Cayuga County NY Sheriff Homepage

Road Patrol

Police car running light bar

The Cayuga County Sheriff’s Office is the primary Law Enforcement Agency for Cayuga County with our mission to protect and service the citizens of Cayuga County coming directly from our locally elected Sheriff. As police officers sworn to the highest level of public service, the Cayuga County Sheriff’s Road Patrol is part of a full-service Professional Law Enforcement Agency that is dedicated to providing respectful response to the population of Cayuga County.


The Patrol Deputy is responsible for all initial incident reports and is responsible for resolving cases through investigation or arrest. If additional investigation is required, cases may be forwarded to the Criminal Investigations Division for follow-up.


The Road Patrol covers the 800 square miles of Cayuga County 24 hours a day every day all year long. This is accomplished with:

  • 1 Lieutenant
  • 19 Deputies
  • 2 Corporals
  • 4 Sergeants

Agency Cooperation

In order to do so, they work closely with the other Law Enforcement Agencies within Cayuga County. In many cases Officers from multiple agencies are dispatched to investigations or in-progress calls with the first arriving agency taking the primary lead and the others providing assistance or back-up.

Department Efficiency

The Cayuga County Sheriff’s Office is relatively small for the area and population covered as well as the volume of calls we handle annually. There are several things that enable us to be this efficient, and those not only serve the residents of Cayuga County well, but make the Sheriff’s Office a great place to work.

All Police Members of the Cayuga County Sheriff’s Office take home assigned patrol vehicles which enables us to respond fully outfitted and efficiently to any emergency, even if we are not on duty. This also enables us to spend our entire shift patrolling our assigned posts without down time during shift changes.


Every Member of the Sheriff’s Office is afforded the opportunity to specialize in a wide variety of necessary functions such as Evidence Technicians, K-9, Special Services or Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT). Deputies perform their full time Road Patrol function and are called on if their specialty is required. This has the advantage of being involved in many areas of Law Enforcement not often available to members of larger agencies.

Patrol Vehicles

Patrol vehicles are fully equipped with a wide variety of first response equipment customized to each Deputy’s specialization and training. All are equipped with laptops that give each Deputy access to numerous databases and allows them to process traffic tickets, motor vehicle accidents and reports from the vehicle. They are all plotted on mapping with the E-911 Center facilitating a closest-car response to emergencies.

  1. Cayuga County NY Homepage

Contact Us

  1. Cayuga County Sheriff’s Office
    Public Safety Building
    7445 County House Road
    Auburn, New York 13021

    Phone: 315-253-1222
    For Emergencies: 911

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