Legal Adviser to County Legislature and every officer whose compensation is paid from county funds in all matters involving an official act of a civil nature. (County Law Section 501)
Prosecute and defend all civil actions and proceedings brought by or against the county, the County Legislature and any officer whose compensation is paid from county funds for any official act except as may be otherwise specifically provided by law. (County Law Section 501)
Employ and supervise counsel when needed for any civil action or proceeding brought by or against the county or any county officer in his official capacity. (County Law Section 501)
Supervise insurance claims processing and insurance and risk management consultants. Act as administrator of the liability self-insurance fund with regard to portions not insured and claims we defend on our own with our litigation defense counsel.
Counsel to Soil Water Conservation District, Sterling Commission, Cayuga College, and every county department.
Prepare and review resolutions to be submitted to the County Legislature and be present at Legislature meetings for consultations during meetings.
Act as prosecutor for juvenile delinquents who commit offenses that would be crimes if committed by adults. (Section 254 Family Court Act)
Every prisoner or poor person who ask a judge to waive filing fees because he/she is too poor to pay them has to file proof with this office of poverty.