Cayuga County NY Health Homepage

Tobacco Laws & Information

Adolescent Tobacco Use Prevention Act (ATUPA)

This program regulates the sale of tobacco and vaping products to restrict their access by youth and young adults. ATUPA violations can result in civil penalties or retailer registration suspension or revocation. Click here to learn more.

Clean Indoor Air Act (CIAA)

The goal of the Clean Indoor Air Act program is to reduce the exposure of the public to secondary smoke within public places and the work place. Click here to learn more.

Smokers Quitline

Access the NYS Smoker's Quitline website or call 866-697-8487. Click here to learn more.

Local Law No. 5 For The Year 2013 - Tobacco Retail Licensing Ordinance

The Cayuga County Legislature passed a local law that impacts vendors of tobacco products. In order to sell tobacco, tobacco products, or electronic cigarettes to consumers in Cayuga County, a vendor must have a valid Tobacco Retail License issued by the Cayuga County Health Department. Click here to learn more.

No smoking

  1. Cayuga County NY Homepage

Contact Us

  1. 8 Dill Street
    Auburn, NY 13021

    Phone: 315-253-1560
    Fax: 315-253-1156
    Email: [email protected]

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