

The Veterans Exemption provides a reduction of assessed value to veteran homeowner’s who served during wartime with an additional reduction to those who served in a combat zone. The Veterans Exemption typically refers to the Alternative Veterans Exemption but some taxing jurisdictions, including the County, offer the Cold War Veterans Exemption. There is an additional exemption available for disabled veterans that is related to their service connected disability rating. Contact your local assessor for more information or to apply for the Veterans Exemption.

Assessor Contact Information (PDF)

Alternative Veterans Exemption Application (PDF)

Cold War Veterans Exemption Application (PDF)

Detailed information about property tax exemptions can be found at the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligible veterans must submit the initial exemption application form to your local assessor. Proof of discharge under honorable conditions including times and places served in active duty (usually form DD-214) must be attached to the exemption application. For more information, see:

The Veterans’ Service Agency should be of assistance in obtaining the paperwork if the veteran has misplaced their original documents.

Disabled Veteran

In the case of a veteran who was disabled as part of their service, additional paperwork related to the disability is required. Typically, disabled veterans receive a disability rating by the armed forces. The amount of this additional exemption is directly proportionate to the percentage of the disability rating.


The unremarried surviving spouse of a deceased veteran is eligible to apply for the exemption. 

Changing Primary Residence

If a veteran moves to a different primary residence, they must re-apply at their new location for the exemption.

Defined Periods of War

  • Persian Gulf Conflict (on or after August 2, 1990)
  • Vietnam War (February 28, 1961 through May 7, 1975)
  • Korean War (June 27, 1950 through January 31, 1955)
  • World War II (December 7, 1941 through December 31, 1946)

Levels Defined

Local municipalities have adopted different levels for applying the Vetereans Exemption as outlined below.

  1. Level A
  2. Level B
  3. Level C
  4. Level D
  • Combat vet 25% or 20,000 max
  • Disability up to 40,000 max
  • Wartime vet 15% or 12,000 max
Cayuga CountyB/Cold War Exemption
Auburn cityA/Cold War Exemption
Cayuga villageA
Weedsport villageC
Meridian villageA
Cato village in CatoC
ConquestB/Cold War Exemption
Cato village in IraC
Aurora villageNone
Port Byron villageC
MoraviaB/Cold War Exemption
Moravia villageB
NilesD/Cold War Exemption
OwascoA/Cold War Exemption
ScipioC/Cold War Exemption
SpringportC/Cold War Exemption
Union Springs VillageC
Fair Haven VillageB
SummerhillB/Cold War Exemption
ThroopB/Cold War Exemption
VeniceC/Cold War Exemption

Cold War Exemption

The following municipalities have adopted the Cold War Exemption:

  • Cayuga County
    • Disability up to 30,000
    • Level B, 15% or 9,000 max
  • City of Auburn:
    • Disability up to 40,000
    • Level A, 10% or 8,000 max
  • Conquest
    • Disability up to 40,000
    • Level A, 15% or 12,000 max
  • Moravia
    • Disability up to 20,000
    • Level C, 15% or 6,000 max
  • Niles
    • Disability up to 40,000
    • Level A, 15% or 12,000 max
  • Owasco
    • Disability up to 40,000
    • Level A, 15% or 12,000 max
  • Scipio 
    • Disability up to 40,000
    • Level A, 15% or 12,000 max
  • Springport
    • Disability up to 40,000
    • Level A, 15% or 12,000 max
  • Summerhill
    • Disability up to 40,000
    • Level A, 15% or 12,000 max
  • Throop
    • Disability up to 40,000
    • Level A, 10% or 8,000 max
  • Venice
    • Disability up to 20,000
    • Level C, 10% or 4,000 max
  1. Cayuga County NY Homepage

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    Auburn, New York 13021
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