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The Prospect of Peace and Its Enemies

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The USA, Britain and NATO believe that the war in Ukraine makes Russia weak, reduces Putin into an Amalek figure, makes NATO strong and will lead to an extensive boost to the USA’s military industrial complex. Accordingly, Biden, Johnson and NATO want an indefinite continuation of the war.

It is time to identify who needs the war to continue as Biden is not alone on that front. Zelensky also wants the war to continue. He knows that any agreement with Russia would make his situation ‘very complicated.’ Ukrainian nationalists who appear to be bravely fighting the Russian army and are lauded by every Western MSM outlet, won’t accept a single territorial concession. It is hard to imagine the war coming to an end without such a concession especially given Russia’s clear territorial gains in the south, the east and the north. And Zelensky, the actor, knows that his current theatrical role is, beyond doubt, the peak of his career. From now on it is downhill. For Zelensky, the war ought to continue forever.

And what about the Ukrainian people, do they want the war to end? It depends who you ask. If you follow the British and American press you are given the impression that Ukrainians are united behind their leader in a collective and suicidal mission. But the truth is that four million have left the country, ten million have been displaced within Ukraine and these numbers are increasing daily. The country is being systematically destroyed, some of its cities reduced to dust. If this is what the people want, as the BBC wants us to believe, the war will never end. If, instead, the Ukrainians are ordinary human beings, which is more likely and an intelligent assumption, they must be very tired of the disaster inflicted on them by their leader and the warmongering West. As ordinary human beings, Ukrainians care for the future of the land, their kids, their cities, their culture, their heritage – they may well want to preserve it all rather than to die in the ‘name of it.’

We often read that Zelensky pleads with Israel to broker a peace deal with Russia despite the fact that Israel isn’t exactly the most natural candidate as a broker for harmonious coexistence. A lot has been written in recent years about the Israeli and Ukrainian fantasy of replacing Russia as Europe’s primary suppliers of gas. The current war in Ukraine positions Israel as the potential primary European gas supplier. This week Israel’s prominent news channel N12 stated that “Israel will help Europe to cut itself off from Russian gas.” N12 reports that in a Paris International Energy Agency conference the Israeli Energy Minister began discussions regarding the immediate export of Israeli gas to Europe.

Why did Putin rush to save Syria and the Assad regime? One answer is that Russia needed a Mediterranean port for its navy. Why would the Russians need such a port on the Eastern Mediterranean shore? One possible answer: Putin understood that he might have to interfere with a potential underwater gas pipe from Gaza’s seashore to Greece. The port of Latakia places the Russian Navy in a crucial strategic position to undermine such a project. In other words, despite his current collaboration with Israel on Syria, Putin has known for a while that a naval conflict with Israel is inevitable. Of course, the Israelis also know that.

But Israel’s enthusiasm for the ‘peace negotiator role’ has other crucial ingredients. Israel’s current economic strength is largely the outcome of the Jewish state establishing itself as a safe haven for Russian oligarchs’ mammon, and many of these oligarchs are Jewish and also Israeli citizens. If Israel becomes a ‘peace broker’ then Israel, due to neutrality, won’t have to participate in the sanction carnival against Russia. If the war goes on indefinitely, Israel won’t just maintain the constant flow of Russian wealth into its banks, it will actually become the primary escape route for Russian money. For the obvious reasons, Zelensky insists peace talks resume in Jerusalem under the auspices of PM Bennett. Putin, however, doesn’t seem enthusiastic about the Jerusalem option. He may grasp by now what Israel is like and what it is after.

Putin is a living riddle. I have good reason to believe that he isn’t mentally unstable as he is often described in Western MSM. More likely, this experienced tactician has some geo-political and militarily objectives in mind. But the problem is that no one seems to know what these objectives are. I, for instance, don’t believe that Putin intended to invade Kyiv or any other large Ukrainian city except perhaps strategic assets such as Mariupol. I am also convinced that Putin didn’t plan to ‘impose regime change’ in Ukraine. Putin probably saw a growing military danger from Ukraine and its expanding Western inclinations. He most likely wanted to obliterate Ukraine’s military ability and by doing so, deliver a clear message to every Eastern European country. Putin wanted and still desires to eventually settle the conflict with Ukraine’s democratically elected leader, i.e. Zelensky. More than anyone around, Putin needs Zelensky well and alive at least until the conclusion of his military manoeuvre.

As such Putin may be the only player in this horrid deadly theatre with a clear exit strategy and a plan for future coexistence. He may be the only world leader who envisages an end to this conflict. His vision may be unacceptable to the entire West at this stage. It may be very unpopular in Ukraine and for obvious reasons. But as it seems no one in the West has dared to challenge Russia militarily and I guess that this is partially because no one in the Western military elite really buys into the popular narrative of the Russian army being ‘weak’ and ‘defeated.’


It occurs to me that when Biden called for Putin’s removal in Poland yesterday, it is because Putin is aiming at a conclusive end to this tragic drama in Ukraine, hopefully soon, while Biden and his many partners see a benefit to prolonging this disaster forever.

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  1. Kali says:

    It occurs to me that when Biden called for Putin’s removal in Poland yesterday, it is because Putin is aiming at a conclusive end to this tragic drama in Ukraine, hopefully soon,

    I do hope you’te right Gilad!

    The “new normal” was so much easier to comprhend and to challege than this current insanity.

    In the meantime we also have the impending CBDC’s, UBI, the economic fall out of decades of financial shinanigans, plus sanctions, and the freaking great rest to deal with!

    Sorry to be so negative. Biden’s retarded remarks yesterday have left me feeling a bit overwhelmed with it all. I’m sure I’ll be back to my usual optimistic self tomorrow.

    Good to know that Putin has a stratergy concerning “israel” and its looted energy. I’d rather starve than cook on “israeli” gas.

    Palestinian untul Palestine is free!

    Much love, Gilad,

  2. Notsofast says:

    …..still desires to eventually settle the conflict with ukraine’s democratically elected leader….i disagree with this on a number of levels, first, zelensky’s primary job is to tap dance for nickels in his shinny stilletos. putin knows full well there is no way to negotiate with this slimey sock puppet and is merely using the time to turn up the heat on the cauldrons, as far as democratically elected…in post maidan ukraine? no, i think his desires are clearly stated in the z painted on their tanks.

    •�Replies: @follyofwar
  3. Good points. Putin is surrounded by Chabad, Zelensky is surrounded by Chabad, Biden and his cabinet are surrounded by Chabad, Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs are surrounded by Chabad, and perhaps very crucial for this whole tragic comedy–in what is called “Ukraine” there exists some of Chabad’s (Chassidim in general as well) most venerated and important holy sites. Those guys are very serious about their pilgrimage/holy sites. Those sites retain “magic” and help perpetuate them (as in the Chabad entity) so they are of the utmost importance.

    If only we were privy to the Chabad Nous…we would know what the intentions and goals are for this whole thing. I have an idea about what they are up to.

    They are brilliant, they are evil, and they are patient. They plan ahead, in generational terms, and set things in motion with many buffers and through surrounding important personages. They are up to something and it will become clear in a decade or so what they were aiming for.

    In the meantime, cattle can be slaughtered.

    •�Agree: Nancy
    •�Replies: @Anon
    , @BobbyCrop
  4. Putin is not only stable but one of the 21st Century’s most capable leaders. I only wish he was hitting Ukraine harder.
    As for Israel, weren’t they recently in league with Turkey and ISIS to steal Syrian oil? It was a true joy to see Putin’s missiles setting the head-choppers’ truck convoys aflame in the desert. It was also a joy to hear the USA’s world-class hypocrite whine about Russia killing those “civilian” truck drivers.

  5. anon[886] •�Disclaimer says:

    What Putin thinks is of interest but not of overwhelming importance. What does the СБРФ think? And it’s reasonable to consider that they think what they and their new group say about supporting the UN Charter: encourage nations to refrain from use or threat of force per Article 2§4. Maybe this is the real war to end all wars.

  6. I, for instance, don’t believe that Putin intended to invade Kyiv or any other large Ukrainian city except perhaps strategic assets such as Mariupol.

    I agree the Russians never planned to try to capture the large Ukrainian cities unless they literally fell into their lap. The Russians seem to have considered this a possibility at the start when they sent some tiny and unsupported units to see what would happen. Russian Intelligence obviously failed to discover the extent of NATO’s retraining and reequiping Ukraine’s military. Also the effect of the installation of Nazi Political Officers in their military forces. So those early reconnaissance in force Russian units were slaughtered.

    We often read that Zelensky pleads with Israel to broker a peace deal with Russia despite the fact that Israel isn’t exactly the most natural candidate as a broker for harmonious coexistence.

    Allowing the Apartheid state to get involved is – in my opinion – a very bad idea.

    As such Putin may be the only player in this horrid deadly theatre with a clear exit strategy and a plan for future coexistence.

    Obviously I don’t “know” anything, but it would be my bet that the ‘exit strategy’ is a work in progress. As of now I can’t see Russia returning the coastal land of the Azov sea. Unless Ukraine surrenders and the entire place can be properly ‘deNatzified”, I’d expect a partition to happen. Forget about the West, and make Central Ukraine adopt a constitution which limits the army size to a small one, and which also prohibits any NATO involvement. Central Ukraine might be allowed access to the Black Sea, but that will probably be determined by how Odessa turns out. Such a new nation could be given some very favorable treatment in terms of trade agreements and perhaps security deals too. If the Nazis begin to return, Russia might claim the right to intervene. The Russians might provide cut-rate energy and other assistance.

    I guess that this is partially because no one in the Western military elite really buys into the popular narrative of the Russian army being ‘weak’ and ‘defeated.’

    Indeed! Despite some excessive optimism at the beginning of this operation, Russia seems to have done what they planned to do.

    One final point: The videos somebody (Nazis? zioNazis?) has been putting online of Russian POWs being murdered is a definite wild card. Last time I checked, the Western Zionist/Corporate Media haven’t touched this story. Like with Mr. Biden flapping his lips about ‘retaliating in kind’ to a chemical attack. Idiot.

    The Republicans may well take both houses of Congress this year, and they may use Hunter Biden as a wedge to Impeach JRB. They need to give this a LOT of thought, for that would mean running against a non-senile incumbent Harris in 2024. And the first female POTUS might have even less willpower to say NO to escalation in Ukraine.

    •�Replies: @Rev. Spooner
  7. As such Putin may be the only player in this horrid deadly theatre with a clear exit strategy and a plan for future coexistence. He may be the only world leader who envisages an end to this conflict. His vision may be unacceptable to the entire West at this stage. It may be very unpopular in Ukraine and for obvious reasons.

    What is Putin’s exit strategy? Ukraine is unlikely to agree to territorial concessions and neutrality; does this leave any options other than an armistice and a frozen conflict?

    But as it seems no one in the West has dared to challenge Russia militarily and I guess that this is partially because no one in the Western military elite really buys into the popular narrative of the Russian army being ‘weak’ and ‘defeated.’

    Even if most Russian equipment is unserviceable and morale is non-existent, the Russians still have nukes. NATO will not challenge Russia militarily because the consequence would be World War III.

    •�Replies: @Petermx
  8. The videos somebody has been putting online of Russian POWs being murdered is a definite wild card.

    There is one that has been published earlier tonight on the Russian internet, but it is where the captured soldiers are being tortured and crippled.


    •�Replies: @ThreeCranes
  9. Dumbo says:

    Putin wanted and still desires to eventually settle the conflict with Ukraine’s democratically elected leader, i.e. Zelensky. More than anyone around, Putin needs Zelensky well and alive at least until the conclusion of his military manoeuvre.

    Why? If this conflict showed anything is that this Ze guy is utterly treacherous, with the honour of a cockroach. I wouldn’t trust him to tie my shoelaces. The Ukrainian people will be better off with someone else. It’s going to be a puppet nevertheless, but perhaps a better one.

    The Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union for ages and I don’t remember anyone complaining. Probably the best outcome would be to Eastern Ukraine to go to Russia, and Western Ukraine can remain independent, or be divided by Poland and Hungary. Honestly, I don’t care. I never cared that much for Ukrainians (the most corrupt country in Europe) and now after the atrocities we are seeing by their army, I like them even less.

    •�Replies: @wxyz
  10. It is a Jewish war.
    Every war is a Jewish war.
    Russia is in its hijacked RUS to end another horrible Jewish war.
    Putin is an open book for whoever wants to look at him with true eyes.
    Russia stated clearly why and how Russia is going to end the Jewish terror in its Ukraina.
    Russia needs ZionLendSki like a fist on the nose. ZionLendSki is a dead man walking and Jewish howls are on standby, because this is for the first time (since Stalin) that a Jew is held accountable for Jewish crimes against humanity. Jews like the above author are already contemplating the murder of Putin…
    Jews are false, they do not have true vision. They are capped in sin.
    That is why they are forever lusting after the others’ whatever life he may have (and his children).
    Jews are caught in eternal lust, greed, anger, attachment and ego, ego and more ego.
    Hence they desire nothing more than gassing etc. The Jew is the psychopath on earth.

    With compliments to the Jewish scum on earth; eat your left heart out.
    Amalek has a light carrier, God bless him (and put Lucifer and his people into the right place)



  11. @Here Be Dragon

    If I were Putin, these videos would make me really mad. Mistreating prisoners takes this thing into territory no sane person would want to trespass. Don’t ever make an honorable mad by harming those who are helpless or who can’t protect themselves. If these videos are real, they are a game changer. This is precisely how wars escalate into realms uncontemplated by those who game and plan wars out beforehand.

    Of course, the Ukrainians would argue that Russian shelling has murdered many innocent civilians. Russians would respond that citizens were given a free ticket to flee and corridors were deliberately left open for them to do so. So, the question becomes, were the citizens free to flee? Or were they forcibly restrained by the Ukrainian forces, locked down in place while the Army took up positions amidst them?

    Who knows? The fog of war.

  12. @Zachary Smith

    Go to telegram and in the search, type ‘gonzalo lira’. You will see the videos of Russians being kneecapped. But the best and most informative is on YouTube posted by gonzalo lira.

  13. @ThreeCranes

    Mistreating prisoners takes this thing into territory no sane person would want to trespass… If these videos are real, they are a game changer.

    Of course these videos are real. But it is exasperating to contemplate this so-called game and look at the people, attempting to fight it and thinking that this is some kind of fair sport.

    There is not a single author here, let alone a commenter curious enough to make an effort to find out how this operation is managed. Yet the information is here, in the open. And still it appears that no one is able take notice of it, for some peculiar reason. Perhaps, because it is indeed here, in the open.

    Edward Snowden first talked about it.


    A Californian corporation has been awarded a contract with United States Central Command… to develop an “online persona management service” that will allow one US serviceman to control up to 10 separate identities based all over the world… it will allow the US military to create a false consensus in online conversations.

    The multiple persona contract is thought to have been awarded as part of a programme called Operation Earnest Voice (OEV), which was first developed in Iraq as a psychological warfare weapon. Since then, OEV is reported to have expanded into a $200 million programme.

    The Guardian’s presentation is incomplete, and perhaps is done so on purpose to make people underestimate the potential effect of this “earnest voice,” and the intention behind it. In truth, this is a state-of-the-art, futuristic mind control machine. It is scientific, elaborate and sophisticated. And it is being put across on the global scale, spreading a crafted lie and induced hallucination among the people.

    And there is a program of the same kind in the UK, too. The Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG). Here is their manual and the mission statement. It is best to read all of it, but to get an impression reading the paragraph 2.5 on page 8 should be enough. This is a top secret paper. Behavioural Science Support for JTRIG’S Effects and Online HUMINT Operations.


    This information is exempt from disclosure under The Freedom of Information Act 2000 and may be subject to exemption under other UK information legislation.

    2.2 Operation targets. JTRIG’s operations may cover all areas of the globe. Staff described operations that are currently targeted at, for example, Iran, Africa, Argentina, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Korea, UK, and Eastern Europe, including Russia.

    2.3 Operation aims. Staff noted that the overall goals of an operation and the general content of a communication/message may be dictated by Government policy. Generally, the language of JTRIG’s operations is characterised by terms such as “discredit”, promote “distrust,” “dissuade”, “deceive”, “disrupt”, “delay”, “deny”, “denigrate/degrade”, and “deter.”

    2.5 Operation methods/techniques. All of JTRIG’s operations are conducted using cyber technology. Staff described a range of methods/techniques that have been used to-date for conducting effects operations. These included:

     Uploading YouTube videos containing “persuasive” communications (to discredit, promote distrust, dissuade, deter, delay or disrupt)

     Setting up Facebook groups, forums, blogs and Twitter accounts that encourage and monitor discussion on a topic (to discredit, promote distrust, dissuade, deter, delay or disrupt)

     Establishing online aliases/personalities who support the communications or messages in YouTube videos, Facebook groups, forums, blogs etc

     Establishing online aliases/personalities who support other aliases

     Sending spoof e-mails and text messages from a fake person or mimicking a real person (to discredit, promote distrust, dissuade, deceive, deter, delay or disrupt)

     Providing spoof online resources such as magazines and books that provide inaccurate information (to disrupt, delay, deceive, discredit, promote distrust, dissuade, deter or denigrate/degrade)

     Taking over control of online websites (to deny, disrupt, discredit or delay)

     Contacting host websites asking them to remove material (to deny, disrupt, delay, dissuade or deter)

    So there is not a thing on the internet that could be a game changer. You are on their turf and under their full control.

    •�Replies: @ThreeCranes
  14. If the Russian Federation fails to take the entire Ukraine under control as well as fails to remove existing government, that will be deemed keeping a loose end.

    No matter how many years it takes, the Russian Federation should not allow existing government in Ukraine stay in power.

    Because, even if the existing government claims to become “Neutral”, there will be no neutrality when time passes and the Russian Federation will have to intervene militarily again.

    American-British government is hell-bent on destroying the Russian Federation and there will be no let down in American-British government’s efforts even after if there is a cease-fire.

    In a war there are only 2 options: Kill or get killed.

    •�Replies: @Petermx
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  15. @Here Be Dragon

    “So there is not a thing on the internet that could be a game changer. You are on their turf and under their full control.”

    I assume that everyone I talk to both personally and on the web is an informant (well, practically everyone). I try to tell the truth. I figure that there is a minuscule chance that an eavesdropper or informant will be affected by some of what he hears and reports, even if it runs counter to his indoctrination. People’s views can and do change over the course of their lives. I’m as good an example of this as anyone.

    (If the videos are fake, that’s the best job of imitating real blood i.e. dried, streaky and darkened, that I’ve ever seen in a video production.)

    My motto, “Take nothing for granted”.

    Thanks for the links. Now I’m going to chew on what you said.

  16. Petermx says:
    @James N. Kennett

    “Even if most Russian equipment is unserviceable and morale is non-existent, the Russians still have nukes.” I don’t think that is the case at all. On the contrary, I think Russia might have the best military in the world today. The US, nor any of the west European countries definitely don’t. These countries are a laughing stock in so many ways, with their emphasis on women, homosexuals and the woke leaders that lead the Americans. I also wonder, do any of the people that volunteer for any of these western armies do so out of patriotism or is it simply for the money. I see nothing to be proud of in the US and Europe. Both are in decline, steep decline and this is a direct result of self-destructive policies. Serious people in those countries know how they could immediately improve things but those policies are contrary to the leftist globalist policies that have destroyed these countries competitiveness. After watching the USSR collapse in 1991 I would not have guessed in a million years that Russia would have bounced back they way it has and the US would have fallen so hard. President Putin is one of the greatest leaders in the world. President Biden and the leaders of the biggest EU countries are a joke, an embarrassment. If Russia should lose this war it will only be because they are outnumbered. The west will still be an embarrassing group of incompetents.

    But regardless of what happens in Ukraine, Russia is back and will continue its ascendancy. Life under communism was not good and before that the quality life under the Czars also was below other countries and now I think Russians may have it better than ever in their history. The US is a disaster, cities are very dangerous, rape and murder are out of control. Some US cities are worse than from the third world cities and rape and murder were a rare and outrageous occurrence in most European countries until the last few decades and these are due to the foreigners they let into their countries. Western Europe was a nice place by the 1960’s after being rebuilt. No more.

    It would not surprise me if ten years from now, Hungary and other east European countries decide to leave the EU too. I see no turnaround in sight for Europe. But a talented screenwriter and director could produce a hilarious comedy on the US emphasis on genders in the military and homosexuals like General Mark Milley. If he isn’t one, he might as well be.

    •�Replies: @follyofwar
  17. Petermx says:

    I think Russia might be able to relax after the war and enjoy the spectacle of the continuing spiral downward of the US. The date can’t be pinpointed but it’s coming and the US will soon fall another ten notches and there will be no doubt that the US no longer leads the world in anything. We are probably there already. What does the US lead in? Indeed, it will be struggling to keep out of complete collapse. America’s big cities are already some of the ugliest hell holes in the world. It produces very little and its best university students are foreign students because US education is third rate, far behind many other countries. How will they turn that around? They won’t.

    •�Replies: @Face_The_Truth
  18. @Notsofast

    Although I think that Gilad is a wonderful analyst, I agree with you about Zelensky. That little twerp is too big for his britches, especially now that he has become an international sex symbol. IMHO, no lasting peace can be achieved as long as that little Jew remains in power. The fact that he’s still alive to go on TV every day demanding more Western high-tech weapons, while sporting his green muscle shirts, leads me to speculate, as have others, that he might have skipped the country weeks ago.

    As for so many fleeing Ukraine since the shooting started, I remember a years old column by Dmitry Orlov. He claimed that a million men of military age left the country after the 2014 coup and fled to Russia. They were smart to get out before they were enslaved and ordered to fight.

  19. @Petermx

    In the event of a real shooting war, what American soldiers would be able to be deployed? It won’t be the women because most will get pregnant to avoid combat. And it won’t be the trannies as it takes months to recuperate from sex change surgery. So, as always, it will be stupid white men doing most of the fighting and dying – for a country that hates them wants them dead anyway.

  20. Notsofast says:

    z for zelensky, v for voldemot, and o for ohmygodimgonnagetmyasskicked or oleksandrovych.

    although i would love to see him frog marched from his fuhrerbunker, the coward is most likely in poland and will become the new guaido to oversee the distribution of the looted russian assets. mighty joe brandon has already called for ukraine to take russia’s seat on the g 20, what better place to spend all that loot. china doesn’t seem very impressed with the idea, we’ll see where they get with that.

  21. russia can quit anytime and retutn to their borders.

    make n mistake this is a huge failure f the US and NATO, they caved o threats and the price on the international stage will be high as Pres Putn looks and acts like the stronger more capable leader.

    And that is what matters. Not the whole widdling down a twig sentiments that passes for attrition on Russia. Its foolish to think that Russia having chosen a fight is going to be impacted as India, Pakistan, V\China, Saudi Araboia Syria, Iran and others see that the US and her allies are weak in the knnes battrerd down by failure —

    and uncapable of projecting force to foreign policy goals
    The one instance in the last twenty we should be fighting — we are not

    Pres Puin has once again outwitted the Washington and EU establishment.

  22. The word “Gold” hasn’t been mentioned yet, and there is some news on that front.

    Russia sets fixed gold price as it restarts official bullion purchases

    This seems to me to be a declaration of an optional way for potential oil/gas buyers to purchase the necessary rubles.

    Selling gas/oil for dollars it couldn’t spend because of sanctions was clearly such a silly practice that it couldn’t be continued. The site owner at Naked Capitalism has said Russia might as well be accepting sacks of feathers as payment.

    So those “unfriendly” nations which want Russian oil or gas can now either sell Russia stuff it wants like cars and computers in exchange for the necessary rubles, or they can barter their gold at a rather lowball price.

  23. Exile says:

    For Israel to be a major competitor with Russia for Euro petro/gas sales, it’s going to have to subvert or conquer more Arab states. Which of course has been the Greater Israel project all along.

    The cynical moves on the Golan Heights are much less about “national security” than about becoming a player in the oil markets and fragmenting Syria as a potential pan-Arab pole in the ME.

    The states which signed the vastly-overrated “Abraham Accords” should beware of Jews bearing gifts.

  24. anonymous[224] •�Disclaimer says:

    The depopulation of Ukraine – this and the whole Ukraine war, serving the Great Reset agenda of Klaus Schwab, whose Jewish mother Emma abandoned him as a baby in 1938 Germany – also serves the ‘Heavenly Jerusalem’ project to restore part of the ancient Jewish homeland of Khazaria as 2nd Jewish state, a project headed by I. Berkut, for the region around Odessa – see map below
    There was open Jewish discussion of need to depopulate Ukraine Slavs, making room for 5 million Jews expected to arrive by 2029. New Khazaria would be more Ashkenazic (Turkic more white Jewish) vs Israel more Sephardic (Semitic more brown Jewish). In 2017, 183 ‘Jewish pioneers’ landed in Odessa from Haifa to lay the first stone. “Not only too many Ukrainians, but they still eat a lot,” said one of those involved.

    Jewish Klaus Schwab oversaw a special WEF-Russian deal signed in Moscow 13 Oct 2021, just 4 months before the Russian invasion … one might wonder if the whole affair is a Chabad project, given how Putin’s rabbi friends and Zelensky’s rabbi friends know each other well

    Regarding Klaus Schwab, his Jewish mother Emma thought it better in 1938 to leave baby Klaus and his older brother Hans behind, with their Nazi Reich businessman father. Hitler-regime youth Klaus Schwab hid this and usually names his stepmother, but his older brother Hans who knew their mother more, acknowledged they were Jewish children

    •�Agree: RedpilledAF
  25. @ThreeCranes

    So, the question becomes, were the citizens free to flee? Or were they forcibly restrained by the Ukrainian forces, locked down in place while the Army took up positions amidst them?

    The answer to this question can be stated with certainty that it was the Ukrainian forces in Mariupol that were preventing the civilians from leaving and, thus, using them as human shields. Common sense and logic tell us that the Ukrainian forces benefit from being able to hide behind the human shields. However, we do not just need to rely on common sense to resolve your crucial question. There exists overwhelming evidence to demonstrate that it is a fact that the Ukrainians were holding the civilians in Mariupol in order to use them as human shields.

    Consider that about a week ago the MSM reported that 30 thousand civilians were allowed to leave Mariupol. What the MSM “forgot” to mention was that nearly every civilian that participated in this exodus came from areas that were controlled by Russian forces. Indeed, the mass exodus of civilians from Mariupol only started when and in places where civilians no longer had to cross Ukrainian lines to exit the city. Civilians were simply not allowed to leave Ukrainian held positions. In fact, Mark Sleboda even posted a drone video showing a long line of cars trying to leave Mariupol being turned around and sent back into the city by Ukrainian forces.

    There now exist huge numbers of interviews with Mariupol’s civilians describing how they were used as human shields by Ukrainian forces. There also exist huge numbers of interviews with civilians describing atrocities committed by Ukrainian forces during their long and brutal occupation of the city.

    If Russian forces were to take, say Lviv, they would be occupying that city. However, Russian forces are truly liberating Mariupol and the Donbass. By the way, seemingly unknown to the MSM, is the fact that 1.4 million refugees have fled from the Donbass to Russia to escape Ukraine’s military aggression over the last 8 years (this war did not start about a month ago; it has been going on for 8 years).

    •�Replies: @ThreeCranes
  26. @Petermx

    American education system is bad because of the American teachers’ unions, which propel local, state and federal governments to spend approx. $40,000 a year for one American school kid.

    American healthcare is bad, because American government allows medicine for profit in America.

    American bureaucracy is humongous, because American judges allow unionization of public sector employees.

    America can spend money it does not have — by virtue of U.S. dollar being world’s reserve currency — because American tax-payers actually do not pay for American government’s extravagance.

    American citizens do not care about American war-atrocities abroad, because America’s war-victims cannot retaliate on American heartland in the same proportion.

    American govt. supports, aids and sustains the Jewish Republic of Israel in Middle East, because America has become the Biblical Sodom and the Jewish Republic of Israel has always been the Biblical Gomorrah.

  27. bert33 says:

    So, biden is being called senile or next best thing to it. As for the forever wars, we know who profits from those, namely the investors. War is good for business, thus it continues…

  28. The tragic drama in Ukraine was created by Putin and was based entirely on lies. There are only two ways that drama ends. Putin comes to his senses and leaves Ukraine in its entirety, or Putin conquers the entire country and moves onto Moldova, the Baltics, Poland, and Romania. In the process, he will destroy his country, no matter which way things go.

    •�LOL: Petermx
    •�Replies: @ariadna
  29. Anon[428] •�Disclaimer says:

    Maybe some jews are evil and brilliant but you certainly arent one of them , recicling the same old narrative that eveyone is controlled by jews including russia or china and its ultimely pointless to support russia doent cut anymore , there is more than enought reason to conclude that russia is slowly but formly independicing itself from the west and its fifth colummn .

  30. ariadna says:

    yeah… Putin needs those sacked and drained states like you need another brain-washing booster shot

  31. Sorry for not being up to speed. Does Israel actually produce enough gas to make any global difference? I’d thought they were running on something like 99% imported…

  32. BobbyCrop says: •�Website

    “A decade or so”? Why a “decade”?

  33. Atle says:

    Mearsheimer and McGovern foretold all this some years ago. The travails of Russo/Ukrainian relations have never been a subject I lose sleep over.

  34. Putin should ignore all attempts at an agreement and simply continue on with his plan.

    Russia should keep all the territory adjacent to the Black Sea and then declare a no mans land between this new part of Russia and what’s left of Ukraine. It’s worked in Cyprus and Korea for quite some time and signing pieces of paper in today’s political environment amounts to nothing anyway.

  35. wxyz says:

    > The Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union for ages and I don’t remember anyone complaining.

    If your memory didn’t suck, you’d remember that the Ukrainians couldn’t complain because they were too busy being starved to death – in their millions – by collectivisation.

  36. @Face_The_Truth

    In my opinion, the very best option is partition, with a rump Banderastan in the West, full of Ukronazi orcs, armed to the teeth, and enraged that the Russians crushed them again. They can have Kiev and fill the streets with dead ‘traitors’ like ?elensky, too. They can become the EU’s problem-and the world’s.

  37. As the Bible says, “The people cry peace, peace, but there is no peace.”

    There will NEVER be any peace in this world as long as the United States’ military-industrial complex is functioning, thanks to the Deep State, and also as long as Israel’s war-mongering Jews are in power.

  38. Tsigantes says:

    Gilad, the true reason for Russia’s Latakia port is historic and has nothing to do with Israel.

    Russia has only one access to warm seas – the Black Sea, with its naval base at Sebastopol, Crimea. Even so, it is dependent on access through the Dardenelles to reach the Mediterranean.

    Britain – which hates Russia – fought 2 wars to take Crimea : defeated, Russia was forbidden to have a naval base in the Black Sea. This resulted in the Voyage of the Damned during the Russo-Japanese war, after Japan sank Russia’s Far East Fleet at Port Arthur. Thus Russia’s Baltic fleet started a 18,000 mile , 14 month journey down the Atlantic coast of Africa to the Indian Ocean, through the China Sea to the Sea of Japan, losing half of its fleet on the way and near half of its crew to disease, only to face immediate defeat by the Japanese at the Battle of Tsushima in May 1905 – with the loss of 4000 men and the remaining fleet.

    The primary aim of the AngloAmerican 2014 coup was to seize Crimea: the Russians were prepared for this and Crimea was secured within a week.

    Thus Latakia is absolutely vital for Russia and any issue with Israel a distant second. Syria is an historic ally of Russia: Egypt too, which 100% owns Suez 2 canal and controls both lanes

    To counter US’s failure to take Crimea in 2014, US Amb. Geoffrey Pyatt, who was posted directly from Kiev to Athens in 2016, took over the unused port of Alexandroupoli close to the Hellespont for the US Navy. Greeks are laughing because this long defunct port on a delta needs multiple million$/year to dredge – but since the US is so rich……!!!

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