Troublemakers of the City of Water (
Upon being teleported to Arcanletia, Megumin is ready to begin her adventure. However, a week passes and she struggles to find a job, leaving her with no money to continue her adventure or even buy food, as the monsters in the area are too strong and she can't take a quest from the local Adventurer Guild as a rookie adventurer. She tries to find a job that doesn't require using magic but gets quickly fired from the waitress jobs because she splashes food on customers who tease her.
Megumin sees some girls trying to recruit people to their church and worship Lady Aqua, and finds herself envisaging Yunyun when hearing a looklike girl speak. Moments later, she hears a woman scream and goes to check it out, at which the woman claims that two men tried to sexually attack her while the men deny it. After Megumin introduces herself as mage from the Crimson Demons, the men as they try to explain the situation let the woman slip away. The two followers of the Eris Order then tell Megumin that the woman was a follower of the Axis Order, who had defaced a portrait of Lady Eris hung in their church in addition to stealing all the bread which was supposed to be given to the needy. Just as Megumin apologises upon realising her mistake, the Axis follower returns with a policewoman, who is surprised that the Eris followers are indeed harassing a young girl. The men try to clarify they didn't do anything wrong, but the Axis follower keeps on accusing them, before using the chance to grab Megumin and escape.
As thanks for "saving" her, the Axis follower wants Megumin to join her sect, and despite trying to state that she wasn't in need of saving or trouble, Megumin's growling stomach betrays her. The woman who introduces herself as Cecily, a Priest from the Order of Axis, then offers to feed Megumin at their catheral, and the Crimson Demon while not believing it as a good idea accepts, nevertheless.
At the main Axis cathedral, the followers are excited to have gained a loli member, though being called a loli girl only annoys Megumin. Cecily and another follower then bring out food, before disappointedly promising the suspicious Megumin that she won't have to accept being a member of the Axis Order if she eats it. When Megumin starts eating, the Archpriest Father Zesta comes along and having heard about Megumin having trouble finding a job and a place to stay, he offers to let her stay with them. The delighted Megumin thanks him by saying she is ready to do anything he wants but is unprepared for the excited Zesta asking her to call him "Big Brother" or "Daddy" as well as other perverted requests. Just as Zesta in his indecision asks the goddess Aqua for guidance, Tristan brings him the Order's conversion rates which are quite low. The men accordingly ponder that it's due to the Eris Order and wonder if they should pretend to be Eris followers but make people sign for Axis Order, though Zesta doesn't think that will work as people can still decline in the end. Megumin then decides to offer her wisdom on how to recruit people.
Megumin's first idea is for her to pretend dropping her apples on the street so a passerby will come help her, then Zesta will show up to be told that the passerby helped her and will accordingly invite them to a cafe as thanks, where they will convince the passerby to convert. With Zesta amazed by the plan, they decide to test it out on an approaching young woman. However, upon seeing her large bust, Zesta runs out and acts like he dropped his apples. The woman decides to help him, but the perverted looks he gives her while offering to thank her instead scares her away. Zesta afterwards tells Megumin that nothing works from the first time, but they can keep trying.
Megumin decides to change the premise and states that this time, Zesta will attack her. Seeing a tough man approaching, Megumin runs towards him asking for help from a man chasing her. Zesta however remains hidden, making the man who is actually off-duty police wonder what Megumin is talking about, before he has a good talk with Megumin about the commotion she is causing. Afterwards, Megumin feels that she's had enough, and Zesta apologises for hiding since the man looked strong.
Zesta offers Megumin some food as an apology which she accepts, and when asked on why she is travelling alone while they eat, Megumin reveals that she is looking for a voluptuous woman who uses Explosion Magic, to which Zesta recalls having heard about a buxom beauty in the town of Axel, who can use Explosion Magic and runs a magical item shop. As thanks for the food and information, Megumin decides that they try recruiting people again.
The two then get in trouble as Zesta steals the toilet paper from the public toilets and leaves conversion certificates, and while fleeing Megumin explains how he should have considered the trouble it would cause or that people will use the certificates for toilet paper, which makes Zesta realize his mistake. Ready to head back following another failure, Megumin has her earlier boasting used by Zesta into goading her, and agrees that they shall try once more, though this time she wishes to do it alone.
Zesta who waits for a target tells Megumin that a girl is approaching, so Megumin runs out and trips over, before acting like she injured her leg, only to discover the girl is actually Yunyun. Playing dead as an annoyed Yunyun interrogates her about what she is doing, Megumin gets rolled down the road by her rival. After a bit, Megumin explains how her was her plan and wonders why Yunyun is here with Chomusuke. Yunyun tries to explain that Chomusuke wanted to see her, though Chomusuke seems quite uninterested in Megumin. Zesta subsequently comes out, and reveals to Yunyun, who introduces herself as Megumin's rival, how Megumin was helping him recruit people for his order.
Zesta then invites Yunyun to the cathedral, yet as they arrive, he gets arrested by the policemen accompanying a female knight. Although Megumin stands up for him while asking what the charges are, Cecily and another follower list some embarrassing and perverted things Zesta had done which may have gotten him in trouble, so she changes her mind and agrees for the police arrest Zesta. The knight then explains that Zesta is charged with conspiracy to commit treason, before displaying a letter from the Crimson Demons fortune teller warning them about a threat coming to Arcanletia. The letter cautions the authorities how in the case something is wrong with the hot springs, they should pay close attention to the one in charge of their maintenance who is actually a servant of the Devil King, and they did indeed receive complaints about the hot springs the Axis Order is responsible for maintaining. Stating that their order creed is slay the demons and defeat the Devil King, the infuriated Zesta leaps at the knight in an attempt to harrass her, but still gets arrested for his efforts.
Cecily afterwards gets nervous about what they will do without Zesta, but upon being questioned by Megumin on the specifics, realises how nothing will really change. Next Megumin questions the nervous Yunyun, who confessess that Soketto had asked her to deliver a letter of prophecy to Arcanletia which will soon be in danger.
Differences to other versions[]
- Cecily's earlier attempt to woo Mitsurugi when he was looking for companions in Arcanletia was not included in the Anime.
- Megumin brings Chomusuke with her to Arcanletia in the Light Novel.
- Following the toilet paper fiasco, in the Light Novel Megumin and Zesta get taken by the police for questioning.
- In the Light Novel, Yunyun doesn't roll Megumin down the road after seeing her on the ground, and the both of them have their conversation with Zesta at a park before heading to the cathedral.