Frieren Wiki

The Fortress City of Waal (じょう) (さい) () () ヴァール Jōsai Toshi Vāru? is a fortified city on the border between the Central Lands and Northern Lands. It is located in the Riegel Canyon.


Waal is a fortress city and a checkpoint that travelers must cross in order to enter the Northern Lands from the Central Lands. It has high walls and a moat with a big bridge at the north entrance. The Hero Party made it through Waal when they first embarked on their journey into the north to defeat the Demon King. It is a well-developed city with numerous shops and businesses, including magic shops, bars, stalls, and an inn. The thieves' and merchants' guilds, as well as the black market, are also present in Waal.[1]

The city is governed by a castellan, who prohibits entry into the north due to the state of high monster activity past the checkpoint. Walls surround the city, giving protection against monsters. These walls are complemented by the city's guard, as well as a magic barrier that extends to the maximum flying altitude.[2]

Terrain and Ecology[]

The terrain around Waal is the same as around the Riegel Canyon. The forest containing Waal has a majority of deciduous trees with a few coniferous trees. Agriculture products of the local region's crops, such as pumpkins and berries, are sold in the town's market.

Merchant Guild[]

Waal has a merchant guild, which Stark and Fern visit to inquire about how to pass the checkpoint.



During the Hero Party's journey to defeat the Demon King, they enter Waal and make their way through its gate to enter the Northern Lands. They are accompanied by a large celebration from the local people for their heroism.

At some point after Eisen had adopted Stark, he brought him to Waal. There, he showed him the view from the walls surrounding the city, and they shared a jumbo berry special.

Beyond Journey's End Arc[]

Fern and Stark search for an alternate passage through Waal EP6

Fern and Stark search for an alternate passage through Waal.

Twenty-eight years after Himmel's passing, Frieren's Party arrives at Waal. The Captain of the Guard tells them that entry into the Northern Lands has been prohibited because the north is brimming with monster activity, so Frieren decides they can relax in Waal for the time being. Fern discovers that they may need to stay in the city for two years, so she and Stark try to find another passage to the north. They visit the merchant guild, and when they are unsuccessful, they continue inquiring in more dangerous places, such as the black market and thieves' guild, but to no avail. Stark mentions that he should not stay too long, as he wants to experience a deplorable yet fun journey and later share his tales with Eisen. Fortunately, the castellan of Waal learns that Frieren is present, and, as thanks for her prior service to the city and in consideration of the plight of the Northern Lands, allows her party to pass through the barrier. With great fanfare, the trio continue their voyage into the north.

Inhabitants & Visitors[]






Concept Art[]


  • The name Waal may be based on the German terms "Wahl" (a term with similar pronunciation), meaning "choice / election / selection" or "Wall," meaning "wall / rampart."


  1. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 12 (pp. 9-10).
  2. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 12 (p. 9).

