World War I was won by the powers that worked to bring it about, while refusing an early peace with Germany and Austria-Hungary. World War II was also won by the instigators, namely the US, England and the USSR. Now that World War III is gathering steam as we speak, we can state with confidence that it has been instigated by the US and NATO. In the background and from the sidelines, the Zionist movement was also among the instigators and victors of the first two World Wars. It may well be among the eventual victors of number three, since it seems to have already gained considerable extra Lebensraum in Gaza and Southern Syria.
Although World War I officially began in 1914 and ended with the armistice in 1918, it actually began with the Italian-Turkish War of 1911 and lasted until 1922 when the Greek-Turkish War ended. Even the Rif War (1921-1926) might be considered part of the First World War. Including the Spanish Flu, probably brought about by a vaccine developed with Rockefeller funding, the First World War claimed some 80 million dead. Quite an impressive number with respect to the estimated population of the world at that time of 1.8 billion.
World War II, beginning in 1939 and ending in 1945, also actually began earlier and ended later than those standard dates. It may be said to include the Abyssinian War (1935-1936), the Spanish Civil War, the Greek Civil War, the Chinese Civil War, the War in Indochina, the Indonesian-Dutch War and the Korean War. Lasting for a total of eighteen years (1935-1953), the Second World War claimed well over 100 million dead, also quite impressive, equivalent of some four percent of the world population around 1940.
Since World Wars I and II are generally considered from the limited perspective of rivalry between sovereign nations, other interpretations are often overlooked. One of these is that they were both intended to disrupt the ties between Germany and Russia because these were a threat to the Anglo-Saxon thalassocracy. This automatically entailed a weakening of Germany. At the same time, the first two World Wars constituted a serious culling of the world population by means of violence, famine and disease. The chief motivation was always to destroy Germany and along with it, Europe as a whole. All these elements are present in the major conflicts now being fought, namely in the Ukraine and the Middle East.
Therefore, it seems logical to conclude that World War III is now raging, having started with the US-led military operation in the Yugoslav Wars (1991-2001). This third worldwide conflict began apparently with the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of “Real Existing Socialism” in much of Eastern Europe. The 1991 Gulf War, the US-led assaults on Afghanistan in 2001, Iraq in 2003, Libya in 2011, the partial US occupation of Syria and the Second Sudanese civil War are all part of World War III. With the installation of a US vassal regime in Kiev in 2014, the Ukraine was turned into a US battering ram, in an effort to weaken and destroy the Russian Federation. When Russia invaded the Ukraine in 2022 to put an end to artillery attacks on the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Lugansk from Ukrainian territory, the US and NATO became actively involved in a war against Russia. It is a real war, comprising the usual sabotage acts, such as the US destruction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. The Israeli operations in Gaza beginning in 2023 and its war against Syria and Hezbollah are also part of World War III, with the aggregate number of dead reaching well over four million.
After the destruction once again brought upon Lebanon and Syria, the main battlefield of World War III is the Ukraine. Although the Russian victory has been apparent from the start, it has been denied emphatically by all the media in the US and its European vassal states. While the public in the “West” was being fed fairy tales and detailed, irrelevant nonsense about what was happening in the Ukraine, the Russian armed forces were busy all along systematically eliminating Wunderwaffen sent from the West to the Ukrainian army.
Nevertheless, the talking heads in the US and its EU and NATO vassals keep repeating that the cocaine-snorting comedian masquerading as Ukrainian president is fighting for “Western Values” and that NATO and the EU should stand shoulder to shoulder with him. NATO-boss Mark Rutte, the hermaphrodite from the land of Hans Brinker, needs to reiterate the old, dusted-off Cold-War fairy tale that Russia can invade Western Europe any moment. Now that most people have forgotten about the Cold War, such fear mongering once again seems to have an effect on many, especially those who are most dumbed-down, which is actually a shockingly high number. Few still have a vivid memory of those days when the regime and the media assured the citizens they needed to be prepared for a Russian invasion at any moment. Among the middle classes, the most credulous would order cyanide pills (through privileged “connections”) in order to be able to commit suicide the moment “the Russians” would cross the border. Whoever dared ridicule such preposterous behavior was immediately canceled.
Today, US NATO and EU vassals are working day and night to re-instill the Cold War mentality, with all its preposterous fantasy stories about the impending end of “life as we know it.” Sure enough, regime-induced Russophobia has some formidable competitors, such as anthropogenic “Global Warming” and horrific “pandemics” that may fall upon us at any moment.
Yet it should not be forgotten that climate change and all those unknown, mysterious deadly diseases just waiting to penetrate our immune systems, are part and parcel of a general war unleashed against the middle classes in Europe and the Anglosphere. Although the true identity of those who are responsible for all that is a subject of conjecture, the very fact that a war is being waged is difficult to deny.
Persuading, browbeating, and forcing people to take untested “vaccines” as a protection against mild or nonexistent diseases has proved to be an effective way of eliminating millions of “useless eaters”. At least 17 million people have died from taking an “anti-COVID” jab, millions more have given themselves an incurable heart disease and “turbo cancers” while hundreds of millions have fatally eroded their health and immune systems by taking such a poison jab. Each day, many tens of thousands are dying as a result of having taken a poisonous anti-COVID shot. Given the havoc wrought by such shots, those in charge of the operation have proven Stalin and Adolf Hitler to have been mere amateurs, provided of course that all those wild stories about them are true.
So far, adding the vaccine victims to those fallen on the kinetic battlefields, World War III has already claimed well over twenty million dead, which number is set to rise even further to unsuspected heights.
Other weapons of mass destruction are now being prepared to be used especially against the people in the EU and NATO countries. Since there are few weapons as powerful as a famine, one seems indeed in the process of being prepared. The signs are unmistakeable: just as the Soviet Union in 1929-1931 drove millions of small and medium farmers (kulaks) off the land, EU nations are doing the same today. Now it is being done allegedly to reduce carbon dioxide and nitrogen emissions, but it will lead to food scarcity and widespread misery. At the same time, industry in Germany, France and Italy is being dismantled at dizzying rates. Galloping inflation is predicted and this will also cause untold numbers of victims.
With his characteristic broad, insincere smirk, NATO chief Rutte has demanded the dismantling of pensions, social services and healthcare in all member states, so as to liberate funds for a massive build op of armed forces and the military industrial complex. Since democracy exists only as a word, not as a tangible reality, this means that poverty and all sorts of concomitant misery will soon spread across all NATO countries.
As we speak, with the EU’s industrial base being phased out and its population subjected to all kinds of state terror, it seems the US will finally be achieving its goal of eliminating Europe as a competitor. There is no chance at all that Russia will intervene to prevent that, because Russia is now leading the transformation to a multipolar world. Although this is in itself incomprehensible to most Anglo-Saxons in the grip of bipolarity while believing they are still living in a unipolar world, the process is inevitable.
However, the main victim will be Europe, at least the part of Europe calling itself the EU. It means that NATO, the imperial domination tool in the hands of the US, will eventually be the winner.
That victory will be a Pyrrhic one, but at least it will be a victory.
Essentially,my take, with a twist, concerning the “multi-polar” hoax.
The Kiev Klown is indeed fighting for “Western Values” : Sodomy, Pederasty, Addiction, Corruption. How much more Western does it get?
NATO should have gone away in 1991. The EU had proposed its own defensive alliance, but NATO survived and grew to become a major threat to mankind as an arm of the Anglo-American empire.
Video Link
anyone betting against an alliance between russia and china, (along with a military alliances with korea and iran and her proxies), is taking a fools bet.
you are betting on trump and brandon, as well as starmer/bojo, marcon and scholtz against putin and xi. there is no comparison in “leadership”, because the west has no real leaders, just cartoon characters put in place by the most corrupt oligarchs imaginable. there is no strategic thinking other than greed and criminality. they are totally deviod of any real intellect, as they are not chosen for intellect but rather servitude.
this is not a recipe for success, when facing the biggest economic superpower (talking real economy and manufacturing base) as well as the greatest military in terms of battle hardened troops and especially technological advancement, with a military industrial complex that dwarfs all of zato. combine that with the chinese military industrial complex, as well as korea and iran.
unfortunately our “leaders” are stupid enough to place that wager, leveraging all of our futures on the suckers bet, as they are all the greatest suckers of all time, in every definition of the word. these morons are interpreting the intelligence of their adversaries, as weakness and in the end they may end up destroying not only our futures but the future of the world as well. there’s no saying they won’t be stupid enough to place this bet but they will never “win” this bet.
the rest of the world is lining up behind these multi polar superpowers in the form of the brics alliance that will eventually replace the g7 and g20, as well as the other economic shackles, such as the wto, world bank and wef, which are now nothing but vestigial appendages, of the hegemons bygone era (error). how the author can draw this erroneous conclusion, escapes me, perhaps it is is german heritage. go on attack and invade russia, fuck around and find out.
And to think the bastards are just getting started. Dozens of mRNA concoctions are in the works, including their self-amplifying ones meant to super-spread throughout the population, as well as a fan favorite–using mosquitoes to inoculate the masses.
Perhaps we can’t even refer to a WWIII, as it appears to be just a straight up, ongoing, War on Humanity, starting at conception—and God help ya once born in the US, as the ghouls immediately poke the hell out of ya, something like 72 jabs by the time you’re a few years old.
Besides the kinetic war provocations and covid, they hit China with bird and swine flu, had dozens of biowarfare labs in Ukraine and many dozens more worldwide. I guess it’s more like War on Life Itself.
But hey, no worries!–for a small fee they’ll upload your neural function to a computer, or so they think, and keep you in lala land indefinitely.
Russia seems stuck at Pokrovsk, Putin has never done what was necessary to win the war.
Putin also believed China has its back but China seems to be hoping that the U.S and Russia will knock each other out leaving China the victor without ever throwing a punch…its the wise Sun Tzu way, its the losers way because technology has rendered that thinking obsolete.
Slowly the attacks inside Russia mount, once unthinkable the West have made inroads to fortress Russia because Russia has a chess player in Putin who has never grasped the game the other guy is playing.
Re: “Sodomy, Pederasty, Addiction, Corruption” – Those are JEWISH values – not “Western” by any stretch – were illegal when Whites ran our countries. All this talk of “Ebil Anglo Saxons” in such articles, and out of the Kremlin, when our homelands are Ruled By Jews.
We “White” folks have no say at all in what “our” (sic) countries do – not any more than “citizens” of the USSR (created by Jews) had any control over their govt and it’s atrocities.
Yes the dip-shit Wasp’s and jews did concoct to start both world wars. And who cares if you Euros are self-suicidal. Good riddance. The pig (mus)-slims. and the negroes flooding into Europe will take it all over under Chinese leadership.
“Zionist movement” does not reflect the reality on the ground: what we must talk about is Jews. What do we talk about, when we talk about Jews? Utter mayhem, chaos, destruction. That’s what awaits us, if the world falls completely under the heel of the Jew.
Jews were around long before Zionists appeared on the scene and they were always a problem wherever they ensconced themselves as fifth columnists, always conniving to crush the populace with their ruthless, raging hatred of humanity. And WWIII is nothing but another harvest of the Jews, once again the hidden hand that moves geopolitics, corrupts and blackmails politicians, and smites entire populations without a trace of scruples or morals.
So “NATO” will not win this next world war: the Jews will win. Because, how the hell are you supposed to “win” against a foe whose only goal is to spread as much death and destruction as far and wide as possible? It is difficult to imagine anything worse than a world dominated by Jews: it is by far the worst possible scenario. This is because what the Jews are striving for is nothing less than the annihilation of the human race. The Jew is an alien species spawned in the deepest pits of hell and released into the midst of an unsuspecting populace with the sole purpose of destroying everything in its path.
The Jews only allow blackmailable puppets into the highest spheres of power and their marching orders are always one and the same: the puppet leaders must terrorize their own citizens, who must be sent off to Jew-instigated wars to die for the Jews. Come to think of it, WWIII may well be the last war because it may never actually come to an end: the Jews plan for this current war to rage on indefinitely. In the future, this war will be known as The Forever War of the Jews Against Humanity. There will be no peace. There will be no respite. There will only be blood. Rivers of blood. As long as Homo Judaicus walks among us, humanity is condemned to endure a living hell on earth.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the American military industrial complex has been exaggerating foreign threats in order to justify high levels of government spending on it. We were warned about this by Eisenhower over 60 years ago.
I do not see World War III happening. Because of low birthrates, we do not have the young men to fight it. We have a large retired population not paying taxes and collecting Social Security and Medicare benefits. This has helped lead to two trillion dollar a year deficits. Future generations of Americans will include more low IQ nonwhites paying little in taxes.
There will be cutbacks in government spending as interest payments on the debt consume more and more of dwindling tax revenues. This will include military spending. We will not have a military large enough then to fight major foreign wars.
JUDEA could be ultimately defeated and destroyed. It is possible.
Afghans (Baktrians at the time) kicked the crap out of Alexander the Great
Then they kicked the crap out of the British Golem in 1842
Then they kicked the crap out of the Soviet Golem in 1988
Then they kicked the crap out of the Star Spangled Golem in 2021
Then they closed the last Synagogue of Satan and kicked the last Shlomo out of their country.
Last member of Afghanistan’s Jewish community leaves country
China was mightily impressed and recognized Taliban:
China’s recognition of the Taliban sets a dangerous precedent
Meanwhile JUDEA-controlled Russia was not allowed to to do the same.
Russia takes step towards recognising Afghanistan’s Taliban government
They are just thinking about it, taking steps, waiting for GO AHEAD from Chief Rabbi of Russia etc. 😁😁😁
My deepest respect to Taliban and China. Hopefully before I die I’ll make a hajj to Baktria and look at Real Warriors.
I have no mouth and I must scream. by Harlan Ellison.
So reminds me of what s going down.
My God…You people go all in with the blackpilling, this kind of stuff will make a person want to commit suicide.
A case against a rerun of WW2 is that this time the “evil enemy” states are not a nearly landlocked central European country of just eighty million, or an island nation smaller than California, forced to face the wrath of four great empires ruling well over a billion people. Those roles are now reversed – and there are nukes…
Agreed. China and Russia are the World Island.
You made some excellent points. Manufacturing and resource production are key. NATO is withering in these all important must haves. Choking off food and energy in the EU isn’t going to help. American manufacturing is weak. Meanwhile, China, in particular, quietly strengthens daily. Russia likely has FAFO military hardware beyond what they’ve shown. A fool’s bet indeed.
From the viewpoints of world’s best Anthropologists, Biologists, Businessmen, Chemists, Climatologists, Earth Scientists, Ecologists, Economists, Engineers, Geologists, Mathematicians, Physicists, Philosophers, Political Analysts, etc., etc., most of humans should move towards the Equator, al latitudes up to 30° – 40°. Solar Panels work better there.
Artists, Tourists and those working in Tourism, Agriculture, as well as Scientists, could live above said latitudes.
If their much-hyped Article 5 is invoked, aren’t we going to find out just how “unified” NATO really is? If the Limeys (always the great shit-disturbers in world history) or the Pollocks, pull something, are there not going to be other NATO member states who will react with: we didn’t start this. – you did – we see no reason to to get nuked because of it? How many European states are willing to be fried over Poland? I believe this would be the moment of truth and NATO would crumble. And that grinning Homo, Rutte, wouldn’t be anywhere to be found.
Nah Russia is the World Island, along with China.
This is a misnomer. There is nothing Anglo or American about the international banking cartel that has controlled the world for over 250 years. They may reside in Angleland and the US, but as the old saying goes, a stable boy may be born in the stable, but that doesn’t make him a horse.
So if you take the average % body count in WWI & WWII and multiply it by the current population for a rough estimate how many do you get?
We will be very lucky if it’s that low.
Thanks, and that is and has been the plan all along, with the Democrat/RINO two-step in AIPAC’s Congress confirming HIAS frontman Mayorkas to use the resources of DHS to effect the mass invasion across our southern border. This is an extension of the Cloward-Piven Plan of overwhelming the US economy with welfare dependents brought in from the Third World. The US, Western Europe, and Russia must be annihilated for the bilateral Sino-Israeli world order to emerge victorious. There will be no more wars because there will be no more identifiable interests, nations, or peoples capable of recognizing, let alone doing something about, their captivity.
The article supports multipolar theory. Try reading it.
Win what? They cant lick a stamp
Thanks, that sounds like a good read, I’ll trot on down to the library.
Agreed, Putin had the resources, capability, and an already proven model (the takedown and annexation of Crimea on March 18, 2014 took about 22 days and was bloodless, quick, and relatively popular – – in essence, the basis for the plan was on the use of infiltration and quick action -blitzkrieg) and yet has not taken the steps necessary to win the war. If anything, he may have delayed it (it appears that there are many reports of frustration from front-line commanders about this hesitancy).
It is certainly curious that Putin appears to be a thinking “man of action” and yet has, as you said, “never grasped the game the other guy is playing”.- and therefore is not “thinking” nor taking effective “action”.
In addition, based on the repeated deceptions and betrayals conducted by the Americans (and their proxies) in regards to the Ukraine, Syria, and Iran (where the leadership was convinced that continued tolerance, military restraint, and/or delayed action would lead to peace or a rapprochement) it should be clear that everything the American’s say is designed to serve their ultimate goal – and should therefore not be believed. … And yet…Moscow seems to be be following in the path of Tehran and Damascus.
This does not make sense, …unless there is something more afoot.
Maybe, perhaps, possibly, …Putin is also a supporter of one world government?
The war in the Ukraine may have an ulterior purpose (and not just as a means to secure Russia’s safety from an encroaching NATO) but rather as a de-stabalizer of Europe, a means to end multipolarity, an igniter of a new form of hegymonic government, a tripwire ending the middle class (masking the rise of inflation, high costs, caloric deprivation) , and a catalyst allowing for the transfer of wealth (a new feudalism)
If such a conspiracy were true, would it not be best to control both sides of the negotiating/war table ? This would allow the financial cartels/neocons/wef/zionists to prolong the war, reduce civil liberties, dismantle Europe, introduce new vectors of control, and gain vast resources.
It may be that Putin is less of a “chess player” and more of a “chess piece”. I certainly hope this is NOT true but we must look at the game board in front of us and ask the hard question (why is Putin delaying success in the Ukraine…as Sun Tzu said, “There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare.”
But Putin and Xi are in the pockets of the West. They only pretend to be on their own side.
A non-nuclear WW3 will be won by those with the greatest industrial capacity.
The West has already lost.
“Try reading …”, i did, sorry for having myself badly expressed.
My take on the article is to endorse the larger view of it, i see the world much the same, and for over two dozen years that is.
The false note in the article that i refer to is the “multi-polarism” bit. Multi polar worlds, according to the current meme proned by the BRICS and the Russia China tandem are mostly for public consumption. Most probably no-body having any agency, come Russia, China, the US, Israel, Transnational Corporations, International Institutions, the Finance World(especially), all nuclei that matter and have any kind of agency, believe, and with reason, that multi-polarity is bat-shit.
The question is not globalism(this time as a theoretical concept, not the current definition in the public domain that alludes to some Western hegemonism only), the question is what kind of a globalism will emerge.
If there is a single element of linearity to history of mankind, then it must be the run-up to an interconnected world, the run-up to specialization(which itself already shows hick-ups to chaos), but none the less, and un-avoidably a “global” world.
Comments are a bitch, the articles already are snips and nit-picking and skimming the surface, to express myself on this would take a book-form(at length, when needed) explanation, so yes my comment has some trade-offs and can be easily mis-understood.
>That victory will be a Pyrrhic one, but at least it will be a victory.
I don’t know — a Pyrrhic victory is a triumph, presumably a righteous one, that comes at a very high cost — there would be nothing righteous about ‘NATO winning WWIII’, so this seems to be another inapt analogy.
By the way, here is the Defense Minister for Belgium — in general, female defense ministers are not uncommon in Europe (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Iceland, Spain).
Interesting take. Thanks.
Every month that the war in the ukraine continues, the USA, “uk”, and eu countries add a bit more to their massive government debt to send money and arms to the crooks running that regime.
The interest payment on each country’s government debt therefore tends to increase faster. In turn, that ultimately requires raising taxes, eventually drastically, with the dire effects that can have on the economy and society and standard of living.
Every month that the war in the ukraine continues, more nazi-type Russian-hating ukie soldiers die, more Russia-hating foreign mercenaries die. Ukies and mercenaries consistently sustain far more combat deaths than Russia does.
Every month that the war in the ukraine continues, the large, consistently profitable manufacturing / assembly / laboratory sectors of Germany and other Euro countries — which had paid high salaries and benefits to many — continue to decline. Largely because of the US government’s destruction of the crucial Russian-EU nordstream 2 gas pipeline and the uk/eu countries’ refusal to buy oil and nat gas directly from Russia: factories and labs have been closing down and moving operations to the USA and China, to a lesser extent to the Russian Federation and Mercosur countries.
“British” and european airline companies continue to lose business while non-Western carriers gain at their expense. By barring Russian airlines’ access to their airspace, the “uk”/euro led Russia to bar hostile countries’ carriers from RF’s massive airspace. (“Turnabout is fair play”, as they used to say.). People are avoiding brit/eu flights that have become more longer and costlier from not being able to overfly the RF. They are choosing Chinese airlines, and to a lesser extent Russian airlines, instead. Putin can let non-Western airlines reap the increased business while “uk”/euro carriers decline:
So it’s not clear that Russia is making a mistake by, apparently, going slow on purpose.
While waging the war, Russia can continue to build their military manufacturing base while the US’s stays pathetically small and more reliant on things belonging to US “enemies”: equipment and parts made in China, and metals / minerals extracted from underneath Russian and Chinese land. In fact, the US, “uk”, and eu will have a hard time even replacing all the equipment they have sent to the ukraine (and “israel”), forget about a big boost in their military manufacturing and capabilities anytime soon.
Of course, whether Russia continues the war or not, the RF’s genetic, cultural, linguistic, and therefore cultural composition continues to change drastically. With the exception of two recent years where many Slavs fled from the ukraine to Russia, the RF’s Slavic population seems to have declined every year since the vote to disband the USSR.
By contrast, every year the RF grants permanent residence to 350,000 to 400,000 people from central asian countries that are largely Muslim and are linguistically/genetically Turkic (esp. Kazakhstan but also Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan) or Persian (Tajikistan). Almost none of the FOUR MILLION central asians granted permanent residence in the past 8-10 years is Slavic; and from the perspective of christians, the RF’s emerging majority is either non-religious or belongs to the “wrong” “abrahamic” cult.
That doesn’t count non-Slavic central asians who obtained RF citizenship during the period.
As the West declines into unrepayable government debt, unrepayable consumer debt, poverty, perversion, and hopelessness … Russia can help push the Westerners further towards financial and societal collapse simply by keeping the war going and thus providing an arena for the West to waste its borrowed and “printed out of thin air” money even faster.
2023 Immigration into the Russian Federation, by country of origin :
In just the first half of 2023, Russia granted citizenship to 87,000 Tajiks:
So, Russia may outlast the US and “uk” and eu, as an effectively non-christian Muslim-plurality country with more and more people who are mixed Slavic/central-asian.
Why not re-assessing your religious believe in the system, the system running books, do accounting(as in keeping ledgers at all).
Reason the more, what-ever the system in the West provided to it’s middle and under classes was loot from other parts of the globe any-how. To put a stop to this will only happen when they run out of steam. Not when the body count is un-sustainable. At a rate of nine billion people we barely manage to kill-off less then a tenth of a percent. War in it’s current shape, is obsolete, but is now undergoing a fast shape morphing. We have seen nothing yet. AI and the biology of genetics, discriminate culling and selecting is going to be tomorrow’s drones.
Taking even “developed areas”(Gaza) and “re-develop” them is the future! The best analogy is our current cities that had make overs time and again.
Most importantly: the real accounting is in the resources, energy, a real economy of essentials, taking into account quality and quantity, density of populations. Not in finance, accounting within the bulb of finance, these prcatices amount to religion, local consumption of parameters if you want.
right…. i got it now, the west controls everything and that’s why they are failing so spectacularly! yes everything makes sense now, thanks for your sage insight.
Russia takes another round of hits from U.S proxy Ukraine and claims it won’t go unanswered. Is this another round of bombing empty buildings or taking out power grids that always seem to bounce back in a day? Or will Russia do as what Iran has done and mouth a response only and wait for the next attack?
And wasn’t the U.S and Europe supposed to be running out of bombs? Israel seems to have a bottomless pit of them, I think this rumour was the greatest bit of propaganda disseminated by the west.
If the U.S is able to do as it pleases then the war is lost for the “new powers” because the west is taking no damage at all, the economy in the U.S is chugging along in fact the conflicts have being a boost to business.
Unless China, Russia and Irans fragmented axis of resistance start to deliver some real blows to the west then this war is over and they better start bending the knee.
Thank you for your reply.
You have raised some very good points that I had not considered…and they make sense. I will have to revise my opinion based on your input.
I am also appreciative of your points (and the sources you have provided) regarding the ethnic change in the Russian population. This too is something that I was unaware…and something that I will have to think deeply about – as it seems that the “European” nations are all facing the same demographic (and to a degree, migration) challenge.
Do not buy into the Nazi-nonsense. There is something completely wrong in Ukraine.