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But What if Biden Wasn’t Running for President?

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Believe it or not, the Trump campaign may be preparing to hit Kamala Harris from the Left — complaining that she did too much to put black men in jail. On the other hand, there is undeniable progress within the GOP, with delegates waving signs calling for mass deportations during the Republican National Convention. Resident optimist Paul Kersey thinks Trump is on the way to lead the fight for real Americans (like Hulk Hogan) while the more cautious Gregory Hood sees room for doubt and cautions that Harris — and the system behind her — is stronger than people think.

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(Republished from Renaissance Radio by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Renard says:


  2. Renard says:

  3. chuck lowe says: •�Website

    The Jewish media, at the behest of the Deep State Jewish controlled government, will lie about the polls in order to condition American dunces into believing that the election is close. Then they will “motor voter” rig it again and we will all be instructed to pretend that Trump lost.

    At least when Alexander Solzhenitsyn and his countrymen lived in Soviet Russia, they would never meet anyone in the streets who actually believed the bullshit that the Russian government was putting out.

    Here in America, where the average IQ is commensurate to a fuckin toaster oven, millions think that the 30% inflation rate we now pay, the 7% interest rate we now pay and the 4 dollar a gallon gas we now pay, plus the 2 wars, are better than the 2% inflation rate we had, the 2% interest rates we had and the 2 dollar a gallon gas we paid for and no wars is a better deal.

    Machiavelli said, “In the end, the people get the government they deserve”.

    H. L. Menken said that, “They deserve to get it and get it good and hard”.

  4. Renard says:

    Here in America, where the average IQ is commensurate to a fuckin toaster oven, millions think that the 30% inflation rate we now pay, the 7% interest rate we now pay and the 4 dollar a gallon gas we now pay, plus the 2 wars, are better than the 2% inflation rate we had, the 2% interest rates we had and the 2 dollar a gallon gas we paid for and no wars is a better deal.

    Near as I can tell, when we have a Democrat president it’s considered unpatriotic to complain about (or even notice) things like crime, inflation, war, genocide, what have you. More to the point, you’ve outed yourself as a “far-right” extremist by doing so.

    As far as the true believers go, my perception is that they really believe these things are fake. They’re brainwashed. And yes, they’re stupid and getting more stupid. Importing millions of third-world dross isn’t helping.

    •�Agree: chuck lowe
    •�Replies: @Piglet
  5. Piglet says:

    As far as the true believers go, my perception is that they really believe these things are fake. They’re brainwashed. And yes, they’re stupid and getting more stupid. Importing millions of third-world dross isn’t helping.

    Stupid indeed. Last weekend I was talking to a fellow who is a union member and employed by a railroad. He’s a straight white male who hasn’t figured out yet that the Democratic Party views him as something to be crushed and exterminated. Since I was once in the military, he asked me if the US has any military bases in North Korea. I assured him there hadn’t been US forces in North Korea since late 1950 when the advance north toward the Yalu River became a rout toward the south as the Chinese entered the war in overwhelming force.

    Keep in mind that his vote counts as much as your, dreadfully ill-informed though he may be, and there are countless others just like him.

    Then he expressed worries that Trump might get elected and wished the Republican Party would choose someone else, like Haley.

    Somewhat dumbfounded, I asked, “Do you mean Nikki Haley?”

    He replied yes. He thought she was reasonable.

    I think she’s a warmongering neocon and a maniac, besides being an enthusiastic puppet of the Israelis. The Babylon Bee ran a joke story about her last year that was all too close to the truth:

    Nikki Haley Stumped When Debate Moderator Asks Her To List Some Countries She Wouldn’t Invade

    •�Agree: Renard
  6. profnasty says:

    Greg and Paul: Much appreciated. Your stuff deserves greater exposure.
    Maybe upload to Bitchute? Please keep up the good work.

  7. Kamala is the daughter of a Tamil negress and a Jamaica born albino, i.e. the man who is so light skinned that he could pass for a white man except for the kinky hair. And she is the future… all mixed up biologically and mentally. Jesus is soon to come back!

    •�Agree: Automatic Slim
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