Persons in all states, communities, and social networks are at risk for sexually transmitted infections (STI). These infections can remain a significant public health problem throughout the country and world. STIs can lead to harmful, often irreversible, and costly complications, such as cancer, fetal and perinatal problems, and infertility.
Per Public Health Law 10 NYCRR2.10, suspected or confirmed diagnosis of all sexually transmitted infections are required to be reported to the local health department via the New York State Electronic Clinical Laboratory Reporting System (ECLRS).
Furthermore, Sections 225(4), 2304, 2311, and 2312 of the Public Health Law, Part 23, requires the local health department to provide educations, diagnosis, and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. The Cayuga County Health Department contracts with two local clinics for this program: East Hill Medical and Port Byron Community Health.
For more information or to make an appointment, contact: