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Rebel Scum Korea Now Officially a “Super-Aged Society”

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For those who don’t know, “super-aged” is only one step away from “ultra-aged,” which is itself only a step away from “extinct.”

Korea Times:

Korea has formally become a “super-aged” society as the share of its population aged 65 or over surpassed 20 percent, the interior ministry said Tuesday, as the country copes with a demographic crisis of a rapidly aging population and low births.

As of Monday, the number of Koreans aged 65 or older stood at 10.24 million, accounting for 20.0 percent of the country’s total population of 51.22 million, according to the ministry.

The United Nations classifies countries where more than 7 percent of the population is 65 or older as an aging society, those with over 14 percent as an aged society and those with more than 20 percent as a super-aged society.

The age group in Korea has gradually increased over the years, standing at 4.94 million in 2008.

It accounted for 10 percent of the population in 2008 before surpassing 15 percent in 2019 and reaching 19.05 percent in January this year.

The authorities in countries with destroyed birthrates continue to look around in confusion and talk about about “economic issues,” despite the fact that the countries with the collapsing birthrates are the richest in the world.

The reason is “women’s rights” (false concept). It’s very obvious to anyone with eyes that if you give women the “right” to make their own sexual decisions, they will go on sexual adventures for as long as possible.

If you want the birthrates to go up, you have to remove “women’s rights.” There is not another solution here.

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If Shit Korea outlawed K-Pop, the birthrate would double in minutes.

This shit is such poison.

Replace that with this:

Then see what happens.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Culture/Society, Foreign Policy •�Tags: Demography, South Korea
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  1. So what. Who the hell wants koreans anyway.

  2. @don't care

    Hey! You beat me to it! I wanted to write this! :((((

    But yes, you are right in this case.

    I enjoy it tbh. It is a punch in the face of all those yellow supremacist race mixing advocates here.

  3. Anonymous[185] •�Disclaimer says:
    @don't care

    So what. Who the hell wants koreans anyway.

    I do!


    Yeah, why should we care about a high-IQ, well-behaved, civilized people— with the most beautiful women— when we have billions of replacements from Africa and India?!

    Published Nov 22, 2024

    South Korea had the highest average IQ worldwide, while the United States was below the global average, according to the International IQ Registry data…


    The one good thing about The Great Replacement is how it’ll squash and subjugate low-IQed white nationalists.

  4. @Anonymous

    >face like a walnut
    >stupid language
    >hates whitey
    >eats dogs
    >raised by sun yong moon

    You’re right… who can say no to that?

    •�Replies: @Passing by
    , @Tennessee Jed
  5. @Anonymous

    Agreed! If I wasn’t an old married guy, I’d be happy to add to the (half) Korean birthrate.

  6. @don't care

    Between beautiful Korean girls and tattooed, pierced, entitled white degenerates who dye their hair in the colours of toxic batrachians from the Amazon forest, I’d rather see the former surviving and the latter go extinct. The world needs more beauty and less ugliness. And I am white btw.

    •�Replies: @don't care
  7. Godly533 says:

    This is the kind of rough and tumble dissident critique that drives “respectable right-wingers” like Dr. Jared Taylor and Dr. Gregory Johnson up the wall.
    It isn’t proper to question the sacredness of “female choice” which is a mystical force that eugenically improves the race somehow.

  8. @don't care

    There’s an awful lot of rancour in your posts for someone who pretends to be careless.

  9. Communist using traditional imagery doesn’t make them a traditional society (if that is what you seek). Communist/socialists have played this game everywhere. In which traditional society did the government own the means of production? Which one was a technocracy?

    I happen to see South Korean daily where I live (not there) and they seem fine.

  10. A different thought on the subject, South Korea has an area of 38,000 square miles and a population of 52 million or so, it’s terribly overpopulated. Just like England and Holland, it’s passed it’s carrying capacity. Contrary to the prophets of doom and gloom, who see a shrinking population as being some kind of disaster, fewer people means rising wages, fewer lineups for healthcare, and many other benefits in the general quality of life.

    The need for constant growth is the western debt based capitalist way of thinking which has made a mess of the whole world because it needs constant growth to sustain constantly increasing debt. This constant growth can only be sustained for so long, before something breaks. Korea has reached that point. The quality of life has decreased to the point where the raising of children has become unattractive. It’s simply to expensive to have kids.

    Since money is made out of thin air by banks by the central bankers, any government can create its own interest free money. The US lost it’s right to create its own money with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This act allowed central bankers to create money out of thin air and loan it to the Federal government at interest. How many people know that the US government paid the Civil War off with money it created itself?

    Canada started as a nation in 1867, it allowed all it’s major banks to issue their own currency which was all legal currency as recognized by the central government. In 1934, the Canadian government created an entity called the Bank of Canada which abolished the right of banks to issue their own currency. The Bank of Canada was a government owned institution that created money out of thin air. This was in response to the depression which hit Canada especially hard because it was a resource based economy. Until 1974, the Canadian government loaned provinces and cities money at very low interest rates. This transformed Canada into one of the most modern countries in the world with modern gleaming infrastructure. Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Elliot Trudeau was taken aside sometime in the early 70’s and either threatened or somehow convinced, that Canada would be better loaning money from the Bank of International Settlements (a division of the IMF) . The right legislation was passed and from then on Canada started loaning money from them.

    In the 1930’s, Germany started creating it’s own money out of thin air instead of loaning it from the international bankers. The worth of the German currency was based on the strength of the German worker. This ended Germany’s economic problems overnight and gave the people a decent standard of living. This was the real reason for WW2, Germany had to be stopped and returned to the world banking system.

    Cuba, Iran and North Korea are the only countries that do not load money from the Bank of International Settlements. BRICS is another attempt to get out of the stranglehold of the international bankers. Lets hope they succeed this time.

    In summary, all the talk of aging populations being a bad thing is just a cover story to convince the public that we need more immigration and constant growth to pay more taxes for taking care of old people. They never explain that the constantly growing population and declining quality of life is one of the major reasons that people aren’t having children. A nation’s currency is created out of thin air by banks. Unless a nation’s currency is backed up by gold or some other precious metal, the only thing that gives it value is trust. Any one nation that breaks out of the IMF scam, will be destroyed like Germany was by 1945. The only way the iron grip of the IMF can be broken is by many nations getting together and breaking away from the world banking cartel. BRICS needs to be careful in creating a new international financial scheme, so that they don’t end up creating the same thing with another name.

    •�Replies: @Alden
  11. @Passing by

    And I am white btw.

    No kidding.
    White women all want niggers and all the white men want gooks. Everyone knows this.

  12. Dr. Rock says:

    Well, South Korea is pretty well fucked!

    But… It will give us a preview of what happens when this occurs, in real time, to witness, as a case study, I guess.

    Also, you have to wonder if North Korea is tracking this trend, and considered when would be the optimal time in this cycle to attack? Because, in a vacuum, this could simply be viewed as a bizarre experiment in population collapse, but when you have an aggressive enemy, right on your border, looking for chance to invade and re-unify, it’s a slightly more dangerous gamble.

    My guess- S. Korea is finished, and it’s only a matter of time before N. Korea takes them over!

    •�Replies: @Piglet
  13. @don't care

    You left out >not good at landing planes.

    •�LOL: Cloud Posternuke
  14. Alden says:
    @Joe paluka

    Great post low population equals higher wages lower cost of housing and other expenses. The grand and glorious days of the American working class was about 30 years 1946 to about 1976

    Labor shortage due to low American immigration and birth rate during the depression. 1930s depression Communist takeover of Central and Eastern Europe no one was allowed to leave for America. Socialism in Western Europe no one wanted to leave for America. Employers had to search for workers and pay them well.

    Then came the grown baby boomers plus gazillions of immigrants into the workforce and low wages and high cost of basic things like housing utilities food and transportation.

    Those lovely girls you guys posted don’t look old to me.

  15. Piglet says:
    @Dr. Rock

    North Korea cannot invade and take over the South for the simple reason that it lacks the fuel to do so. Attacks require massive amounts of fuel for tanks, armored personnel carriers, trucks, aircraft, etc., and the North simply doesn’t have it. If attacked, the North could fight in place but it is unable to support the kind of offensive that would overrun the South.

    Neither Russia nor China has any intention od supplying the North with fuel to start a useless, highly destructive war. Neither would have anything to gain by doing so.

    The South also has a large, well-equipped, modern military. The North, not so much. The South’s population is larger and its economy is 81 times that of the broken-down North.

    Nobody is his right mind defects to the North but plenty of people try to get out of there.

    Taking a tour of the North isn’t easy but you can get a good look at it in Google Earth. The contrast with the South is stark.

    Also, most South Korean women don’t look like the K-pop girls in the picture (they actually look better), and the northern women in traditional dress, as shown in the picture, are not representative of actual women in the North. Life there is tough and it often shows on their faces.

    And why is there this slobbering over a brutal, totalitarian dictatorship? I can guarantee you wouldn’t want to actually live there.

    Another reason not to have a war involving the North is how its soldiers behaved during the war — absolutely barbaric, to include shooting their own wounded, along with POWs, so their advance would not be slowed down. You could expect more of the same in a second war on the peninsula.

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