Game loving shut-in Kazuma Satou's life as a young schoolboy in Japan abruptly comes to an early end...or at least it was supposed to. When he opens his eyes, though, he sees a beautiful goddess that offers him a once in an after-lifetime chance to be reborn in a parallel world. The catch is that the world is violent and threatened by a growing evil! Fortunately, he can choose any one thing to bring with him. So he chooses the goddess, Aqua! And so his adventure with his gorgeous companion begins--if he could just get enough money and food to survive, keep his goddess out of trouble, and avoid grabbing the attention of the Demon King's army!
Chapter 1: May I Go to a New World with This Self-Proclaimed Goddess!
Chapter 2: May There Be Treasure (By Which I Mean Panties) in This Right Hand!
Chapter 3: May the Self-Proclaimed Goddess Have Her First Pressing at This Lake!
Chapter 4: May There Be an End to This Useless Battle!
First Edition Bonus: Bamboo Farming is Risky
Animate Bonus: Aqua's Water Business
Toranoana Bonus: Megumin the Dragon Slayer
Gamers Bonus: Darkness' Pet Search
E-book Bonus: Aqua Sensei
The volume title is a reference to the Japanese manga Oh My Goddess!.
An audio book version of the volume narrated by Amamiya Sora was released in two parts on 8 February 2018 and 9 March 2018.
A special audio book version of some bonus short stories narrated by Fukushima Jun was released on 9 March 2018.