Medium O'Connell (ミディアム・オコーネル) is the sister of Flop O'Connell. She made her debut in Arc 7, and she played a supporting role in it and Arc 8.
Originally raised in an abusive orphanage with her brother, after having been saved by Miles, she was brought to and raised in the Dracroy Domain, where she grew up with Flop, Balleroy Temeglyph, and Carillon. Eventually, she decided to act as her brother’s bodyguard when he became a traveling merchant. Following the events of the Imperial Civil War and Great Disaster, she became engaged to Vincent Vollachia, becoming the Empress Consort of Vollachia.
Medium is a tall woman with long cream blonde hair, which is the same color as her older brother. She wears her hair in a unique style. She is also described to be taller than her brother. She wears clothes that reveal her shoulders and legs, and she carries two barbarian swords on her waist.
Medium cares deeply about her brother, and she even acts as an escort for him while he is off on business. Upon meeting Subaru, Rem, and Rui, she tries to become acquainted with them, and she stays behind to talk to Rem and Rui while Flop and Subaru walk through town. When faced with a sudden life threatening event, she is quick to her feet to protect Flop and the others, even willing to go as far as decapitating someone if necessary.
When she was young, she and her brother Flop grew up in an orphanage in a small town called Averyk, where they were routinely beaten by adults. One day, an imperial soldier named Miles arrived at the orphanage and promptly beat and tied up the adults in charge of the orphanage. Along with the other kids, aside from Flop, she beat the tied up adults out of rage from her abuse.
Soon after, she and Flop were brought to the Dracroy Domain, where Serena Dracroy resided. Understanding their circumstances, she became an older sister figure to the two of them and allowed them to reside in her domain. A few years after this, they met Balleroy Temeglyph, and they helped him raise the newborn Carillon. At some point, when Carillon lost some of his baby teeth, they were made into a necklace that he started to wear. At some point, Medium fell in love with Balleroy.
Some years after this, Flop decided to set out from the Dracroy Domain to become a merchant to achieve his revenge, with Medium acting as his bodyguard. During their travels, however, they heard of the demise of Balleroy, Carillon, and Miles, each of which saddened them and left Medium crying.
Divine Protection (加護, Kago): Medium possesses the Divine Protection of Morale (高揚の加護, Kōyō no Kago). The more excited or motivated Medium feels, the more her physical abilities increase in response. At its best, Medium can become strong enough to counter even the magic bullets fired by Balleroy. However, the Divine Protection is a double-edged sword, as since it is affected by Medium's mood, it also diminishes her abilities if she feels sad or enters a depressive state. Additionally, Medium is unaware that she owns this Divine Protection.
Equipment: Medium carries two barbarian swords on her waist which she uses to fight with, and she is talented enough with them to delay the Imperial Army long enough for Flop and Subaru to escape.
- According to the author, Medium's birthday is April 10, the same day as Flop's.
- Medium has her own named chapter in Arc 8 of the web novel and light novels.