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Arakiya (アラキア) is the Second ranking Divine General of the Sacred Vollachia Empire. First appearing in Ex 5, she made her main story debut in Arc 7 as a major antagonist, and she played a major supporting role in Arc 8.

Originally the aide and foster sister of Priscilla Barielle, she viewed her as her “sun”, which allowed her to maintain her sense of self as a Spirit Eater. Though she assisted her throughout the Imperial Selection, she was forced to help fake her death out of fear of her being killed. Once the newly crowned emperor, Vincent Vollachia, took the throne, he took her on as the Second of the Nine Divine Generals.


Arakiya has red eyes, uneven dog ears, wears only the minimum clothing that allows her to keep her modesty so to help her attract micro-spirits, and has short silver hair with one of her bangs being red, and two of her tufts being black. She also wears an ornate eye patch on her left eye, which she cannot see out of, and a sash-like decoration on her right hip.

Following her defeat in Guaral’s city hall, Arakiya was cut down by Priscilla's Yang Sword Vollachia, leaving a nastily deep and cauterised scar spanning across the entirety of her back.



Ex 5[]

Arakiya grew up with Prisca Benedict and was her sworn sword before and during the Imperial Selection Ceremony. She was given to Prisca by Emperor Drizen Vollachia for unknown reasons.[1]

During the battle of the Abellux Mansion - a fierce battle between Prisca Benedict & Lamia Godwin and Vincent Abellux - Arakiya fought against Chisha Gold, swiftly defeating and almost killing him. As Lamia tried to exploit the fact Priscilla and Vincent would inevitably duel, she set up a bombardment of the forest Prisca was located in. Arakiya had no other choice but to eat the Great Spirit of Earth and save everyone from certain death, though she almost died in the process.

In the months following the battle, Arakiya made a deal with Vincent, which gave her a chance to save Prisca from certain death by Vincent's hand. As Prisca received a bottle of sake mixed with poison, Arakiya drank half of it, which resulted in Prisca's life being saved, however, Arakiya herself lost vision in her left eye. Upon waking up in the Crystal Palace, she was greeted by Cecilus Segmunt and Chisha Gold, who explained her situation and notified her of Vincent's request for her to join his ranks.

An unknown amount of time after a final chance meeting with her princess, Arakiya reported of Priscilla's supposed death, and she eventually received the title of the Second of the Nine Divine General–the second strongest person in the Empire, falling behind only the Blue Lightning himself.

At some point, she and Cecilus fought in an area of the Imperial Capital. The aftermath of their battle left the entire area destroyed, leaving it to be later repurposed by Chisha to be a reservoir.

Undead Busters[]

Following the events of the Great Disaster, Arakiya hid herself away in a shack-like building, depressed over losing the source of her light, Priscilla, while she survived. Having been tasked with guarding Spica and using her own power to sense the remaining zombies left in the country, Cecilus and Spica went to collect her, resulting in yet another fight between her and Cecilus. However, Spica ultimately put a stop to the fight by using Leaper on Arakiya, leaving her unable to keep fighting.


Spirit Eating (精霊喰らい): Arakiya has the power to eat spirits, assimilate her body with them and use their powers as her own without needing to form a contract with them. By eating a Water micro-spirit, for example, she's described as almost becoming one with water, allowing her to swim past Demon Beasts residing in the waters, undetected. Her power is so strong that it even allowed her to take in one of the Four Great Spirits' power without losing her sanity. Arakiya is able to use other spirits' powers until she completely digests them, and it is unknown what happens to spirits, after she eats them. Furthermore, the firmer one's sense of self is, the better they are with their power. This ability does have a downside, however. If exposed to larger quantities of mana, Arakiya will become confused and eventually sick, as she starts experiencing symptoms of mana poisoning. This trick was used against her at the Fall of Guaral, when Vincent flooded the entire room with mana, confusing her and allowing Al to hold his own against her. This ability was originally a secret technique wielded by unnamed tribes living on the frontier of the Empire, but were wiped out due to the ability's potential. Arakiya’s spirit-eating gives her a plethora of abilities, including:

  • Fire: Arakiya can launch fireballs which can destroy ranks of soldiers with ease. She can envelop her limbs as well as her whole body in fire. When doing so, she is often seen flying in midair, and when her whole body is fire, she becomes unable to be grabbed until she reverts to her normal state. The flames can also change color, becoming blue, and the flames are also intense enough that they can scorch the ground to naught and even paint the sky red.
  • Wind: Arakiya can summon powerful gusts of wind to blow her enemies away. She also has the ability to assimilate into wind, making herself invisible.[2]
  • Water: Arakiya can summon jets of water powerful enough to decapitate people. She can also fill people’s heads with water to make them burst from the inside. Additionally, she can turn her whole body into water to swim at high speeds.[3]
  • Yang: She can turn her body into light to both phase through attacks and counterattack in all directions.[4] She can also unleash belts of light with enough power to evaporate anything they hit.
  • Earth: Numerous crystals burst out of Arakiya’s body, some in scattered places across her body with other forming wings from her back. She can fire off countless of these crystals like missiles with intense speed and power, which even Cecilus Segmunt struggled to avoid or fight against.

Massive Mana Pool: After devouring a portion of one of the Four Great Spirits, her mana pool expanded greatly, allowing her to generate all forms of magic. This pool increased later when she devoured and assimilated with the rest of the Stone.

Intangibility: Having taken in the power of Muspel, Arakiya can switch back and forth between a physical and mana-based body, allowing her to temporarily become intangible. Though this can be exhausted should she exhaust her Od, with Muspel’s immeasurable amount of mana, the chances of this are practically moot, effectively making Arakiya immortal.

Unknown Ability: Arakiya can mask her presence by diving into the shadows. The process which she does this by is unknown.

Equipment: Arakiya carries a tri-pronged wand with her to help channel her magic.


  • Arakiya owns a private plot of land somewhere near the Imperial Capital of Lupugana, where she currently resides. Furthermore, it's been stated that Cecilus Segmunt also resides on her land, though not in the same building as her; he lives close-by in a rundown shack.
  • Arakiya's goal to become the First ranking Divine General results in her actively trying to attack and kill Cecilus, though it is to no avail as Cecilus always outmatches her.
  • Arakiya has her own named chapter in the web novel of Arc 8. In the light novel, it was adapted as an interlude.
  • According to the author, Arakiya's birthday is on November 11.


  1. Therefore, the girl who had become the sole instance of completion, as an existence with invaluable abilities, was presented to the emperor of the time, Drizen Vollachia, and Drizen had bestowed her as a foster sister to one of the daughters that had inherited his own blood. It was unknown what impression Emperor Drizen Vollachia had harbored for the girl that had been presented to him, or for what reason he had bestowed her to his own daughter. Arc 7, Chapter 101, Section 1.
  2. “As Al watched, Arakiya’s body began to transform into wind. Meaning she gradually turned invisible.” Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 5, The Sword Wolf of the Scintillating Flame, Section 16.
  3. “That was how she had become like a lesser water spirit in order to safely cross the lake. In fact, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that she had become water itself, swimming at a speed that far outstripped any normal person.” Re:Zero Ex Light Novel Volume 5, The Sword Wolf of the Scintillating Flame, Section 16.
  4. “Arakiya’s body scattered into rays of white light, dispersing with terrifying force spread in every direction like buckshot, hitting Yorna and Priscilla like a fountain of water.” Arc 7, Chapter 95, Section 2.

