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Re:Zero Wiki

Tanza (タンザ) is a servant of Yorna Mishigure who once resided within Chaosflame's Crimson Lapis Castle. She plays a supporting role in Arc 7 and Arc 8.


Tanza is a young girl with pale skin, purple eyes, and tan hair. Due to her lineage as a deer human, she sports a pair of antlers and has one decoration below each antler. She dons a blue and purple kimono with a floral pattern with its collar, sleeves, and bow being a bright shade of green, reminiscent of Yorna's kimono.


Tanza was initially presented as a doll-like girl who does not show her emotions. Despite her cold exterior, she holds immense love for Yorna and is herself cared for by the residents of Chaosflame. She often appears reserved, but she is able to understand the thoughts and feelings of those around her. Although she mostly shows respect to the people around her, Tanza is straightforward and supportive. In reality, she has always been highly self-deprecating and often thinks of herself as selfish, even feeling glad that it is not in her nature to show her emotions on her face.

She has also shown great loyalty to those she follows. In Yorna’s case, she was willing to go against someone as dangerous as Abel and even set a large number of citizens on his party so that they would leave and not involve Yorna in his war, and she was even willing to give up her own life so that Yorna would not be punished or involved. She even displayed her deep loyalty to Natsuki Subaru during the events in Ginunhive, willing to sacrifice her life to make sure he lived. Likewise, despite her own retorts to his apparent non-serious behavior, she did not abide by others mocking him.


The birthplace of Tanza and her sister, Zoey, was ravaged and destroyed by bandits who sought to earn profits when the spread of a superstition claiming that boiling the antlers of deer humans could create a panacea. Their parents were murdered by the bandits, and the two of them barely escaped with their lives. From that point onward, the sisters lived a harsh life of suffering while attempting to evade those who sought to kill them for their antlers or to prey on their weakness, as has been customary for the Vollachia Empire. Zoey put herself through harsh circumstances to even obtain a plate of soup for her and Tanza, who detested who reliance on her older sister and felt the desire to end her own life. After they had continued to flee for a long time, the two of them eventually heard rumors of a paradise called Chaosflame. Despite Tanza's doubts toward its existence, Zoey managed to lead her there. Yorna greeted the sisters when they arrived at Chaosflame and embraced them. Although Zoey had not cried when her parents died, when a spectacle was made of her so she could obtain soup, or when Tanza levied curses towards her, she began to sob as she embraced Yorna. Tanza, too, cried at this scene, thinking that she must never lose Yorna or her paradise.

In Chaosflame, the sisters were provided with suitable meals and a bedroom. Being the most hardworking of Yorna's servants, Zoey carried out her responsibilities dutifully. However, two years after arriving at Chaosflame, while Zoey was guiding demi-human tribes into the city, she passed a fortress of Imperial Soldiers who were conducting a military exercise. They attacked the demi-humans under the guise that they were potential enemies. Zoey would unfortunately be murdered and tortured for sport by the soldiers, who would then disgrace her corpse. Following this incident, Tanza requested to take on Zoey's old responsibilities, which Yorna accepted. She was also comforted by Yorna while feeling rage, sorrow, and anguish stemming from Zoey's murder.

As a direct result of Zoey's death, Yorna attacked the fortress and killed a majority of the soldiers there for revenge, and when a few of them escaped, she carried out a full-scale rebellion against the Empire to retrieve the escaped soldiers. During this rebellion, Madelyn Eschart arrived at Chaosflame and attempted to hold Tanza's life, although it ultimately failed with Yorna's use of the Soul Marriage Technique.


Relative Power: With the enhancement she received from Yorna's Soul Marriage, Tanza had the power to defeat large-sized witchbeasts. Furthermore, when her power was increased with Subaru's Cor Leonis, she was the strongest combatant within the Pleiades Battalion, able to defeat common undead with her feet and bare fists and create shockwaves that broke through the bastions of Lupugana reinforced with earth magic as well as the walls of the Prime Minister's mansion that were reinforced with a Divine Protection.


