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Kafma Irulux (カフマ・イルルクス) is a First-Class General of the Sacred Vollachia Empire. He made his main story debut in Arc 7, and he played a supporting role in it and Arc 8.

Raised in secret from the rest of his clan, Kafma came to become a prodigy whose body could withstand taking in far more insects than the rest of his clan. Though regarded as a monster by other members of his clan, he is a righteous and loyal man. In the Imperial Army, he has both the strength and popularity to warrant a potential promotion to Divine General. Following the events of the Great Disaster, he officially took on the role of a First-Class General.


Kafma Irulux is an average-sized man with short, bristling yellow-green hair, who's seemingly about as old as Vincent, if not slightly older. As expected from a General, Kafma is adorned in a tight, black set of armor, which he covers with a sandy-colored cloak, likely to not attract attention. His facial expressions, physique, and the overall air he gives off have all been described to be as sharp as a wire.


Most of the time, Kafma acts professional and follows orders without much complaints. However, his temper is rather short, which makes him appear very tense and quick-to-blow-up, often causing him to make impulsive decisions mere moments after hearing an unwanted reply. When subjected to scenarios he isn't fond off, Kafma doesn't refrain from speaking his mind, be it to someone of a lower rank than him or to the very Divine Generals who command him. As with most of the other members of the Imperial Army, he is also very patriotic, and he holds the Empire as well as the emperor in very high regards. Despite his outward anger, Kafma holds shame as a result of his clan's involvement in a previous rebellion against the emperor and doesn't always hold himself in high regards.

Kafma is also very respectful towards those beneath him, something that made him immensely popular with other soldiers. He has also displayed this quality to people he believed to be citizens of the Empire. Before he realized that Subaru’s group was actually his enemies, he displayed outward frustration on their behalf, stating that having an audience in the same place as the emperor when this ordinarily should not have happened was extremely troubling for them and highly discomfortable.


Kafma grew up as a member of the Insect Cage Tribe, a tribe where members would form symbiotic bonds with insects to gain power. Typically, most members of the tribe were meant to train their mind and body until the age of twelve, where they then receive their first insect. However, Kafma's father, the older brother of the tribe's chief who lost his mind due to being inferior to his younger brother, declared his son dead a few days after birth. In reality, Kafma was forced to take in his first insect, and from then on, he was forced to take in one insect a year until he was twelve. At the age of twelve, his existence was discovered, his father was executed, and his uncle, the tribe's chief, chose to take responsibility for him. Kafma would soon choose to take in a fourteenth insect in the face of opposition from tribe's elders, and after three days and nights of suffering, he took in the insect to become recognized as a a full-fledged member of the Insect Cage Tribe.

Although he tried to show a virtuous sense of camaraderie to his fellow tribe members, they could only see him as a monster, and he left his homeland to escape this perception. He found the people of the outside world to see him in the same way, and he came to believe that there was nowhere he could escape from being a monster by the time he became a General in the Imperial Army. Despite this, he was told to disregard that he was a monster by a comrade of his who thought of himself the same way, and he realized that he was okay with being considered one on the condition that he wasn't excluded from being understood by other people.

Roughly two to three months after the death of the former ninth ranking Diving General, Balleroy Temeglyph, a meeting was held in order to determine who would take his place. The fifth ranking Divine General, Goz Ralfon, quickly suggested Kafma as a suitable candidate due to his deep loyalty to the Empire and its emperor, as well as his very well honed skills as a warrior which let him ascend to the rank of a Second-Class General at a very young age.

After Yorna Mishigure began a revolt, Kafma was released from his house arrest in order to handle the rebellion and prove his usefulness against the other candidate, Madelyn Eschart. However, before confronting the citizens of Chaosflame with Goz, Kafma ultimately concluded that he was not fit to become a Divine General and gave up his chances of taking the ninth seat after admitting that he was unqualified for the position to the emperor, Vincent Vollachia.


Insect Cage Clan Attacks: As a member of the Insect Cage Clan, Kafma can masterfully use a variety of his Clan's trademark attacks and weapons. He holds a total of 32 different insects inside himself, each with unique abilities.

  • Thorn-like Insects: Kafma can skillfully throw countless thorn-like insects towards his enemies with extreme precision and speed. The thrown insects can be as big as a grown person's arm, and they are dark green in color. With this attack, Kafma easily breaches the distance between him and his enemies, skewering them before they have the chance to retaliate.
  • Vine-like Insects: Kafma can use these insects both to protect people over a wide area and to grab onto multiple targets at once. He can also create footholds for his allies with this ability. This is often used in defense and support rather than for offense.
  • Flying: Kafma can sprout six insect wings that enable him to fly.
  • Insect Implantation: Kafma can force his target to take an insect into their body. Since most people’s bodies are not capable of withstanding these insects, it is not uncommon for his target to die in agony as the insect grows. He typically avoids using this technique unless he is forced to take his opponent down as quickly as possible. It is possible, however, to burn the insects that were implanted in the target’s body, albeit at the risk of burning oneself.

Extra Organ: Kafma has developed an extra organ, not as a result of a particular insect but of the symbiosis between him and all 32 of his insects. This organ can be exposed by Kafma's chest opening up. Once exposed, it can be used to send out a shockwave that is said to reduce any warrior into red mist.

Enhanced Physicality: His body is incredibly durable. Whereas most of his clan can only handle a few of their insects, Kafma not only survived taking in his absurd number of insects, but he also managed to completely adapt to them. Even excluding this and the power that his insects provide him, Kafma has impressive physical might. He is capable of going head to head with someone as strong as Garfiel Tinzel and dealing considerable damage to him. Similarly, he is capable of withstanding a beating from said warrior, even including being dragged through stone.


  • While still a Second-Class General, Kafma was stated to have equal ability when compared to the Nine Divine Generals, though his personality had been the only difference between them.[1]
  • Kafma, along with Madelyn Eschart, was a character derived from random sketches made by the series's illustrator, Otsuka Shinichirou.
  • Kafma has his own named chapter in Arc 7, in both the web novel and light novels.


  1. "――Therefore, except for his personality, he has the same ability as the Nine Divine Generals." Arc 7 Chapter 54; Section 3

