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Cliff Secord (also known as "The Rocketeer") is the main protagonist of the film of the same name. He is a stunt pilot and hero. He is the great-grandfather of Kit Secord.


The Rocketeer[]

In 1938, Cliff and mechanic A. "Peevy" Peabody find a mysterious rocket pack inside a biplane of their employer's hangar. Cliff experiments with it, but Peevy persuades him to leave the rocket alone until he can understand its design and fine-tune it.

Shortly afterward, at an airshow, Cliff uses the rocket (with Peevy's newly designed, face-hiding helmet) to heroically rescue his elderly friend Malcolm piloting a malfunctioned aircraft. Having been seen by the audience, a media sensation ensues, and Cliff, as the anonymous hero, is dubbed "the Rocketeer". However, Cliff and his aspiring actress girlfriend, Jenny Blake, begin to have relationship issues after Cliff visits her on-set of a film and inadvertently causes an accident. Jenny is fired over Cliff's accident; however, Neville Sinclair, who is portraying the lead role of the production, overhears Cliff's attempt to tell Jenny about the rocket pack. After Cliff leaves, Sinclair makes up to Jenny and invites her to dinner at the famed South Seas Club. Sinclair then sends his assistant, Lothar, to search the airfield for Cliff.

Cliff consults with Peevy in their shared home, where Lothar attacks and seizes detailed rocket pack schematics drawn up by Peevy, but they are interrupted by the arrival of the FBI. Cliff and Peevy escape with the rocket. Cliff and Peevy arrive at the local diner but are trapped by a team of mobsters who are searching for Cliff but don't recognize him. Overhearing them consult with Eddie over the diner's phone, Cliff learns of Jenny's date with Sinclair and the latter's involvement with the crime. The diner patrons overpower the mobsters, but a stray ricochet punctures the rocket pack's fuel tank, which Peevy provisionally patches with Cliff's chewing gum. Cliff proceeds to and infiltrates the South Seas Club but is nearly trapped by Valentine's gang, and in the ensuing melée, Jenny is kidnapped by Sinclair.

Sinclair tries to seduce Jenny at his villa, but she knocks him out and, trying to escape, discovers that he is a spy. Sinclair recaptures her with Lothar's aid and leaves a message for Cliff: bring the rocket pack to the Griffith Observatory that very night in exchange for Jenny's life. Cliff hides the rocket just before he is arrested by the FBI, who takes him to Howard Hughes. Hughes reveals that the rocket, called the Cirrus X-3, was a prototype similar to one Nazi scientists were unsuccessfully developing to invade the United States (as shown in a propaganda film the FBI show Cliff that was smuggled out of Nazi Germany). When Hughes demands the return of the rocket, Cliff explains that he needs it to rescue Jenny; when the FBI protests, Cliff escapes, but inadvertently leaves behind a clue to the location of the exchange.

Recostumed as the Rocketeer, Cliff flies to the rendezvous where Sinclair, Lothar, and the Valentine gang are waiting. When Sinclair demands the rocket, Cliff divulges to the gang that the actor is a Nazi spy. Eddie, drawing the line at treason, turns on Sinclair, but Sinclair unexpectedly summons Nazi SA commandos hidden nearby and the gang is held at gunpoint as a Nazi Zeppelin, Luxembourg, touring America in a "gesture of friendship" but actually secretly assisting the mission, appears overhead. A fight ensues between the Nazis and the FBI agents who have followed Cliff, as well as Eddie and his men, but Sinclair and Lothar escape with Jenny aboard the Zeppelin. Cliff uses the rocket to reach and board the Zeppelin, but during the ensuing showdown, Jenny accidentally sets the craft on fire with a flare gun. Sinclair takes the rocket to save himself, but not before Cliff thumbs off the chewing gum patch; with the leaking fuel ignited by the exhaust flame, Sinclair dies crashing down upon the last four giant letters of the "Hollywoodland" sign. Lothar is engulfed in flames as the Zeppelin explodes, but Cliff and Jenny are rescued at the last instant by Hughes and Peevy in an autogyro.

Some time afterward, Hughes presents Cliff with a brand-new Gee Bee racing aircraft as a compensation for the one he lost at the start of the adventure. As Hughes leaves, Jenny presents Peabody with the rocket blueprints she found in Sinclair's villa. Peabody decides that with some modifications, he can build an even better one.

The Rocketeer (TV series)[]

First Flight 2

The Rocketeer in the TV series.

Cliff makes a cameo appearance in the series as the Rocketeer. He was once Hughesville's local hero until he retired. In his honor, the townspeople put up a statue of him in the town square. Decades later, his great-granddaughter, Kit Secord, inherited the rocket-pack on her seventh birthday, and become the new Rocketeer. Cliff's fate remains unknown.

In "Scarlett's Search", it is revealed that he had a plane that he lost due to strong gusts of wind in Narrows Canyon. He promised his granddaughter Scarlett that if the plane were found, he would give it to her.

In "Rocketeer Day", Cliff is revealed to have kept his superhero identity a secret from his family. This was later discovered by Kit, Ambrose and Tesh through an old photo that Ambrose drew as a child that was found in the Rocketeer's old pocket watch.

Disney Parks[]

Rocketeer Popcorn Maker

Rocketeer roastie-toastie figure at Disneyland


A roastie-toastie figure dressed as the Rocketeer could also be seen in Tomorrowland's popcorn machine at Disneyland for years before being replaced by a female astronaut.

Walt Disney World[]

Jock Lindsey's Hangar Bar[]

Cliff is name-dropped in this Disney Springs bar belonging to Jock Lindsey, an ally of Indiana Jones from Raiders of the Lost Ark and member of the Society of Explorers and Adventurers. There is a poster in the bar advertising a performance of Bigelow's Circus which features Jock Lindsey, Cliff Secord, and historic aviatrix Pancho Barnes

Peevy's Polar Pipeline[]

Cliff is referenced in this Echo Lake dining-service run by Secord's ally Peevy. Cliff's equipment decorates the inside of this bar in-addition to references to Bigelow's Circus.

Sorcery in the Sky[]

The Rocketeer appeared at Disney MGM Studios in the 1991 incarnation of Sorcery in the Sky, flying over the Chinese Theater, though this only lasted for the summer of the film's release.

Video Games[]

Disney Heroes: Battle Mode[]

The Rocketeer DHBM
The Rocketeer zooms into battle with his trusty rocket pack, ready to take down enemies.
―The Rocketeer's in-game Hero description.

Cliff, as the Rocketeer, appears as a frontline Damage hero, specializing in knocking away opponents with his fists and rocket pack, and retreating to the backline for repairs when he takes too much damage. Like all characters, the Rocketeer has two unique Friend Campaigns pairing him up with other Heroes. His first, "Schematic Scramble", pairs him up with Captain Amelia when Syndrome steals Peevy's schematics to the rocket pack and starts equipping the villains of the City with their own jetpacks. After defeating Megavolt, Dr. Drakken, and John Silver, the duo finally knock out Syndrome and put him behind bars. His second, "Fly Away", has him and Kida teaching each other how to use the other's preferred method of flight, with Kida immediately taking to the rocket pack while Cliff struggles with riding a Ketak. Additionally, the Rocketeer features in Friend Campaigns for both Audrey Ramirez and Helga Sinclair.

Skill Type Skill Name Description
White Skill "Launch Forth" The Rocketeer launches himself into the air, knocking back nearby enemies. He then lands next to the farthest enemy, dealing damage to any nearby enemies.
Green Skill "Rocket Punch" The Rocketeer uses a rocket powered punch against the closest enemy, dealing damage and knocking them back,
Blue Skill "Quick Fix" When the Rocketeer reaches 20% of his max HP, he launches into the air and retreats to his allies' backline. Instead of a basic attack, he fixes his rocket pack, healing himself an amount of HP per second until he reaches max HP or uses "Launch Forth".
Purple Skill "Rocket Up" When the Rocketeer uses "Launch Forth", the cooldown on "Rocket Punch" is reset to 0. "Rocket Punch" also knocks back and deals damage to nearby enemies.
Red Skill "Energy Boost" If the Rocketeer is fully healed by "Quick Fix", he gains 1000 Energy. The Rocketeer also gains 4 stacks of Hardy and heals an amount of HP whenever he uses "Launch Forth". Additionally, the Rocketeer gains stat boosts in Basic Damage, Armor, and the damage dealt by "Rocket Punch" upon unlocking this skill.
Friendship Disk 1 "Sneaky Schematics" After the Rocketeer has not performed a Basic Attack for 5 seconds, his next basic attack will deal an additional 25% of the enemy's max HP as True damage. Additionally, the Rocketeer gains bonus True damage when using "Rocket Punch", and gets a stat boost to his Basic Damage upon equipping this disk. This disk is unlocked and upgraded by completing the Rocketeer's Friend Campaign with Captain Amelia.
Friendship Disk 2 "Flight Control" "Launch Forth" deals additional damage to any Control-role opponents, and Silences them for a period of time. Additionally, the Rocketeer gets stat boosts to his Reality and Skill Power upon equipping tis disk. This disk is unlocked and upgraded by completing the Rocketeer's Friend Campaign with Kida.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Cliff Secord.


  • After Cliff puts on the rudder helmet so he can steer/control the rocket, he is frequently seen turning his head without changing his course or direction.
  • In the original comic, Cliff was motivated purely by money until he rescues his friend Malcolm. From that point onward, he desperately tries to get rid of the jetpack, but keeps running afoul of both C.I.A. and Nazis, forcing him into action.
  • What If...? director Bryan Andrews wanted to have Cliff appear alongside Captain Carter and a post-serum Steve Rogers in the episode "What If... Captain Carter Were The First Avenger?". This was rejected, however, due to copyright issues and because it would raise the question of whether Howard Hughes would exist in the MCU. [1]


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Linked Attractions
Fortress ExplorationsTower of TerrorMystic ManorBig Thunder Mountain Railroad (Magic Kingdom) • Oceaneer Lab (aboard the Disney Magic and Disney Wonder) • Miss Adventure Falls (Typhoon Lagoon) • Soaring: Fantastic FlightJungle CruiseAdventureland TreehouseAdventurers Suite (Disney Explorers Lodge)
Magellan'sJock Lindsey's Hangar BarSkipper CanteenExplorer's Club RestaurantThe Tropical HideawayColonel Hathi's Pizza OutpostCafe HyperionAbracadaBarTrader Sam'sClub 33
Harrison Hightower IIILord Henry MysticBarnabas T. BullionJason ChandlerCaptain Mary OceaneerJock LindseyDr. Albert FallsMerriweather Adam PleasureCamellia FalcoProf. R. BlauerhimmelCharlton J. TaboretDr. J.L. BateristaMaestro D'ElfmanDr. Kon ChunosukeProf. Garrett Reed • Luana Teixeira • Chef Tandaji • Shango Sio
Associated Characters
Alberta FallsAlbertArchibald SmeldingArielBeatrice Rose EndicottCaptain BrieuxCaptain Nemo • Charlie Allnut • Colonel Critchlow SunchbenchConstance HatchawayCornelius Endicott IIDuncan the ParrotEmil Bleehall, Jr.Felix Pechman XIIIFletcher HodgesGeorge HightowerGiant SquidHathaway BrowneHoward StarkCliff SecordFrank WolffIndiana Jones • Hammerhead Fred • Kimballum HorriblusMadame ZarkovManfred StrangMaraMarion RavenwoodMickey MouseMinnie MouseOtis T. WrenPacoOtis BigelowPamelia Perkins • Rose Sayer • RositaSallah Mohammed Faisel el-KahirSalty the ParrotSamantha SterlingTheodore RooseveltTrader SamUrsula • Victoria Marie Falls • Yeti
Backside of WaterBalinese Music BoxDead Man's ChestFountain of YouthHyperion AirshipMedieval Crossbow • Jujus • Monkey King StatueShiriki UtunduTreasure of CortésSnarfblatt • Ursula's contract
Other Associated Attractions
Raging SpiritsAdventurers ClubWalt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room
See Also
Disney KingdomsShinji Takahashi and the Mark of the CoatlLeague of AdventurersAdventure Isle Discovery BayDisney Springs

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Disney Heroes Battle Mode logo 2
Disney feature films
A Goofy Movie: PowerlineMax Goof

Aladdin: AladdinGenieJafarJasmineRajahAbu
Alice in Wonderland: Alice Mad HatterQueen of HeartsCheshire Cat
Atlantis: The Lost Empire: Kida NedakhVincenzo SantoriniHelga SinclairMilo ThatchAudrey Ramirez
Beauty and the Beast: GastonBeastBelleLumiereCogsworth
Big Hero 6: Hiro HamadaBaymaxHoney LemonWasabiGo Go TomagoFred
Bolt: Bolt
Chicken Little: Chicken Little
Cinderella: Fairy GodmotherCinderella
Encanto: Mirabel MadrigalBruno MadrigalIsabela MadrigalLuisa Madrigal
Fantasia: Chernabog
Frozen: ElsaOlafKristoffSvenAnna
Hercules: HadesHerculesMegaraZeusPhiloctetesPegasus
Lady and the Tramp: LadyTramp
Lilo & Stitch: StitchPleakleyJumbaAngelLilo Pelekai
Meet the Robinsons Bowler Hat GuyDOR-15Franny Robinson
Mickey Mouse & Friends Mickey MouseGoofyMinnie MousePlutoPeteDaisy Duck
Moana: MoanaMauiGramma Tala
Mulan: Fa MulanLi ShangShan YuMushu
One Hundred and One Dalmatians: Cruella De VilJasper and Horace
Peter Pan: Peter PanCaptain HookTinker Bell
Pocahontas: PocahontasMeekoFlit
Raya and the Last Dragon: RayaSisuNamaari
Robin Hood: Robin HoodSheriff of NottinghamLittle John
Sleeping Beauty: MaleficentAuroraPrince PhillipFlora, Fauna, and Merryweather
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: The Evil QueenMagic MirrorSnow WhiteHuntsman
Tangled: RapunzelFlynn RiderMaximusMother GothelStabbington Brothers
The Aristocats: Thomas O'Malley
The Black Cauldron: The Horned King
The Emperor's New Groove: YzmaKronkPachaKuzco
The Great Mouse Detective: Basil of Baker StreetRatigan
The Hunchback of Notre Dame: EsmeraldaQuasimodoPhoebusDjali
The Jungle Book: King LouieBalooBagheeraKaaShere Khan
The Lion King: ScarRafikiTimonPumbaaSimbaNalaMufasa
The Little Mermaid: ArielUrsulaKing Triton
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack SkellingtonSallyOogie BoogieLock, Shock, and BarrelMayor of Halloween Town
The Princess and the Frog: Dr. FacilierTianaLouisRayMama OdieJuju
The Rescuers Down Under: Percival C. McLeachJoanna
The Sword in the Stone: MerlinMadam Mim
Treasure Planet: Captain AmeliaJim HawkinsJohn SilverMorph
Wreck-It Ralph: Wreck-It RalphVanellope von SchweetzFix-It Felix Jr.Sergeant CalhounShank
Winnie the Pooh: Winnie the PoohTiggerEeyore
Zootopia: Judy HoppsNick WildeYax FinnickChief BogoClawhauserKoslovMr. BigBellwetherFlash

Disney animated shows
Amercian Dragon: Jake Long: Jake LongRose

Amphibia: Anne Boonchuy
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: Chip and DaleGadget HackwrenchZipper
Darkwing Duck: Darkwing DuckMegavoltQuackerjackNegaduck
DuckTales: Scrooge McDuckDonald DuckHuey, Dewey, and LouieFenton CrackshellLaunchpad McQuackMagica De Spell
Gargoyles: GoliathDemona
Kim Possible: Kim PossibleDr. DrakkenShegoRon StoppableRufusDuff KilliganMonkey Fist
Phineas and Ferb: Agent PHeinz DoofenshmirtzFerb Fletcher
The Proud Family: Penny ProudSuga Mama
The Owl House: Eda ClawthorneLuz Noceda

A Bug's Life: FlikHopperHeimlich

Brave: Merida
Coco: Miguel RiveraDante
Elemental: Ember LumenWade Ripple
Finding Nemo: GeraldMarlinNemoHankDory
Inside Out: AngerJoySadnessDisgustFearAnxiety
Luca: Luca PaguroAlberto Scorfano
Monsters, Inc.: James P. SullivanBooMike WazowskiRandall Boggs
Onward: Ian LightfootCorey the ManticoreBarley Lightfoot
Ratatouille: Alfredo LinguiniRemyColette TatouChef Skinner
Soul: 22Joe Gardner
The Incredibles: Mr. IncredibleElastigirlDash ParrViolet ParrJack-Jack ParrFrozoneSyndromeThe UnderminerVoyd
Toy Story: WoodyBuzz LightyearJessieRexEmperor ZurgBo PeepBilly, Goat, and GruffDuke CaboomDucky and BunnySlinky DogHamm
Turning Red: Mei Lee
Up: Carl FredricksenDugRussellKevin

Disney live-action films
Hocus Pocus: Winifred SandersonSarah SandersonMary SandersonThackery BinxBilly Butcherson

Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack SparrowHector BarbossaTia DalmaDavy JonesElizabeth Swann
The Rocketeer: Cliff Secord
Tron: Kevin FlynnQuorraTron

The Muppets
AnimalMiss PiggyGonzoDr. Bunsen HoneydewBeakerKermit the FrogThe Swedish ChefFozzie BearStatler and WaldorfSweetums
