example Black Voodoo gang-bangers.)
From a moral standpoint, is killing soulless Talmudist Satanists and their lickspittle, who are bent on mass-murdering civilization, morally wrong? Even mass-killing them? Moses certainly didn’t think so. In fact, he did so in order to deliver a cornerstone of what became Christian Logos and Western Civilization: the Ten Commandments.
I’m not sorry to say that mass evisceration of “Jewish Century”-formatted psychopaths is not only called for, but sanctioned by some of the highest powers in the history of advanced human civilization — sanctioned by “God”, if you will.
Well, we disagree on some important details.
1) Russia clearly is an electoral system, not an autocracy, where people regularly vote to renew leadership, and they take these formalities so seriously that Putin had to step aside for many years in order not to have a continuous rule.
2) I think electoral democracy is still better than autocracy (though I’ve never voted) for most states because the need to consult regularly with the populace force politicians to put limits on their corruption, hubris and incompetence.
If you think about it, simply allowing a leader to stay as head of the state for indefinite time subject to regular voting by the populace at large, then you may have the best of autocracy and the best of electoral democracy.
I would also suggest combining potentially indefinite terms with shorter terms between general elactions, as in every 2 years.
The throwbacks and homoerectus go to Europe for the freebies. Why? Because it is able to provide these freebies. Why? Because its a modern economy which is rich enough to buy votes. Take away modernity and the invaders will go home. How? A good old fashoined emp should do the trick. When you can’t feed your own people you can’t afford freebies. The semites will go home, the real semites, not the israelis. They will be followed by homoerectus, who only came for the freebies and a chance to rape white women. Fuck the elites, let them go into their bunkers, we’ll just cement over the exits. The bunker will become their tomb. In time Europe will return to normal, a home for white people and white people only. Instead of Ukraine, Europe should be sending their weapons to Iran to finally put the grifters in their place. Remove the grifters from positions of power and white people will have a home of their own again. Fuck the NWO. I’d rather be poor and surrounded by my own kind than rich and surrounded by animals.
I think Left, Centrist and Right still are meaningful.
The problem is that the Left has been co-opted, corrupted, transformed in many Western states, by the neolib concensus, so Western Leftists are lost defending sexual perverts, migrants, animals, trees, any weak party that they fancy they can protect except the working classes.
But they are still quite different from conservatives.
Leftists want to protect the weak, any kind of weak, they need a supply of weakness to deliver their product and they believe it is a moral obligation of all to support the weak.
Conversely, rightists insist on competition and meritocracy and letting the losers fall off on the way to progress and get protection from their families or from charities.
This division is quite deep in human populations.
In fact there are studies showing people naturally splitting into these two camps. In those studies, leftists are very disperse in ideological phase space while rightits form more compact spaces.
Centrists are opportunists that define themselves by not being Left or Right, that’s all, they live vicariously in ideological phase space.
If Macron, Biden/Harris, Starmer and Scholz are Centrists, then I’m to the right of Franco.
I guess it depends on where you stand.
Well, only if “stability†means they get to keep their offices and powers and the dirty lucre they skim for themselves while throwing the hoi polloi to the wolves.
Surviving a nuclear war would be extremely difficult.
He means conservatives.
Macron is a creation of the Jewintern.The German regime is TOTALLY subservient to the Jewintern, even as they slaughter children with Talmudic glee. The UK is run by Jewintern agent, Starmer. Europe is not Europe-it is a colony of the most dangerous racist force on Earth.
Europeans know this, and they know that even noticing it brings savage, increasingly vicious, retribution. They might not hate all Jews, but they know that nassty, vengeful, genocidal, infinitely demanding Jews do exist. And they do understand that one TINY group having so much power is not ‘democratic’, however you contort the term.
There are other discontents. Ecological carnage unaddressed. Mass migration of mostly unassimilable outsiders. Growing debt and inequality. Deranged, compulsory, hatred of Russia and China. A lying, hypocritical, MSM full of vermin, who transpose Islamist butchers into heroes even as they slaughter wounded soldiers in hospital beds while screeching ‘Allahu Akbar’ like demented ghouls. Like? Homophobic and misogynistic transgender child abuse, driven by lunatics, paederasts and sinister medicos. Europe is OVER.
The mind and soul molesting Western MSM vermin have pushed the ‘centre’ ever further Right, for decades.
Translating from the gibberish-true Leftists care for other people and the natural world. Rightists, in contrast, care ONLY for themselves in the here and now, and see other people as rivals or enemies, and the natural world as something to be raped, or destroyed entirely, for profit. ‘Centrists’ are gutless cowards.
He means anyone in power who has sold themselves to the highest bidder. They have become traitors to their nation and are loyal only to the WEF and Zionism. Take the puff out of this article and it becomes very short.
I see — so mass democracy is acceptable, at least ‘better than autocracy’, just not something you participate in.
Look around: everything you see going on in the West, in white countries, is the result of mass democracy — clearly good governance is far more important than the form of government, so much so that I don’t really care what form of government brings about good governance — at least a monarch normally felt a sense of noblesse oblige, whereas today you have to be willfully dishonest to claim that politicians in the West act in the interest of their citizens.
And looking at the US, as well as the reelection rates of politicians, the self-correcting mechanism of democracy that you postulate exists, i.e. that regarding politicians, regular elections ‘puts limits on their corruption, hubris and incompetence’, doesn’t seem to be working — which I guess means it doesn’t really exist at all.
It’s just amazing how much bullshit is dumped into the comments here.
Like the dumbshit mulga mumblebrain just posted claiming that “True leftist” care about others. I guess he means all the dumbfucks who have to turn everyone into a victim in order to show how much they “Care.”
Speaking of having to be ‘willfully dishonest to claim that politicians in the West act in the interest of their citizens’, and the alleged self-correcting mechanism of regular elections, a story about Spain:
‘Antirassistische’ Spanier und das Migrationsproblem — Spaniens Regierung plant die Masseneinbürgerung von Migranten. Hunderttausende sollen einen spanischen Paß bekommen, um den Fachkräftemangel und die Ãœberalterung zu bekämpfen
The government of Spain, a product of mass democracy and regular elections, is planning to grant citizenship to hundreds of thousands of migrants, almost all of them Africans and muslims, meaning not only are they not European, they represent very low quality human capital from the third world, and will be extremely damaging to Spain in the long run.
Trickle down economics is really gush up economics.
Increase incentives for entrepreneurs and remove the drag on small businesses and you get native spirits by the truckload. That’s what Reaganomics was about.
“Kennedy lived amid a revolutionary era, when dozens of new nations arose out of the long-reigning colonial regimes. ” 1960s African and Asian nationalism and anti-colonialism were American CIA projects. To remove the iron grip that the UK, France, and the Netherland imperialism held on the immense natural resources of their colonies the US CIA and its Jewish MSM introduced the virus of nationalism into the continents of Africa and Asia. The collapse of the old European. Empires allowed American multinational corporations and their partner NGOs to fill the void and exploit those nations. The result? The people of Asia and Africa continue to dwell in poverty, disease and perpetual violence while the American ZOG hegemon ravishes the riches of those third world nations.
American and british have always been fascists and war lords, who just lie, rob, steal and murder without any sense of theoretic moral, with any means necessary. That has always been the american and british way, disguising it to their deceiving virtue signal of superiority, “moral”, “western values” etc.
Look at this scum. They are evil, criminal, tyrants, who only know how to rob, steal, terrorize and murder.
American and british really do not have any position to tell anybody how they should live and whats moral. Look at even allies of this sick scum. Look at real history what they have repeatedly done. And they keep telling everybody else to live “the american and british way”? This sick scum is the one that will tell us about moral and way of living?
So another country in some part of Europe being ruined the same way. I’m glad I no longer give a shit about Europe anymore. Years ago I always dreamed of living in some part of Europe, but I can’t stand the garbage leadership in those countries. I hate the fuckwads in the U.S. enough as it is, definitely have no desire to live in Europe.
Typo: “Dutton’s estimate of a 1 IQ point/year decline since ~1870″
should read
“Dutton’s estimate of a ~1 IQ point/decade decline since ~1870″
We are living in a period of decline here in the West due to gross errors of management that started 50 yr earlier, but electoral democracy has a longer history with many successes, the development of America (pre-80s) and Europe, as well as Japan post WWII are examples of electoral democracy not impeding economic development.
I agree that good governance is far more important than the form of government, as I’ve pointed out many times here at TUR, highlighting the great development story of Saudi Arabia after the 80s. But good governance leading to economic development happens more often under electoral democracy than under autocrats. Of all high income economies, nearly all are electoral democracies.
This doesn’t mean that I believe electoral democracy helps economic development. What I believe is that electoral democracy is less obstructive to economic development than autocracies, except in some special cases.
I also agree with you that the benefits of electoral democracy are not being realized in America presently. This is because we are in decline due to errors of management and the correction will take some time to start having tangible effects.
>We are living in a period of decline here in the West
Yeah, I know — and it’s hard not to conclude that among the main causes of this ‘decline’ have been mass democracy, including/especially the participation of women, plus a low quality electorate (‘diversity’ is one aspect of this) that is way too easily influenced by the media — what is today the always-on, 24/7 media.
In other words, mass democracy rather obviously does not result in good governance (so at least in that sense there is no clear reason to prefer it over other forms of government, e.g. ‘autocracy’), and the self-correcting mechanism of democracy you postulated simply doesn’t work (or doesn’t exist) in this environment — if it ever did.
There are no ‘benefits of electoral democracy’ — giving every person even a nominal say in how things are run is an idiotic idea, especially in a multiracial society — what business operates like that? — hierarchy is natural.
All those arguments are very solid and they resonate with me. People are generally naive and easily influenced so electoral democracy seems at first a poor system of governance. Yet this influencing is also very shallow for most except hardcore fanatics and thus easily reverted by counter-influences.
In Russia, very naive people just coming out of communist dumbing down voted for an alcoholic under a very heavy campaing funded by the West, yet a few years later they embraced a new leader that started a period of exponential economic growth and these Russian voters have kept supporting that very successful man elected to power.
America also had a very good run with electoral politics post WWII until Keneddy’s assassination. Japan grew enormously over the same period under electoral democracy, until its growth was stunted by America. American voters also have reacted correctly since 2016. The election of Biden clearly was borderline illegal or just plain fraud.
It’s understandable to discard electoral democracy now that we are living the decline of the West, yet it is not electoral democracy that brought us here, it was other insidious forces that act outside of any control by the masses.
The masses are naive and superficial and even ignorant, easily influenced, yet their allegiances are also very shallow so they can be persuaded to turn against the worst elements amongst the politicians.
President Trump, after inauguration, will have a continuing problem with deficits. Right now deficits are supposedly running at ~1 trillion dollars every 3 months. Federal accounting standards being what they are, that is very approximate and the actual deficit is probably much greater.
The source of this deficit is the cities, the major urban areas in the US. The Uniparty considers those who balance a budget to be enemies, and has since it treated “undistributed capital” as something to be distributed at once rather than as a fund to keep the core of the company/corporation during downtimes.
But there is no precedent for reducing aid to cities. Since the days of the big MAC (Municipal Assistance Corporation), aid to cities has been unquestionable. Most of those reading this consider aid to cities and untouchable for moral reasons.
OK, so today we have a brand new moral reason for cutting Federal off aid to cities: active revolt against the US Federal government.
“First, Trump will enhance border security to a much greater degree than the prior administration. He might have to cut off funding to sanctuary cities and states that oppose his deportation plan for criminals.”
It is perhaps ironic that Pres. Trump, accused of “insurrection” himself after the Federal attempt to suppress the right to assemble and present grievances, would use revolt against the Uniparty, but the weapon has been legitimized by the Uniparty, and Trump has a much stronger case than ever did the Uniparty.
A political fight over “funding to sanctuary cities” could very easily escalate, since much of the Uniparty’s coalition is a member only because of Federalized welfare (both to poor people and to corporations). It has been obvious from the first that the 1/6 “insurrection” attack was a mistake by the Uniparty (which has the Chapel Hill Autonomous Zone and the 1968 attack on the DNC convention on its record). Now, it could well come home to bite them.
* Trump has to end deficits. No choice on that, the alternative would be a spiral to defaulting on the existing US National Debt.
* The Uniparty also has no choice: it must continue and increase deficits to maintain its coalition. That this strategy has already failed back in 2008 is something the Uniparty won’t let itself realize. Uniparty laughs at the poor fools who think that money and accounting matter, because it intends to institute a command economy.
You can see a very similar pattern during the breakup of the USSR.
A breakup of the US arguably started with the declarations of “sanctuary cities†[1], but now also includes rural areas in general. For an example, see: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/ar-AA1vJGzL#fullscreen
The Western situation is also much like that laid out in Turchin’s Ages of Discord, 2016. “overproduction of elitesâ€, specifically the immigration of the Ashkenazi elite and the DIE/ESG forced introduction into the elite, has sped up the competition for elite positions. Obama represented one elite (elite in terms of its streetfighters and superior legal position under Civil Rights jurisprudence), but now Obama appears to have lost his position to Trump. The Askenazi are crippled by their classification as White under Civil Rights jurisprudence and their concentration in urban areas that are not self-supporting. Trump has, in Turchin’s framework of discourse, rallied fragments of various excluded elites (including the Ashkenazi) and gained at least a temporary advantage. Turchin points out that disputes between in-elite factions can take decades, or can be settled quickly by intense warfare (US civil war, European WW I and subsequent WW II [2])/
1] Well named: the sanctuary cities sank.
2] Tuchin mentions two other drivers: labor oversupply (in the West, imitated by Feminism, continued by immigration, e.g. 0.8 million job decline by US citizens) and popular immiseration (e.g. US 20% increase in food prices, almost no wage increase). Both are evident in the US. Turchin, possibly in a spasm of self-preservation, did not mention immigration and ethnic strife, although both were important in the Roman Imperial case.
See: https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/us-economy-missing-818000-jobs-america-were-dealing-wacky-view-our-economic-health
See: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/worldly-pain-young-americans
Mulga “Hebrew Brush” Mumblebrain, you’re confusing Zionists with the “Right”, and you continue to provide a living, breathing, vitriolic example of parasitic Marxist (fake-“Christian”) thought and activism of the fake “Left”. Like the fake-“Christian” Zionist, the ((Marxist)) is a half-baked, Judeofascist-formatted freak of nature who smuggles Judeofascist mental illness into the lands of former Christendom.
If ((Marxism)) is “true left” of post-Christendom, no wonder libroids are mentally ill. Judeofascists have made them thus, just as they’ve made “Christian” Zionists mentally ill.
Diaspora Judeofascists are dyed-in-the-wool Satanists. You, Mulga, are a Judeofascist-programmed activist from the Synagogue of Satan, and you likely don’t even know it.
The natural, organic evolution of high civilization was thus: Moses Judaism—> Christ—>
Christendom—> Western Civilization—> the modern civilized world.
But stunted Hebroids have been at war with civilization from the beginning. That’s why the Serpent or the Synagogue of Satan are metaphors for stunted Hebroid reptiles, who probably had to be dragged out of the swamp screaming and yelling. And they’re still bitter about it. That’s why Hebroids are destroyers — of man AND of nature.
Deep down, Hebroid reptiles long for a return to the primordial swamps.
You are right about the character of the average Frenchman/woman: for a good while now, most take to the streets only when their personal comforts are threatened. But this is a red herring, and it was not true of the Gilets Jaunes, who were an expression of decades of failed economic policies and the gutting heavily taxed services, and they were generally very savvy concerning the country’s collaboration in criminal US-UK-Zionist foreign policies, not to mention the dodgy nature of all the terrorist attacks of the 2010s. Macron was picked by the oligarchs to be an enforcer, and it is exactly what he has done. In every respect. Ever more draconian law enforcement, controlled demolition of social services even while raising taxes on the middle class, and the shove-down-your-throat promotion of the new “rainbow” agenda to pretend to justify it all. Macron is so despised I have long had trouble finding people who express any support for him, let alone voted for him.
No, I can’t vote because I’m not French. But you’re right that the fake left (and they are indeed fake for the most part) voted to keep Le Pen out, fools that they are. This is because of the persistance of the old paradigms and hysterical media agitation about “fascism,” when they already have a dictatorial crypto-fascist president.
This week Matthew was joined by former Alternative für Deutschland campaign coordinator and journalist Jörg Sobolewski to discuss the rise of Germany’s right-wing, how it came about and the international implications.
Video Link
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