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Todd Fang (トッド・ファング) is a former soldier in the Sacred Vollachia Empire who held the rank of Private First-Class and Katya Aurélie's husband. Debuting in the beginning of Arc 7, Todd, alongside Jamal Aurélie, originally played a supporting role. However, he grew to be a recurring and bitter enemy of Natsuki Subaru, even into the beginning of Arc 8.

Todd lives his life in fear and paranoia on account of his hidden background, exacting whatever means necessary to ensure his perceived welfare. Throughout Arc 7, he engaged in various skirmishes with Subaru, including after he was appointed as Arakiya's subordinate. At the beginning of the Great Disaster, he made one last attempt to defeat Subaru and failed, resulting in him being defeated by two of his foe's comrades and subsequently washed away in a flood.


Todd is a young man with short, bright, and spiky orange hair that is kept in place with a headband. He possesses green eyes and noticeably sharp canine teeth. He is noted to likely be a bit older than Subaru. As per all Imperial Soldiers who are not Generals, Todd can be seen sporting Vollachia's standard military uniform issued to members of the Imperial Army, consisting of a red undershirt with long sleeves, a grey overshirt with short sleeves, and black pants as well as black boots, black gloves, a chest protector, and shoulder pads, all of which have small, red stripes on them. His head is adorned with a headband of the same red and black color pallet as the rest of his army attire. On his left side, Todd also straps a small red and black battle axe, which he uses instead of a standard sword seen being used with most other lower-ranked soldiers.

Without his headband on, Todd keeps his hair worn in a bowl cut that covers the sides and back of his head, only having parts of his bangs cut in front of his eyes to allow him to see. As Todd is a halfbeast, when he utilizes the Beastification given to him by his half-wolf human blood, he can become a giant wolf beast with orange and while fur all across his body, a round, black nose, large ears, sharp white teeth, deep green eyes, as well as a large maw.


Todd initially presented himself as a very friendly and open individual, who faithfully follows orders and is extremely kind, friendly, and outgoing towards people around him. However, it soon turned out that Todd was a far more ruthless, sinister, and twisted individual than he appeared. He will manipulate or order everyone to get what he wants and needs, including from Jamal, who he has a close relationship with, and Arakiya, a superior who outclasses him in both rank and power. He is observant and meticulous, going as far as to stab Subaru in the shoulder because he didn't like his gaze and correctly concluded Subaru was trying to deceive him. Even though he originally acted very kindly towards Subaru, it was revealed that Todd was in fact always suspicious of Subaru from the very second the two met.[1] Todd is also prepared to go to extreme lengths in order to get his way, as seen when he tested if a slaughtered witchbeast was poisonous enough to kill someone and giving it to the other soldiers after mixing it in water, killing said soldiers in order to avoid repercussions, and brutally slaughtering numerous innocent civilians in the Fortress City of Guaral while targeting Subaru's life in numerous failed loops. He was even willing to sacrifice his friend and future brother-in-law so that he could make a successful escape from his enemies, as well as kill every resident of an island and ruthlessly murder children without remorse.

Todd has claimed that he hates the way Vollachians behave, as he believes that giving up one's life, and especially so for another person, is a pointless endeavor, despite the fact that he also behaves in a survival of the fittest way. He has personally admitted to Subaru that some degree of his actions are based out of fear. If Todd finds himself in an unfavorable position, then he will often run away out of cowardice or choose not to act, such as when he initially attempted to escape from Guaral after its seizure. However, even if Todd is internally frightened, he will attempt to appear externally stronger in order to match the way of the Empire. Subaru has appraised Todd as scum comparable to the Witch Cult's Sin Archbishops.[2] His primary motivator to safely return home to Katya, who he believes is the one thing he cannot risk losing. Todd does not wish to neglect Katya, yet he finds her to be a flawed and loveable "item".


Five years before the start of the main story, Todd was a bandit in the Fortified City of Garkla. After the destruction of the city resulting from the Sin Archbishop of Greed some years prior, numerous factions of bandits came into the city under one union and interfered with the rebuilding process. Todd, being one of their leaders, wanted to quit being a bandit and join the Imperial Army as a respected soldier from the very start of his tenure by gathering all of the other bandit leaders and turning them in. However, Jamal Aurélie, a soldier who was stationed in Garkla at that time, ended up slaying one of the other leaders, causing the bandits to lose their morale and end their assault on Garkla. Todd, having quit being a bandit after his plan was foiled, later met Jamal. At some point in the future, Todd was introduced to Jamal's younger sister, Katya, and she became his fiancée a year later.

Roughly two to three months before the start of the main story, Todd and Jamal were talking about the revolt that started at that point in time by Yorna Mishigure, the 7th ranking Diving General. During this conversation, Jamal talked about how he heard a rumor about testing people in the subjugation of Yorna's rebellion in order to see who would take the place of the former 9th ranking Divine General. After Jamal was asked about his source, he revealed that he had heard it from a few people who fled from a fortress that Yorna had attacked. After taking the time to gather more information, the two later captured the fled soldiers to turn them in as prisoners and helped to bring an end to the rebellion, though they received no reward for their contributions.


Divine Protection (加護, Kago): As a half-wolf human, Todd possesses the Divine Protection of Ambushing (騙し討ちの加護, Damashiuchi no Kago). Although its exact effects are unknown, it enables werewolves to be difficult to find by other people.

Beastification (獣化, Kemonoka): As a halfbeast of half-wolf human lineage, Todd has the ability to transform himself into a large orange wolf beast.

Keen Intellect: The ability that makes Todd so dangerous is unmistakably his intellect. He is extremely attentive and calculative, always being two steps ahead of both his enemies and allies, which allows him to devise deadly traps and strategies to dispatch his foes without being forced to personally cross weapons with them. One should also mention his mentality as an Imperial soldier. Depending on the target's supposed threat, Todd isn't afraid of causing collateral damage. During one failed loop, he sent a rogue dragon carriage zooming down the streets, killing tens of innocents as well as Subaru. In the following loop, he set a pub ablaze, once again killing innocents, just so he could kill Subaru. After joining forces with Arakiya, he managed to scare lesser spirits into his submission through unknown means, expressing zero hesitation in exerting his will over them in order to use their abilities to his advantage in combat when necessary.

  • Keen Orientation: Todd has been mentioned to easily be able to memorize a place or building's layout and geography by simply being there once. With this skill, Todd is very proficient at infiltrating places he's already been to and planning ambushes on his own soil.
  • Deductive Ability: Todd has also shown to be well able to put two and two together. By observing how the gladiators on the Gladiator Island Ginunhive behaved as well as the behavior of the island's governor, he was able to determine where the curse tool keeping everyone in check was. He also showed such ability by noticing the abnormality sitting on the battlefield for the Imperial Capital when he noticed the strange way that the war was flowing, and he quickly moved to remove it.

Enhanced Strength: Though not to the same degree as most warriors, Todd has a decent amount of physical strength to go along with his half-wolf human lineage.

Enhanced Senses: Todd has displayed above average proficiency with multiple bodily sensations, presumably because of his half-wolf human blood.

  • Enhanced Vision: Todd possesses extremely enhanced eyesight. When Subaru was burning the Imperial flag after having captured Guaral, Todd was able to pick out his face from the other side of the city and see through his crossdressing disguise to determine that the Imperial Soldiers have been taken in by the “dancers” by using his unique ability.[3] Todd also seems to use this ability when hunting Subaru prior to the Fall of Guaral, as if he is able to see and track Subaru consistently from completely out of sight.
  • Enhanced Smelling: Todd possesses an extremely advanced sense of smell. Although Todd is not able to smell miasma, he possesses the ability to pinpoint someone's specific body odor.[4] He has been able to use this in order to pinpoint an individual who he believed was related to Subaru at the time, despite not knowing the two were one and the same.

Stealth: Todd has shown himself to be excellent at hiding his presence. His Divine Protection aside, he was able to easily sneak around in the dungeons of Guaral with the typically loud Jamal and escape from City Hall without being noticed for some time. Later, he was even able to move around the battlefield of the Battle for the Imperial Capital with ease, and he easily managed to sneak up on the support group and nearly ambush them.


  • Battle Axe: Todd can usually be seen wielding a short battle axe and is stated to be very skilled with it, more-so than the average Imperial Soldier. With it, he is able to swiftly dispatch foes with deadly accuracy and surprising amount of force. Despite perhaps not appearing as menacing as some other soldiers, Todd's proficiency in killing others with his axe is not to be underestimated.
  • Throwing Knives: As demonstrated during the witchbeast ambush, Todd is capable of quickly and accurately throwing knives, even when under heavy pressure.


  • Todd was only introduced with his forename at first. However, in a side story released with Volume 27, his surname was revealed.
  • Originally, Todd's rank in the Imperial Army was lower than lower than the Jamal held.[5] However, Todd's rank was later changed to be a Private First-Class, the same as Jamal's.[6][7]
  • According to the author, Todd's birthday is December 12.[8]
  • Todd has his own named chapter in Arc 8 of the web novel, which is also the shortest chapter written to date. In the light novel, it was adapted as an interlude, though it was not listed on Volume 34's table of contents.


  1. The Land of the Wolves / Death unto the Weak, Mercy be None 2
  2. From what he recalled, Sin Archbishops were not good people either but when compared to Todd, they still had some charm, was what it seemed like. No, it did not seem like that. No matter what they were compared to, scum remained scum. Arc 7, Chapter 72, Section 2.
  3. Unlike Todd, Jamal was unaware of the identity of the person who had set the Imperial Flag on fire. Due to the distance, his eyes could not perceive any details on the roof of the City Hall. Todd could see it only because of his special eyes. And it was because he could see them, that he was holding Jamal back. Arc 7, Chapter 24, Section 3.
  4. “Miasma? Ah, no, that’s not it, that’s not it, don’t get the wrong idea. It really does smell, your body odor. I have a bit of a good nose. That’s why it’s so strange.” Arc 7, Chapter 73, Section 3.
  5. "Sorry, but I outrank that guy. I listened to his request as a favor, but there’s no reason I gotta comply." Arc 7 Chapter 8; Section 2.
  6. "...It’s Private First-Class, Todd Fang, General First-Class Arakiya." The Land of the Wolves / Death unto the Weak, Mercy be None 3; Section 1.
  7. “Sorry? Oh, you mean the social standing of my family or my army title? Well, I wasn’t born into a great family, and I’m the lowest ranking soldier. But, I suppose this promotion would make me a Private First-Class, don’t you agree?" The Land of the Wolves / Death unto the Weak, Mercy be None 5; Section 3.
  8. Author's Comment


  1. It is unclear whether or not Todd is undead.

