The anime adaptation of Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! was produced by Studio Deen and directed by Kanasaki Takaomi. A 10 episode season named "KonoSuba – God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World!" aired from 13 January to 16 March 2016 and covered the first and second light novels of the series, while a second season aired from 12 January 2017 to 16 March 2017 and covered the third and fourth light novels. An OVA was bundled with the ninth volume of the light novel, and a second one was bundled with the twelfth volume. The opening and ending themes are fantastic dreamer and Chiisana Boukensha for the first season and TOMORROW and Ouchi ni Kaeritai for the second season.
On 5 October 2018, a spin-off+cross-over series between Konosuba, Re:Zero, Overlord, and Youjo Senki produced by Studio PuYUKAI and titled Isekai Quartet was announced. The Konosuba characters involved feature the main cast (Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and Darkness), all reprised by their original voice actors; the show began airing on the 10th of April 2019.
A movie titled KonoSuba – God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World!: Legend of Crimson, featuring a returning cast, composer, scriptwriter, director, and character designer, but a different studio in J.C. Staff, premiered in Japanese studios on 30 August 2019; limited advance tickets went on sale 26 August. It was set to air in specific countries around the world via Crunchyroll, and was screened one day only on 12 November in US theaters. The movie covers the fifth novel of the series.
The spinoff series KonoSuba: An Explosion on this Wonderful World! was adapted into an animation series that aired from 6 April 2023 to 22 June 2023. Its opening and ending themes are STAY FREE and JUMP IN.
The third season was later produced by the returning staff working at the new studio Drive, and began airing from 10 April 2024 to 19 June 2024. Its opening and ending themes are Growing Up and Ano Hi no mama no Bokura.
Main Season 1[]
Main Season 2[]
Main Movie 1[]
Movie Poster | Title | Screen Date | LN volume | Manga chapter |
この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!紅伝説 God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!: Legend of Crimson |
30 August 2019 | Volume 4 Epilogue to Volume 5 Prologue ~ Epilogue |
Chapter 42 to Chapter 53 |
Explosion Season 1[]
Main Season 3[]
External Links[]
- Official site of the television animation's first season
- Official site of the television animation's second season
- Official site of the first animated movie
- Official site of the Megumin spinoff television animation's first season
- Official site of the television animation's third season