Frieren Wiki

The Bredt Regionブレット () (ほう) Buretto Chihō? is a region situated in the Central Lands. It contains farmlands and forests, as well as the Voll Basin where the Great Mage Flamme's notes are hidden. It is also where Eisen lives.


The Bredt Region is located in the Central Lands with farmlands and forests. It is in close vicinity to the Northern Lands,[1] and the Voll Basin is located within the region.

Terrain and Ecology[]

The region is surrounded by ridges and contains some settlements. On the central plane grows the deep forest, which is where the notes of the Great Mage Flamme are supposedly hidden. There are different geological features, with the Voll Basin being the most notable, and it provides habitats for multiple species. Humans settle the area and use it for farmlands. Within the Voll Basin is a deep forest, featuring mixed woods, where wildlife like lizards and grapes can be found. A peculiarity is the huge, thousand-year-old tree enhanced under protective magic, which Flamme planted as a guardian of her dwelling.

Eisen's House[]

Eisen's house is a small, wooden cabin in the region . It is a house with a single room, windows, a table with multiple chairs, a drawer, and a bed. Outside of the house lies the graves of Eisen's family, who were killed in a demon attack.

Eisen's house EP4

Eisen's house in the Bredt Region.

Voll Basin[]

Heiter searches for Flamme's notes in the Voll Basin EP4

Heiter traces the dwelling of Flamme from notes on a map of the Voll Basin.

The Deep Forest[]

A wooded area in the Voll Basin of the Bredt Region where the notes of the Great Mage Flamme are supposedly hidden.


A building within the deep forest of the Voll Basin, which houses the notes of the Great Mage Flamme. A tree planted over a thousand years ago by Flamme and Frieren has grown over it.



At some point during Frieren's mentorship under Flamme, Flamme planted a tree that she intended to act as the guardian of a building, which in the present has been reduced to ruins. Frieren commented that the tree did not appear to be a reliable guardian, to which Flamme responded that it will protect the place for more than a millennium once it fully grows. Frieren replied that by then, Flamme will be dead. Flamme advised Frieren that Frieren herself won't be dead, and one day when Frieren makes a grave mistake, what Flamme left behind will guide her.

Heiter prays for the fallen EP4

Heiter prays for Eisen's family.

During the Hero Party's journey to defeat the Demon King, they visited Eisen's house in the region, which contained two graves that turned out to be Eisen's family. Heiter proceeded to pray for Eisen's family, and the party discussed Heiter's belief in Heaven's existence, which both Eisen and Frieren are skeptic about. Frieren mentioned that since magic is not yet capable of visualizing the souls of the deceased, the idea of Heaven cannot be proven. Himmel responded that he does not mind either way, a sentiment that Heiter agrees with, to Himmel's confusion. Heiter explained that even if Heaven does not exist, then he will still believe it does, because he would prefer it for those who struggled so hard to live. Himmel voiced his agreement, and the Hero Party then pray for Eisen's family.

At some point after the journey of the Hero Party and around three years before Frieren and Fern come to visit Eisen takes in Stark making him his apprentice. Eisen teaches him his technique. After an event where Eisen hits Stark, the boy leaves to end up in the Riegel Canyon.

Beyond Journey's End Arc[]

Twenty-eight years after the Himmel's death, Frieren and Fern travel to the Bredt Region. They visit Eisen at his house, where he can be seen praying near the graves of his family. As they chat and catch up on each others' lives, Eisen is surprised to see that Frieren has taken in an apprentice, and Frieren learns that Eisen and Heiter had been exchanging letters.

Flamme's tree EP4

After planting a sapling and casting a protective spell, Flamme's tree has vastly grown.

Afterwards, they start traveling to the Voll Basin, which is supposedly where the notes of the Great Mage Flamme reside, as discovered by Heiter in his research. Frieren directs them to look for a large tree, an effort which takes them at least a day. Underneath the tree from 1000 years ago are ruins, which contain the notes of Flamme. They retrieve the notes, and Frieren also reveals that she was an apprentice of Flamme.

Episode 4

Frieren and Fern read Flamme's notes.

Within the notes, Flamme reveals that Heaven does, in fact, exist at a location called Aureole, the place where souls rest in the northernmost part of the continent. Frieren realizes that Aureole will therefore be within Ende, where the Demon King's Castle also stands. Eisen asks Frieren to go to Aureole and talk to Himmel. Frieren agrees to this, though she is discouraged by the frigid temperatures in the north.

While on the way back to his house, Eisen asks Fern if Frieren is a good teacher, which she is initially unsure about. However, she eventually responds that despite Frieren's flaws, Frieren has been trying to understand her, and thus she considers Frieren a good teacher.

The carriage later drops them off at Eisen's house, and Frieren voices her surprise that Eisen is choosing not go on the journey with them, to which he maintains that he will be nothing but a burden. Frieren and Fern decide they will use the same path the Hero Party took, which will take then ten years. They then depart for their adventure.

Inhabitants & Visitors[]







Concept Art[]


  • The name "Bredt" may be based on the German term "Brett," meaning "board" or "plank," and, in the context of theater, "stage." "Bredt" may also be based on the German term "Brot," meaning "bread."
  • "Voll," in German, means "full."


  1. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 8 (p. 3).

