"Baymax and Hiro" is the fourth animated short of Big Hero 6: The Series. It premiered on June 14, 2018.
Hiro and Baymax return home very late after catching a robber. Baymax is also low on power, and Hiro struggles to keep him quiet as he gets him back to his charging station. In the morning, Hiro programs Baymax with battery boost chip that should improve his battery power. However, he becomes hyperactive once Hiro inserts his new chip, and starts carrying out several healthcare procedures and chores at fast pace. By the end of the day, Hiro decides that Baymax was better the way he was, and removes his battery boost chip.
International Premieres
- February 1, 2018 (Sweden)
- February 25, 2018 (France)
- March 29, 2018 (Spain)
- April 5, 2018 (Brazil)
- April 18, 2018 (Asia)
- Karmi makes a cameo in this short.