Department Description
Since 1945 the State Youth Commission of New York has been providing technical and financial support to youth programs in communities throughout the state. The intent was to provide services for the personal development of youth and to prevent, detect and treat delinquency. Over the years this program evolved into the Cayuga County Youth Bureau which has been a County Department since 1979.
The Youth Bureau administers New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) funds within Cayuga County and assists with the coordination and development of programs and services for children, and youth under the age of 21. The Cayuga County Youth Bureau has a broad legislative mandate to promote the physical, emotional, and social well-being of the youth in Cayuga County.
The Youth Bureau actively supports programs which seek to foster the positive involvement and attachment of youth to family, school, and positive peer groups, recognizing that positive commitments on the part of youth reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of delinquent behavior.
Community Coordination
The Youth Bureau recognizes that it cannot accomplish this broad objective alone. We work in close partnership with many other organizations and individuals in both the public and private sector. In addition, the Youth Bureau in conjunction with the Youth Board works throughout Cayuga County to develop programs and other action strategies tailored to local youth needs and resources.