Cecilus Segmunt (セシルス・セグムント) is the First ranking Divine General of the Sacred Vollachia Empire. He acts as Vincent Vollachia's sword and is hailed as the indisputably strongest individual from the Empire as well as one of the strongest individuals in the modern world alongside the Kingdom's Reinhard van Astrea, the City-States' Halibel, and the Holy Kingdom's Vague Adgard. He played pivotal roles in Arc 7 and Arc 8, and he played supporting roles in Ex 4 and Ex 5.
Born to the former Stargazer Rowan Segmunt, he was raised for the sword, showing himself as a powerful prodigy of the blade. Though a Stargazer himself, he aims for the Heavenly Sword on his own merit, acting as a performer on a stage for his audience, the Observers who he cannot hear.
Cecilus is a youthful man of the same age as Reinhard, who usually stands out as an oddity to those who see him. His blue eyes, which give off a rather playful and relaxed aura, coupled with his long dark-blue hair which he has tied messily into a ponytail, make Cecilus give off a rather mysterious aura. To further exemplify his messy personality, various strands of long hair can be seen covering the right side of his face, although not to the extent that his right eye is obscured in any way. Completely opposite to his true nature, Cecilus' facial features are soft enough that, when coupled with his slender frame, he could be mistakenly identified as a woman if one were to quickly glance at him. On the left side of his face, just below his mouth, Cecilus has a noticeable mole. Despite the many hundreds of lives he has taken throughout the years, his face isn't burdened by a sense of guilt and his smile is usually described as surprisingly friendly, warm, and welcome.
Although he is the greatest warrior in Vollachia, the Blue Lightning wears clothing commonly found in the western Kararagi City-States. During one of his rare visits to Kararagi, Cecilus fell in love with the clothing and had some custom-made for him to wear on daily basis. His outfit consists of a subdued peach-pink kimono with a purple mist-like pattern along its bottom, a bright-blue haori that rests over his kimono with a pair of white diamond-shaped patterns on its breasts, and a pair of hand-made wooden zori sandals on his feet that he takes off during more serious battles. A white sash can also be seen tied around his waist that keeps his blades attached to his side. He wore the same clothing as a teenager and while under the effects of the infantilization technique. As Cecilus has more than two blades, the katanas dangling from his waist often change. The coupling of his youthful appearance and odd dress-sense could at first glance portray an image of a boy playing dress-up, entirely disregarding his cruel and often-times brutal personality.
Although considered a rather charming and easy-going person, as the strongest member of the Nine Divine Generals, Cecilus is incredibly prideful of his position to the point he believes that he should be the center of the universe and therefore receive attention and praise, which in turn often results in him looking down of other people and treating them as inferior. He's shown to be extremely childish as well, overreacting to small and insignificant things which often ticked Vincent off. Despite this, he was absolutely loyal to the emperor, referring to himself as his sword, and is nigh impossible to bribe.
Although he rarely takes his opponents seriously, he is shown to be overly passionate about fighting, as he was elated seeing how skilled Julius Juukulius was when he attacked him. Following his initial loss against the Sword Saint Reinhard van Astrea, Cecilus went to great lengths in order to illegally trespass the closed borders with the Empire and fulfill his desired to fight the famed Sword Saint once more in order to finally defeat him and prove his superiority. Though, despite his arrogance and childishness, following his duel with Reinhard, he admitted that Reinhard was an incredibly tough opponent and rather than sulking in his failure, decided to strive and do his best to surpass the Sword Saint.
He is also implied to be somewhat of a flirt as he told the thugs that attacked him that he would be far happier to give them his signature if they were women. He is also shown to be generous, shown when he gave the owner of a restaurant too many holy coins and he mentioned that she deserved it.
His sole goal is to achieve the Heavenly Sword, a title that is made for the strongest swordsman existing. Contrary to common belief, if it means achieving the Heavenly Sword, he would easily go against the word of Vincent.
Well over ten years ago, Vincent came into contact with young Cecilus and took him under his wing as he recognized his insane prowess with the blade. From there on out, Cecilus acted as Vincent's sworn sword.
Ex 5[]
Roughly 7 years before the start of the main story, Vincent and the rest of Drizen Vollachia's children entered the Imperial Selection Ceremony, in which they slaughtered each other with the sole goal of surviving and claiming the title of the seventy-seventh Vollachian emperor. During those dangerous times, Vincent often employed Cecilus on different missions, most often on assassinations. One event in particular catapulted Cecilus' name amidst the ranks of the most feared and renowned swordsmen alive; Lamia Godwin and Prisca Benedict orchestrated the sieging of the Abellux Castle. Lamia commanded her army known as the Pruning Corpse to siege the manor's entrance. As a countermeasure, Vincent employed a single swordsman- Cecilus Segmunt. He single handedly slaughtered the entire army which numbered in hundreds. The word of a one-sided slaughter soon spread throughout the Empire and soon reached the ears of the neighboring countries and kingdoms as well, forever engraving the Blue Lightning's name in history.
Years during Vincent's rule[]
A couple of years before the main story, Cecilus was tasked with escorting a convoy in Vollachia and act as a bodyguard of an important person; the very same person Elsa Granhiert was sent to assassinate. Cecilus and Elsa proceeded to fight; Cecilus easily came out victorious but slipped up and gave Elsa an opportunity to kill the VIP, which she did. At another point, he engaged in a battle with Arakiya that resulted in the destruction of a portion of the Imperial Capital, and that area was repurposed into a reservoir by Chisha. Likewise, he was also forced to confront and nearly kill his father, Rowan Segmunt, when he plotted to attack the emperor, and he dumped him somewhere where he had a chance to survive.
Ex 4[]
Shortly after the death of the Lugunican Royal Family (roughly 4–5 months before the start of the main story), Reinhard van Astrea, Julius Juukulius and Ferris accompanied Miklotov McMahon and Bordeaux Zellgef, two members of the Council of Wise Men, on a diplomatic mission to Vollachia in order to negotiate a pact of non-aggression between the Kingdom and the Empire. After an unprecedented turn of events which lead to the three Royal Guards and Vincent escaping to a nearby forest, Cecilus was dispatched and ordered to retrieve the emperor and kill the "murderers". After locating the trio of Julius, Ferris and Vincent, Cecilus began his faceoff with the Spirit Knight. Seconds before finishing the fight by beheading the knight, Groovy Gumlet and Moguro Hagane arrived at the scene after retreating from the Sword Saint. Pursuing them, Reinhard came to the rescue and took the Blue Lightning's attention, swiftly defeating him with a single kick to his neck afterwards, rendering Cecilus unconscious. Upon waking up later, he resolved himself to eventually seize victory in a battle against Reinhard.
Roughly a month after the Imperial Incident, Cecilus was sent on a secret mission to assassinate or bring back the perpetrator who wanted to seize the Vollachian throne - Gramdart Holstoy. On his unannounced trip to the Kingdom, Cecilus encountered Julius and Ferris. After exchanging words over a nice cup of tea, Cecilus requested their help as he wanted an opportunity to fight the Sword Saint for real. After initially refusing to give him help, Julius and Ferris finally gave in as if they'd continue refusing, they'd lose their heads and risk further unnecessary bloodshed. They told the Blue Lightning about Reinhard's whereabouts and upon realizing there's no way to fight him, Cecilus decided to stay in the Royal Capital and eagerly await the red haired knight's return. He spent the next couple of days in the Juukulius Household where he spent his time talking with Joshua Juukulius and sharpening his sword skills. Not long after, Cecilus ran away in search of the Vollachian traitor; it took him no more than a couple of hours to locate him, slaughter his guards and behead him–or so he would have done if Chisha Gold, the Divine General sent to help Cecilus retrieve Gramdalt, wouldn't interrupt him. After their successful mission, they were preparing to return back to the Empire when news came of the Sword Saint's return and Cecilus was finally given an opportunity too face off against the most powerful opponent in the world. Reinhard van Astrea with his Dragon Sword Reid unsheathed and Cecilus Segmunt with his beloved Murasame and Masayume fought; both survived the battle, which resulted in a draw, confirmed by Cecilus himself.
A short time before the events of Arc 7, Cecilus and Chisha talk in the latter’s office. During their conversation, Chisha asks of what Cecilus would do if Vincent and Chisha were at odds, to which Cecilus takes Chisha’s side. Because of their friendship, however, he was willing to at least let Chisha try to convince him otherwise. With Chisha trusting him to take care of Vincent after his plans were complete, Cecilus allowed Chisha to infantilize him, and he was sent to the Gladiator Island Ginunhive with the memories of a child.
Undead Busters[]
Following the Great Disaster, Subaru and Vincent entrusted Spica’s protection to Cecilus and Arakiya while she was hunting down the remaining undead in Vollachia. Unfortunately, when they went to retrieve Arakiya, she immediately attacked Cecilus, leading to a battle between the two. Though he warned Spica to stay back, having every intention of respecting Subaru’s and Vincent’s wishes, Spica was the one who put an end to the fight, using Leaper to incapacitate Arakiya and impressing Cecilus.
Extraordinary Swordsmanship: Cecilus is extremely skilled with the sword. Utilizing his inhuman speed and reflexes, Cecilus can move at breakneck speeds, circle his enemies and strike them down with extremely precise and powerful slashes. It is said that as the personification of the sword, Cecilus is capable of killing even invisible things by simply touching his blade.[1] It is noted that most opponents do not manage to block more than one of his half-serious attacks and when Julius was able to block all seven slashes, Cecilus was left genuinely impressed and decided to take him a bit more seriously. When serious, he can move at such speeds that his opponents think they're fighting hundreds of Cecilus clones at the same time. Thanks to the combination of his insane sword talent, inhuman speed and razor sharp katanas, Cecilus in his early teens, single handedly slaughtered an entire army that was sent to kill Vincent Vollachia, roughly seven years prior to the beginning of the main story. His swordsmanship is said to be on par with Wilhelm van Astrea in his prime, which is an astounding feat considering the fact that Wilhelm was widely recognized as the strongest swordsman of his era. He even managed to cut through Al Shario, a spell that drops a star from the sky and is said to be unavoidable.
- Cloud Cutting (雲切, Kumokiri): Cecilus can use a technique called Cloud Cutting, a powerful slash of the sword so lightning-fast that it leaves no sound behind and creates a force that can rise to the sky, literally allowing it to cleave clouds in two.[2] For people who lack uncommon courage, the sheer strength of the technique is enough to make them feel as if their own flesh has been cleaved.[3] The technique was created by Cecilus's father, Rowan, who spent his lifetime to devise it.[4] However, Cecilus himself used to not see a use in the technique and only viewed it as something to use for show in order to surprise other people.[5] After recognizing and defeating his father one last time during the Great Disaster, Cecilus used Cloud Cutting in his subsequent fight against Sphinx, using the force of the slash to cleave the latter's fire magic in two before it had a chance to make contact with him.
- Maximum Power Sword Slash: Cecilus unleashes a devastating attack that destroys everything around him and tears through any technique before him. His blade gives off a brilliant white light and upon slashing down on the opponent, the area in front of him is blown apart, which he demonstrated during his battle with the Muspel-empowered Arakiya. A downside to this technique is that if the sword Cecilus uses is of insufficient quality, it will be destroyed immediately after the slash is unleashed. This ability is the same technique utilized by Reinhard during his clashes with Elsa Granhiert and Regulus Corneas.
Extraordinary Speed: Cecilus is able to move as fast as lightning, surpassing human senses, being able to run right through checkpoints without being noticed. When serious, he removes his zori before running and is even able to surpass the speed of a lightning bolt. He is the fastest person in the world, surpassing even Reinhard van Astrea.
Extraordinary Intuition: Cecilus has an amazing intuition. It allowed him to figure out Joshua's condition in a few minutes just by the way he walked, perceive the nature of Al's looping ability, recognize the effects of Subaru's Authority (albeit referring to it as "true sight"), and recognize Sphinx following her vessel's transformation into that of the Witch of Greed's.
Equipment: Cecilus wields two katana in a red and a blue scabbard respectively which he usually keeps at his waist. His main katana is the Fiend Sword and his second katana is the Dream Sword; these are his best and second best swords respectively, but he also possesses a variety of other swords, as collecting them is his hobby. His fifth best sword was broken by Julius.
- Fiend Sword Murasame (邪剣ムラサメ, Jaken Murasame):
Cecilus wielding the Fiend Sword.
- Dream Sword Masayume (夢剣マサユメ, Muken Masayume):
Cecilus wielding the Dream Sword.
- Cecilus Segmunt is stated to likely be responsible for more deaths than any other single person in the world.[21]
- Both of Cecilus' katanas are categorized under the Ten Enchanted Swords, a group of ten incredibly powerful swords scattered around the world. As mentioned above, he wields the Fiend Sword and the Dream Sword. Apart from the Dragon Sword Reid and Yang Sword Vollachia, they are the only Enchanted Swords with their whereabouts known.
- Cecilus is said to be capable of defeating the previous generation Sword Saint Theresia van Astrea.
- He's stated to be so powerful that he'd easily be able to slaughter the whole country-worth of soldiers, if he was given the chance to.[22]
- Cecilus ordered his kimono to be custom-made for him after he fell in love with the special type of attire one could find in Kararagi.
- As the strongest person in Vollachia, Cecilus has a considerable income. Sadly though, he spends most of it for his amusement and hobbies.[23]
- His biggest hobby is collecting swords from all around the world, both ancient or new.[24] Naturally, Murasame and Masayume are his most prized swords,[25] and he spends a great deal of his income on their maintenance.
- Due to spending the entirety of his income on swords, Cecilus is forced to live in a run-down shack, situated on Arakiya's private plot of land. Furthermore, he's forced to stay there so Arakiya could fight him without causing too much damage.
- Despite common misconceptions, the author stated that Cecilus survived the events of the Oboreru IF story. After Reinhard broke both of Cecilus' katanas, the Blue Lightning decided on escaping with his life, effectively making him one of the few survivors from the Pleiades faction.
- He never received formal education and has no intention of learning things. This has made it so he's not confident in his thinking abilities.
- Despite being the nation's strongest and the First ranking Divine General, Cecilus holds miniscule authority, compared to other Divine Generals. He is, very much an unstoppable warrior who achieved his rank by outmatching everyone and everything in combat, as opposed to others such as Chisha Gold.
- "Blue Lightning of Vollachia", the title Cecilus is known by, was made up by Cecilus himself.[26]
- Cecilus is one of the few people that Reinhard van Astrea has drawn the Dragon Sword Reid for.
- Cecilus has his own named chapter in Arc 8 of the web novel and light novels.
- According to the author, Cecilus's birthday is April 2.
- ↑ "This drawn sword’s incarnation was that, just by touching that blade, even invisible things would die" Re:Zero Oboreru IF/Wrath IF: Chapter 11
- ↑ In a flash of lightning that left even the sound behind, the force from that blade rose to the sky, and the thick clouds above the pair of them were cleaved in two right down the middle. Re:Zero Tanpenshuu Volume 7, Sword Identity, Section 4.
- ↑ A light flick of the wrist that emitted a flash of the sword, it was the technique called Cloud Cutting that Ceclius had shown in sport. But few could laugh at it as a street performance. In particular, those with uncommon courage such as Arakiya’s master, and Vincent. For those without it, it would be enough to give them a sensation like that off their own flesh being cleaved in two. Re:Zero Tanpenshuu Volume 7, Sword Identity, Section 8.
- ↑ That, was the divine miracle of empty sky that Rowan Segmunt had spent his lifetime devising―― for those who were transcendent monsters, it was comprehended as naught more than being dubbed a flashy performance. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 36, Chapter 6, Section 3.
- ↑ In the midst of a chat between Arakiya and Cecilus, who were the defeated and the victor respectively, a conversation taking place in a vast field reduced to a scorched plot, the latter had sliced open the clouds with his katana, a technique he had purported as being nothing but something for show. In reality, Cecilus had thought it held no utility other than for surprising people; having witnessed it firsthand, Arakiya too evaluated that as a skill devoid of any useful purpose whatsoever. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 36, Chapter 6, Section 3.
- ↑ Its cutting edge was so plainly absurd that even making a dedicated sheath for the blade had been rife with difficulties, such was the might of the blade known as the Fiend Sword Murasame. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 37, Chapter 3, Section 1.
- ↑ It meant to get down to the heart of a matter, but in all things there was an appropriate “point”. No matter the object or phenomenon, or even concept, there existed a “point” that signified its essence. The Fiend Sword Murasame, was an Enchanted Sword that severed that perceived “point”―― Murasame hated Groovy, who had melted it down and reforged it in the past, so to never again be hunted for, it cut the point of its “scent”. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 37, Chapter 3, Section 1.
- ↑ “I mean the Fiend Sword Murasame! That fucking sword’s the fastest way to cut through curses, contracts, and other things that don’t have any form!” Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 36, Chapter 5, Section 3.
- ↑ These two blades of his, Murasame and Masayume, needed even more attention than most, as befitted two of the greatest works of a master swordsmith's art. However, the most important thing for keeping enchanted swords in good fettle was not polishing or honing. What they sought, was respect for what they were. Enchanted Swords required blood and death. Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4, Royal Selection Prequel: The Silver Flower Dance of the Sword Saint and the Lightning, Section 7.
- ↑ This Fiend Sword, which manifested such impossible power, naturally required a suitable compensation in order to be wielded. If the wielder were an ordinary person, it would be an untread area which could cost them their very life――. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 37, Chapter 3, Section 1.
- ↑ It was in no small part because both of the blades seemed to radiate an immense cruelty and bloodlust that could still be detected even when they were completely sheathed. Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4, Royal Selection Prequel: The Silver Flower Dance of the Sword Saint and the Lightning, Section 5.
- ↑ Even if it were not for that, Murasame hated Groovy, who had melted the sword and reforged it into a katana; it would not even allow him to hold it in his hand. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 36, Chapter 5, Section 3.
- ↑ Its inscription called out, the pattern on the blade of the Enchanted Sword shook like a rippling wave. It was a blade belonging to Cecilus Segmunt which possessed incredible power, the Dream Sword Masayume. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 37, Chapter 6, Section 6.
- ↑ “――Dreams are devoured, and dreams are granted.” Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 38, Chapter 1, Section 7.
- ↑ In exchange for the motivation one possessed for a wish they desired to be granted, the contradictory Enchanted Sword would harbor the power to grant that wish. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 38, Chapter 1, Section 7.
- ↑ “In any case there’s no way that my dreams and motivation are ever going to run out!” Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 38, Chapter 1, Section 7.
- ↑ That was the reason why Cecilus Segmunt was the master of the Dream Sword. An extraordinary yearning towards the dreams one harbored would allow the potential of the Dream Sword Masayume to be displayed to the maximum degree. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 38, Chapter 1, Section 7.
- ↑ Much to the lament of Rowan, who was unaware of its whereabouts, it was a supernatural sword permitted to cut things beyond the logic of this world, in a similar manner to the Fiend Sword Murasame. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 37, Chapter 6, Section 6.
- ↑ The Yang Sword Vollachia used the sky as its sheath. Thus, the Dream Sword Masayume used dreams as its sheath. ――Ergo, Cecilus had borrowed Masayume from the waist of “Cecilus” within the daydream. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 37, Chapter 6, Section 6.
- ↑ As Masayume pulsated within his hand, it recognized the short Cecilus as its owner. Things would not have gone this easily with Murasame. He was thankful for this fortuitous encounter here. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 37, Chapter 6, Section 6.
- ↑ "Cecilus was llikely responsible for more deaths than any other single person in the world." Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4: Record of the Days Before the Royal Selection - Imperial Diplomacy of Bloodshed. Section 10.
- ↑ It was said that he had struct down the equivelant of an army, during the Rite of the Imperial Selection Ceremony, but only because that was all the opponents that could been provided at the time. If there had been more of them, he could easily have cut his way through an entire town, the entire capital, the entire country." Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4: Record of the Days Before the Royal Selection - Imperial Diplomacy of Bloodshed. Section 11.
- ↑ "Yes, well, of course my own stipend is not inconsiderable... But I do spend much of it on my own amusements. That leaves me with rather precarious finances, hardly enough to hire maids." Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4: Record of the Days Before the Royal Selection - The Silver Flower Dance of the Sword Saint and the Lightning. Section 5.
- ↑ "As it happens, I collect swords both ancient and new from all around the world." Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4: Record of the Days Before the Royal Selection - The Silver Flower Dance of the Sword Saint and the Lightning. Section 5.
- ↑ "The most exceptional pieces in my collection are my number one sword, Murasame, and my number two sword, Masayume." Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 4: Record of the Days Before the Royal Selection - The Silver Flower Dance of the Sword Saint and the Lightning. Section 5.
- ↑ "Ah, the answer to that question is easy. It was none other than myself who came up with this shocking alias! Cecilus Segmunt, the Blue Lightning of Vollachia! What do you think? It’s a nickname that gives a very striking and elegant impression, don’t you think? One day, my name’s going to be so famous that everyone in the whole wide world will be dazzled by me as the lead actor! It’s a manifestation of my passion." Arc 7, Chapter 62, Section 1