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Medvedev Says It’s Time to Start Killing Journalists

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Alex Jones is really looking like some kind of apocalypse general.

I’m thinking of like, someone who leads a faction in one of the Fallout games, you know?


Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Wednesday slammed British daily The Times for justifying the assassination of Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov, who headed Russia’s Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Defense Forces. Medvedev criticized the editors as “lousy jackals” who are part of a hybrid war against Russia.

In an article on Tuesday, the UK outlet claimed that its sources within Ukraine’s security services admitted responsibility for the general’s assassination. It went on to describe the incident as “a legitimate act of defense by a threatened nation.”

It’s impossible to ignore the editorial published in The Times, where the bastards called the terrorist attack on Igor Kirillov and his assistant a ‘legitimate act of defense’,” Medvedev, who currently serves as deputy head of the Russian Security Council, said in a Telegram post.

All NATO decision-makers from countries that provided military assistance to Bandera Ukraine are participating in a hybrid or conventional war against Russia… All these individuals can and should be considered legitimate military targets for the Russian state,” Medvedev said, adding that the people “who committed crimes against Russia” always have accomplices, including in the media.

And they, too, are now legitimate military targets. These may include the lousy jackals from The Times, who cowardly hid behind an editorial… So, be careful! After all, a lot can happen in London,” he warned.

If Russia starts assassinating journalists, that will be very hilarious.

They probably won’t do that, but just threatening to do it is hilarious.

I think this is the first time a government threatened to start assassinating foreign journalist. A lot of countries have done that, especially the Ukraine, but I don’t think any top government official has ever said they should start doing that.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Anonymous[981] •�Disclaimer says:

    Does anyone really believe Kirillov‘s assassination was carried out by an Uzbek in a Ukrainian SBU planned operation and not by Western intelligence agencies and/or Mossad who tracked Kirillov through SIGINT?? Then again, we’re supposed to believe it was Ukrainians on a yacht blew up the Nordstream pipeline.

    Curious that it was also Uzbeks who attacked and slaughtered kids in a concert at Crocus City Hall in Moscow back in March. An attack that former CIA and U.S. military officers (Col. Wilkerson, Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern, et al.) believed was a CIA/MI6-planned and backed terrorist operation. It was definitely the m.o. of the CIA.

    For whatever reason, Putin and Russia are continuing to play by Queensberry rules as their opponent (the AZE/West) is using razor blades and poison and slicing the throats of your family as they sleep.

    I mean, the West can blow up your pipeline, fire missiles into your country, kill your children and generals in your capital, blame it all on the Ukrainian SBU, yet the Verkhovna Rada remains untouched to this day?

    Maybe Putin is just holding off until Ovechkin beats Gretzky’s record?

    •�Replies: @Commentator Mike
  2. Cornjulio says:

    This very same line of logic presented by the times could be applied to Luigi Mangione.

    The targeted killing of the united healthcare ceo was a justifiable act of defense against the Jew owned health care system which is killing the populace.

    It is always amusing how the twisted reasoning of the globo-homo-Judaeo-terrorists and their mouthpieces can be inverted.

    For years we have been told that the use of improvised explosive devices are acts of terrorism, therefore, Pager bombs and now scooter bombs are terrorist acts.

    •�Replies: @2stateshmoostate
  3. I’ll bet the real reason this guy was murdered was that he was overheard saying something “anti-Semitic”

    Like maybe he said he was tired of fake Jews running Russia

    You can bet if an American general said something like that about that US he’d be targeted

  4. @Cornjulio

    The way the Jewish Press is promoting the killing of the CEO leads me to suspect he was more likely killed because he was either going to spill the beans or because he stood in the way of another fake Jew scam to rip non-fake Jews off.

    •�Agree: AxeGryndr
  5. Victor G. says:

    Something tells me the author is preparing a future in USofAs politics.
    He has all the mala fides … thick-headedness, somewhat (but not much) artful prevarication, tendentiousness, prolixity … what am I forgetting?

  6. @Anonymous

    Curious that it was also Uzbeks who attacked and slaughtered kids in a concert at Crocus City Hall in Moscow back in March.

    Those terrorists were Tajik not Uzbek. But yeah, what’s the difference? Russia is full of these Muslim immigrants who would hire themselves out as killers to whichever mastermind.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  7. Killing Western MSM presstitutes? Kill the undead? You’ll need a lot of wooden stakes. Looks like Medvedev has converted to Israeli methods, but will he go Full Talmud, and murder the presstitutes’ families along with them?

    •�LOL: BrooLidd
  8. Johnno says:

    Don’t the Israelis, Ukrainian and Americans justify targeting journalists all the time for “working” with the enemy/terrorists?

    If it’s good enough for the goose…

  9. FTB says:

    I pray that Medvedev is serious as a heart attack. All Fake News vermin should be rendered extinct in the most brutal ways possibly.

    4 Groups in the West that should be exterminated to save the World:

    1) Editors
    2) Educators
    3) Elites
    4) Experts

    More astute readers will note that the hook heads are over represented among those classes of parasites.

    •�Agree: BrooLidd
  10. @Wokechoke

    “Uzbeks are a type of Turk.”

    Funny, I always thought uzbeks were a type of tiny skin-mite living off dried flakes of skin, whose bites cause an annoying rash. Or is that tadziks?

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