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What Are We Celebrating on Independence Day?

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Whites built America. Greg Hood and Paul Kersey ask whether still have a place within it.

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(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
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  1. “What Are We Celebrating on Independence Day?”

    Thanks for asking.

    Unfortunately, not independence from the Jew lobby.

  2. Adolph says:

    I TRIED to warn you. I even got the oven warm and started the work. Would you listen? NOOOOO!

    What does America celebrate on 4 July? For most its just a day off work – that’s all. If you go to the evening fireworks, then you can bet you’ll get mugged by a black on the way back to the car.

    For discerning whites, the Fourth of July is a day of mourning – to see how far we have fallen from once was and from what might have been. We had the chance to be rid of them once and for all, but that bastard Saint Abe and his godless republicans didn’t have the cajones to expel them.

    Now, after 160 years, and forced mongrel-ization since 1965, hastened by the race-treason of about half of our number – and way too many of our women whoring themselves out (although to look at the size of some of them, those people can keep some of them) – we can do little else but to stand and watch the death-throes of a once proud and promising nation.

    We can do nothing to stop America’s descent into a mongrel hell.

    But we CAN escape while there is still time. If you choose to stay, then stock up on ammunition, food, and water, and teach your children well. May God bless you. As soon as I am able, however, I am leaving this God-foresaking (not a typo) mongrel nation. I choose to die in a country that does not force the mongrel-ization of its white population.

  3. If you celebrate a country with $35 trillion in debt, open borders, black supremacy, war with Russia, normalized and promoted sodomy, I say that you have shit for brains. You favor pedophilia too. America is dead. Change my mind.

  4. Solutions says:

    We celebrate the end of empire and entrenchment of globalism.
    Have a hot dog whilst you’re about it:

  5. @Le Bouffon du Génocide

    No can do (change your mind).

    America has been dead and gone for many a moon …

  6. DanFromCT says:
    @Le Bouffon du Génocide

    You are quite wrong. Have a look at this amateur’s video of the Union Pacific’s 4014 steam locomotive taken just this 2024 Fourth of July. The genius of this exceptionally complex restored machine of the 1940s can still outpull four diesel locomotives.

    I’m no expert or even fan of railroads, but we all can marvel at the brilliance of such genius, particularly if we watch the 3D animations of all the working parts, which staggers belief.

    Watching UP 4014 is almost a mystical experience of man breathing life into inert materials that bears witness to the Christian God breathing life into inert materials to create life and man himself, whether white or black, Christian, Muslim, or Jew.

    The hatred of us whites by Jews, Africans, Indians, Chinese, and others for these achievements due to our understanding of the material world derived from our Christian faith cannot stand, and it won’t. They hate us for all the wrong reasons.

    As Nietzsche put it, their politics is the politics of vengeance against whites for the achievements they had no part in and will never forgive us for creating, and so deep is this hatred that their own children will be damned.

    Video Link

  7. Americans can now celebrate the rigging of elections, the support of genocide…allowing war criminals to address their parliament…and the freedom of the press…to lie for the powerful…ah what a lovely democracy.

    While the circus comes to town Netanyahu is at his murdering and lying best…claiming a reduction in murder while increasing it…demanding Palistinians move again…and all under the “dome of silence” of western whore media.

    The Palistinian genocide is still the number one issue to address because it hasn’t stopped…all else is deliberate distractions…the American election is a meaningless circus so why spend any time on it?

  8. @Pat Kittle

    Nor independence from the British Empire, which is the Wealthy Anglo-Saxon Protestant Empire, which is the Anglo–Zionist Empire Part 1.

    AS long as any country is culturally WASP, that country will be Anglo-Zionist. AS long as that country is allied with England, that cony try will serve what Jews would have.

  9. Pythas says:
    @Pat Kittle

    The takeover by jews. So the country goes down the crapper.

  10. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    We be celebrating dis here

  11. Pythas says:
    @Le Bouffon du Génocide

    Negro supremacy. Everything the negro has in this ex-country is because of Western men. I mean the negroes didn’t even invent the games they play for a living. Just look where they originated from and how they were living in their natural state of existence.

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