Frieren Wiki

The Klar Regionクラー () (ほう) Kurā Chihō? is a region situated in the Northern Lands, home to the dwarven warrior Voll.


Terrain and Ecology[]

The Klar Region is shown to have farmlands, rivers, big mountains with cliffs, and forests with predominantly deciduous trees. A network of unpaved paths connects farms and settlements, and the region contains many fields for agriculture.

In the woods, bioluminescent mushrooms grow, and they glow a soft, pale green color in the dark. In Voll's village, a weeping, willow-like tree with a thick trunk is present, and it has long, pendulous branches that drape down with golden leaves. Monsters are known to roam in the area, such as a bear-like beast that Voll defeated.[1][2]

The Village[]

A small village is located in the Klar Region, and it is where the dwarven warrior Voll lives. He remained in the village after the death of his human wife to protect it. It has occasional monster attacks, but it is relatively safe due to Voll's presence.

Landscape view from Voll's village in the Klar Region EP16

Voll's village.

The Forest[]

A deep forest is near the village, and it has mushrooms and dangerous creatures. The forest is located near a high mountain with a cliff.


Travels to Äußerst Arc[]

Voll's village entrance in the Klar Region EP16

Voll guards the entrance to his village.

Twenty-nine years after Himmel's passing, Frieren's Party visits the Klar Region to meet one of Frieren's old friends, a dwarven warrior named Voll. Frieren tells Stark to train with Voll, and she later talks with Voll, where they reminisce about the past. In a flashback of the Hero Party with Voll, Himmel asks him why he protects the village. Voll states that he promised his deceased wife that he would, as his wife wished for a peaceful era. The flashback ends, and upon hearing Frieren is currently traveling to Ende, Voll wishes for a peaceful era to arrive soon. Frieren does not correct him and tells him she will carry his memory with her. The next day, as Frieren's party is about to depart, Voll tells them that he had a dream of his wife. Frieren's party then continues their journey.

Inhabitants & Visitors[]




  • The Hero Party come across Voll's village and spend a few days with him.
  • Frieren and her party visit Voll so that Frieren can reminisce about old times with him. Stark receives some warrior training.





  • "Klar" is German for "clear / precise / evident."


  1. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Manga: Chapter 33 (p. 7).
  2. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Anime: Episode 16.

