The Politics of the Super Bowl
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The panel takes on Taylor Swift, the meaning of professional support, and whether the American Right has doomed itself by adopting a “loser” attitude towards popular culture. Is there anything possible other than opposition?
Thumbnail credit: © Caroline Brehman/EFE via ZUMA Press
(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
If the American Right simply stopped wasting their time and money on the ADL-approved “popular” “culture”, the latter would collapse.
Has Gregory Hood’s wing of the American Right doomed itself by becoming pathetic apologists for Zionists?
There is no need for a “Dissident Right” which is less dissident and less right than Tucker Carlson.
This is a perfect example of why I don’t listen to podcasts. It starts off talking about football, and then wanders off to half a dozen other sports and then out of sports altogether and about why businesses hire progressives and discriminate conservatives and who a guy named Hanania was in the conservative movement. All in the first few minutes of a discussion which starts off, “We’re going to talk about football.”
Here’s a thought: next year declare an Alt Super Bowl ™.
On the day the Big Game occurs, instead of tuning in to the corporate agitprop show, or marching to the bleachers to cheer Rah Rah, do any/all of the following:
* organize your own patriotic athletic event.
* fly the Betsy Ross, Gadsden or CSA battle flag.
* do flyering, tabling, or any other IRL political activity.
* take the family on a motor trip to an historic American site.
* send a monetary contribution to a struggling Rightist political group.
* and for the true pioneers among us: use that day to kill your television.
White greed has managed to corrupt even sports; even children only think about sports as a way to make money when they are older.
Although thinking about it carefully, if they managed to corrupt even the Christian religion, it is nothing extraordinary.
This Stupor Bowl from my observation is the least popular I have ever observed, in my area, it seems to be celebrated by mostly non-white males, especially latin american. The declining white male support has obviously been noticed by the jews as they didn’t have some negress shucking and jiving as usual and picked the very white Taylor Swift as the main entertainment feature.
Well, did the Lions win it all, or not?
More Jew owned and controlled “entertainment” tailor made for the waning White masses.
WTF? The halftime show was an all black shucking and jiving-fest.
Sadly, though not surprisingly, even Rick Beato, who should know better, and probably does, but also needs to stay relevant beyond his pretty much all white mostly Boomer audience, did a whole video on the Super Bowl halftime show.
Video Link
He and his audience have to know that everything about the Super Bowl today is anti-them and their children. Truly depressing. Oh well. You get what you put up with.
Or professional “sport”?
Does the panel finally Name The Jew? or does it continue playing poker on the sinking Titanic’s deck?
Historians will look back on 2000-2025 as the quarter-century wherein the Left took names, kicked ass, and acted-acted-acted while the Right clucked uselessly like cooped-up of cucked hens who just talked-talked-talked.
Seriously, it’s like half the USA no longer knows the difference between words and deeds, hot-air and combat, winning and losing.
I’m glad Hood is finally back podcasting, but Chris Roberts is sorely missed.
This episode got a little ridiculous—it’s never a good sign when Hanania is referenced several times. Conservatives are not losers because they adopt an oppositional culture, they are losers because they do not form an oppositional culture. To stick with the sports theme, they just don’t want it as badly as the Left does. The Left simply has way, way more drive. Sure, conservatives notice that all the institutions of power in their country hate them, and this is having a radicalizing effect on them, but that’s only relative their usually comatose state. Even now, left-wingers are still far more discontented with, and determined to change, the state and society than are conservatives.
And regardless, I don’t get what the prescription is here for conservatives; abandon your beliefs, and adopt left-wing beliefs? That’s a funny way of achieving victory. Hood mentioned that Hanania is ‘doing a bit.’ With that in mind, for my peace of mind, I’ll interpret this episode’s discussion as performance art staged to demonstrate the soul-crushing fraud of American-style ‘success.’
You have a sick mind.
I’m not ‘murican, but I do know who are the major owners of all of their major sports teams, in NBA, NFL. MLB, and even lately NHL. Give you a hint: starts with the letter J.
You pose as Nigerian, but more likely are just a product of the Jew-run education system in ‘murica, and in your daily life, of affimative action there.
I respect children who choose traditional archery, kendou, judou, also baseball, soccer, volleyball, figure skating, gymnastics, badminton, but they do those things for love and fun. If they have special talent, they will make money from international wins, but most good Japanese baseball players, Shohei Otani as a recent exception, prefer not to go there. Otani, to his credit, finds being a sports star in a Jew-run team boring. I don’t even like baseball much, but have to notice his record.
Good overall, but neither of these men know anything about country music, which died, for all intents and purposes, around 1991-92, long before Taylor Swift was in the music business. Talking about Swift’s ‘allegiance to her musical roots’ or lack thereof, is just idle chatter. The music changed because (those who cannot be named) wanted it to.
(Those people) have been in charge of ALL pop music since the1920s, when recordings became available. In the early ’90s they decided to kill what was left of country music, and replace it with something that was different and inferior, but which used the same label.
My mistake, I didn’t watch the Stupor Bowl , but heard that Taylor Swift was the main event. I’ll have to beat my sources into submission for giving me the wrong information.
Such a great love for the sports business has been created that even the novices only think about being an athlete to be a celebrity and earn a lot of money.
No one knows about the living scientific celebrities, if there are any.
The elephant in the room is the fact that, according to a Wall Street Journal study confirmed by others, the average NFL game has less than twelve minutes of live action during the entire three-hour telecast. The rest is devoted to panning the sidelines, replays, and over 100 commercials, all the while the viewer is belabored with jackass, crackerbarrel commentary from good ol’ boys, which commentary is actually scripted for these whores by the Jews behind the camera.
This is mind control at its best, and Americans can’t get enough of it, proving to the rest of the world that, as Spengler put it, no animal tamer in the circus has his charges more under his control than do the Jews the minds of the fools who watch professional, ie, Jewish-owned, sports. God help us, because MAGA, MAGA, MAGA is psychologically the same as NFL, NFL, NFL, or USA, USA, USA.
Thanks for your response Joe.
Haha! Go easy on them.
Especially since not knowing that particular bit of information is a good thing.
But seriously, the only reason I knew was because I had just watched a bit of the Rick Beato video that I linked in my previous comment. Either they got to him, or he got the message. Either way, it was a disappointment to see he actually took the time to do a whole video on it. Not surprising, just disappointing. But such is the world we live in today. Anyone who wants an audience has to play ball. I don’t envy them.
This year’s festival was the highest rated television broadcast in the history of the planet earth.
Black Lives Matter
Love not Hate
It Takes All of Us
I didn’t watch it. I saw the ten minutes of highlight action on the NFL youtube channel. They had two shots of the Taylor Swift spectator box in that ten minutes. I can only guess what the hugest audience in the history of all time was subjected to.
Whoever was supervising the referee penalties this season gets a huge bonus. That is for sure. Did they have a victory riot in the Kansas City ghetto?
I’ve been criticizing White men for supporting professional “sports” for more than a few decades. I never watched that garbage…
Not only the “Negro Felon League” and the “Negro Basketball Association” but even that bastion of truly white skills, NASCAR has been infected with “woke” ideology. When (((they))) banned the “Stars and Bars” flag, a part of their history, NASCAR sealed its fate, along with the promotion of substandard “affirmative action” negro driver “bubba” wallace complaining about “racist” garage door pulls triggering an FBI investigation, NASCAR’s fate was set. To add insult to injury, recently “bubba” wallace’s typical black violent tendencies were on full display.
Let’s not forget the billions spent by White male “sports fans” on negro ball jerseys, caps and other “trinkets”, overpriced game tickets and taxpayer-subsidized stadiums (playpens), all to benefit the (((owners))) of the criminal steroid-addled costumed players who are paid millions of dollars to play children’s games.
“Bread and circuses” which are provided to “quell the masses” are just as successful now as they were in ancient times…
It is disgusting to see White men spout off useless and meaningless sports statistics and the adulation that they give these costumed players (actors). It is just sickening to see White men debase themselves while not giving a damn about the direction the country is taking.
I realize that negro ball is “entertainment for the masses” and do look down derisively on grown White men who sport their favorite negro ball players clothing or other accouterments. I think to myself: “don’t you have anything better to do?”
There are much better things for white men to do than watch negro ball sports.
Build something…repair something…study philosophy or technical journals on something that interests you, make something better, improve yourself and your standard of living and devices…use your wisdom and knowledge to get your fellow Whites to THINK for themselves, not what to think, but HOW to think and to not just accept the pablum, lies and falsehoods of the mainstream media and useless professional sports.
Message to White men: Get away from the negro ball. You are much better than that…
Super Bowl Psy Op: Jesus/HeGetsYou is anti-Christian according to this You Are Free video
Video Link
According to Dr Shiva, the Zionists run the US presidential elections.
Video Link
No! Henry Ford’s seed will be forever denied that pleasure.
I’m sure Dr. Shiva knows Zionists run all of the elections in the (((Western liberal democracies))). The US Presidential election is the big matzah ball.
Everybody who is shocked raise their hand!
Satan’s Swifters
Black Lives Mattuh and shit.
Is that the official “You better believe it, or else!” lie that they’re spreading?
I can’t believe white American men are still watching NFL games in general and the Super Bowl in particular. The only explanation is that they have no self-respect.
Gotta admit, Steve Sailer’s got this one covered.
More wounded than dead = black shooter.
More dead than wounded = white shooter.
Problem is, the ones who can’t shoot are aiming at people in public places, and the ones who can are aiming at targets at a shooting range.
Of course, no need to count the ADL/FBI-orchestrated shootings, complete with “manifesto.” Even normies aren’t falling for those anymore. Well, some of them anyway.
“I can’t believe white American men are still watching NFL games in general and the Super Bowl in particular. The only explanation is that they have no self-respect.”
I think it’s more like an extreme case of denial: it takes a while to really admit that your country is defunct, that it has been successfully invaded and conquered by a hostile, enemy force, that there was a war on your soil and you lost, and that you yourselves are now a defeated, occupied people who will be literally destined for the auction block in just another generation or two. Things are moving very fast, and people’s perceptions are comparatively slow. Whites are right now still sort of in the Baghdad Bob phase.
It’s sort of like all the Americans who still think the Constitution exists, or that there are actual elections, or that their own government doesn’t despise them, and isn’t working day and night to destroy them. Kind of hard to swallow.
Things will be much clearer when at next year’s Super Bowl, Dolly Parton is singing the National Anthem and is shot right between the eyes in the middle of it, and replaced by Cardi B.
Watching the games is a complete waste of time. Following the major sports is entertaining and useful. The best story of the century might be Aaron Hernandez. The new Norman Mailer could be working on a new great American novelization of it right now. The best virus / vaccine coverage was accidental coverage by Rogan and McAfee. Real journalism can only be found on the business and sports pages. The front page is skunked.
You probably didn’t notice but one of the Kansas City shooters was wearing Mahomes’ jersey. They couldn’t show his face because he is a juvenile. Also he is going to get out after he is done serving juvenile life. Have you ever ridden public transportation? Juvenile life cracks them up every time.