はてなキーワード: I WiSHとは
1.Peter, Paul and Mary‐Puff, the Magic Dragon(1963)
2.The Beach Boys‐Wouldn't It Be Nice(1966)
10.Queen‐Somebody To Love(1976)
12.The Buggles‐Video Killed The Radio Star(1979)
15.Queen feat. David Bowie‐Under Pressure(1981)
16.Bucks Fizz‐The Land Of Make Believe(1982)
19.Billy Joel‐The Longest Time(1984)
20.TOM★CAT‐ふられ気分でRock 'n' Roll(1984)
27.Bee Gees‐You Win Again(1987)
28.THE BLUE HEARTS‐青空(1989)
31.Flipper's Guitar‐偶然のナイフ・エッジ・カレス(1990)
42.小沢健二 feat. スチャダラパー‐今夜はブギーバック(1994)
43.奥井亜紀‐Wind climbing ~風にあそばれて~(1994)
50.H jungle with T‐WOW WAR TONIGHT ~時には起こせよムーヴメント~(1995)
51.My Little Lover‐Free(1995)
56.globe‐FACES PLACES(1997)
66.19‐あの紙ヒコーキ くもり空わって(1999)
74.My Chemical Romance‐Welcome To The Black Parade(2006)
81.テンテンコ‐Good bye, Good girl(2014)
84.The Witcher 3‐Wolven Storm(2015)
85.大森靖子 feat. の子‐非国民的ヒーロー(2016)
86.never young brach‐明るい未来(2016)
94.Brave Girls‐RED SUN(2021)
96.MAISONdes feat. 和ぬか,asmi‐ヨワネハキ(2021)
■ Regarding the free release of the new species previewed and the reason for making the support site the main platform for releasing new species:
While the free release on the Kurobinega website is at my discretion, I'm considering doing so roughly once every three or two paid releases.
The following might not be particularly relevant to English-speaking fans, or in other words, to everyone. The reason I'm focusing on early releases is that I want to limit the exposure of MGE and continue creating content on a smaller scale. First of all, I don't want MGE to be a hugely popular restaurant that anyone can enter, nor do I wish to become an internet celebrity. For me, MGE is akin to a reasonably popular local restaurant where like-minded individuals who share my interests gather. By scaling down, my production speed has increased. The period from Dragonewt to Tai Sui was shorter, and the next species should be released sooner. What matters most to me is creating the MGE I want to craft, drawing pictures, and developing games in the world of MGE. I'm delighted when people who value MGE's themes as I do get to see it. Receiving money on support sites like these, allowing me to spend more time on production, is truly appreciated.
Using the stuffed animal analogy again, it truly makes me happy when someone who genuinely loves and cherishes stuffed animals sees the ones I've created. Yet, I can't see those who say they adore stuffed animals but also tolerate and respect those who take pleasure in mutilating them as people who share the same love for stuffed animals as I do. I don't have the inclination to actively show them the stuffed animals I've made.
I believe English-speaking individuals, when witnessing a stuffed animal's head being torn off or the pleasure derived from it, would straightforwardly label it as "crazy." However, it's different in Japan, especially on social media. Even if they dislike watching the stuffed animals being hurt, they'll say, "Let's respect those who enjoy tearing them." This, despite seeing me, someone desperately protecting my stuffed animals, getting attacked by such individuals. There's a prevailing notion in the otaku community, especially on Japanese SNS (Social Media), that "All fetishes must be respected." Speaking out against this, even as a victim, can result in backlash. Not everyone thinks this way, but it's the dominant mindset. Disheartened by this, I didn't want to show them MGE anymore. When you grow to dislike a place, it's only natural to distance yourself, and that's what I've done.
However, this is a problem in Japan. In English-speaking regions, fans typically call out what they dislike, labeling it as "crazy." I have many English-speaking friends who've genuinely helped me in trying times. The MGEwiki admin is also a dear friend. Depending on the English-speaking fan community's dynamics, I might consider releasing content on MGEwiki a month after the early release.
例えば、true tearsのオープニングみたいなやつ。
曲名表示時の歌詞:「ビーチ・浮き輪・サンダル カモメも楽しそうです!Yeah」
作品名:異世界ワンターンキル姉さん ~姉同伴の異世界生活はじめました~
曲名表示時の歌詞:「明日のピースのために レベル上げ重要↑」
作品名:MIX MEISEI STORY ~二度目の夏、空の向こうへ~
曲名表示時の歌詞:「ありふれたこのフレーズも 君とつけたメロディなら」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「舞い散る世界を繋げMotive Rain (Never fading out!!)」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「夜明けの星が 目の前に落ちた」(※日本語訳)
OP曲名:ワナビスタ!(鳳 ここな(石見舞菜香)/静香(長谷川育美)/カトリナ・グリーベル(天城サリー)/新妻八恵(長縄まりあ)/柳場ぱんだ(大空直美)/流石知冴(佐々木李子))
曲名表示時の歌詞:「秘密♡Melody ありのままで期待しちゃいけない」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「たとえ誰かを傷つけたとしても 譲れない光があるんだ」
作品名:異世界でチート能力を手にした俺は、現実世界をも無双する ~レベルアップは人生を変えた~
曲名表示時の歌詞:「例えばこの世の全部を変えられる 枯れ木に花を咲かせる程の奇跡を」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「死んだ 死んだ 今日も死んだ 手 足 頭が取れちゃいそうだ」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「僕らを 育ててる そのきもちは たからもの」
OP曲名:ドキメキダイアリー(asmi feat. Chinozo)
曲名表示時の歌詞:「ずっと僕は君のもんだ 最愛すぎて時空歪んだ」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「さあ全力メタ盛りフォーゼ 全部を守りたい」
作品名:BIRDIE WING -Golf Girls' Story- Season 2
曲名表示時の歌詞:「Venus Line Venus Line 鮮やかな打球(きぼう)は空を切って」
OP曲名:刹那の誓い (feat. 由崎司)(Neko Hacker)
OP曲名:ぐらでーしょん feat. 北澤ゆうほ(KANA-BOON)
曲名表示時の歌詞:「ふたりだんだん近づくたびに 代わりない感情がふんだんに」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「この躰千切れたとしても 諦めちゃいない」
曲名表示時の歌詞:「ほら、想像は遥か遠くまで おいてかれないように駆け出した今」
作品名:ウマ娘 プリティーダービー ROAD TO THE TOP
OP曲名:Glorious Moment!(ナリタトップロード(中村カンナ)、アドマイヤベガ(咲々木瞳)、テイエムオペラオー(徳井青空))
OP曲名と同じ歌詞:なし(「glorious one moment」という歌詞はあり)
曲名表示時の歌詞:「眩しくて 眩しくて 僕は目を逸らしてしまう」
OP曲名:絆ノ奇跡(MAN WITH A MISSION × milet)
曲名表示時の歌詞:「何を引き換えにしようとも 何度だって汚すよこの手なら」
46本中、OP曲名と同じ歌詞が存在する曲は25本、OP曲名と同じ歌詞を歌っているときに曲名クレジットが表示されるアニメ作品は6本(君は放課後インソムニア、絆のアリル、魔術士オーフェン、勇者が死んだ!、BIRDIE WING、彼女が公爵邸に行った理由)だけでした
春アニメ以外だと、最近では『NieR:Automata Ver1.1a』OPのAimer「escalate」の「赦せなくて escalateして escalateして」のときに曲名表示されるのすき
『ケツメイシ - 海』
『宇多田ヒカル - time will tell』
「L'Arc~en~Ciel - winter fall」
『岡村靖幸 - ビバナミダ』
『Avec Avec - おしえて』
『FLIPPER'S GUITAR - さようならパステルズ・バッヂ』
『PUNPEE - Bad habit』
HIPHOPと言えば今はTrapだが、Boom bapでもなくまさかのJuke。コードワークはめちゃくちゃお洒落で他に類を見ない楽曲。
『YEN TOWN BAND - Swallowtail Butterfly 〜あいのうた〜』
Charaの「Junior Sweet」と悩んだがこっちにした。
昔はセルアウトなんて言われていたけど、RIP SLYMEの良さが分かった時「HIPHOPは2周目」みたいな風潮もあった。この曲はPESがトラックを作っているけど、DJ FUMIYAのトラックはマジでヤバい。今聴いてもぶっ飛んでるし、5人でもっと活動してほしかった。
Japanese 2stepの名曲。編曲のシンプルさに、サビ後半のベースラインで何杯も飯が食える。
『KinKi Kids - Kissからはじまるミステリー』
山下達郎Worksから一曲。シティポップとnew jack swingが融合したような楽曲。本人が歌ってるバージョンも好き。
『Nujabes - reflection eternal』
『iの数式 (imoutoid's ComplexFunktion Remix)』
『livetune - ファインダー(imoutoid's“Finder Is Not Desktop Experience Remix”)』
増 "Well… do you have something you want to tell to Japanese people?"
B "well, I would say something not only to the Japanese, but to many other people. how should I put this?
"Most people began to hate Russians by default. But this war was started by our government, not by us. Of course, we don't want this war, nobody wants it. And I assure you, our people have repeatedly gone to rallies against the government. But always people who participate in such events are sent to prison. Even people on the Internet who express a point of view that the government does not like are jailed for misinformation.
And I will not deny that some Russians have succumbed to the propaganda of our government and are expressing support for this "military operation". But many people in other countries are actually the same. They hypocritically pretend that they are concerned about the fate of Ukraine, although in fact they have only recently learned that this country even exists. In reality, if you ask them "What do they think about the DNR and LNR?", they will have absolutely no idea what are you talking about.
It's good if you sincerely worry about Uraina. But the majority worry about Ukrina and hate Russians only and only because it's a trend that their government has set. In other words, this is the same propaganda.
Well, to summarize, I just wanna say "let's just be friendly to each other." Even if our governments are not friendly to each other, this doesn't mean that we should be the same." "
•what do you think about zelenskii
•do you know other politicians except him
•how future is you predict, how future is you want (i mean politically and concretely)
•What do you think about ukranians language law
•how DNR and LNR people life is?
•did you see people which changed after starting this war
•what do you think that Russian army kidnap ukranians
•what do you think about that Russian language uses «в» for any country but «он» for yours?
•and anything you want to say to Japanese
О своем будущем скажу только одно, что после войны усыноввлю и удочерю детей которые потеряли своих родителей
About my future, I'll say that after the war I'll adopt children who lost their parents in this bloodshed.
1. Что ты думаешь на счёт Зеленского?
Моё мнение, что Зеленский является лучшим президентом, который не бросил Украину и народ во время войны, как сделал это Янукович. Зеленский, его команда и наш народ делают всё возможное и невозможное для сохранения нашей страны.
2. Знаешь ли ты других политиков кроме Зеленского?
Знаю многих.
3. Какое будущее ты видишь для своей страны?
Хотелось бы чтобы территории Украины вернулись в полном составе, так как это было признано международным правом.
4. Что ты думаешь о законе про украинский язык?
Я поддерживаю этот закон, хотя в нашей стране люди общаются на разных языках, в том числе и на русском, но я ни разу не слышал информации о преследовании или конфликтах на этой почве.
5. Видишь ли ты как люди сменились после начала войны?
Наш народ очень сплотился, каждый старается помочь друг другу, война наложила отпечаток на всех, это бесконечные переживания и боль.
6. Что ты думаешь по поводу того, что российская армия похищает украинцев?
Это является ужасным преступлениям.
7. Что ты думаешь о том, что русские для любой страны говорят "в", но в случае с Украиной говорят "на"?
Я считаю что это очень не красиво по отношению к украинскому государству и людям которые там живут.
8. Что ты хочешь сказать японцам?
Хочу поблагодарить за поддержку нашей страны, пожелать мира, добра и процветания.
9. Что ты хочешь меня спросить?
Почему тебя так детально интересует ситуация в моей стране?
Надеюсь всё правильно понял
•what do you think about zelenskii?
I belive Zelensky is the best president who did not abandon Ukraine and the people during the war, as Yanukovych did. Zelensky, his team and our people are doing everything possible and impossible.
•do you know other politicians except him?
•how future is you predict, how future is you want (i mean politically and concretely)?
I would like the territories of Ukraine to return in full force, because this is what was recognized by international law.
•What do you think about ukranians language law?
I support this law. Despite the fact that in our country people communicate in different languages, including Russian, I have never heard information about persecution or conflicts on this basis.
•how DNR and LNR people life is?
•did you see people which changed after starting this war?
Our people are very united, everyone is trying to help each other, the war left its mark on everyone in the form of endless experiences and pain.
•what do you think that Russian army kidnap ukranians?
•what do you think about that Russian language uses "в" for any country but "на" for yours?
I think this is very discourteous in relation to the Ukrainian state and the people who live there.
•and anything you want to say to Japanese?
I want to thank you for the support of our country. I wish you peace, kindness and prosperity.
増 "Ah, turkestan ban Russian language?"
D "Not really "ban" but "limitation". This sounds more suitable in this case. it is the natural phenomenon for the mononational states. And multinational, actually. Using the one language as official. To strengthen the statehood. Same thing with Ukraine. More separation from the "big brother". That is the point, I guess.
By the way, they strengthened much more after these 8 years. I think it is too late to start an invasion now than these 8 years ago back then in any case. That does not mean that I support it, of course. You knew my point. We talked about it earlier. 🙂 I think that it is just "balls to the wall" (like the title from the one of Accept's albums). Recklessly in a word. It is naive to believe that they have stagnated all this time and have not developed or strengthened.
1) Another Ukranian president that just had "the luck" to get the war. Looks funny and trustworthy. Though he sometimes lacks the experience.
2) Yes I do.
3) I predict OK future for Ukraine, bad future for Russia. Russia lost any trust and contacts that it made for over 30 years. Dark decades ahead. I want good future, with no wars and with everyone helping each other.
4) Ukrainian language law? Well, it's their country. Let them speak what they want to speak. Besides, most Ukrainians speak Russian, and they even have mostly Russian cities, like Khar'kiv. I saw no oppression of Russian.
5) DNR and LNR are basically buffer states for Russia like North Korea with the same amount of freedom. It's hell on earth.
6) Had no information about that, but I had info about killing civilians and looting their homes. It's horrible. Those soldiers are monsters and they do not represent Russia. I don't count themselves as my fellow Russians. They're monsters. Barbarians. Putin's orcs. Not Russians.
7) I say let us use whatever we want. I use "на Украину" simply because I spoke it like that over 20 years and it's the correct one.
8) I love Japan and its people. I wish we could achieve peace and could work together. Please don't think bad of Russian people, we don't support this war. We're the same victims, like Ukrainians. Victims of Putin and his police state.
■What I want to say
Say it in a way I can understand!
Explain everything from the beginning!
I don't know what you're talking about!
I'm not stupid!
Then again, it's not that big of a deal anyway!
Say it simply! Terminology! Don't use it!
Tell me what you do! What the hell are you looking at to make that in the first place!
Is there source material where I can't see it? Make it visible!
I also told you to share all the details of the meeting!
Damn you!
And the next time you stop e-mailing me, I'm gonna smack you!
Damn you!
You didn't think I'd get it? Then send it faster!
I'd like to say.
In fact, I'm super lowkey!
What's with the "everyone's giving you a big pat on the back for doing so well under the circumstances"?
You're a drinker.
I work three hundred times harder every day than you can imagine.
I'm going to shoot you in the face, you son of a bitch.
英語版 文字起こし (自動生成)のコピペを、英語として読める文章にした。いくつか聞き取れていないところがあるので、わかる人がいたらトラバで教えてほしい。聞き取れていないところは「(inaudible01)」みたいに番号をふって記載してあるので、その番号を書いてトラバしてもらえると嬉しい。→20日朝、元動画がユーザーにより削除されていることを確認。よって、聞き取れなかった数か所はそのまま放置となります。あいすみません。
あと、増田って脚注使えないんだっけ((脚注のテスト))? いくつか注入れたいところがあるのだが、無理っぽいのでアナログな手法を取ることにした。若干読みづらいかもしれないが堪忍してほしい。
追記: Twitterで書いたんだけど、わざわざ時間を割いて(2時間くらいかかった)この作業をしたのは、YouTubeの自動生成字幕の、8割くらいは合ってるんだけどあとはめちゃくちゃという文面が善意で拡散されることを防ぎたかったため。元の主張を拡散したかったのではなく、誤った情報(変な英語)が拡散されるのを防ぎたかったのです。その点、ご理解をよろしくお願いします。
ソース動画: ※ユーザーにより削除済み(2020年2月20日朝確認)
Diamond Princess is COVID-19 mill. How I got in the ship and was removed from it within one day. - 2020/02/18, kentaro iwata
Hello. My name is Professor Kentaro Iwata. I am a specialist of infectious diseases at Kobe University Hospital, Kobe, Japan.
Today I entered into[sic]*1 the cruise ship the Diamond Princess, which is, erm, bombarded by a lot of COVID-19 infeciton right now.
And I was removed from the ship on the same day and I'm gonna talk to you why this happened.
I was very concerned of the number of the people who got infected with the COVID-19 disease infections. Then I was wondering why this is[sic](was)*2 happening. I wanted to enter into the cruise ship and wanted to be useful in helping to containing infection there.
I spoke with several people and finally one officer at working for Ministry of Health and Labor called me yesterday, saying that well you can come and enter into a cruise ship and do the infection control works.
And I said fine then I prepared my stuff and I did all the paperworks and arrangement and got onto the Shinkansen from Kobe to Yokohama.
On the way to go to Yokohama I got another call from the same officer, saying, "Somebody didn't like me. So you can't get into the cruise ship." He was not able to say who, and he was not able to say why, but certainly some power over him affected his decision and I was blocked from entering into the ship.
Then after several discussions he found another way that if you could come as a DMAT member, you can come into the the cruise ship. DMAT is the disaster management medical team in Japan and usually deals with a disaster not infectious diseases, but because of the lack of the people who could help people inside a cruise ship to get out of the ship, or the managing of people, and so on, DMAT was requested to enter into the cruise ship.
Because my specialty is not disaster management, so I was not very happy about that, but because we had no other way I said, "Fine, I'll do that."
Additionally, I got another call that some people didn't like me getting into the cruise ship present even as a DMAT member. So another discussion happened then the I waited about one hour in Shin Yokohama Station, and finally the officer find a way. [He said] that "If you work for DMAT not as an infection prevention specialist but as an ordinary routine DMAT officer working under (inaudible01) DMAT doctor doing a routine job, then you could come into the cruise ship."
I was not very happy with that decision, but because there's no other way, so I said, "Fine, I'll get into the ship."
I entered the ship. Then I found the chief officer of the DMAT and spoke with him. I said, "Well I was assigned to the DMAT members (inaudible02) out whatever you want to say." Then he said, "Well, you don't have to work DMAT work because that's not your specialty. You are an infection prevention specialist, so why don't you do the infection control." Then I said, "Fine, I spoke with the superior of him who is[sic](was) in charge of the all the DMAT operations, and he also said, "You are an infection control person, so you should do infection control." I said, "Fine." But he said, "Well, you shouldn't be here as a DMAT member. You should come as (inaudible03) infection control specialist." He was not very happy about that while I was inside the DMAT. But because that was not my decision, there was no other way. So I said, "Well I have to do it."
I looked into the several places inside the ship and it turned out that the cruise ship was completely inadequate in terms of infection control.
There was no distinction between the Green Zone, which is free of infection, and the Red Zone, which is potentially contaminated by the virus.
So the people could come and go, (inaudible04) a PPE, off PPE. Crews were just walking around, the officers of the Ministry Health and Labor were walking around, DMAT people were walking around, psychiatrists were walking around.
And people were eating on the one plate. People were wearing PPE and off PPE, and eating lunch with their gloves on, and just dealing with the smartphone with full PPE, so it was completely chaotic.
And some crews had a fever. They went to the medical center while wearing N95 masks. But he didn't have any protection between his room and a medical room.
And the medical officer was not protecting herself. And she was very unhappy, saying that well she was already infected. I'm sure about that. She was completely giving up protecting herself.
Anyways I (have) dealt with a lots of infections (for) more than twenty years. I was in Africa dealing with the Ebola outbreak. I was in another country dealing with the cholera outbreak. I was in China in 2003 to deal with the SARS, and I saw many febrile patients there. I never had fear of getting infection myself for Ebola, SARS, (and) cholera, because I know[sic](knew) how to protect myself and how to protect others, and how the infection control should be. So I could do the adequate infection control; protect myself, and protect others.
But inside (the) Princess Diamond, I was so scared. I was so scared of getting COVID-19 because there was no way to tell where the virus is. No Green Zone, no Red Zone. Everywhere could have the virus and everybody was not careful about it.
There was no single professional infection control person inside the ship. And there was nobody in charge of infection prevention as a professional. The bureaucrats were in charge of everything.
I spoke with the head officer of the Ministry of Health and Labor and he was very unhappy with my suggestion of protecting DMAT people and other staffs so that no other secondary transmission would occur.
Then after several hours of talking to people and finding problems, I found a lot of issues there. For example, informed consent of getting a PCR from the people in the ship whereas(? inaudible05) on a paper, and that paper was going back and forth, back and forth with the room of the infection from the paper, by touching there[sic](it). So I suggested that maybe it's better to abandon the paper-type informed consent but rather getting the informed consent verbally would be more protective, and so on and so on.
I think I was reasonable. I never yell at anybody, I never criticize anybody personally, but I was trying to be constructive that we try to seek the constructive but immediate improvement to protect everybody inside the ship.
Then about five o'clock, the person from the quarantine office came in and approaced. (He) said, "Well you have to be out because you'll not be allowed inside the ship." Because I was inside the ship as a temporary officer of the quarantine. Apparently my bank(? inaudible06) was removed by somebody, and nobody said who, and then I was out.
The officer who offered me the job of infection control said he was sorry. Then I asked him, "So what do you wanna do? Do you want to infect everybody in the ship? It will be thousands of people who could potentially get COVID-19.
I don't criticize DMAT people. They were infection control specialists. Society of Infection Prevention entered, a lot of specialists came in, but they spent only a few days and they left. And they said they were fearful of getting infections themwelves.
I share the same fear. Because I'm in the same room now, and I separated from my family, I'm very scared of getting infection myself and I'm very scared of infecting my family too.
I'll be out of my medical services at Kobe University Hospital for maybe next two weeks to avoid further infections to occur. That is very likely to occur if you keep zero infection control inside the ship, the Diamond Princess, like this.
You might know that there is no CDC*3 in Japan, but I thought there must be some specialists called on and was[sic](were) in charge of infection control in ship. It's not expecting[sic](expected) (that) nobody was a professional infection control specialist, and (that) only the bureaucrats were doing the jobs, completely layman's work, violatiing all the infection control principles and risking people inside (of*4) further infections, so I'm not very surprised to see many new positive PCR to be broadcasted every day.
Hundreds of people got infected and a lot of people from outside Japan decided to take the people away from the ship and bring them to their home countries by airplane and offered them another 14 days of quarantine. I hope this will be an opportunity to raise a question (about) what is happening inside the ship.
I wish all the international bodies to request Japan to change. I wish everybody to call for the protection of people inside the Diamond Princess. Otherwise there'll be far more infections for passengers, for crews, for DMAT members, for psychiatrists, for officer(s) of the Ministry of Health and Labor. DMAT members consist of nurses and doctors and that they will go back to the hospital they work routinely and they might infect their patients further to spread the disease. I can't bear with it. I can't bear with it.
I think we have to change. We have to do something about these crews and we have to help people inside the ship, their safety and their life.
Again, I am Professor Kentaro Iwata, infectious disease specialist. Thank you for listening.
*1: enterは他動詞なので本来はintoは不要。クソリプのような語注だが、英語教材屋なのでそこはすまん。今回は、原文尊重(編集を加えないこと)の観点からそのままintoをつけておくことにした。
*2: 時制の一致でwasにしたほうがよいところ。これ系の文法ミスはほかにもごく少数含まれているが、原文尊重(編集を加えないこと)の観点から、そのまま文字起こしして、より望ましいと思われる語形をカッコで書き添えるようにした。本来、何も書かずにサクッと直すようなところだが、今回は編集者の処理が見えるようにすることが重要と考えた。
*3: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 米国の政府機関。
*4: risk ~ of ... という構文はたぶんないと思うが、書かれた言葉としてはここに何かないと文意が成立しないと思うので、便宜上ofを補っておく。
感染症の専門家、客船内の感染対策を批判 BBCが取材: https://www.bbc.com/japanese/video-51556982
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