Putin is not a military general. He is a modernist leader, a trained spymaster and strategist who understands that war is a continuation of politics by other means (Clausewitz). Accordingly, if we want to grasp Putin’s motives we should refrain from trying to assess Russia’s military campaign in terms of ‘strict military objectives.’ We should instead look at the military campaign as a political instrument that is set to mobilize a global and regional geopolitical shift and on a mammoth scale.
It is clear that Putin’s army is doing its best to avoid civilian casualties. It uses siege tactics as opposed to the barbarian American ‘Shock and Awe’ doctrine. Furthermore, the Russian military works hard not to dismantle the Ukrainian military. Instead it encircles cities and is cutting out the Ukrainian army in the East and South of the country. The Russian military has dismantled Ukraine’s ability to regroup, let alone counter attack. Western military analysts have agreed that clear evidence of the Ukrainian army’s growing disability is that Ukraine’s army didn’t manage to seriously damage the 60 km Russian convoy on its way to Kyiv despite the fact that the convoy stood still for more than 10 days. In the last 24 hours, Russia has made it clear to the West that any Western military supply to Ukraine will be treated as a legitimate military target. In other words, the elite Ukrainian army in the East is now a defunct military force; it can defend the cities, it can mount guerrilla attacks on stretched Russian military logistics but it cannot regroup into a fighting force that can alter the battleground.
Putin’s army, as military experts agree, enjoys massive firepower. It is hardly a secret that Russia’s artillery is a deadly force and there is no force that can match it anywhere in the world. The military rationale for this is plain. The USSR never trusted the quality and the loyalty of its foot soldiers. While it counted on the soldiers’ mass impact, their sheer numbers, it also invented the means, the technology, the tactics and the doctrine to win the battle from afar in preparation for the masses to move in. It was Red artillery that knocked down the 3rd Reich Army. Similarly, flattening enemy cities is something the USSR and modern Russia are famous for. Russia enjoys this power, but it has refrained, so far, from deploying this ability in Ukraine. Russia has displayed this capability rather than deploying it. According to military analysts, Russia hasn’t even begun to utilize its superior air power other than assuring its total air superiority over Ukraine.
The Russian army’s tactic has been to mount pressure on cities’ outskirts, demonstrating Russian military might and then opening corridors for humanitarian convoys. And this is the trick. Russia is creating a flood of refugees to the west. Due to the Ukrainian government ban on men 18-60 leaving the country, we are talking about women and children. So far there are about 2.5 million Ukrainian refugees but this number could increase dramatically. And the question follows: will Germany be happy to accept another million refugees that aren’t a working force? What about France and Britain, the USA, Canada, all those countries that pushed Zalansky and Ukraine into a war but were quick to leave the Ukrainian people to their fate?
Sooner or later, Putin believes, Europe will accept his entire list of demands and will lift the list of sanctions, and may even compensate him for his losses on oil sales all in a desperate attempt to stop the tsunami of Ukrainian refugees. By the time the guns cool down, many Ukrainians may actually prefer to stay in Germany, France, Britain and Poland. This will lead, at least in Putin’s mind, to a demographic shift in the ethnic balance in favor of the Russian ethnic groups in Ukraine. Within the context of such a shift, Putin will be able to dominate the situation in his neighbour state by political and even democratic means.
Putin’s plan is not new. It already succeeded in Syria.
When the West realised that Syria was on foot to Europe, it was very quick to allow Putin to win the battle for Assad at the expense of America’s hegemony in the Middle East. Putin now deploys basically the same tactics. He may be cruel or even barbarian but stupid or irrational he isn’t.
The main question is how is it possible that our Western political and media elite are clueless about Putin and Russia’s moves? How is it possible that not one Western military analyst can connect the dots and see through the fog of this horrid war? The reason is obvious: no gifted people see a potential career in military or public service these days. Gifted people prefer the corporate world, banks, high tech, data and media giants. The result is that Western generals and intelligence experts are not very gifted. The situation of our Western political class is even more depressing. Not only are our politicians those who weren’t gifted enough to join the corporate route, they are also uniquely unethical. They are there to fulfil the most sinister plans of their globalist masters and they do it all at our expense.
I have little doubt that an experienced politician like Angela Merkel wouldn’t have let the Ukraine situation escalate into a global disaster. She, like Putin, was properly trained for her job, understanding the deep distinction between strategy and tactics. She, like Putin, was trained to think five steps ahead. As far as I can tell there is no one in the West who understands Putin, who can read his mind. Instead they attribute to the Russian leader psychotic characteristics in a desperate attempt to hide the depth of the hopeless and tragic situation the West inflicted on itself and on Ukraine in particular.
Meanwhile Putin is taking the most spectacular measures to protect his life and his regime. We in the west find it ‘laughable,’ but Putin knows very well that the only way the West can deal with its own incapacity is to eliminate him and his regime one way or another.
Very penetrating and honest. I think Putin is a pragmatist, first and last. Epithets and disparagements such as “brutal, barbaric, etc, etc” are meaningless unlesss comparative instances and examples are given. Especially historically.
Time is on the side of Russia. Food shortages, unemployment, constant inflation, and demonstrated incompetence will evidence themselves to the masses aka schools of fish, and sheep.
“It’s all Putin’s fault” will not cut anymore, and it never did.
One comment:
“And the question follows: will Germany be happy to accept another million refugees that aren’t a working force? What about France and Britain, the USA, Canada, all those countries that pushed Zalansky and Ukraine into a war but were quick to leave the Ukrainian people to their fate?”
Certainly the United States will accept them, as many as possible. And not just from Ukraine, but also fleeing from Africa etc. Just because they can. You see, the elites of the United States want to force population growth upwards, to drive wages and living standards down for the many, and rents and profits up for the few. And the elites don’t much care who they take in, sinner or saint, black or white, christian or muslim, the policy is to just flood the country with as many warm bodies as possible.
And as far as not being a “working force” – well, so what? Increased pressure on housing and food etc. will increase asset price inflation, which hurts the average person but is so very profitable to the people on top. And even if, for now, all these women and children aren’t in the labor force, eventually they will send for their families, and their children will grow up and start working. In the long run, it’s all about the numbers.
So at least as far at the United States is concerned, no, the flood of refugees is not a bug, it’s a feature.
How very good it is to see you back, Gilad!
The place just hasn’t been the same without you.
Seriously, you have been greatly missed!
Now I shall read your article…
Fond regards,
The refugee angle is indeed very important. And yet no-one talks about it.
Welcome back. A fair analysis except for the characterization of Putin as “cruel or even barbarian,†which might be your perceived toll to pay to appear even-handed.
Hey, screw coherence, insert this even after conceding that “It is clear that Putin’s army is doing its best to avoid civilian casualties. It uses siege tactics as opposed to the barbarian American ‘Shock and Awe’ doctrine.â€
A second highly dubious claim was about Syria: “When the West realised that Syria was on foot to Europe, it was very quick to allow Putin to win the battle for Assad at the expense of America’s hegemony in the Middle East.â€
Yeah, right, in order to defend Europe from an avalanche of Syrian refugees, “the West†magnanimously “allowed” Putin to win in Syria…
Fix those two and you got yourself a nice analysis.
“And the question follows: will Germany be happy to accept another million refugees that aren’t a working force? What about France and Britain, the USA, Canada, all those countries that pushed Zalansky and Ukraine into a war but were quick to leave the Ukrainian people to their fate?”
Are you kidding? White, easy to assimilate, desperate for cheap work that Westerners don’t want to do? This isn’t Putin’s plan, this is the West’s plan. That’s a large part of the reason why Western Europe is going along with this. Ukraine becomes a scorched Earth, ruined infrastructure, depopulated, which will be more of a burden to Russia than a boon once it’s occupied, while the West gets all the young people, desperate and full of gratitude to the Western saviors, greatly helping with its aging population without the enormous problems caused by Arabs or blacks.
A very interesting take, which I’d never have concidered myself. But, as comment #2, from TG implies, the West is set on a course to destroy itself in order to, as the say, “build back better”, i.e. the west, if not the whole world, is currently being “Reset”.
Mr Putin chose his moment well given the attention he has drawn away from the collapsing “pandenic” narrative, and the volume of evidence of malfeacance, medical malpractice and mass-murder his imvasion of Ukraine is burying.
If course we also have to concider his involement with the WEF, and ask ourselves just who (or ((who))), exactly, is orchestrating current global events, whose actions are being directed by them, and to what end. – Are Putins actions (and specifically the timing of them) in support of the Globalists “Great Reset”, even as he carves out a primary seat at the Globalist table for Russia?
Adding another few million refugees to the strategy is a nice touch though.
Best wishes,
Well, I’ll be damned! Who would have thought a remnant super power of 145 million people would possess more combat power than a nation of 40 million. Got to be a least a Field Marshal to have that kind of military insight. And all that artillery too. Artillery happens to be the cheapest least accurate firepower available. Logistical nightmare though because it takes a lot shells to keep those guns firing even if they are only creating craters in the countryside. They say in the Word War One a billion shells were fired. Did cause a lot of casualties but never achieved a decisive breakthrough because even if you kill 50% of the enemy the survivors with rifles and machineguns can mow down your infantry and stop your advance. Happened regularly between 1914-18.
In 2003 an American led alliance destroyed Saddam Hussein’s million man army equipped with the very armaments the Ukrainians were left with after the breakup of the USSR. In two weeks they were in his capital and relaxing in his presidential palace. All that Soviet artillery didn’t do Iraqi generals much good.
Russia is two plus weeks into their ”offensive” and is negotiating for terms not dictating them. Putin has shown the world his military is as much a hollow broken down force as the US has revealed we have an equally hollow broken down man as president. Meanwhile the Israeli president reveals he is a cunning, conniving thief playing both sides against the middle. Even the Ukrainian Jew president is disgusted by him.
I disagree. Our politicians are an extension of the corporate route. They are well rewarded by corporations. They provide all of the legislation, obfuscation, and public relations that the corporate boards of directors want. That is why they are uniquely unethical.
The Western narrative that Russia is losing the war while daily gaining ground is beyond absurd.
Media exploitation of the “Madonna Card” is not only maudlin but farcical and cruel.Putin’s goal
is to cause women and children to suffer.Really?
The tree must not hide the forest. We are witnessing the birth pains of the messiah. I am sure that Gilad knows what I mean. The plans of old are unfolding . The numbers had decided that it was the chosen moment. Who knows where all this had been written of old. I know. You do not. Awake. De finis temporum comoedia.
The UK is very good at selling high-tech weapons, not accepting refugees. As Mr. Erdogan said to Shimon Peres in Davos, they ”know how to kill”.
Gove says UK has issued 3,000 (not 300,000) visas to Ukrainian refugees
The Home Office is flying blind in the Ukrainian refugee crisis, pretending as usual that there is no real problem
”What is wrong with the Home Office? Its treatment of Ukrainian refugees seeking entry to this country has so far been shamefully incompetent.”
”An investigation by the Implementation Unit from the Cabinet Office found that each day, a few passports were put in a “to do later†pile, which grew and grew, while the rest of the passports were processed within the target time, so it seemed the Agency was doing pretty well – except to the owners of the passports which were stuck in the “to do later†pile, who complained bitterly.
Until the problem was admitted, it was insoluble. Once it was admitted, it could be solved pretty easily, by hiring extra staff with the skills and the computer terminals needed to clear the backlog.
It seems clear that in the present refugee crisis, neither the Prime Minister nor the Home Secretary has been put in full possession of the facts, which means they have uttered assurances in the Commons which are impossible to reconcile with a large volume of anecdotal evidence about the difficulties faced by Ukrainian refugees who are trying to reach Britain.”
”The Ukrainian refugee problem has come about because the Home Office is flying blind. Instead of deploying substantial numbers of staff at once to the Polish border, to Warsaw, Calais or wherever else they are needed, it pretends even to itself, indeed especially to itself, that the existing meagre capacity, and restricted opening hours, in Warsaw, Paris and Brussels are sufficient, or require only modest reinforcement.
Whenever anything is done, it is too little and too late. This is plainly unfair on traumatised refugees, and on front-line staff who find themselves overwhelmed by the magnitude of their task.
Will the bright light now being shone on departmental incompetence make the slightest difference to the Home Office’s entrenched habit of insisting that problems do not exist, or that if they do exist, nothing much can be done to solve them?”
So cow goes moo, dog goes woof, duck goes quack, Putin goes Bwhahahahahaha!..? Western media seem to believe in this Bond villain caricature rather enthusiastically. Nasty old Vlad makes helpless people do things….baad things! All peace and love on this planet except that dork Putin ruins it all with his ambitions! We just need to be rid of one guy, and hey presto! peace and good will for all mankind. Flatten the curve time again, these new sanctions and the mighty voice of social media will have him running home shortly, you’ll see!
gilad, you are back! please pardon the pun, excellent insights and perspectives into this complex situation. putin playing the erdogan card, flooding the e.u. with ukranazis refugees run out ukraine, all the while sanitizing the steppes (a clean house begins with clean steps). let the e.u. enjoy the glory of the torchlight parades once again (in their own back yard).
as to angela merkel not allowing the situation to escalate, that is exactly why she retired/was retired, she didn’t want to be left holding the bag.
and finally,…putin knows very well that the only way the west can deal with it’s own incapacity is to eliminate him and his regime, one way or another. spot on, thanks for your erudite analysis.
Although Ukraine’s forces are inferior, they are equipped with modern, portable anti-tank and and anti-aircaft weapons, which makes armored assault riskier. Putin may need to go to the artillery whether he wants to or not. I noticed on Alex Berenson’s Substack feed today a reference to an op-ed in the NYT by a Chinese think tank type indicating that the Chinese are getting nervous about Putin’s war and may want him to wind it up. That will make the shock and awe option even more attractive.
It could mean the chance for a lot of German men to get a Ukrainian girlfriend, so of course! They’re probably more pleasant and feminine than German women (who are becoming increasingly insufferable with all that feminist claptrap, and also support nonsense like BLM) and after the influx of all those Mideastern and African men the gender balance needs to be corrected again.
you are correct in everything you say and in the bigger picture, these refugees will not only want to hate/kill every russian but will want to hate/kill every one of their handlers enemies. very useful tools in the box of dirty tricks
Brutes, Barbers and surgeons use sharp instruments such as blades, knives and swords.
Means are similar and ends are entirely different.
Vladimir Putin is a Master Surgeon working at the highest level for more than 20 years.
In 1998, Russia was literally bankrupt. Now Russia is alone, the ultimate Rebel taking on the Empire LACK (Empire of Lies, Arrogance, Chaos and Kleptocracy). Putin alone is responsible for this outcome. His team consisted of both loyal members and back stabbers. Last two weeks have been so profound that this is the turning point in human history away from 500 years of colonialism, slavery and fascism. Only hope is that “Liberal†back stabbers are completely purged once for all.
USSR, predominantly Russia, sacrificed 25-27 million humans to defeat Nazis. Now he is mopping up the remaining Nazis who are supported by the current Ukraine President who is a Jew, the collective West who support the UkroNazis and Israel, the 51 state of the Empire.
On what basis the author calls Putin brutal and barbaric? (Considering no human being ever is Perfect in terms of Meand and Ends, this applies to Putin also)
I have thought hard many times on the point you are making about Putin and the extent of his allegiance to the WEF program. I have not yet decided whether he is a loyal foot soldier for or an impediment to the Globalist cabal of international bankers running the WEF.
Russia did say no to he WHO’s desire to have an international treaty giving the WHO the right to dictate pandemic response to all countries, which I thought would be an important aspect of the cabal’s plans.
Yes, re-read what you wrote there and tell us if you don’t see the hallmarks of disinformation.
China has had its fill of the Empire that Never Sleeps. If China had had any concerns, they would not have gone along this far. In for a penny, in for a pound.
As for Ms. Merkle, she was an Ossivergeltungswaffe who did immeasurable damage to Germany and the German people. She may have been a good political gamer, but she sucked at safeguarding her nation and its people, even moreso in positioning them to prosper in the future.
Thanks for putting this idiotic statement near the front of the article. It saved me from wasting more time reading the article.
Maruipol ought to surrender. Its not a militarily defensible situation there. The Capital is a symbolic city, and I can understand them thinking about fighting until they eat rats. KHARKOV is a key node on the roads and it buys them time, but Maruipol is a pointless effort on the part of the Ukrainians.
The Poles are going to March out to Kiev as a host. They won’t be able to resist.
Artillery conquers. INFANTRY OCCUPY.
And I’m waiting with bated breath to see what China does. How does a “global and regional geopolitical shift on a mammoth scale” happen without them?
Great to see you back again, Mr. Atzmon. Looking forward to reading more of your outstanding analyses.
One wonders how many of these refugees are using this opportunity to return to Mother Russia? I’ll bet more than a few. Obviously, the CIA-controlled media won’t report the numbers in the States.
I find this analysis a bit too simplistic. No, Putin is not a military general. But I think he has those on the payroll and lets them conduct the war. I think Atzmon has drunk the “Putler” kool-aid and thinks Putin is holed up in a Fuhrer-Bunker somewhere, hopped up on meth, sending out manic micro-management orders directly to troops on the ground. Nope, not happening.
I also think the operation has little to do with a half-baked cultural cleansing scheme to push Ukrainian speakers into Europe. Note I use cultural and not ethnic cleansing since genetically, they are almost all the same. Putin knows this and has called it a ‘brother war’ and said Ukrainians and Russians are one people. I think he would prefer all the Ukrainians stay where they are, only as people friendly to Russia and not whipped into a constant state of hatred and fear towards Russia by a pack of lying, globalist hyenas partnered with an extremist minority of Neo-nazis.
I actually believe Putin’s goals are (shockingly) exactly what he says they are: force the Ukrainian military to either surrender or be annihilated, take away all the dangerous little “toys” Uncle Sam has gifted to them over the years, and tell them to ‘be good’ or daddy will be back for more spanking. Putin’s ideal scenario is for a massive surrender of the Ukrainian military, where of course the radical Neo-Nazi battalions would never agree to, making it very easy to summarily wipe them all out with prejudice, and then go home. Of course, the USA is ordering Zelesnsky to do the exact opposite of this and fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian. Which scenario is in the best interests of the people of Ukraine?
Where Atzmon is correct, is in pointing out that globalist west has become an “Empire of Lies” and the opposite of a meritocracy, and the brightest and best have run for the hills while the village idiots run the show. Kamala Harris, basically an ex-hooker who rose in life via blow jobs, sent to “negotiate” peace in Europe and manically laughing when asked questions by the media is surely the peak example of this. The movie “Idiocracy” becomes more and more reality every passing day. Such people cannot negotiate anything. They cannot solve anything. They are dangerous, corrupt, lunatics who only care about themselves. They are an example of the type of people that get into power at the end of an empire. The late-stage rulers. The only question is whether they will take us all down with them…
Nazi fanatics want to fight to the death. Because they object to being de-Nazified. Surrender for them could be death anyway.
My 2 cents: I think Putin and the Russian government care about the Russian-speakers in eastern Ukraine, and want to use this to clear out a military threat, and to display Russia’s power.
The hit on the base in Western Ukraine has demonstrated that Russia is now taking the fight to the heart of the Nazi’s/NATO alliance.
The base was a NATO base in everything but name, Putin knows he is fighting NATO as much as Ukraine Nazi’s. The reaction of the West over the missle attack suggests it was personal and successful.
Russia now has the Ukrainian military bottled up in the East with it’s supplies in the West, he has pretty much won the war, I expect more hits on West Ukraine targets, Zelensky will be told to deal if this starts to take a big toll on the ability to fight.
Not to worry … Germans and Austrians will insanely rejoice over another million tax-exempt
JewsAltösterreicher with an attitude.“Refugees” have been used as a weapon for aeons before Gaius Iulius Caesar laid siege to Alesia.
Population policy measures ™ have never been far from the (((bolshevik)))
mind – the Holodomor, Katyn, the Krajina, not to mention what they did to Tatars and Volga Germans, just to remain in the region – so where´s the problem?
If the thought entered Vlad´s mind* the overarching benefit is being rid of them,
and not to “undermine the West” (that falls under “sugar coating”).
*I know it didn´t mine, but it was first on Mr. Atzmon´s. What do we learn from this?
– It is bad policy to give the goyim ideas.
Did you notice, with the spread of feminism, women now have more severe looks, and an appearance of permanent headache?
“And the elites don’t much care who they take in, sinner or saint, black or white, christian or muslim, the policy is to just flood the country with as many warm bodies as possible.”
Dumpster people only. The darker the better. You know that too, so I’m not sure what the lie is about. Ya jewish?
Agreed. This place has since been dominated by cheap racebait.
And here’s something that didn’t age well:
Ron Unz (October 23, 2021)
I have been reading War and Peace in English. I can see how the Russian thinking, in particular Putin’s education, would view the present war. Napoleon waged war on Russia. Then having won victory at Austerlitz, a signed peace was negotiated. When opportune, Napoleon attacked Russia again. This time for permanent dynastic conquest. Putin likewise wants Ukraine which he regards as part of Mother Russia permanently removed from Western alliances. NATO is to him the successor of Napoleon and Hitler. Hateful though the war is, it should be easy to understand his thinking. He is not even demanding Ukraine demilitarise, as is demanded of Palestine. Just withdraw their weapons of mass destruction and end their attacks on Russian speakers, and the Russian army would withdraw. That would happen if the West supported it.
Indeed. What you are saying is very funny, and very true.
Mr. Atzmon raises an important point: gifted people may be eschewing careers in statecraft in favor of more lucrative careers. My idea of a great statesman is John Quincy Addams. His father, the senior Addams and one term president, basically brought him up in the school of statesmanship. I believe John Quincy spent his childhood and adolescence in Europe with his father and was well versed in politics. How many people like that do we have in modern America?
“Thanks for putting this idiotic statement near the front of the article. It saved me from wasting more time reading the article.”
But not us from having to scroll over your comment.
Have you never heard of Chelsea Clinton or Hunter Biden?
Something not mentioned in this piece.
Western nations and their vassal states— in a very suspicious and astonishing coordination— went to an economic thermonuclear war against Russia with sanctions. This will no doubt cause permanent changes to the global financial system and probably make Russia and other countries more impervious to the control of international finance.
In this whole conflict I believe China became stronger and more trusted. Here’s a funny meme from China. Very funny and speaks volumes:
Only in the US is its army known for its fighting abilities. The US conquered Iraq so fast because it killed everyone and everything in sight. They had no problem killing all those Iraqi civilians. They have no problem wiping a Syrian city off the map. Russia is avoiding massive damage to cities and avoiding killing civilians and that puts their soldiers at greater risk, a risk Americans would never take. Similarly, in WW II the US was known for its ability to bomb, the Russian and British soldiers were known more for their ability to fight. That is how the Germans saw things and they would know. They were the best.
With a count of a little over 1,500 Ukrainian civilian deaths, if Russia didn’t care about that, they could easily make that 150,000 by the end of today if they chose to, but they don’t want to do that, especially to a people that are so close to them, as close as brothers. The US would have killed 1.5 million civilians by now.
Without a shadow of doubt you are correct. The vile, hideously destructive, nation-destroying policy of perpetually open borders is intentional. In the US money can be appropriated for African prostitutes with the flick of a finger but it will be cold day in hell before any money will be appropriated to build a wall on the US southern border or deport one of the 70 million illegal invaders who reside within and steal jobs from Americans, inter alia.
Merkel pursued the same national destruction. If she was such a far-seeing politician as Mr. Atzmon avers she must have secretly exulted at the destruction and misery she was causing.
“n 2003 an American led alliance destroyed Saddam Hussein’s million man army equipped with the very armaments the Ukrainians were left with after the breakup of the USSR. ” Horse hockey . Dog shit
Did Covid damage your smell? Then try to taste it.
Video Link
Oh come on. We have people like Ralph Peters, Jack Keane, and Max Boot. The Chapaqua Chiquita (TM), Lieawatha, the Maid of the Maidan, and Nicki Nooky are heavyweights on the distaff bench.
Lavrov must some days just not want to get out of bed.
And you notice how Putin waited until John McCain was safely in Arlington before he launched his Ride of the Valkyries deal.
Fascist orcs are good at dying during wartimes, they did a lot of dying the last time they tried to take over, so just let them do what they do best.
Yes, that is a good point. The strike on the NATO base was just a few miles from the Polish border and inside the Ukraine. Russia gives a large number of westerners dead and NATO gives a smaller number. WWIII is a lot closer today.
The above article is a sneaky, disgusting, Jewish product of propaganda and in effect suggesting to “the West”: your only chance is to kill Putin.
The best people are not in positions of government because of the Jews’ evil censorship, nepotism, prosecution and even murder. That is how the Jew keeps good natural people (the natives) out and the Jews & hyenas in.
Cretin Anjela Kasner-Kazmierczak aka “Frau Merkel” was and is a stinking rotten Poolish Jew who delighted in damaging anything and everything German and Russian or what have you for that matter. That kind of evilness is easy to stink 5 steps ahead. Her chancellory physically stunk and stinks so badly that they are now building a new one (as soon as the Jew approves).
You rotten Jewish scum are the curse of mankind.
Every war is a Jewish war.
And if you are stinking about the Putin why do you not mention his three Jewish mothers?
You are writing about the rising vacuum in the Ukraina through people fleeing and fail to mention the real cause being the Jew & mobster provocations.
The Jews, especially their worst fractions, are already in the starting blocks to create another Israhell in the Ukraina.
Maybe Putina the Jewtina is a lackey of Chabad creating Lebensraum for Lucifer’s children?
The big game is the dollar of the Jewnighted States of Israhell and the growing reluctance of countries like Russia-China-Iran, the BRICS (versus the pricks) to take the Jews’ fake monopoly paperclips for real goods and services.
Russia did not start a war. Russia is in the process of ending the Jewish war in the Ukraina (“no matter how long it takes”)
Atzy is telling us without telling us:
Those idiot Western mercenaries whipped up by the anti-Russian hate of their politicians and media are DOA – dead on arrival – as soon as they cross the border into Ukraine. These would be murderers were laughing and cheering on the trains and buses bringing them in but the dead can’t laugh or cheer no more. No doubt Satan is laughing as he welcomes their rotten souls to eternal punishment in Hell.
Echoing one or two others here, I do find it odd that Putin seems alone among world leaders who is invariably noted to have some positive attribute but some qualification of said feature simply must be added to the stew. “Love hm or hate him, you have to admit . . . .” Or, “His being a cannibal may not be to everybody’s taste but you have to admit the man makes the trains run on time . . . .”
Here I can’t think of any reason why he would be described as cruel or even barbarian. If anything he seems an admirable man who demonstrated loyalty to his boss in his Leningrad days and has helped put Russia on a firm footing. He faced a tough foe in Chechnya and was justified in taking the fight to he enemy. How do you like them apples, boys? His supposed assassinations seem contrived by his enemies. E.g., the Skripals. It’s a given that he done them but the official Whitehall version is for the credulous and layabouts at the BBC and the NYT. As with the the ridiculous charge against Bashar Al Assad that he used chemical weapons on his own people I just don’t see Putin (or Assad) as men given to extremely high-risk operations with limited to zero benefit. The “poisoning” of Navalny is complete horsefeathers as John Helmer has conclusively demonstrated.
False in one, false in all.
Actually, Putin’s not unique in this. Assad is a decent man and genuinely popular president but he’s routinely characterized as being brutal or a thug. The mad-dog ophthalmologist! The stench of the Integrity Initiative is strong.
“ Ukraine becomes a scorched Earth, ruined infrastructure, depopulated, which will be more of a burden to Russia than a boon once it’s occupied, while the West gets all the young people, desperate and full of gratitude to the Western saviors, greatly helping with its aging population without the enormous problems caused by Arabs or blacks.â€
Russia definitely does not have any interest in occupying this basket case of a country, though all the Russian ethnic people in Ukraine will end up having the Russian nationality. This would give Russia two advantages 1- control of the breakaway republics with all their industrial base and a welcome inflow of Russians to make up for the very low birthdate in Russia.
As for Europe benefiting from immigrant Ukrainians instead of African immigrants, that would definitely be a welcome change for it sure won’t take much time for Ukrainians to adapt themselves to a European style of living. But how many refugees can Sclerotic European economies can absorb is an entirely different issue.
Russia & friends want to smash reptilian globalism and create a multipolar world order without the fake JewS dollar – monopoly infills out of the stolen till of the Americas.
RUS Army Officer’s Handbook: We fight against globalism.
The Ukraina is a globa-list – Jewish list that is – project:
Sovereign Nation states can negotiate prices and terms with bilateral trade agreements (see China – Russia) without the globalist bloodsuckers and war criminals. The JewS, as unipolar nepotism & violence, is opposed to this goal, because they do not get a cut (for nothing). Since the dollar can only survive if the competing Euro (dollar light) crumbles they are forcing their installed EUSSR as great moral sanctioners via omnipresent Jewmedia (i.e. NATO propaganda), blackmailing and murder. All parties involved hope to come back up somehow. But the globalist Jewmerica must literally die in terms of federation (prison) and fake monopoly-money, because the China (with its century pain), the RUS (with its blood sacrificies) and the raped Arabia & Asia no longer want to accept this blood dripping Jewnighted dollar of Israhell.
Up till now European countries and esp. Germany are literally taken prisoner via the Jews’ EUSSR-NATO pair of cuffs. The first thing is to stop payments, goods and services to the occupiers. That is what Russia is doing; Russia is actually sanctioning the evil out.
Thank you for this gem of truth.
Indeed, according to French WWII records, more French civilians died during the first six weeks of the allied invasion of occupied France after D day than all the civilians killed by the advancing Germans into France at the beginning of the war including those who perished in the crossfire between the the German army and the resistance. Many older French people recounted how in order to kill a few German soldiers numbering less than one’s fingers, whole villages were destroyed on the heads of their civilian populations. The French horror was not restricted to death from bombing by American fighter jets and artillery but also by the highest wave of rapes by American GI’s that French women experienced throughout their recent history.
The United States military victories outside the Americas were largely credited to American industrial might rather than the quality of US fighters. In WWI they faced an already exhausted German military and in WWII the long drain of the Eastern Front on the Wehrmacht had destroyed most of its fighting force and in both cases the Americans came in after the heavy lifting was done by others.
Western news outlets have relentless anti-Russian propaganda, while RT is pro-Russian. Neither wants to discuss military tactics. Is there anywhere (apart from here) where we can find analysis of the military situation?
“ reference to an op-ed in the NYT â€
The New York Slimes, the toilet paper of record, the CIA’s mouthpiece that never failed to vigorously support any war of choice since it was bought by the Sulzberger family or more properly the Sleazeburger agents of death, destruction and societal moral decay.
NYT, hardly a credible reference.
“ They’re probably more pleasant and feminine than German women (who are becoming increasingly insufferable with all that feminist claptrap, and also support nonsense like BLM) â€
A middle aged German engineer who was a longtime client to our establishment once complained about his Kazakh wife being too demanding. It was only then that I learned that he had divorced his German wife and got married later to an older Kazakh woman with her baggage of two children. The whole story got me revolted but then a common friend who is privy to the personal life of the German client explained to me what a nightmare it is to be married to a German woman. Another divorced German client, who often visited my office with his two African German daughters, told me how one day he was received by his ex German wife at the airport and while being driven home, his wife went into a litany of nagging, so he pretended to have left a piece of baggage at the airport. So his wife sent him back to the airport to pick up the baggage and he took the earliest flight back from where he came from.
Feminism in Germany is proving far more deadly to the continuity of the German race than the carpet bombing of WWII or the Thirty Year War.
The US and UK deliberately stir up the shit, and the naive EUropeans have to live with the consequences.
Plus ca change….
“ The movie “Idiocracy†becomes more and more reality every passing day. Such people cannot negotiate anything. They cannot solve anything. They are dangerous, corrupt, lunatics who only care about themselves. They are an example of the type of people that get into power at the end of an empire. The late-stage rulers. â€
Thank you for this summary of the state of Western society. It looks more each passing day that the resurrection of the West has to be preceded by a total meltdown. The only prevention to this scenario is revolution from within and a war crime tribunal that puts all those psychopaths on display behind bars for future generations to see and throw rotten tomatoes or faeces on their faces, for hanging them would be too merciful. More important for Western cultural rejuvenation is to produce a correct version of the dominant events of the 20th and 21st centuries backed by uncompromising facts so history would not repeat herself.
A joke that was popular among British soldiers in WW2 went like this:
When the Germans pointed their guns, the British ducked.
When the British pointed their guns, the Germans ducked.
When the Americans pointed their guns, everyone ducked.
Even then, the American strategy seemed to be – bomb the shit out of everyone and everything until no threats remain. One can imagine that this policy is even stronger now that the military is largely made up of (stress and danger avoiding) women.
It’s the same reason that the cops now show up twenty strong to arrest one man.
“The US would have killed 1.5 million civilians by now.”
How you exaggerate! It was estimated that the US killed only about 1.2 million in Iraq all told. Depleted uranium munitions used by the US in Iraq are said by some to have caused some deaths in the survivors but that is debatable because, like with the mRNA vaccines, if the adverse effects occur more than 28 days (or is it 14?) after the intervention there is no cause-and-effect link.
Cuz being right will get you demoted or blacklisted by Jewish Power.
Gifted people in business bought and control those in gov and media and force them to be submissive to Jews and hostile to Russia.
Ya been watching MSM agitprop. Bad habit. Artillery is a good siege weapon once the cities are encircled which is when the Russians brought the artillery out.
“Cheap race bait” you say. Yep I’m gonna join join hands with blacks and Jews and sing Kumbaya. See you there shabbos goy. Wear your rainbow tie dyes. Bring Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton, both good company.
A tsunami of white Ukrainians, mainly women and children, will be experienced as a bad thing? I’m sorry, but what am I missing? I don’t know. Maybe its just propaganda getting into my little orner of the world in southwestern United States. Maybe I have been tricked. That could be the case, but did not Germany and others accept brown muslim single men with wide open arms and hearts? For this reason I do not see why they wouldn’t also do it for white christian women and children. Upon my one and only visit to Ukraine I found the people ambitious and wise, without much humor or my kind of humor, but certainly very European in every aspect. It seems to me they will be “no problem at all”, or even less of an integration problem than were East Germans in 1990s.
I am sorry to disagree but I think the article is silly.
Why not listen to the Putin and the Russians. The Russian soldiers are doing everything in their power to protect the civilians against the predation of the Azov-Ukrainian forces.
They are taking great losses to NOT cause any civilian deaths. They have told any wounded Ukrainians or prisoners that they are NOT fighting Ukraine but USA and their minions that are fighting for the USA.
This is exactly the tactic used in Syria and it works. The Syrians see Russia and its’ soldiers as saviours. Only the fact of Turkish and US troops protecting the insurgents stops Assad from controlling the whole country. Those areas not under his control all see the benefit of being part of Syria but have no way of expelling the occupiers. Given a plebiscite he would win with 90% victory.
The Stans see how USA treats its’ vassals and would much, much rather be a part of the not-US alignment than subject to US bullying. Hence the speed with which they join the various alliances of the Belt and Road initiative. Europe too are looking east and the concept of Vladivostok to Lisbon trade group is much more appealing than the current EU horror, by bringing trade without political dominance.
At this time only Russia has to stand up to the aggression, but apart from UK no-one in Europe has any interest in supporting the Ukraine. Sure they make the right noises and yes they will discard their obsolete NATO weapons but the actual feeling is not against Russia, notwithstanding the constant barrage of propaganda.
The world, even the dumb ones, realise that this is a war against US domination and all countries not under that domination are pushing back against the US pressure.
Asia, S America, Central America, India, Middle East, Africa all see it as a US/Russia problem, and they are all rooting for Russia, quietly and under their breath at this time, but soon as the victory becomes apparent then it will be loudly and joyfully.
The refugee nonsense is just that. Over 2 million Ukrainians have left the Ukraine since 2014 and before the invasion. The only reason that it was not 10 million is that Europe kept insisting that they had jobs to go to before accepting them. If the borders had been open since 2014 at least 10 million would have left for better lives elsewhere. This way the women can get out with the children and then the men can join them later.
I think this war will be called Hunter Biden’s war since it seems to involve our interest to protect Hunters million dollar per year Ukrainian paycheck.
you made my day… i needed a break…
Video Link
French distribute gas masks to women and children in 1938.
Nuland eat your heart out.
The hotel coordinates were conveniently forwarded to the Russian missile battery by Ukrainians. The Hotel Lusitania. You can check in any time you like but you can never leave.
I totally agree about “correct” (aka objectively true) descriptions of reality being the key to humanity’s survival. One can see that despite living in an ‘information age’ when facts are readily available to those who seek them out, the majority of the population still lives under the capture of false narratives, a trend that has in fact been accelerating at an extreme rate these past several years. Despite all of our technology and progress, our societies are falling right back into the same place German society was under Hitler. In 2022, outright lies are passed off as truth simply because they come “from authority figures.” Just like in 1939. We must figure this out, or else face re-living 1939-1945, except with far worse consequences.
Scott Adams recently made a tweet about this:
That’s the key statement in this whole essay right there. It’s really the “globalist masters” running the show, not the politicians or executives. And what exactly is their ‘sinister plan’? It’s nothing other than the controlled demolition of Western Civilization.
On the ashes of the West, the New World Order will be built … by the Chinese.
My conclusion – that Putin is a Davos foot-soldier – has been a long time in the deciding, Jason. In fact it’s only in the last few days that I’ve actually concluded as such, due to the utter headfuck for most of us that is the result of the invasion of Ukraine.
The whole thing feels more like a game with every day that passes… and it is we lowly peasants who are being toyed with. Much like a cat will paw and toy with its prey before going for the death-choke.
When one imagines that a saviour of sorts has come, then one sits back in order to watch the spectical rather than getting on with the job of saving oneself/family/friends/community. Ultimately a very disempowering state of afairs.
I just read an article by Paul Craig Roberts which basically confirms, in my mind at least, my conclusion:
In it he suggests, as per the title, that the two powers playing with us right now are dumb. I disagree. I believe now that both Moscow and Washingtom are actually playing for the same team, against the people.
The distraction was a little exciting for the first week. Now it’s diatrurbing, because WE THE PEOPLE have serious work to do in creating for ourselves the means for our survival outside of an economic system which is being deliberately demolished around us.
If we cannot provide for ourselves outside of the “economy stupid”, then we will not survive.
I estimate we have maybe 8 years (if their 2030 deadline is still the plan). That may be enough time for us as long as we hold our focus and do the work that needs to be done.
Right now, Putin is drawing our focus and our energy!
Hope this finds you well Jason.
With love,
Oh dear! Far be it from me to suggest that our host, Mr Unz, might benefit from the occasional droplet of humility.
My birthday! The day I turned 54. Just ten more years and I get the answer to the question “will you still need me, will you still feed me..?”
Thank you “Greta Handel”. I always appreciate your comments.
With love,
…Putin, the son of three Jewish mothers, and his Jewish resp. Jew friendly regime battling Jew Selensky and his Jewish regime add Chabad Jews for their new Ukraina. Both using Christian men, women and even children to fight and die for them.
Putins special operations specialist, the private Russian mercenary corp called Wagner, is run by Dmitry Utkin, a friend of Putin. He is said to be a known Neo-Nazi and has SS and more other symbols tatooed in his skin.
Regarding the kings of the “game†it is all Jewish made. Made in order to make one think, that bad things come from “NAZISâ€, when in fact the bad, the real evil things ALWAYS come from JEWS posing as Russians, as Germans, as Americans, posing as Liberals, as Christian priests, as medical experts, as independent reporters, as humanitarian supporters, as Poles, as Victims, posing as Ukrainians, posing as .. you name it.
These satanic people, called JEWS, always try to hijack our attention and brain, and make us believe in their shows! Currently all of them now hold high signs and posters with “NAZIâ€, accusing the other side of being “NAZISâ€. But the truth is, it is Jews on both sides, maybe different kinds of Jews but still Jews. And they try to put the blame and consequences of their crimes on you! Hoping you will accept and take the guilt for them, and pay for it, either with money or with your life. That’s why they hope you are a fool, and believe in their shows, so that you accuse (instead of them) Americans and Europeans including Russians and its people to be guilty and being “NAZISâ€.
See the foto of Dmitry Utkin below. He is the well known
Putin right-hand man, chief and founder of RUSSIAN WAGNER GROUP:https://i.imgur.com/FnAUDGn.jpg
Azov Sea see
Azovs are Russians too. There is a video where Maxim “Tesak†Martsinkevich’s comrades announced they were joining the Azov units after Russia had started their invasion.Tesak was jailed for putting up videos where himself and his friends were luring out gay pedophiles where they bullied and ridiculed them on camera. He was found murdered in prison and the authorities had claimed “he committed suicideâ€.
The body of Maxim “ТеÑаÌк†Martsinkevich, a Russian neo-Nazi who at the time of his death, was awaiting trial.
Azov surviving Weimerikachat
(Thanks to Sörensen and Frizz)
The United States is not a “country” any more than this CONTINENT could ever be “flooded” by people. Try starting barefoot in the middle of Nebraska and start walking. Pretty soon you’ll FEEL the difference between that mental “country” that lives in drama-land, and what a “continent” is like.
No floods were injured in the making of this comment, either. Europe, the USA and everywhere else will greatly benefit from mass migration that starts in the former USSR, which is likely to end up a depopulated forest over time.
@ Gilad…
Though I can agree with everything you have stated, it would have been much better when presenting military analysis to also present your source material.
On Angela Merkel, I am not sure how well she would have done with this situation. She was the one that allowed for the flooding of Germany and the rest of the EU with many Mid East refugees.
And finally, I completely understand how President Putin thinks. I have been following him on the world stage for years. And though, like everyone else, I was quite surprised at his attack on Ukraine, I have not been in the let bit of doubt as to how we was going to handle this situation. So far, he and his military commanders have performed relatively well considering the stresses they have come under.
With some exceptions, Russian Forces have basically isolated the major Ukrainian army Groups so they cannot connect up with each other. This was the original intent of the initial forays into combat at the start of the conflict.
Now the difficult part comes where Russian Forces will have to fight for the city streets…
At least some reportedly had second thoughts and went back to Poland after Yavorskaya took Kalibr hits. One on Twitter was particularly vocal, although others claimed he was Russian disinformation (if the latter, the Russians are beginning to copy Ukrainian/West skill at disinformation).
A brief perusal of English crimes around the world, of the genocides, man-made mega-famines, massacres, torture, mass enslavement etc, renders any English accusation of ‘brutality’ nauseating in its hypocrisy. That it is also a lie, is neither here nor there. They lie as they breathe.
I attended a public talk, where the ‘Green’ speakers, as ever, outlined the state of the planet’s accelerating ecological collapse, then, after much whinging and whining, outlined their panacea. A series of ‘reforms’ of that ‘liberal capitalist’ system that caused and continues to cause this mass forced suicide. We are so fecked it is almost funny.
I think you’re promulgating this Q-anon level shit that Davos/WEF goals and objectives are uber alles and the’re the most trutfull explanation of the current events. Has it occurred to you that all that has happened in the past few weeks since the operation in Ukraine started leads to the exact opposite of this conspiracy theory?
Where are the masks? Who is talking about COVID anymore? Do you think Russians care what the West think about them? Do you think Putin, Lavrov and Shoigu care one iota about some self-important fartboxes named Schwab or Gates? The Russians are splitting with the West and the WEF is the least of their worries. Putin’s only conecrn is Russia so how is he going to fit into your absurd narrative about him being controlled by external factors or organizations? You’ve got no serious arguments against these facts.
I’ve missed your writings Gilad Atzmon.
It will be interesting to see how Europe treats refugees that look like them compared to the ones that don’t. The West is seeking a long drawn out insurgency in Ukraine. Will they get their wish? I think Xi gave Putin some kind of guarantee. I think what will be tested (besides everyone’s tolerance for high gas prices) will be the EU’s relationship with China. China has been vocally supportive of Russia, but what happens when that support turns into actions? Deglobalization?
Why not Mexicans and Latinos?
Video Link
Great to have you back, Gilad. I hope your absence was reassuringly not too eventful!
I have become intrigued about Putin and this WEF connection. What I came up with is this:
I believe Putin is strategically placing Russia in a position where its adversaries are so close, they literally know all their morning ablutions, and that pressure keeps them subdued. With opponents so covered the usual suspects will be unable to create any mischief, or suffer the consequences.
Unit472 requires maintenance.
Main processor has exceeded scheduled interval.
Actually, a depopulated Ukraine – mind, a depopulated not scorched Ukraine – may be to Russia’s long-term advantage. Russia needs a land buffer between itself and the future invaders from the West. This huge land buffer could serve to seal of access to Russia, be used to house defensive fortifications, mined corridors, and large military infrastructure. The land vacated by Western Ukrainians could be used to resettle Ukrainians from the East. This way, problematic populations are shifted outward and westward, away and away from Russia proper.
According to a mercenary quoted by British tabloids, there were around 200 of them and only 30 remain. Do the math.
You “think” do you? I can’t say I’m 100% convinced of that given your apparent inability to read.
Yes, it has. – As you’d have seen had you read the comment you replied to.
YesI do. Putin himself is, reportedly, a WEF young global leader, and his government is bursting with globalist. His trade links with the East and the South depict a globalist aproach to economics, albeit a “multipolar” model.
The ENTIRE global economy in its present form is on the brink of collapse as, nation by nation, the debt comes due and default is INEVITABLE.
The ONLY stratergy available to our erstwhile “rulers” is a controlled demolition of the existing model, a debt holiday/”reset” (for themselves) and the introduction of CBDCs alongside the wholesale theft of all global commons via ppp.
This is taking place as we speak, under cover of, first, “the covids”, and now the war-talk. And regardless of whether I am correct about Putins complicity or not, the fact remains that his actions ARE serving as cover for both the exposing of the covid fraud/osy-op and for the criminallity of the corporate, financial and political elite which has taken control of public and economic policy at the expence of each and every one of us.
So either Putin is complicit in the crime or he is a useful idiot to the criminals.
At this stage I can’t say I care which. My main concern is in encouraging others to take the necessary actions to ensure our survival outside of ((their)) econimic death-grip, which is set to make slaves of those “masses” who do not escape it!
The one “fact” you offer here is that Putin’s only concern is for Russia (not Russians, I note). Why do you imagine that his concern for Russia does not place Russia as a key player inside a global “economy-stupud”??
Try to be more coherent and logical in your reasoning. Your obvious emotionality, your WANTING Putin to be the good guy, seems to be clouding your understanding of the bigger picture.
“De” takes an object in the ablative case. “De fine temporum”.
Putin’s army is shelling cities indiscriminately. Even if it were not true earlier, it is true now that he could not care less about infrastructure or civilian casualties. Putin has reached the stage of desperation because his army if very low quality and have been ineffective in conquering the Ukrainians quickly.
At this point, I think the Ukrainians will win.
We may be headed for the ideal outcome — short of just having skipped all this bullshit in the first place.
‘According to a translation of his comments made via video link to at a meeting of the leaders of the U.K. Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) in London on Tuesday morning, Zelensky acknowledged that Ukraine’s accession to NATO would not happen.
“For years we’ve heard the opposite, open doors, However, it is not,” he said according to Ukrainian news outlet, Trukha. “Our people understand this, and we are beginning to count on our own strength,” he added….’
That’s an open door to negotiations, if I ever heard it. If so, Russia gets what she needs — but is suitably chastened.
Win-win. But whatever will our handlers come up with to distract us now?
The reference was to an article by Dr. Wang Huiyao, who is an advisor (mouthpiece) for the Chinese government. It was not by one of the nitwit NYT contributors.
Thank you for reminding us of Zio-American criminality, cruelty, and barbarism in the name of ‘democracy’.
A false-flag biological attack? Followed by a ramping-up of the “bio-security” measures Joe Public has become all too accustommed to all too quickly?
Nearly forgot to mention – “happy” Purim everyone (I’m a bit previous though. Purim begins this evening.)
Please forgive my cynical humour!
With love,
As I see it, perhaps Gilad Atzmon was in fact merciful enough to spare Ron Unz more embarrassment when the inevitable happens and the truth about the covid scam and the “vaccines” comes out 😉
Talking of the noble French, let’s not forget.. in Minh, Indochina in 1921, 2 Bleriot biplanes, on orders from Paris, machine gunned and bombed to DEATH,10,000 UNARMED Vietnamese peasants, peacefully heading to the French Colonial HQ, to plead for lower French-imposed rice taxes so they wouldn’t starve to death! Revenge came at Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam, when a few of the Minh survivors went on to lead the Viet Cong to victory over the French.
This is s sickening comment. I have no expectations you could understand why. Many of us are somewhat in agreement with some ideas you feel strongly about, without being bigoted, nasty sons of bitches. You and a fair few like you infect this site like you do any that are honest enough to approach such matters with an open mind or at least respect for free speech are so vile and obnoxious and represent the ugliest of humanity, the same as the extreme examples of any group you might choose to hate on. All while projecting the worst of their kind onto the rest. Exactly the way the extreme scum bags of those groups do to all of us, because of rat fuckers like you. You’re an embarrassment to the human race no less than to my white European heritage. I don’t care less about LGBTQP people, so long as they keep it from infringing on my basic rights or others. That includes the right not to be accosted by sexualised content in public. You on the other hand just hate everyone not the same as you. You’re a rotten fucking bastard is all I can say.
You can keep your racial purity and I applaud this. It is my people too. BUT if you dare to disrespect me for marrying a Pakistani, or becoming a Muslim, I will break off your arms and shove them down your throat if I get hold of you. Your rights do not negate MINE. I also happen to believe in your right to be a racist prick. Nobody should be allowed to dictate what we believe. I will still beat you if your views are obnoxious enough to me personally but you’d be welcome to continue to believe it. Just like the faggots, not in my face.
I didn’t get what you have from this comment. Gilad says Putin is driving those Ukies out in order to increase the friendlies for future plans of “fixing the government situation” since it will be done democratically you can rest assured. The goal is not to burden the West, other than as a tool to achieve his desired ends. Which are an end of the endless anti-Russian nonsense, respect for their security needs and whatever Russia wants in Ukraine. This last one is guaranteed. The rest needed something with which to bargain since the other side was never negotiating in good faith. The refugees can come back when the country is ready for them. The Russian friendly country.
This is also not by any means a simplistic analysis and to be frank, you’re talking about one of the most intelligent and socially perspicacious men I know on any subject Gilad turns his attention to. I know a couple of people who know him much better than I do and these are two of the finest people I ever knew in 59 years. I have read some of his books and mate seriously, you’re way out of your league and no offense meant but you’re not even responding intelligently to what was written. Comprehension in you is self evidently poor. No offense but it’s like watching a mouse chasten an elephant for stepping on it’s nest for being clumsy, after it crossed a deep ravine on a narrow single log bridge. Something they actually do with awesome skill. The vast beast simply never saw the mouse nest from up there and the mouse isn’t really getting the picture. Peace and love as my dipshit son would say. 🙂
You’re a forgiving man Gilad. Still it’s not as if your position in things has met any speed bumps in the intervening time. I follow your writings and social media though you might not know who I am in my rabbit costume. As always I enjoy reading anything you have to say. You’re a rare mind in the world. Freer and with stronger wings than most, you always bring new angles to seeing things. I hadn’t managed to get much of a handle on many dimensions of this from a Russian perspective, other than exactly what Putin himself and his spokespeople have consistently said. It seemed much more of a reaction and defensive posture and though the outcome was bound to benefit Russian security, I didn’t see how he planned to regain the otherwise much cherished and sought after relationship they were trying to develop with Europe. Instead I thought he’d decided to give up on them and turn East. I guess a man who rides bears ( in many people’s minds) plays chess with pros and is a top notch martial arts, especially Judo artist would have a plan to have his cake and feast upon it also in good time. I shall buy this one in totality since it does give a plausible way of him doing exactly this. No need to wrap it, I’ll use it right away. 🙂
Still I can’t help a sneaking suspicion it is all being orchestrated above even his pay level. The USA led West is obviously scheduled for demolition, having been saddled with the most ;pathetic bunch of goons ever to lead a banana republic and an array of enemies of a superb standard by contrast. It would almost be believable that God set this up, but I don’t think we need look higher than the WEF and certain families whose names are so loaded by public perceptions that they do not need to be said here. Some people play with our world like it is their little toy.
Russian propaganda
Yes he’s forced 4 million of his enemies to flee Ukraine. He’s losing biggly.
Putin is doing a full genocide. If I were a Ukrainain ethnic I would be resettling west of the Dneiper if I lived in the Eastern area. We are already at 3.5 million people evacuating.
It’ll be 4 million Ukrainians exiting in a few more days.
Get west of the Dneiper. Run.
Odd. He was supposed to kill them all indiscriminately, wasn’t he?
I read Sailer, Unz, Derbyshire, Thompson – and yes I should have mentioned that I usually read your stuff, despite being with Ron on vaccination. I don’t think you have a screw loose and you don’t appear to lie . So I am very interested in where you get your knowledge of what is happening g in Ukraine. Last night I spent 3 hours at dinner with a 41 year old Australian born businessman , just back from Kyiv where he has been gor 10 years,who was quite candid about ,e.g..Zelensky being not very bright (and likely to be voted out after the war, like Churchill !, and corruption being worse than under Poroshenko. Unfortunately I didn’t quiz him on your departures from what I read elsewhere about Putin’s (lack of) progress.
Can you please help substantiate, with your best evidence and sources, the idea that the Ukrainian army has been so trapped in the East that it’s being so trapped is the main reason it hasn’t been able to descend on and destroy much of that 40 mile long convoy?
What about the general killed by a sniper when having to Kyiv’so to the front to motivate his Russian infantry? What about the effectiveness of drones despite your saying Russia has established air superiority when the alternative version is that it hasn’t and that is a puzzle – perhaps related to the danger to aircraft, invading helicopters, from cheap missiles?
Did the key to air superiority fail when the airborne attack on Kyiv’s airport was repulsed?
Why was that long convoy stuck? Lack of fuel? Equipment breakages (connected to corruption)? Stuck in mud because Putin deferred invasion to be after Winter Olympics? The last suggestion raises the question whether there was any way, whatever the Russians fid, that the Ukrainian units in the East could and would have been brought back West to attack that Kyiv encircling convoy.
As to Putin restraining attacks on civilians that makes hard headed sense. For his optimum result he only wants to kill and injure civilians to the point where Ukrainian priorities will be diverted to getting women and children and the elderly out of the country except for those in reliably pro Russian areas.
Do you think Putin has already given up on his original plan which, certainly would not have included killing many civilians?
Obviously he would have preferred winning without making too many Ukrainians hate him. So now perhaps he has given different orders. They presumably are not for all out slaughter but…. what? Enough to frighten civilians into demanding that their leaders make peace?
The Russians are allowing women and children to flee mariupol. Men who are not Ukrainian ethnics are free to go as well. The Siege is almoat done there. I’d guess the military commanders and major of the city will now be hanged for not surrendering once the siege lines were closed.
Expect a mix of Russians in Mariupol saying they were being held hostage by the military commander and mayor, the conduct of the mayor prolonged the agony.
Zelenskyy can continue the resistance until he is stopped by his subordinates.
2 Bleriot biplanes … machine gunned and bombed to DEATH,10,000 UNARMED Vietnamese peasants
Are you mad, drunk, or pulling our legs?
A pity that it doesn’t seem possible for his subordinates to stop Putin.
I hope the pay is good. But don’t count on it for long unless you up your game. Cut & paste is so basic even a low iq like me can see through it.
I looked for this incident. Quite the pilots.
I’m not sure I agree with Gilad’s assessment that sooner or later the West will come to terms. I think they will carry on their existential war until Russia realises it has to do something unthinkable to remove the western Beast.
I hope I’m wrong.
Good to see Gilad is back, shame about the tragic reasons for his writing here again.
Modern artillery is guided. For insigificant cost you can teach the shell were it is and where it wants to hit. You put little actuators in the shell which twitch the nose-cone of the round. Modern artillery can do everything air support can do at a fraction of the cost and essentially 0% of the risk.
Interesting to me as I have been speculating that the Ukrainians really need to do to the Russian artillery what they seem to have managed with the other arms. (Cf. my speculation that Western Intel is helping the Ukrainians keep the Russian Air Force quiet).
Russia isn’t using planes too much because they have someone like me on their team who has run the numbers and realized that between cruise missiles and guided artillery,* planes are obsolete. You do need some armed drones for the interceptor role, but that’s about it.
*(Among several other factors, but those are the replacements.)
But yes the idea [Zelenskyy isn’t receiving USAF GPS intelligence] is laughable. They’re handing over everything they can’t immediately get caught for handing over. Problem: despite this, the Ukraine’s strategic position is untenable and has been untenable since day 1.
They also seem to have realized tanks are obsolete. In a real war you have to screen your tanks with infantry anyway or they get blown up by RPGs and javelins. Not to mention even Ukie artillery is more than capable of ruining a tank convoy. Tanks are supposed to be fast and yet they need a skirmisher screen because they can’t survive being spotted… You put like 50 RPGs worth of armour on the thing and it still doesn’t function as armour.
If you have old tanks you might as well use them. They’re worth more as cruddy support guns than as scrap, but building more is a waste of time. APCs do everything a tank would do and carries its own infantry screen with it.
What a dopey twat you are.
Thanks. That sounds rubble except that I wonder why you say
Sorry, at this point I realised you were affirming my sudden spark of inspiration. So, I can ask what do think the detail of Ukrainian intelligence advantage is. Presumably it can mean Ukrainian drones and anti aircraft missiles are teasy for any Ryssian plane that crosses thee border? And does it extend to countering cyber attacks?
Great Point Baxter. I especially love JQA’s July 4th speech in 1821 when he was Monroe’s Secretary of State. I will quote just a couple of lines. “We are the friend and well wisher of freedom everywhere but the guarantor only of our own. We do not go abroad in search of Monsters to destroy.”
To use American intelligence effectively the Ukies would need an offensive logistics structure, except their logistics were absolutely ruined by the first-strike cruise missiles on day 1. They probably know in detail where every Russian unit is, but it doesn’t matter, because they can’t do anything about it. Maybe they can predict which units are going to capture donated NATO hardware next, that’s about it. Putin, seeing the 37098th javelin left behind by fleeing Ukies: “Thanks Obama!”
Cyberattacks are quite possibly a meme. Sure you can DDOS Russia Today, but okay, so what? But yes I expect America is also supplying web support for Zelenskyy, insofar as Azov has internet capabilities to support.
Every American journalist is already providing full-spectrum rhetorical air cover, there’s no reason to hold back on the bit war.
This article is just anti-Russian propaganda.
The content is so ridiculous, it is not even worth a comment.
You do not belong on the Unz Review.
Pushilin says it will take more than a week to win Mariupol. Strelkov thinks longer.
It’s an Alamo. It ties up the Russian fascists who have already reached cumulation (to use a Clauswitz concept) while the Ukrainians build up their reserves.
My Ukraian oriented contacts would suggest you are too pessimistic. Inter alia I am fold that, worldwide, 300,000 hackers have lined up to hack Russia (OK lined up like the famous grid of cats no doubt).
When told about the hackers I asked about the Chinese. Now a thought has struck me. I doubt very much that the CCP would want bright young hackers to be taking an interest in Putin’s war.
Where do you suppose I got my information? I got it from my own contacts.
Oh dear, it’s almost as if “I have contacts” is not a logically sound argument.
You don’t appear to use either imagination or logic. When one is relaying information which may or may not be correct and don’t wish to be one of UR’s great assertionist shrieked it isn’t a bad idea to mention the hearsay status of one’s info and where it came from.