2024 Executive Committee

President, Frank Williams, Jr.
White Plains Youth Bureau

1st Vice President, Rachel Wilson
Orange County Youth Bureau

2nd Vice President, Brian Chetney
Oswego City-County Youth Bureau

Treasurer, Rebecca Robarge
Saratoga County Department
of Aging and Youth Services

Executive Director, Jackie Negri
Association of NYS Youth Bureaus
Promoting Positive Youth Development while collectively serving 1.3M youth!
Our Mission
The Association of New York State Youth Bureaus (ANYSYB) is a unified statewide resource and support system that professionally develops and advocates for municipal and local Youth Bureaus and positive youth development programs and supports.
The goal of this site is to help you learn more about youth development supports and services provided and coordinated by youth bureaus. ANYSYB strives to provide members with up-to-date information on training, funding opportunities and advocacy, to provide links and resources regarding youth development groups and organizations, and most of all to promote the well-being and positive youth development of all youth in the State of New York.