Re:Zero Wiki
Re:Zero Wiki

Joshua Juukulius (ヨシュア・ユークリウス) is Julius Juukulius' adoptive younger brother and a member of the Anastasia Camp.

Debuting in Arc 5, Joshua played a passive role throughout the beginning of the arc, and could be often seen travelling around with his fellow camp companions as well as with Julius. However, Joshua unluckily stumbled across the Sin Archbishop of Gluttony, who ate his name and memories, putting him in a vegetative-like state. Currently, Joshua is yet to wake up.


Joshua is an elegant and handsome young man with a clear and slender face and long, light purple hair that he regularly ties into a tail, leaving it to elegantly fall down his shoulders. He has bright and sparkling, yellow slant up eyes that give off a sharp look which left a pretty bad first impression on Subaru. His black clothes are well tailored and perfectly fit his slender physique; paired with his monocle, they give off a strict and scholarly impression and one can easily figure out his social standing. He's described to give off an impression of a boy who would best fit into a quiet room, immersed in literature - which coincidentally was how he spent most of his childhood. Despite that, Joshua is extremely well mannered and his posture is elegant and befitting of a high ranking noble.

Due to his illness, Joshua is physically very weak and quickly runs out of stamina. As a child, he spent his days buried in books and observing his brother Julius practicing with a sword, often wishing he could join him.

Currently, Joshua has had his name and memories eaten by Roy Alphard, erasing his existence from the world and putting him in suspended animation.


Unlike his brother Julius, Joshua does not have the same composed personality, as shown when he gets flustered with the antics of the Emilia Camp members. Despite this, he has a serious yet amiable personality. He respects his brother to the utmost degree and cannot stop when he starts talking about him, and has also developed a passion for art and painting. Even with his upmost calm and collected personality, he was previously subtly racist towards demi-humans, with Julius describing that Joshua had a narrowed view towards the world. Since then, he has shed his prejudice.


Joshua was born sickly until he was 14 and hasn't learned combat skills because of this.


  • According to the author, Joshua's birthday is January 10.
  • Joshua wears a monocle because he thinks Tivey looks cool wearing it so he decided to imitate him.
  • Joshua started respecting Julius when he was around 7 years old.
  • The only reason why Joshua decided to serve Anastasia Hoshin is due to Julius' influence on him. Without Julius, he wouldn't have joined her camp.[1]


  1. "Q: What is the reason that Joshua decided to serve Anastasia? Was it Julius' influence, as you'd expect? A: Indeed, it was nothing other than Julius' influence. Currently, there's no episode where Joshua himself decides to serve Anastasia." Q&A - Joshua's Birthday 2019

