Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Wiki

May We Sightsee in This Pathetic Town (2) (この痛々しい街に観光を!②, Kono Itaitashii Machi ni Kankō wo! 2) is the thirty-sixth chapter of the KonoSuba manga series, and covers Chapter 3 in Volume 4 of the light novels.


Megumin and Yunyun enjoy the hot springs bath together while Chomusuke tries to stay out of it.


Recounting how Arcanletia is the den of the Axis Church that even the armies of the Demon King dare not approach, Kazuma manages to get rid of the Axis cultist trying to convert him by pointing out Aqua being an Axis Archpriest, to whom he warns not to identify herself as the goddess of water. After they check in at the inn owned by the caravan leader, Megumin follows Aqua out as Darkness asks the inn staff to take care of the slumbering Wiz.

Kazuma and Darkness then pair up as they stroll the city, where they pass by a Dwarf and an Elf talking about the hot springs' quality recently degrading and even making people sick. But beginning from their visit to a fountain plaza sporting an inaccurate statue of Aqua, Axis followers of all genders and ages, utilising all sorts of hardsale con tactics, fanatically try to make Kazuma convert, at the same time spitting in disgust or doing some other expressions of indolent resentment when Darkness reveals herself to be a follower of the Eris Church. Although Darkness enjoys the treatment she gets, Kazuma is traumatised by the endless harassment, and finally loses it when a little girl tries to trick him into signing a conversion form.

The irate Kazuma marches into the Main Cathedral of the Axis Church to look for Aqua, and after asking an Axis Priestess who says that the Archpriest Zesta is absent, he tries telling Aqua sitting in the confession booth to control her followers, only to have his requests deflected by saintly dialogue. Kazuma thus changes tactics by confessing various misdeeds he had committed on her, which maddens Aqua so much she hysterically drags him into her compartment.

As Kazuma afterwards tries to console Aqua, he recalls Vanir's prophecy about him having a great opportunity in the mixed baths, and proceeds to fantacize bathing together with Wiz. Meanwhile out on the streets, a man resenting the Axis Church tells a cloaked busty woman how his plan to destroy them is coming to fruition.


Differences to other versions[]

  • The manga skips the part where Kazuma and Darkness buy Arcan Manjus from the shops managed by an Elf and a Dwarf who make a show of conforming to their races' stereotypes for the sake of tourists, instead portraying the two shopkeepers discussing the rumours about the hot springs' quality dropping as the pair of adventurers pass by.
  • In the light novel, Kazuma while looking for Aqua in the cathedral sees Darkness being stoned.
  • Kazuma's fantasization of bathing with Wiz occurs in the light novel at a later point after he returns to the inn.
  • The cameo of Hans and Wolbach on the streets is a manga-only feature.

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