Black celebration turned to black tragedy yet again last Sunday morning at the tail end of the 100th Homecoming Week festivities at Alabama’s historically black Tuskegee University.
Is there a historically black college richer in black history than Tuskegee? Founded by famed black educator Booker T. Washington in 1881 as Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, the school counts among its alumni such luminaries as George Washington Carver, who elevated Southern blacks through his trailblazing work with the peanut. This was, need I remind you, way back in the days before air conditioning as blacks waged a multi-pronged war against racism, white supremacy, the Klan, hostile water moccasins, and the fearsome boll weevil.
It’s also the site where, from 1932-72, federal health agencies conducted the infamous Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.
But around 1:40 AM early Sunday morning, November 10, as thousands of rabid revelers continued rabidly reveling into the wee hours at the end of the school’s centennial homecoming, machine gun fire began ringing out on campus. One person was shot dead, twelve others were hit with bullets, and at least four celebrants were injured in the ensuing panic to escape harm.
The only confirmed fatality in the mass shooting was 18-year-old La’Tavion Johnson, whose parents described him as a “lively soul.”
Footage captured on the scene depicts multiple rapid-fire gunshots piercing the cool Alabama night, and clearly not all from the same gun. A brave young black man with gold teeth and his curly dreads dyed gold attempted to remain calm while counseling his friend to “stay down, nigga.” Another clip portrays a group of young blacks crouching together for safety, which is a behavior likely preserved in their DNA after their ancestors huddled together on the slave ships.
It was a historically black moment analogous to a Juneteenth shooting. One often finds that when blacks congregate to celebrate their heritage, shooting one another serves as their form of fireworks.
Two suspects have been arrested. Both are black males, both have been charged with possessing “switch” devices that converted their firearms into machine guns, and both have allegedly offered endearingly unique alibis for why they didn’t shoot anyone. Neither of the suspects is a Tuskegee student, but both hail from the nearby historically black town of Montgomery.
Andrew Erdmann, a special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, testified in a criminal complaint that witnesses led him to one of the suspects because the young buck’s car was among those doing “burnouts” in a parking lot outside the campus party where the major gunfire occurred. Erdmann writes of a witness who said the first shots fired that night came from a white Dodge Charger, which seems to be the only thing in the whole incident positively identified as white:
At least one witness recalled someone inside the Charger discharging a firearm in what appeared to be an attempt to clear a path for the vehicle to drive, after which several additional rounds of gunfire occurred…. Other witnesses recall observing a Black [sic] male exit the vehicle with a firearm in his hand at the time of the shooting.
While acting on tips and reviewing social-media posts the next day, Erdmann came across the Facebook account of 20-year-old Jeremiah Williams, who had been in such a self-incriminating mood that he wrote, “I need all the videos of me last night [in] a white Charger.” Williams had also posted multiple photos of himself in a white Charger. Several videos show a white Charger doing “burnouts” the night before.
Williams, who clearly won’t be splitting atoms at CERN anytime soon, allegedly admitted to police that all three inhabitants of his white Charger were armed that night and that his gun of choice for the evening was an AR-style pistol. Erdmann writes:
In one of the pictures, Jeremiah can be seen holding an AR type firearm in his hand. In another video shared by Jeremiah on Nov. 10, 2024, what appears to be the same white Charger can be seen approaching a crowd as gunshots from several firearms can be heard…. Jeremiah denies discharging his firearm during the shooting. Jeremiah was told some witnesses at Tuskegee University said the first shots fired came from his vehicle. Jeremiah said he did not discharge his firearm. Jeremiah asked how he could know because he was watching where he was driving.
It’s the old “Sure, I had a gun, and yes, so did everyone else in my car, and, all right, maybe witnesses did say they heard gunfire coming from my car, and OK, maybe someone in my car did shoot someone, but you can’t pin it on me, Copper, because I was driving” excuse. I’ve heard it a million times.
For the time being, Williams has only been charged with illegal possession of a machine gun conversion device.
The other suspect, 25-year-old Jaquez Myrick, was arrested on campus early last Sunday morning. Just like Jeremiah Williams, Myrick has been indicted on federal charges of possessing a handgun with an illegal conversion device. According to a federal complaint, an officer who ran toward the sounds of gunfire chanced upon La’Tavion’s corpse and saw Myrick standing nearby with a Glock pistol:
Myrick then confessed to discharging the Glock but denied shooting at anyone.
OK, it’s the old, “I shot my gun but didn’t aim it, so if someone got killed, it was an accident” excuse.
Mr. Myrick was forthcoming enough to confess that he’d bought the Glock from a pawn shop in Tampa, purchased the machine gun conversion switch from someone he’d met on Discord, had it delivered to a vacant residence, and installed the switch himself.
Where were these young men’s fathers to counsel them that you never speak to the police after showing up at a mass shooting with a gun?
Haiti: They Shoot Planes, Don’t They?
Rumors of Haitian migrants eating cats and dogs in Springfield, OH dominated the election cycle. Even if the rumors were true, those migrants are amateurs. Gang members roaming the anarchic streets of Port-au-Prince have been accused of “eating people they’ve killed.”
In March I wrote of how Haitian gangs engaging in gunplay at Toussaint Louverture International Airport prevented the safe landing of Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry. At some point thereafter, the reckless shenanigans of trigger-happy, plane-shooting gangsters led to a nearly three-month shutdown of the irredeemable city’s domestic and international airports.
But that was four Haitian Prime Ministers ago in the notoriously unstable island nation.
In October, after renegade hooligans shot at a U.N. Humanitarian Air Service helicopter as it flew 800 feet above Haiti’s capital city on a charitable food-delivery mission, both the U.N. and Spirit Airlines temporarily suspended flights to Port-au-Prince.
The shootings of planes, though, have proceeded on schedule.
Last Monday, three different aircraft, all from commercial US airlines, were shot over Port-au-Prince—one while attempting to land, the other two while leaving.
A Spirit Airlines flight originating in Fort Lauderdale was reportedly struck four times by gunfire as it attempted to land at Toussaint Louverture Airport. The plane reportedly came within 550 feet of the runway before its pilot aborted the mission and wisely chose to land in the Dominican Republic.
On Monday afternoon, inspectors at JFK Airport in NYC discovered that the exterior of JetBlue Airways Flight 935 from Port-au-Prince been struck with bullets. The airline announced it would suspend all flights to Haiti until December 2.
On Tuesday, American Airlines released a statement claiming that Flight 819 had landed without incident in Miami on Monday, but that a post-flight inspection found that “the exterior of the aircraft had been impacted by a bullet.” The airline announced it would suspend daily service between Miami and Port-au-Prince until at least February 12.
The Federal Aviation Administration issued an order last Tuesday prohibiting all US airlines from flying below 10,000 feet over all Haitian airspace for 30 days.
The U.N. likewise suspended humanitarian aid to Port-au-Prince. Deprived of humanitarian food, the Haitian capital’s roving gangsters will likely be forced to resume eating their victims’ corpses.
Black Suspect Charged With Stabbing Five White Victims Said “Black Power!” During Police Interview
Last Thursday, prosecutors in King County, WA charged a 37-year-old black man named Roland Jerome Lee with four counts of assault in the first degree and one count of assault in the fourth degree.
The charges were in connection with a “‘violent, random’ Seattle mass stabbing spree” in the city’s Chinatown-International District on Friday, November 8.
Police Sergeant David Sullivan was in the area at around 2 P.M. that Friday, investigating another series of violent and random stabbings that occurred the previous day. When witnesses allegedly pointed at Lee as the stabber, Sullivan chased and arrested him.
According to Seattle’s KOMO News:
In an arrest report, police allege they recovered three knives at the scene. Two of the knives were along the route where Sullivan chased Lee, and another was still in a victim’s back.
All five of the stabbing victims injured in Friday’s attack survived. Four of the victims were taken to Harborview Medical Center for treatment and the fifth was treated and released at the scene….
“It should be noted that all five of the victims are white,” a Seattle police detective wrote in the arrest report. “The suspect (Lee) is a black male who was heard saying ‘Black Power’ while he was in the recorded interview room at SPD HQ.”
Prosecutors say that at the time of his arrest, Lee already had nine felony convictions on his record as well as an outstanding warrant. Despite allegedly stabbing four victims in the back, he’s being charged with assault in the first degree rather than attempted murder because the assault charge carries a heavier sentence. Police are still investigating Lee’s possible involvement in the previous day’s stabbing binge.
Thus concludes our week of black-on-black, black-on-white, and black-on-plane violence.
TNB. 🧑🏾🦲👨🏾🦱🧑🏽🦱👩🏾👩🏿🦱
Wypipos may laugh, but to negroes this is a perfectly sound and legitimate explanation. And woe unto you if negroes are on your jury.
I’ve heard the same explanation for why, e.g., Afghan militiamen don’t aim their weapons before firing in the general direction of the enemy: if someone gets hit then it is the Will of Allah rather than the personal responsibility of the shooter.
Goad is once again funny as hell.
Video Link
Chorus from “Daydream Believer.” The Monkeys, number-one song, 1967. Written by Kingston Trio member. Ponders the meaning of “Homecoming” during a sweeter, more thoughtful time. For someone my age, it is impossible to read an essay involving homecoming, and not think of this song.
What a fun read.
Thanks, I needed a laugh.
La’Tavion,,, hilarious !
If the outside world hadn’t intruded, spear-chuckers would still be chucking spears.
So stop blaming Blacks for gun crime.
“Thoughts and Prayers are with You !” NRA National Headquarters.
Blacks are such a hateful people that any mass concentration of blacks at one single spot will ‘spontaneously’ generate a murder or two. Or three. Or four …..
The analogy is with storing coal(!) in great big above ground heaps. If the heap gets too big, it will spontaneously combust.
This article perfectly demonstrates why any excitement about Trump and his Cabinet picks is foolish to the extreme.
Because until the black problem is addressed in America, we are still moving chairs around on the Titanic Deck, shivering. Trying to make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
Blacks destroy civilization, peace and trust.
The assumption among many is that this happens because it is a black college, but the “talented tenth” is different. Not true. During the late 60’s, I was a student at a super- “elite” New England university. This was the very beginning of affirmative action. The blacks in my university were not merely in the “talented tenth” ; rather, they were in the very top slice of the tenth. And yet, they wreaked havoc with university standards, policies, and, the educational experience and atmosphere of everyone else. The only place I was free from the nastiness was….try to guess…right you are…the swimming pool.
One would think more “enlightened” blacks (I really did search for an appropriate term, other than using educated or civilized) would pressure their own community and leaders for more group accountability, rather than their continued knee-jerk, liberal assertions, that all of this is the result of systemic racism, poverty and white privilege. Instead, we nightly get to see a racial group, overly-represented in TV commercials, portraying perfect two parent, middle class existences, like some Normal Rockwell painting, rather than the more accurate picture of absentee fathers, out of wedlock pregnancies, random street violence, all by-products of their dysfunctional ghetto/group life. But I suppose this accurate portrayal wouldn’t sell products, and would be immediately attacked as ‘racist’. So instead, they invent fantasy to ‘black-wash’ reality.
Drones that attack loud human voices. I bet they won’t be able to learn not to scream things like ohhh shieeet! or Ah din do nothin’! at the top of their lungs.
If yo aim ain’t shit
you must acquit!
L’ebonique français.
Could you POSSIBLY imagine an America IF THESE DESTROYERS…HAD NEVER BEEN HERE? It seems all that might be good can never actually be. Imagine if Whites had the will, just the simple will to remove them from our presence. Again, it is that such a simple will…cannot be.
Certainly. The blacks…are first in their evil and ruin. But the other malevolent non-Whites in their varying degrees of hate and resentment are right behind them.
ANTI-WHITENESS…is simply the new culture of amerika. It’s in everything. It is the (evil) spirit of this God-forsaken place daily at work.
It’s easy to criticize Black people for their astonishing levels of random, gratuitous violence, death and destruction. But we need to step back and look at the bigger picture. Black folks have enriched our country in ways we often take for granted. From our farmlands and small towns to our greatest cities.
Why not write about all the success stories, instead of only demonizing Blacks? Not all Black people are stealing, killing, raping and burning stuff down while wearing ski masks and hoodies.
There’s a young Black man in my town who has never been arrested for anything. I’m going to submit an article to this website about his life. You will be shocked at how wholesome and peaceful this young man is.
La Trina Pitt.
That is indeed the way they think and reason. Not 100% of course, the the clear majority.
White Liberals get it, as with other things, plain backwards about blacks. They think blacks commit crimes because they feel oppression, and if only they could be told over and over that they’re loved far too much to be punished, then they will stop being violent. But blacks commit all kinds of violence in celebrations of their individual and community perceived successes. Blacks often celebrate with violence. And as that is normal to them, they associate anybody trying to stop that black violence and then punishing the perps as being ‘racist’ or just being mean and cruel. And so they use even more violence to resist being mistreated.
That is what is in their marrow bones. It is at the center of their hearts and in the depths of their minds.
with an “up-top comma”
I liked “a Black [sic] male”
Or they could’ve worked as agents inside your ranks npt wanting to kill their brethren…
Mint Press had a good article on the Jew in Haiti helping to flood us with their cannibals.
Glad to see Goad made it out of Georgia okay. Atlanta has been getting real vibrant from the Haitian immigrants. Over 600 headless goats have been found floating in the Chattahoochee river since 2018.
The shooting stats from the US Virgin Islands need to be added to the black on black shooting reports. We have one of the highest murder rates per capita compared to other US states or territory’s. And guess what….the VI has some of the strictest gun laws on the books.
Hilarious. But that was a long time ago. I suspect your “elite” University is now issuing small boats to the negro students to allow them to enrich the students in the aquatic environment.
Oh no she di’int:
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Just us dindoos warming up for the day of the rope…
“discharging a firearm in what appeared to be an attempt to clear a path for the vehicle to drive, ”
Since when has that been against the law.
Black evolution was not anything like white progress, no matter the bull shit the Jews try to sell to pull down the whites. No, it’s not the skin color, it’s the culture, MLK.
But negroes can sing and dance! Doesn’t that count for somet… everything???
He’s USian. Explains everything. A former British colony-shithole: US empire
“Gang members roaming the anarchic streets of Port-au-Prince have been accused of “eating people they’ve killed.”
The majority of Haitians are of unadulterated African stock and the cannibal genes may still be prevalent in their makeup. If they’re indeed eating people who are killed by them then they’re merely practicing their own cultural beliefs–Voodoo is their form of catholicism.
Now, I understand the motivation for the loud cars with their backfring mufflers.
They are not like us. They never will be. We cannot get along. Until those three truths are accepted, the carnage, grief, and tears will continue unabated.
I believe him. A black man may or may not point his gun at “A” and shoot “B”. Sometimes he shoots himself, in the dick. One easy way to tell if the perp was a Dindoo is simple. Look at the news report.
“Police find 5o casings at shooting scene. Only 83 year old Granny in her tenement hit (in the leg) !” It be Niggaz !
Tales from Blacklandia !
1.) Two Black motorcycle bandits rob a Black woman of her gold chain valued at $500. They pawn it and get $50. However one does not give his baby momma some money for food. She calls the Police. They catch him 55 minutes later at a clothes vendor drinking a beer. Unfortunately for him one of the arresting officers (also black) is related to the woman. He pistol whips the bandit and gets the name of his partner in crime. When the Police attempt a second arrest the G fires the only two bullets from his rented .38. The Police shoot him dead ! The man who rented the gun and two bullets is out an old .38. The bandit’s mother is threatened with rape and death if she does not cover the cost of the seized firearm.
2.) Momma has saved for years and finally buys a Toyota Spacio paying $15,000 US. Her loving son borrows the car for a “date”. The date however is with three other Niggers and a robbery. Unfortunately the Police get wind of the situation and a car chase ensued. Sonny Boy loses control of the vehicle and smashes into a cement bridge culvert. He goes through the windscreen. Homie number two exits the car with a machete and is shot in the leg. Homie number three exits with a Glock and is shot dead. Homie number 4 runs away in the melee and jumps into a canal bordering a canefield. Unfortunately for him the canal is full of alligators. As he claws up the opposite bank one seizes his leg. He resists and the reptile does a spin tearing the leg off at the hip and submerges with the snack. The Police watch as a fountain of blood erupts from his severed artery. No policeman is going to jump into the canal to save him. He bleeds to death.
After the trial Mom heads down to the Police compound to get her wrecked car. She can at least sell the parts. Right ? Wrong ! The car has been stripped. Although in the Police compound all that is left is the frame. Its a mystery how this could have happened. When she raises a ruckus she is threatened with arrest. Mom is left broke and with an adult son who now dribbles incessantly, has a severe speech problem and cant work.
3. A Jukka in the Islands is any sharp pointed shank like a sharpened screwdriver, rigid piece of wire or an ice pick. Keith B (aka Jukka Wax) because someone stuck him in the ear with a sharpened nail. When the opponent pulls out the nail there is a wax ball at the end. Nevertheless the attacker drives the nail and the wax into Jukka Wax’s throat etc etc. Anyway Jukka recovered and in this episode is drinking at a bar with a local prostitute. Another black fellow steps on his shoe and an argument starts up and escalates. Jukka has been dissed. Its Tombstone time. The both reach for their guns ! There are two loud explosions and one scream. Jukka, pulling his Taurus 32 from his waist shoots off his cock and left nut. The other fellow, a la Lawrence Fishburne, draws, turns his gun side ways and fires. He misses Jukka Wax but the bullet grazes the head of a bar fly and shatters a bottle of 5 year old El Dorado Rum. The night has been spoilt as patrons flee in every direction. Sadly, in the melee, someone stabs Jukka’s opponent several times. He falls and is trampled. Jukka Wax is deaf in his right ear, missing his left nut and part of his tool and headed to hospital and then jail.
One cant fathom the mentality of the black man and anyone who can deserves the Nobel prize for insight into abnormal psychology.
The one piece of advice is “Stay away from Niggers”.
Gotta admit, you have a point.
In the list of worst ideas in history, slavery has to be number one with a bullet (Pun intended).
We are now in an age of ubiquitous information from everywhere that calls into question all of our previously held assumptions from the Jew controlled media.
In retrospect, looking at it logically, seriously, how efficient were nigger slaves at picking cotton?
Really? Send the niggers out to pick the cotton and they actually did a good job?
Really? The assumption, the basis for the whole “MUH SLAVERY” trope is that niggers, were, at least at some point, good for something. The entire bullshit from the left, is that “Blacks built this country” free of charge and we owe them reparations and need to “level the playing field” with the Sisyphean, eternal crucible of set asides, Affirmative Action, legislation, front of the line admissions to colleges for “students” who read at 2nd grade level, rigged elections that elevate them into high station where anencephalic retards like Hank Johnson, on live TV, in front of the entire world, tells us that he thinks Guam might capsize if we send too many troops there.
Goddamn it is so insane.
Really? They were actually working hard in the fields, doing a good job picking the cotton, really?
Do we really believe, that Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, Benjamin Crump etc., today, would be able to go out into a garden and plant tomatoes?
Are niggers, really, are niggers actually smarter than your garden variety, house pet?
If they are, please teach them to roll over and play dead.
I’m fairly amazed that commercial airlines even fly to that s***hole dump. I can just imagine good old mom and dad, gathering the kids around, discussing vacations and deciding, hey let’s go to Haiti! We’ve never been there before and hear they’ve got awesome beaches. Give me a freaking break – who the hell would even travel there, for any reason?
Life in a country that has artificially made blacks prosperous with government programs which does nothing but enable them to constantly behave like the savages they are without having to worry about working for their own shelter and food and other necessities. No need for them to worry about self responsibility because all the bad things they do and the problems they create is just explained away as racism or social justice. The stupidity of Whites to allow all this to happen cannot be overstated.
White people are just so boring! Thank you JEWS for showing us just how vibrant niggers can make a society! Being scared shitless of being murdered by wild nigger animals that Jews have taught to HATE whitey for over a century now (for the Jew controlled slave trade and as a scapegoat for all of their own inherent genetic shortcomings) really has this place jumping! Having to carry two guns to work (one for the close range mugging nigger, the other for the mass shooting on public transit nigger at a distance) really starts my day with a bang! In fact I love wild nigger animals so much I think every Jewish neighborhood should have two blacks for every Jew. For some strange reason the Jews who brought us these amazing specimens seem to have niggerless neighborhoods? Oh wait….
Hi ADL kikes! We know what you have done! Retribution is coming!
Jews, our greatest ally!
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The podcaster sums up not only Tisha but most of her brethren ..
Tisha was self-centered lazy, irresponsible, remorseless, deceptive
I’ve been over that bridge a hundred times. I can’t imagine how panicked that lady must have been. But On a recent trip to Home Depot, I watch how they stand around. HD thinks they’re getting cheap labor, but the fact is these people are putting in 5 minutes work for every hour they get paid.
There would be no America without slaves. No slaves, no gentleman farmers. No gentleman farmers, no American revolution. In English settlements — I’m talking farms not plantations — slaves cooked the dinners, planted the crops, laundered the linens so that their masters could scribble about liberty.
No slaves, no cash crops. No cash crops, no capital. No capital, no industrialization. Sugar alone hundreds of thousands if not millions of climate tolerant bodies.
I don’t know how America’s rise can be repeated in the absence of a captive slave class to pay its way. AI and quite a bit of fancy footwork in the helpless provinces of the world yet to be remembered is likely the plan. If so, it’s a Hail Mary likely to be ignored. Yet on we go.
The shit got real, yo.
Yes, thank you. Black teens love flowers and puppies. It’s time we recognize them for their kindness and not blame them for shooting, stabbing or burning people alive. Black people are a precious resource that we need to carefully nurture.
That’s the guy from Dead Presidents
It’s a decent flick.
There is no talented 10%. It is more like a talented 1%. There may be 10% (at the most) that don’t hate white people, but they are not all talented.
Our talented tenth were a near daily reminder that the establishment (including Gud White conservatives) will be constructing this reality and Whites are to shut up and stand in the back.
What really surprised me was how civil and kind some of the White janitors were in comparison. The students treated them non-existing beings and yet they didn’t do things like blast rap music or yell down the halls instead of waiting 5 seconds to talk to the person that is walking towards you. There were janitors that were clearly more in touch with reality than some of the professors.
The tenthers would surprise you in ways that you didn’t imagine. Our undergrad professors (mostly White women) would constantly lecture us on how race doesn’t exist and it’s all something that evil Whites made up. They would depict Blacks as trying hard by blocked by White male oppression.
Once a tenther actually put his large speakers outside his dorm on the deck and blasted rap for the entire block. The entire block of dorms sounded like a concert.
You can’t make this shit up. I don’t know how White liberals (again mostly female) could do anything but laugh at it all. This tenther put these large speakers on his deck and then went back inside.
Some might think he did it to antagonize everyone. But they will actually do stuff like that and not think anything of it. Imma play some tunes for everyone. Dey gonna like this track. They really do get surprised if an RA asks them to turn it down and of course assume racism.
You could also see the other side of Affirmative Action at work. The Blacks that were there by merit were embarrassed by the tenther crew. Liberal attempts at changing reality just made it all the more apparent.
A few weeks back a nigra buck shot into a crowd of people celebrating Halloween 🎃 in Orlando, Florida. Remember people, (((all mass shooters and serial killers are White males.))))
Jewish initiation of black privilege and white acceptance. How nice for the destruction of an equitable society.
There is no talented 10%. It is more like a talented 1%. There may be 10% (at the most) that don’t hate white people, but they are not all talented.
The term comes from W.E B. Du Bois, a mulatto Sociology professor who said that there is a talented tenth among Blacks that should be elevated. He is considered an important historical Black figure but liberals do not use the term and would find public use to be offensive as it implies an unbalanced distribution compared to other groups. Liberals do however follow an unspoken belief that the best Blacks need to found and encouraged. In multi-racial schools they do this as early as preschool and in conjunction with the suppression of talented White children and especially boys. White liberal female teachers take it upon themselves to raise the next Black leaders through tenthers. It’s all unspoken and the natural result of liberal women that are around children from various races. The differences are quite apparent and they try to intervene on the side of “justice” so in their minds they are fixing the world.
It’s used on alt-right as a sort of tongue-in-cheek term to describe the liberal and conservative desire to highlight the best Blacks through programs like Affirmative Action. But here is his original quote:
The Negro race, like all races, is going to be saved by its exceptional men. The problem of education, then, among Negroes must first of all deal with the Talented Tenth; it is the problem of developing the Best of this race that they may guide the Mass away from the contamination and death of the Worst.
My University wasn’t more than 5% Black and the tenther crew was still a disaster for the liberals. We had foreign students that had never been around Blacks and concluded that Americans were retards for trying to pretend these differences don’t exist.
Nah that’s just the cultural Marxist mantra. “Oppression” is the new excuse to do literally anything. Your parents imposed curfew? You’re being oppressed. Tell every mandatory reporter you come into contact with that you’re being abused.
When I was last in school in the early 2000s the argument was that blacks do all the raping they do because they’re socioeconomically disadvantaged. That was the moment I knew a criminal justice degree was going to be a waste of money.
Never forget 20% of all serial killers are black. And the crime stats are likely worse than reported– the UCR only tracks cleared cases, but there are a fuckton of uncleared murders of black men out there. By extrapolation from the statistics of cleared cases (black-on-black violence) their killers are most likely black themselves, making the murder rate attributable to blacks way worse than the stats reflect.
Do you have more stories like this?
Yup, and Whites, instead of fighting it and stopping the Jew manipulators in their tracks rolled over and turned on the few Whites who did want to fight back. Now we have gone from Jews influencing and manipulating to total control over every relevant institution. And the greatest Jew victory of all took us from a predominantly White country to one where Whites are on the verge of being another minority. Now we have generational dominance by Jews where most Whites accept their subordinate status in the country they built. We can’t say we weren’t warned. Jesus himself did so and the great Reformer Martin Luther completely laid it out and we totally ignored them.
The both reach for their guns ! There are two loud explosions and one scream. Jukka, pulling his Taurus 32 from his waist shoots off his cock and left nut
Our White male libertarians describe themselves as rationalists and would have let that fine individual buy a full auto UZI at age 18, even with priors.
The Glock switches provide problems for both liberals and constitutional race deniers that haven’t read the private works of Jefferson.
Would legalizing Glock switches create fewer problems? Libertarians would actually have them sold in mini marts for a dollar. Your kid was killed when a negro accidentally sprayed a crowd? Well that’s Clown Town Freedom as defined by Rand.
What is the liberal solution since this is “gun crime” and they are already banned?
There was a White liberal surgeon who penned a piece for a rag like the Atlantic and basically through understated arguments said that Blacks should have been kept to Saturday Night Specials. She said it was much easier then to pull a bullet out and send them on their way. With Glock 9s being the norm they get more cases that requires years of million dollar rehab. She and the magazine were unable to state the obvious which is that there should be different gun laws for Blacks. Of course this offensive to both the left and NRA types that seem to think Jefferson would have wanted them to have AR-15s with red dots and 50 round drums so they can shoot into a bbq over disrepek.
I remember when the Hollywood Jews decided in the 1970’s that White America was ready for more negro television shows and movies and we got the Norman Lear garbage in spades. Blacks were made to look moral, reasonable, intelligent and as victims of evil Whites and the conditioning was well under way. Most Whites began to think of blacks as a harmless novelty who would be similar to Whites once we embraced them into the culture and got past our racism. The Jews sure knew how to sell that snake oil and most Whites lapped it up.
Never forget 20% of all serial killers are black.
It’s much higher than that due to limited resources of law enforcement in these areas.
There is a First 48 in New Orleans where they find a dead Black prostitute in an alley. They talk as if they found a dead cat. There will be no investigation. They don’t have the resources to investigate a case that doesn’t have any tips. She wasn’t even given 48 hours. They just put her in the morgue and moved to the next case.
I live in a rural White area and we had a missing person case that was kept open for years.
Here’s an idea-
We should schedule, and even pay for, “Black Only Celebration Events” in every predominantly black area, in the country, DAILY!
Blacks Only! They can “woop it up” in their normal blackitty fashion, then shoot each other, or run each other over while doing donuts in intersections, stab each other for being “diss’ed”, or whatever they want.
No metal detectors, no searches, just a black free-for-all. It wouldn’t kill them all, but it would be a good start.
I also wouldn’t advocate for police to intercede, or ambulances to roll in; Nothing, no normal White people assistance whatsoever. Just let them bleed out, as their black hoodlum friends keep partying- drinking malt liquor, shaking their giant asses, smoking blunts, and shooting each other every few minutes.
We might also add some decent cameras, so the rest of us could watch from home, and cheer.
Think of it as the “new, black form of ‘everyday’, only no Whites are harmed”.
With some luck, it would exterminate an extra 100,000 per year, or more.
A similar thing happened to me a few days ago in San Francisco. I was filling up at a deserted gas station when a white Corolla rolled in, no sound emanating from it. The driver took a few seconds to get the car situated, and stepped out. Black guy. He looked at me, and turned on the rap full blast. Amazing.
Nothing to see here, just the normal blacktivities… move along.
Yes, the Jewish influence regarding Blacks in this Country is STRONG. Think of Compton CA. At one time Compton was a mostly White neighborhood. And you guessed it, when Compton was White it was a very nice lace to live. Then, (mostly) Jewish activists, disguised as Home buyers bought out the Compton neighborhood and then filled it with Blacks. The results are clear to see, looking at the Compton of today. This is about a War on White People. Goyim as the Jewish radicals call Whites. The Compton of today is EXACTLY what these Jewish agitators wanted. Good idea to force Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in Jewish neighborhoods. Force some Jewish families out of their homes and put a typical Black family in it. Jewish folks MUST learn tolerance and acceptance.
Having to carry two guns to work
That cracks me up and reminds me of the suburban White guy video where they show their “daily concealed carry” and you can see that they haven’t been around Blacks. They will have stuff like a compass or a cute little flip knife that cost them $200.
Before leaving the city I settled on:
1. One can of bear spray for non-lethal encounters. You want the kind that sprays a good stream and not a mist. Practice is important. You really don’t want to pull a gun unless you absolutely need to.
2. One 9mm Glock with a 30 round magazine, starting with hollowpoints and followed by FMJs. I liked it in a gym bag with the zipper partly open. In a dangerous area you want a backup that takes the same magazine. But I was normally in pretty safe zones.
My knife of choice was a big ugly Socom with some rust on it. It was for threatening away any attacker. I generally didn’t like the idea of using a knife for self-defense since the homeless often have HEP-C and you don’t want that blood on your skin.
But the only real way to protect yourself is to leave which is what I did. Whites shouldn’t have to live with their head on a swivel. I had a Gud White tell me “it’s not that bad in this area” and then a civilian was stabbed right where I park. The attacker was a White tweaker who was asked to not sit on his car.
There are many apes with or without AKs.
Only the short one is shooting.
The best is when they do that and some liberal woman is standing there with her hybrid or subaru.
You can’t help but snicker as she pretends to not hear “nigga bitch cunt got my glock pop pop pop”.
Why the awkwardness oh liberal enlightened one?
In the really sketchy areas the White women will pull in next to White men. Oh thank God you look like a White man with a spine, I’m almost on E. They will park next to you and situate themselves so you can see them. Even the most blue haired liberal looking woman with nose piercings will eye a White man in a sketchy area as a safety valve. They can even have a boyfriend or husband and still give a look like oh you look like a man that will do something, that’s good. I have a pet liberal boyfriend and we both know he is worthless. I will now enter the mini mart to purchase tampons. Thanks oppressor.
Where does “humanism”, which appears to be a deviant misconception compared to the rest of the world, actually come from? And why is it exclusive to the representatives of the European race? But above all, what must inevitably follow from this if we no longer recognize ourselves as a racial community, but assume that all others are not only like us, but even us?
And in this case had (White) law enforcement not showed up, our fearless sepia-skinned marksman might have done America a favor and killed a few more of his fellow brown parasites.
Apparently up until relatively recently, niggroes avoided swimming pools because they were convinced that if they got wet they would melt into pools of liquid shit.
The presence of feral niggroes in modern-day America is God’s punishment upon us Whites for our ancestors’ arrogant refusal to plant and harvest their own damned cotton.
Had they won the War To Prevent Southern Independence, they would have eventually rid themselves of their obsolete farm equipment once mechanization matured and it was no longer profitable or socioeconomically tenable to keep the old equipment around.
There is one common denominator–the “elephant in the room” that most people are loathe to name, either out of fear of being called “anti-semitic”, racist, or other derogatory term. I DON’T CARE…
I came of age during the first so-called “civil-rights” movement and saw for myself the underhanded dealings, the demonization of decent, law-abiding whites, and in general, the deterioration of civil society.
Almost all of the “civil-rights” workers and demonstration “handlers” were of one persuasion–New York based leftist communist jews. They cared not one wit about true “civil rights”, but were there to create hate and discontent among their black charges (who were too stupid or naive to see that they were being used to suborn and destroy legitimate government and society–a favorite jewish communist tactic). These New York-based “carpetbaggers” fomented their hate and discontent, only to become future “civil-rights” attorneys, race-hustlers, and America-hating leftist communists.
In fact, we had a saying: “Behind every Negro there is a jew”. No truer words were spoken. It was JEWS who fomented the hate and discontent, and were responsible for the destruction of the social order of the day…
The so-called “non-violent civil-rights demonstrations” were anything but “non-violent”. Robberies, rapes, and other criminal acts were common, but never reported, as even the jewish-controlled “mainstream media” was “in on the game” and conveniently turned off their cameras during the acts of violence. You see, even then,”creating crises” was a part of the agenda.
The “beginning of the end” of America was the use of federalized troops against white Americans, which, in itself was a violation of “posse comitatus”–the prohibition on the use of federalized troops for domestic “law enforcement” purposes. (Thanks, Eisenhower) As most whites were (and still are) law-abiding, they (we) were “steamrollered” by the use of federalized troops to crush honest dissent. We never recovered from those unconstitutional actions. It was all downhill from there…
A White couple and their toddler are stuck on a highway in South Africa waiting for a cash-in-transit robbery to play out before they can continue their journey. At about 2 minutes the husband manages to call a nearby police office using a number he got from a smartphone app, but gets no help. He starts talking in a slight Black accent in frustration trying to explain himself to a clueless Black cop:
Video Link
Wherever blacks go, the destroy…
I among many other Whites was “ethnically cleansed” and encouraged to move out of Detroit. As soon as blacks moved in to my neighborhood, criminal activity increased.
Initially, I tried to be diplomatic about it, recognizing that “not all blacks are bad” (they’re not). The criminal activity increased, the perpetrators ALWAYS being black.
Push came to shove when my black neighbor (who I got along with well) introduced me to his own black dysfunctional “ghetto rat” relatives. I restored an old car to near showroom condition and parked it in my driveway.
My neighbor’s visiting relatives decided that it would be a good place to sit (on the hood). Asking them to remove themselves was met with “f#ck you, White m#therf#cker”. Upon presenting my complaint to my neighbor, he remarked that “boys will be boys” and to “just let it go”.
Things got worse in my neighborhood when my neighbor’s (hoodrat) relatives decided that breaking into cars and residences was a good career choice. My friendly relations with my neighbor cooled considerably.
The final straw was the municipal “tickets” that us whites received for “infractions” committed by my black neighbors. Trash dumpsters were provided by the city, one for every two residences placed in the alley. These were large containers, easily large enough to accommodate two residences trash disposal. My black neighbors refused to use the containers, strewing their trash throughout the alley.
Guess who got ticketed?
It wasn’t my black neighbors, but us (remaining) Whites. It’s as if the city was “encouraging” us to move.
Well, after multiple break-ins of both cars and my residence, I finally had enough and moved to an all-White enclave. I have never been happier.
If my experiences (among that of other Whites) are not examples of “ethnic cleansing”, I don’t know what is…
P. S.: There are those that think that the “nice black doctor” or “lawyer” living in your neighborhood is OK, but wait until they introduce and bring their “ghetto rat” relatives into your environ…You won’t like it…
I disagree. It is the Evil Hebrew that is responsible. It has been they who have created the victim and “you owe us” mentality that now permeates societies. Gormless Whites, aka useful idiots have bought into it to enable Blacks and various other miscreants to thrive.
LOL He’s the one with the highest IQ.
But negroes can sing and dance! Doesn’t that count for somet… everything???
They’re also good at sports. Entertainment and athletics is all blacks can do and those are two totally useless careers. One white engineer is worth 500 NBA stars. Black lives do not matter.
You’re right. The Civil War was not a civil war. The south did not want to take control of the country. They just wanted to leave and form their own country. The original 13 colonies did the same thing. America was founded on secession.
This is a very ugly rock to look under. There’s a name for the phenomenon of black victims being disregarded altogether but it escapes me at the moment.
In addition to what you suggest, there is also order of magnitude. To say “20%” speaks only to the rate of incidence and does a disservice to just how brutal the actual crimes are.
For all we hear about Gacy (33), Dahmer (17), Kemper (7), Bundy (~30), Pickton (~27), BTK (12), Ridgway (48) and the like, their names are legend.
Who says blacks cant be high achievers? Samuel Little was implicated in 60 murders and confessed to 93. Currently the American record holder for body count.
Or Eddie Lee Mosley:
We don’t hear about these cases. We’ve already forgotten the 2002 DC Snipers Muhammad and Malvo:
And of course the most famous black serial killer, Wayne Williams:
Cant get enough eh ??
Every black man in the Islands has a nick name. At times people dont even know his real name. Mud Crab is a fellow who worked in a remote region as a logger, chain saw operator and brush cleaner. At night he heads down to a mangrove swamp, lays out a net with a torch and a piece of dead fish in the middle. Crabs are attracted to the light, swarm the net and get scooped up. The area with the most crabs is a mud flat where the mud is at times thigh deep. Hence the nick name. Care must be taken with the tides because to be caught with an incoming tide means death.
In the capital city Mud Crab’s wife is having a jolly time with another black man. HIS nick name is Donkey Willie. Guess why ! LOL. Although there are no phones where the Crab works, other fellas tease him when he went to the nearest bush rum shop for a drink. Camp mates tell the Police the Crab was very quiet that night and spend several hours sharpening his chopper (a short machete) with a triangular file. The nest day the Crab embarked on a 24 hour trip back home. Neighbours heard the screams of the wife and called the Police. He was sitting in the front yard soaked in blood smoking a cigarette. The Police removed what was left of his wife in a sugar bag.
Lets call this black man Ivelaw ! When ge gets paid once a month he and his Bros head to the rum shop and spend every cent of his $300 US equivalent salary. It got so bad Ivelaw’s wife (and his friends wives) demanded to no avail that his employer pay them the salaries due their husbands. One night Ivelaw returns home stoned on high wine and asks for a meal. However, there is nothing in the house and his wife asks him how he expects food when he drinks out his salary. Ivelaw is not about to take shit from her. His friends may think he is a “soft man”. A row ensues. His Mother In Law who lives next door hears the commotion and comes over with a plate of cold food ie rice with a bean stew and some miniature shrimp. She asks him to cool down. Now Ivelaw is really pissed. He carves up the wife and turn on the Mother in Law. She jumps through a second floor window with her arm hanging by a shred. His 5 kids, all occupying one bedroom flee out doors and windows. When the Police arrive Ivelaw tells them “Is me chop up dem bloodclath. Ah kill she skunt (I killed the cunt) !”
Guinep Mouse is a fruit thief with a taste for guineps (Spanish Lime). He got the name because he can crawl on the slenderest and most dangerous branches, up high, to steal the fruit. A black man who grows them on a separate lot sells them in the market. He depends on them as part of his subsistence income. Guinep Mouse has been warned repeatedly to stay away when guineps are in season. One day he jumps the fence, and fills a sugar bag with guineps and descends the tree. The owner, who has been watching in silence looses his3 pit bulls and the chase is on. Unfortunately the Mouse is unable to scale the fence fast enough even without the sack of guineps. The dogs pull him down and one tears off his face. The Police never show up. They dont have a vehicle or gasoline. By the time “public spirited citizens” chase away the dogs with sticks and clubs there aint much left of the Mouse.
The morale of these horrors is that for little or no reward the Black Man (no matter the country) kills, or is killed, or goes to jail for the most stupid and incomprehensible reasons.
Check out a typical story from Stabroek News in Guyana. You can google the article.
or check out the link below. Happy reading and if you get nightmares dont blame me. Personally, after living in the Islands for some time these dramas are as normal as ordering a coffee.
>Tuskegee University
What deserves attention but gets literally none is the systematic corruption of university admissions standards to accommodate college sports (‘student athletes’) — and nowadays it’s not just the big revenue sports of men’s football and basketball — due to Title IX scholarship ‘equity’ concerns, there are now a significant number of women attending universities and colleges on athletic scholarships — but the problem is most noticeable in men’s football and basketball (also perhaps women’s basketball), especially in the bigger conferences where huge TV revenue depends on sporting success (which means higher ratings): lots of ghetto Blacks who have no business being anywhere near an institution of higher learning — occasionally there’s a scandal about this where it’s revealed many take no serious courses, often have poor attendance records, and have a minder to ensure they make enough sham academic ‘progress’ to remain eligible — but those scandals disappear from the headlines fairly quickly.
I’m trying hard to imagine anyone seriously believing that Haiti has ever been a genuinely Roman Catholic country. That’s just a fantasy too far.
The short answer is either “probably not very,” or “not at all.”
The problem was that by the time Eli Whitney had invented his cotton gin in the late 1700s, there still had not been invented an efficient mechanical means of harvesting the vast amounts of cotton that the large gins would process. Meanwhile, the agricultural Southern states had a surplus population of niggroes who were of diminishing usefulness. Had the technology existed at the time, White Southern cotton farmers would almost certainly have preferred investing in planting and harvesting technology over continuing to use niggroes. But they didn’t have the option, did have plenty of idle niggroe hands, and thus little choice in how they would get their cotton harvested. Since harvesting it themselves was a non-starter (the horror!), niggroes it would be.
TL;DR version: Niggroes were probably just as hopeless at picking cotton as they were at doing any other constructive activity.
However, they were the only tool available for getting the job done, no matter how inefficiently and ineptly (I’m waiting for the discovery of an antebellum white overseer’s diary that will describe for us what we would today call “Keystone Niggroes” trying hard to pick cotton and failing at it hilariously).
I disagree. It is the Evil Hebrew that is responsible. It has been they who have created the victim and “you owe us” mentality that now permeates societies.
So Whites should be safe in Haiti since they don’t have any Jews? They could be a minority and have nothing to worry about?
A White liberal woman was actually raped in Haiti and she wrote an essay on how it was the fault of White colonialism. That really happened and her essay is online.
Every year there is a case of a White Christian couple getting kidnapped and the woman is of course raped. Some couple that put off having their own children to follow God’s plan as they say.
White people have plenty of their own Do-Gudders that hate reality. Jews are more likely to make some feel-good movie about how race doesn’t exist but I would say that around 60% of Whites would support race denial under any circumstances. When I was in the city it was unnerving as to how many Whites behind the scenes were aware of race and supported lying to Whites in rural America. In their minds there was no choice but to lie. I’ve in fact had Whites both Christian and liberal tell me that Whites need to be diluted so the race problem no longer exists. They are afraid of rural Whites learning the truth and finding some new Hitler to support. I used to run in liberal social circles due to my employment and some liberals would even laugh at naive conservatives for thinking race was just skin color. Like they are rubes for not having been around Blacks. There are even liberal women that will sleep with Blacks while single but then find a White engineer or lawyer when they want kids. They don’t buy into liberal equality for their own offspring. That’s just for the masses. The cities are in fact filled with sick Whites that view lying about race as completely normal and part of modern society. To them it is the only possible route of idealism. It’s lying or the Nazis win.
IKAGO, all you racists! IKAGO!
We used to have one kind of society; now we have another.
Of course. They have a natural sense of rhythm.
Would the Constitution have been ratified if it contained the provision that states had forever surrendered their sovereignty and could never claim independence?
“demands legalization of crime”
that is, legalization of crimes when done by Blacks. Which is increasingly the de facto case in all current Black-run big cities…..NY, Chicongo, Atlanta, etc.
In addition to what you suggest, there is also order of magnitude. To say “20%” speaks only to the rate of incidence and does a disservice to just how brutal the actual crimes are.
For all we hear about Gacy (33), Dahmer (17), Kemper (7), Bundy (~30), Pickton (~27), BTK (12), Ridgway (48) and the like, their names are legend.
Liberals bring up serial killers as some form of damage control and it doesn’t make any sense.
Let’s say that red dragon type serial killers are indeed more likely to be White. Ok… what? Being killed by one is like a million to one event and even higher if you aren’t a prostitute or in some shady area.
Half the problem with Black crime is that it drags down local economies. People with children don’t want to live where they can hear gunfire.
The shootings honestly aren’t even the worst part if you have kids. The shooting victims are normally Black and they take place after sundown.
Breaking the traffic laws is really what sends White people fleeing. Blacks will do stuff like slam on the gas when they get frustrated at a 4 way stop. They also like to fly around parking lots and neighborhoods. Once you have a lowered purple Camaro with a 10k paint job fly by you at 100mph it’s really hard to maintain liberal beliefs. Having kids in the car when that happens just turns your stomach. Liberals and Do-Gudder Christians talk a good game until they have kids. That’s when White liberal women “just happen” to have the husband who gets a job offer back in Wyoming. Well gosh they have gud schools and they have a better soccer program for Timmy. We really wanted to stay in the city but it’s just getting expensive. I’m really going to miss the nightlife. He really needs that soccer program and kids come first. Of course they aren’t going to tell the real story where they nearly got in a wreck from a police chase and mommy liberal told daddy liberal that they are f-cking moving NOW.
It’s not new. It was the culture of my workplace in the early mid 1970s right after Griggs vs Duke Power the affirmative action ruling by the satanic supremes
Crump, skillet nyggah assmonkey, is about a head taller than he needs to be.
Popped off on a long rope drop ?
Lopped off with a large sharp blade ?
Blown off with select ordinance ?
Doesn’t matter which…
and relieve this nigger infested nation of one of the premier turd tossing Chimps.
The people who fly in and out of Haiti are the rich Haitians who own apartment houses in Miami. One or two apartments are kept empty for the family. When the women are about 4 months pregnant they fly to Miami to have their anchor baby. Family always heads for their Miami homes before a major uprising starts . Lots of their kids go to high school and college in Miami. Private high schools
The only Whites who fly in and out of Haiti are southern Protestant missionaries who adopt Haitian babies and other dam fool idiot aid workers.
Thank you. Sending it to all my grandchildren
and that sorry lot still fucked up the best the west could throw at them?
“The process or result of taking a form that reflects the surrounding environment.”
I have some capabilities as a social theorist. I have come to the realization lately that no group in the American mosaic of ethnic, racial and other subcultures has the capability of policing the bad players with itself. The impetus to do this has to come from outside the group. This applies both to the powerful (racketeers, political gangsters and white collar criminals) and the petty (neighborhood gangsters, street thugs, street gangs).
It don’t think I have ever seen or heard of a case where a community had rooted out its own. The problem is, where do you start? I say, the top. Not the bottom. The top.
Not a snowball’s chance in Hell. Stinkin’ Lincoln knew this to be the case, too, his moronic rhetoric to the contrary notwithstanding. The biggest mystery surrounding that guy is 1) why did it take so long for someone to bump him off?, and 2) why did it have be a Southern sympathizer who did it? Weren’t there a sufficiently liberty-loving number of Northerners who could have gotten the job done sooner?
About serial killers. There are vastly more black serial
killers than any other race. Because the FBI and standard definition of a serial killer is . To kill 3 or more people in 3 separate incidents. Killing 3 store clerks in a robbery or an entire family is just 1 separate incident no matter how many victims.
Best example is the black guy who murdered the mother and sister of singer actress Jennifer Hudson. He was married to the sister. She and mother were very well paid Chicago city bus drivers. Great deal for a useless black criminal.
. But the idiot shot his meal ticket wife and mother in law. 1 incident 2 victims. He had killed someone else in his late 20s. Before that he killed someone’s in his teens, 16 or 17. For that he was sent to a youthful offenders prison for age 16 to 22. Most states have them.
So 4 victims 3 separate incidents he’s a very stereotypical black serial killer. Happens all the time. Ask any criminal lawyer or LEO.
White lawyer husbands but not White engineer husbands any more. The entire tech building construction oil refineries all the industries that employ engineers only hire Asians and Indians nowadays. And not American or immigrant Asians and Indians . H-1B visa slaves. Preferably not employees of the companies but employees of the labor contractors who supply them. 3 sets of bunk beds in a motel room.
Law school is the default solution for White men with BA degrees who can’t get a job due to affirmative action discrimination
The thing is that it does not matter how racist we are, we will still have to be able to work along with these people. The superior racist should be able to survive a diverse society. It’s all about having the courage of your convictions.
Westerners probably won’t get their all-White world back. Even if there is a major backlash and illegals get deported, you will still be stuck with those who have legal claims to stay, and the ones who get rescued from deportation by goodwhites and Soros creatures who will abuse the law to interfere.
Yup, at our local Home Depot there will be 3 “employees” just standing there to watch you do self checkout. Great business model.
Goad is a prime example of the idiotic fixation 99%’er Whites have for blacks.
What in the hell does any White, especially on Unz, care about some nig chimping out on other nigs?
Answer: It’s gives a cretin like Goad an opportunity to indulge in his negro fetish, using a mentally retarded race as a measuring stick to make his 1%’er White and White Jew Elite adulterated ass feel superior.
Hey Goad, why don’t you instead write an article about how 1%’er White & White Jew Elites will soon have your ass shaded in a nice melanin tone from the Nuclear Airbursts they are pushing the world towards?
Next Goad will write another shit article about how his White beta male lover left him to go have a threesome with Big Mike and Ofago………
Wonder if he will still be laughing as the nukes launched by the White Elite and their White minons (oh wait, the coming Nuclear Holocaust will be due to an evil team-up of Obama and OJ) detonate and ‘make Goad into an honorary nig’, or at least a vaudevillian blackface performer.
There are Jews in Haiti. Jews are everywhere. Sowing hate, discord, and maliciousness.
I have an acquaintance with a military and police background currently providing security for a bank in Haiti. He said that, given the quality of the people who live there, the situation is hopeless.
What deserves attention is how privileged Tuskegee blacks did not hesitate to sell-out their sharecropper brethren to a bunch of fat White mad scientists. Coons turn on each other for a bag of chips.
At least 1%’er Whites have much loftier incentives, like murdering the subhuman 99%’er Whites with lab-created, DOD pandemics, mutagenic clot shots, chemtrails, steering hurricanes into White conservative areas, engineering food famine, and my favorite, Global Thermal Nuclear War!
99%’ers don’t forget to tell the White Elite how grateful you are for the continuing benefits of superior White intellect. I’m sure they will at least keep a small breeding population of 99%’er Whites to populate their dystopian zoo, which will of course, actually be Obama’s fault.
About serial killers. There are vastly more black serial
killers than any other race. Because the FBI and standard definition of a serial killer is . To kill 3 or more people in 3 separate incidents. Killing 3 store clerks in a robbery or an entire family is just 1 separate incident no matter how many victims.
Well sure but that is more of technicality based on the FBI definition and not the common connotation.
When Darnell fires a bunch of rounds into a bbq the news doesn’t report that a serial killer is on the loose.
I really don’t know if serial killers like the red dragon are mostly White. I honestly don’t care. White people may well have more highly intelligent psychopaths than other groups. I don’t see that helping liberals with their grand lie of all traits being distributed in equal patterns (except for maybe sports and a few other areas of unimportance….but that’s it!).
Black crime is not some issue of statistical conjecture and harms Black people more than any other group. I don’t see how any progress will be made when liberals refuse to discuss basic realities and instead prefer to create distraction arguments like the “White serial killers” canard. I realize I come across as a total asshole to liberals and Christian egalitarians that want the subject to remain a taboo but it’s a real problem that destroys communities from the inside out. It literally tears apart the centers of cities and then you have this fleeing effect where everyone moves out further to get away. Whites also shouldn’t have to carry the mental burden of trying to pretend that what is in front of them is not there. I visited one of these areas as a kid and could not believe that America just looks the other way on what happens. Oh that’s the Black area, yea it looks like it has been carpet bombed. Pity…now let’s go watch TV
This (not Brazil) is America’s future. We’re halfway there already.
“Birth of Democracy” 😂
“New police recruits”
Culture arises out of genetics. Always.
Yeah but he’s a quadriplegic on welfare. Been that way since D’ontavious done bust a cap in his ath during a drive-by.
The common connotation is wrong. Doesn’t matter what the idiot old codgers who watch ABC NBC CBS NPR and read newspapers think. It’s not a technicality. It’s the penal code definition.
What matters is the legal definition of a serial killer 3 or murder victims in 3 or more separate incidents. And it’s blacks who are the vast majority of serial killers. Even if it’s just smashing a baby against the wall in a fit of irrational anger. That’s 1 victim 1 incident.
You may even be able to reserve some special space deep in your consciousness while being butt-raped in prison every day, but it’s not exactly a desirable predicament.
There never was an all-white world–or anything close—but there were white countries, and I can think of no good reason why there shouldn’t be.
Apparently “gun violence” visits itself on transgender people as well as bLAKKs!
… oh wait.
Maybe these particular trannies have something else going on in Apelanta?
Right? I mean, how did Canada and Australia even do it? Maybe their slaves were invisible or something.
So that’s why Compton Cá went from 95 percent White to 80 percent black from the mid 1950s to the mid 1960s. Compton trivia, two US presidents lived there 1949 to early 50s. And they weren’t Lyndon Johnson type middle class origin presidents. Belonged to 2 of the richest and aristo families in the country. The father of the family, like many fathers in the area worked in the Long Beach oil fields.
The presidents were President Bush 1 and president Bush 2. With their family money the young Bush couple could have bought a much bigger house in expensive prestigious Pacific Palisades. But preferred Compton a nice place to have their babies. Nice little house in a nice little town. Why not?
I got the Jew intrusion about 20 years later. When 3rd generation communist Jews invaded law enforcement and the criminal courts. They were everywhere destroying like a plague of termites
A billionaire gun runner who has been dumping guns in Haiti.
That doesn’t change the fact that the government is all Black and not Jewish. The main gang leader is an ex-cop that likes to burn his victims. Do the Jews make him burn people alive?
My original point still stands which is that Whites would not be safe in Haiti and the Jews have nothing to do with it.
Remove that Sephardic gun runner and the Haitians would use more machetes.
You are taking Jew blaming to an absurd extreme. It’s no different than liberals trying to blame Whites for all Black calamities. Liberals teach that Africa would be filled with modern countries if not for scheming racist Whites. Not much different than blaming the Jews for the weather.
Oh no, they shut down the flights to Haiti. Where will Conan O’Brien go for his winter vacation now?
Never. The “United States” was originally a voluntary association. And if you don’t have the freedom to secede, you don’t have freedom, period.
Calm down, and don’t wish rape and prison upon fellow whites just to try to sound edgy. Filthy minds use words like butt-rape.
It’s called argument by analogy, and I didn’t think it would fly so far over your head. Anyway I don’t apologize for taking issue with your fatalism but I am sorry if it triggered you so grievously.
Meanwhile you deflected from the issue completely, but if you search my comment history for profanity you might learn something. And maybe even come down from your high horse.
I want to know where I can get one of those super-smart machine guns that knows enough to only ring out in certain neighborhoods.
That was mantra for Yankee WASPs, and their Brit counterparts, about blacks long before Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto.
Spreading of Christianity to the non Whites has done the greatest damage to the people of the great European stock along with the removal of Latin as the language of the church, just as spreading of Islam to the non semitic populations has been damaging to the Arabs without realizing its long term implications to the founding stock.
The White Christians have no distinguishing feature left when equated with the people of color in the religion, just as the proud Bedouin on his Arab steed with a scimitar in his hand shouting God is Great is no different from the half starved black Bangladeshi pretending to be a Muslim without fully understanding the language of Al Koran.
Both the creeds are reaping what they sowed.
That is the logical step next after you get society to accept that violent crimes committed by a group are due to that group being mistreated. That begins the pattern of seeing that group as special, as set apart to be evaluated and treated differently. Once that becomes the norm, then that group will be become sacrosanct before long. You will no longer apologize and explain away its bad behavior; instead you will demand we all celebrate it.
What we see today is the inherent fruit of WASPs romanticizing and promoting blacks to use as tools and weapons with which to batter all whites they saw/see as their rivals or inferiors. This is inevitable fruit of Abolitionism and The Emancipation Proclamation and all those WASPs creating things like The United Negro College Fund.
Not even close. It would not have ever been brought ti a bite.
Don’t go all sophisticated on me, it’s all too easy for a housepet like you to make rape jokes from your safe space. What fatalism, I added posts and comments that fit the subject of the article, which seemed to give you the opportunity to go straight to prison rape and profanity of the anal kind. It’s a filthy analogy you have there, so obviously I’m not going to bother to think too deeply about whatever you were trying to say.
I and my kind survive in a black majority country that would defeat you in a minute. I hope you guys get the white country you want, but what if you don’t get it, what’s your plan B? What issue am I defecting, you seem to be be having some kind of complaint about semantics, white world/white country, you know exactly what I was saying but you chose to larp as an academic snob. Who are you trying to impress?
Do you really expect other commentators to go digging into your comment history? Get over yourself, who the heck(LOL) are you?
You are not to be taken seriously. Blacks have only ever been a ball-and-chain on Whites in their own countries. The practical folly of black “slave” labor has been fully examined. It is folly also to defend the indefensible.
I’d like to see Mud Crab’s mugshot. Thanks for the posts.
DOG DOESN’T BITE MAN, an above-the-fold headline
LOL. Good one.
Another black story straight from the the Fountain of Bantu:
Video Link
I should maybe start using emojis so people don’t think I’m a fatalist!
Spreading of Christianity to the non Whites has done the greatest damage to the people of the great European stock along with the removal of Latin as the language of the church
The White Christians have no distinguishing feature left when equated with the people of color in the religion
European stock predates Christianity.
The Greeks were debating the role of government 500 years before the birth of Christ.
Somehow they were able to maintain a society.
Both the creeds are reaping what they sowed.
Did you ever consider that Christianity might have some problems?
It might be getting harder for people to believe that a man lived inside of a whale for 3 days or that Aboriginals walked off the ark. But I’m sure that pointing fingers at White people and giving them moral lectures over verses meant for Hebrews should help.
James of Africa is exactly the type of White man to get butt raped by Bantu after giving them a speech on courage and convictions. He is the Afrikaner who is surprised as “gentle Jacob” the gardener stabs him with a pitchfork.
He idealizes and defends Putin who creates graveyards of Orthodox Slavs on a daily basis.
Observing the rational best interest of Whites is not his strong suit.
Ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case! No wonder different commentators keep accusing you of being a Jew. Anything for a cheap insult, including undermining your own credibility, LOL. As usual I ‘ll just remember these little things the next time you put on your little angry righteous man act.
Truer words! I was discussing Chesterton with a South African here at some point but now I see it clearly wasn’t you. My mistake.
Apparently you like being enslaved by negroes. Have at it!
Someone else observed that the remaining whites in S.A. stay there because they like it that way. From my vantage it’s a bizarre predicament, made all the stranger by people like you who actually revel in it. I don’t even know what you’re doing on this site — you’d be happier on reddit.
I’ve been saying this for years. You neglected to mention “get away from the hustle and bustle of city life.”
Fair enough about the commentator misunderstanding.
I stay with my people because the majority of them don’t have the means to leave, but tame housepets would not understand that. I also have more personal freedom than you where I live, compliments of a lazy government.
LOL, you probably know reddit well enough already, pompous ass!
Black pest celebrity facing jail time in South Korea:
At least the lad Williams has a warm, kindly look to him…
I’ve been saying this for years. You neglected to mention “get away from the hustle and bustle of city life.”
I actually used to walk near one of those UN model schools for high income liberals. Executives, business owners, politicians and such. They stayed in the city and had kids.
It was a safe area of the city and you still wouldn’t see them walking their kid to the ice cream shop which was a few blocks away.
The parents would not get out of their cars. They would sit there and idle until a guard brought a kid out.
So they lived in the city while not living in the city.
It’s really the most hypocritical religion I have ever encountered. Urban White liberals will claim to support public schools and then put their kids in 35k a year private school. Some are as much as 100k.
Those are really great stories and you tell them very well-great writer. Don’t be shy-tell us some more stories. Maybe ask Uncle Ron to make you a regular contributer of essays. Call your self “Reporter of Island Happening” or some such.
I could read those stories a hundred times and still laugh until I am out of breath every time. The one with the new car and the abortive robbery is my favorite. Truth is always stranger than fiction.
The south of Australia was developed by Convict Labor for 80 years from 1788, then the north by New Guinea and Pacific Island labour through into the 1930s.
Calling it slavery is kind, many of them were murdered or worked to death.
The Royal Navy punished resisters in Melanesia using guns and cannon.
The blacks are violent savages, and they must be treated accordingly for our own safety and theirs.
Hey Richard B, if your lucky, the 1%’er White & White Jew Elite in their deep underground bunkers that you pay for will use your irradiated asscheeks as a spam substitute after being fried by an ‘Obama’ caused airburst. (I say ‘Obama’ because like most 99%’er Whites, it’s all some nigger’s fault even though Niggers CANNOT SUCCEED WITHOUT White and White Jew SUPPORT)
Good one, Meneer! Regarding the “defence contre-air” shots from Port-au-Prince; it surprised me that SEVERAL airliners had been hit by small-arms shots. (actually, it surprises me that P-a-P still receives commercial flights at all, but that’s another matter). The one I HAD heard about involved a Spirit Airlines Airbus. Spirit has a well-deserved reputation for attracting budget-conscious passengers with an “adventurous” (read “raucous”)… SPIRIT? We live near a main approach way to O’Hare, and when we see one of those canary yellow Airbuses gliding westward toward Runway 9, we like to speculate: is this a SHED-jeweled approach, or yet another diversion? The aircrews have had to learn how to handle passengers whose “passions” would impress the most loutish Celtic hooligan. Anyway, I was unable to find out whether the plane’s fuselage was stricken by a Haitian “franc-tireur” or whether it was an “exit wound” from a passenger’s laptop bag–a “friendly fire” affair. We may never know! Finally, I purchased and read a copy of Eagle of the Ninth. The words didn’t fly off the pages, but Miss Sutcliff put a good deal of research into that period and she was able to pique my interest and imagination. What ACTUALLY happened to the Ninth Hispana remains the subject of speculation, but it’s a good read, a tale in the, er, spirit of the paternal atonement and Grail quest legends.
Greetings from Darkest Africa!
Spirit Airlines need cages around the isles like those of prison buses in movies. Armed gurrds in riot gear for hostesses and A10 Warthog escorts over Haiti to suppress gunfire from the natives. Also steam riot control like on the prison ship scene in the old movie version of Papillon:
Great to read history, the Romans are always fascinating. I’m in a Philip K. Dick phase at the moment, and rereading A Criminal History of Mankind by Colin Wilson, very old school ideas, but entertaining.
White South African artist Anton Kannemeyer:
Kannemeyer, aka Joe Dog runs a shock journal called Bitterkomix with fellow artist Conrad Botes, aka Konradski:
In South Africa you also find the Coloureds or Kleurlinge, basically mulattos who have European names instead of black African and don’t belong to tribes like the Bantu do. The also speak English or Afrikaans with a unique accent, in stead of Bantu languages. They appear more like Brazillians than black Africans and their neighbourhoods look more like favelas than townships.
Like Latinos in the US they are more into gang culture than other races. South Africa has numbers gangs like 26’s or 28’s operating inside prisons and outside. Here’s an example of the life and death of a notorious gang leader from the Cape Flats, a conglomeration of Coloured neighbourhoods in Cape Town:
Could you provide a written transcript of what the fellow in the video is saying? Because his accent when speaking is so strong and so foreign to my experience, I could only understand about 10 percent of the words he spoke, so could not grasp any of the meaning of what he was saying.
Subtitles are working (task bar, the first icon on the right)
Standard wisdom of a guy who spent most of his life in prison if you put him in front of a camera!
It say “This video is private.”
But I know who you’re talking about. I saw another video about him not long ago. I hope he gets enough jail time to turn his life inside out and upside down – forever.
The whole thing feels more like an organized coalition of paid proxies than anything independent or random. They don’t call the hostile elite the great destroyers for nothing.
They want civilization destroyed wherever you can find it. Hence the paid proxies.
Who knows? But would it surprise anyone?
Agreed. The channel probably pissed off YouTube or someone or got a copyright strike, something went wrong if the video is not playing anymore.
The video is about a black live streamer calling himself Johnny Somali who gets donations from fans to travel to places like Japan, Korea, Israel etc. and just cause trouble while being filmed, for those who don’t know. Facing possible jail time in South Korea for making terrorist threats and other harassment of random people for clickbait.
Then it would be America without culture or labor, my little dipshit
You show that you have NOTHING to say. Nothing worthwhile. Just the vomit of the anti-White slob. Feel me?…my little moron.
Thanks for bringing the subtitles to my attention, but my experience has been that subtitles are not always accurate. Sometimes, the voice recognition (VR) software has no better luck than me in understanding the words. Other times, I understand what a word must be, from the context, but the VR software puts up a different, but similar sounding word.
I will take your recommendation and try the subtitles.
The school Prom has been adopted from the States wholesale in the UK, didn’t exist when I was a lad, although there were school discos held in the gym. Now a local hotel is commandeered for the evening, and kids hire limos and dinner jackets.
But the Homecoming concept is pretty much unknown in the UK, even Mothering Sunday (when traditionally you went back to the church of your youth – your “Mother Church”) is now a day to buy your mum lunch and flowers.
I shoot an arrow in the air. Where it lands I do not care…
You dindu nuffin’!
How could I forget one of my favourite US TV shows of all times, Cops:
It’s no different than liberals trying to blame Whites for all Black calamities.
Or all Whites blaming Obama for following directions from 1%’er White & White Jew Elites rather than the White Elites themselves.
1%’er Whites know the idiotic perpetual erection 99%’er Whites have for negroes and their antics and so use that to play the 99%’ers like a fiddle. So the eventual extinction of 99%’er Whites continues to stay on schedule.
99%’er Whites bitching about nignogs, when 1%’er White and White Jew Elites are literally fucking seconds away on the Doomsday Clock from cooking the planet would be tremendously hilarious were I not one of the 99% to be roasted alive.
“Your honor, I just sort of squeezed off a few in the direction of those niggaz, I warn’t really aiming.”
“Understood. Jaquez, you are free to go.”
Can’t add to the comments here without repeating what has been said. At my age 76, I saw the beginning of the welfare state in 1965. When a Negro can make as much money on the teat of the federal sow, as working any near minimum wage job, there ya’ are. Work is now spelled L-A-Z-Y. That exposes the true nature of the Negro. With no need to pack a lunch and get to work on time, all the free time leads to every mayhem.
If the Negro spent more time getting an education and learning a job skill, instead of looking “cool”, they would not be in the position they are today. Most of them.
If I stood before an audience of Negroes, the first thing I would say is “How much money do you want?”
As to the screen/tube of mental decay, TV programs like Sanford & Son with Redd Foxx, Whites were called honkies. And not one word of protest did I ever hear about it.
The amount of perverse propaganda thrown at us today would make Edward Bernays cringe.
Have you noticed the use of ‘Neggir?” The White man wins again. We have THEM calling each other neggir and they like it!