It isn’t because those antisemitic tracts say that the Jews control Hollywood and the media. It isn’t because the rabbis claim that life is horrible and thus Jews will always be mistreated by the Goyim. This particular word has grown to become a central tenet of Judaism, and yet compared to the two thousand years of anti-Jewish philosophizing, antisemitism is a small and recent aberration. The word was born in 19th century Vienna and is a culmination of the racial theory that was fashionable then. It put forth the claim that there are two major races, Aryan and Semitic. Racists claim that Jews are intrinsically Semitic, like cats are intrinsically cats. Jews are born this way, and this way they die. International Jewry likes this idea. But why are we obligated to subscribe to it?
“The Jews” came to existence at the end of the first century AD, after Christianity began making inroads into the Greek and Roman world. Just as the Crucifixion was followed by the Resurrection, so appeared the Church of Christ. It took the name of Israel. Not long afterwards there appeared a strong anti-Christian group, and their main raison d’etre was to cast aspersions on the Name of Christ. They took the name of Jews. Their first and most popular text of the first millennium was called Maaseh Taluy, a parody of the Crucifixion of Christ. It was also called Toledot Yeshu, making Judas its hero. Hundreds of copies of this text have been found in Cairo Geniza and elsewhere. Ever afterwards, the Jews have consistently and untiringly fought Christianity whenever and wherever they could get way with it.
The rabbis contend that the Jews await their Messiah. Is it just a coincidence that their Messiah matches up with the Anti-Christ recorded in Revelations? There have been quite a number of Jewish Messiah-king claimants like Simon bar Kokhba (who killed Christians) and Sabbatai Zevi over the years, but none ever achieved any renown outside Jewish circles. The Jews consider the Protestant sects to be more useful to their goals than the Apostolic Churches of East and West; in 19th c. France they worked closely with the Huguenots. The Christian Church has retained the name of Israel, though the term has become increasingly associated with Jewry over the years. The Christian Church and the Jews are like two twins, one good, one evil. They were born at almost the same time, and they cannot get along. Christians are under obligation to convert the Jews, but there is no way the Jews could ever become tolerant of Christians; they have always been a fighting tribe.
Under the Old Covenant, God taught the Jews to be Xenophobic, to resist syncretistic compromise and to exterminate evil-doers. And yet, the Middle East as a region never maintained ill feelings about the Jews. Recently TUR published an interview with Avi Shlaim under the title “The Arab Jew Experience Exposes the Myths of Middle Eastern Antisemitism”. In short, there is not and there never was a negative attitude towards Jews – not because they supposedly share the same Semitic race, but because the Jews are dangerous only to Christians. The Jews manage well in Semitic countries but were never as spectacularly successful as they have been in the US and England. India also has Jews, but again without a significant bloc of Christians to oppose they remain the remnants of a ignored, defunct religious sect.
“I understand!” our reader might exclaim. “The Church mistreats the Jews and so they rise up to survive, just as they survived Amalek and the Roman legions!” No, good sir. In fact, it is the Church that is periodically under concerted attack by International Jewry, often for hundreds of years at a stretch. Sometimes the Jewish attacks take the form of genocide, as happened many times in Palestine, the cradle of Christianity. Sometimes the Jews are content to rob the churches, as happened in France at the beginning of the 20th c.
The eternal enmity between Jews and Christians began at the foot of the Cross and continues today. Rene Guenon refers to this antagonistic relationship as ‘initiates’ and ‘counter-initiates’. A contemporary follower of Guenon, Alexandre Dougin, explained it thus:
…counter-initiation to be the sum of secret organizations which, although in possession of initiatic and esoteric data, nonetheless direct their activities and efforts towards a goal which is the direct opposite of normal initiation. In other words, instead of striving towards the absolute, they head towards fatal disappearance and dissolution amidst the “reign of quantity” in its external twilight. In line with Islamic esotericism, Guénon called the hierarchs of counter-initiation Awliya es-Shaytan, that is to say the “saints of Satan.” Representatives of counter- initiation stand behind all the negative tendencies of modern civilization and are secretly administering the course of affairs down the path of degradation, materialization, and spiritual perversion.
In short, the Jews and the Christian Church are mutually counter-initiative. The Church waits and fights for Christ, and the Jews wait and fight for Antichrist. That’s why there can never be peace betwixt them; they are at eternal war. And unexpectedly the Jews are winning this war.
The signs of their victory are clear. While we may be considered stunning and brave when we air our doubts about Christianity or publicly deny the Crucifixion/Resurrection, we risk a jail sentence if we betray a doubt about the Holocaust, the Jewish parody of the Resurrection. Holocaust Denial and other forms of free speech have been criminalized even in Sweden, supposedly the freest European state.
The Jews even stole the name of ‘Israel’, which belongs to the Christian Church. The Jews were allowed to financially promote a heresy called Christian Zionism, now openly flexing its power in the US. Christian Zionists are the kind of Christians who dream of crying ‘Crucify Him’ alongside the Jews. The Jews are currently promoting a limited revival of racialism, so that they might bring new life to the silly word anti-Semitism. It’s high time to return to old terms: the Christian Church is the true Israel, while the Jews are enemies of Christ – and this eternal enmity has nothing to do with race. Race and Zionism has been injected into Christ’s Church by the Jews to herald the arrival of their Antichrist.
Christians should continue to strive to baptise Jews, as baptised ex-Jews saved by Christ can (through the power of the Holy Spirit) become just like the people they live amongst. The financial machinery of International Jewry (bourses, banks, insurances and various rent-extracting devices) should eventually be voided as anti-Christian. The ill-gotten capital amassed by Jews must be confiscated and re-distributed to their host populations. This would be an example of Christian justice, because the Jews gather their vast wealth by dispossessing Christians. This would also be an example of Christian prudence, because the Jews instinctively exercise their power in preparing the world for Antichrist. Finally, Jews should be banned from owning and operating media companies because their eternal enmity inevitably spreads anti-Christian ideas.
This would be a good start to reawaken our Christian faith and begin the revitalization of our societies. You say that this is just an empty dream, but it is not so. The US, main enforcer of Jewish wishes upon the world, is now in the throes of a revolution. Never before (since 1945) have anti-Jewish voices been so powerful. Two Tate brothers, Candace Owens, the brash opinions of Carlson Tacker and Musk shake the Internet. Pavel Durov refused to censure his (and yours) honest opinions, and was promptly arrested. From the demented Left rises the youthful exuberance of Jackson Hinkle to check the unhampered exercise of naked Jewish power.
It does seem as though the evil Jewish overlordship over America is finally coming to its long-awaited demise. We should thoughtfully prepare ourselves to take advantage of this important historical moment. It has come none too early, as our world is minutes away from that WWIII so desired by the Jews. The repudiation of the Jews will bring the United States into Christ’s Good Grace. It will allow the Palestinians to rebuild their homeland, it will restore peace with Russia, it will rout the warmongers from Congress. There can be no downside to denying Antichrist. It is enough just to say after Candace Owens: Christ is King!
Written with assistance and editing of Paul Bennett

“Jews” are not nor have they ever been Israelites. They are Edomites and therefore have NEVER been the people of the covenants.
‘Concise Explanation of the Creation of the Jewish People’
‘The Origin of the Word Jew’
Another Must Read by Israel Shamir.
I will add that this split that Shamir stresses began during the Second Temple period, when various heresies against the faith of Abraham and the Prophets arose and began amassing wealth and power. Those heresies had several sources: some were syncretizing Canaanite beliefs and practices, and some were syncretizing Babylonian or Persian beliefs and practices. But I think the most damning of them were all based on various descendants of Hebrews choosing to remake their ancestral religion into a Race based religion: God create 1 Race superior, leaving all other peoples to be seen as like livestock by the Superior, Chosen Race.
The total perversion of the faith of Abraham is the essence of The Oral Law, which Jesus condemned as Satanic. The Pharisee sect was 100% about The Oral Law, and before the Incarnation, the Temple had been totally taken over by men who had accepted The Oral Law.
Jewishness, which very much was a worship of a tribe – Jews as the Chosen Race acting as God on earth – had replaced the faith of Abraham. Hebrews would accept Jesus as the Messias, but Jews would war forever against Christ.
The Reformation was the perfect vehicle for Jews to get on board supporting a counterfeit against Christ and Christendom. And Satan has been laughing with delight as the Judaizing heresy Anglo-Saxon Puritanism took over what had been Mary’s Dowry and served as the basis of WASP culture, which became the largest empire in world history. It was WASP empire, WASP culture, that planted philo-Semitism all over the globe.
You cannot solve the Jewish Problem unless you also solve the WASP problem.
because “anti-semitism” is their ultimate weapon. as soon as they draw this arrow from their quiver, their opponent begins to quiver, knowing they will be branded an anti-semite and immediately retreat from their position, fearing they will be forced to visit a halocaust®™ museum reeducation camp.
the true power of this word lies in the decades of brainwashing that allows them to conflate “semite” with “jew” and use this to own the word and exclude all other semitic people from their heritage as semitic people. it is cultural theft and allows them to steal the lands and resources of people in the levant and near east. by accepting their initial deceit, you are forced into a “have you stopped beating your wife” scenario, where you are forced to prove you don’t hate jews, or escalate into a hitler like tirade and they have won the argument, merely by your acceptance of their obvious falsehood.
the proper response is to take offense, claim to be pro-semitic and say you are a huge supporter of the palestinians and that they are ignorant for not knowing the definition of the word, or worse yet a “nazi” zionist supremacist, baby murderer. shove it right back in their face and accuse them of chutzpah.
Your focus has you playing the same exact game as Jews play: which is that your faith is totally rooted in genetics, in tribal bloodline. You read Old Testament Scripture with Jewish eyes and intellect.
There’s nothing like a dangerous external enemy to galvanize and define a group. Antisemitism serves the same role for Jews that racism does for black Americans. It is both a rallying point and a “get out of jail free” card. We live in a most interesting age, when there is such unholy competition for the number one position in the victimization race. But in some circles the idea is held forth that there are victims only up to a certain point, and after that there are only volunteers. Continuing to perceive oneself as victim also frees one from the obligation of facing life on life’s terms, and no one voluntarily abandons what they believe to be a survival advantage. Such an irony that modern racialists demand in their opponents what they stubbornly refuse to do themselves, to surrender their perceived “privilege,” which is no more than a flimsily contrived apologia for the failures of the supposedly unprivileged racial group.
There is evidence that the term “Hebrew” descends from ‘Apiru or Hapiru, which means “outlaw” in the ancient Assyro-Babylonian language. In ancient texts the term refers to individuals and to peoples who are outside the accepted structure of political alliances and loyalties of the societies in which they live. This usage is somewhat cognate to how the denizens of black ghettos are regarded in America today. The modern term “Jew” is of Persian origin, yet another pleasing irony, given the virulent hatred of Iran by the current Tel Aviv regime.
Christ may have been King in the Old World but here in the world’s first and oldest secular republic, the adoration of guys with pointy metal hats on their heads never really caught on all that much. There’s a reason why antebellum Americans were so leery of the uncontrolled floodtide of Catholics pouring in from Ireland and Germany, but now, god help us, Catholics form a majority of the United States Supreme Court and represent themselves as able interpreters of their ahistorical “originalist” Constitution.
What about baptized Christians in the US congress giving standing ovations to the king Bibi every minute? Should they be compensated as well for their pain and suffering?
After all, many of them are not billionaires yet!
Or may be they should be re-baptized and re-educated first by Israel Shamir?
John Hagee is not a true Christian!
Good point, that the racial essentialism started with Jews themselves.
This is a quaint factional beef in a secular society, like if you and I decided we were Ghibellines and Guelphs and started stealing well buckets and clubbing each other. The problem is not race or religion, the problem is some assholes. It’s a bad problem because Judaism spawns assholes with a societal repetition compulsion for out-group antagonism and in-group cohesion.
Manifest, formally adjudicated Izzie genocide is the key change. Jews finally have an essential characteristic. When Semitism is genocide, everybody’s antisemitic.
Why do Jews love antisemitism? Because they hate the real Semites, the Arabs.
Some things never change. Their own mayor, their congressmen, both of their senators all “well-identified Jews” yet they insist no jews could possibly be elected because of rampant anti-semitism. Facts are irrelevant.
‘Under the Old Covenant, God taught the Jews to be Xenophobic, to resist syncretistic compromise and to exterminate evil-doers. And yet, the Middle East as a region never maintained ill feelings about the Jews. Recently TUR published an interview with Avi Shlaim under the title “The Arab Jew Experience Exposes the Myths of Middle Eastern Antisemitism”. In short, there is not and there never was a negative attitude towards Jews – not because they supposedly share the same Semitic race, but because the Jews are dangerous only to Christians.’
Utter bullshit:
‘Dear brothers, because of our many sins Hashem has cast us among this nation, the Arabs, who are treating us badly. They pass laws designed to cause us distress and make us despised. … Never has there been a nation that hated, humiliated and loathed us as much as this one’
Moses Ben Maimonides on Arab and Berber muslims in North Africa in the fifteenth century.
It is worth pointing out that towards the end of Islamic Spain persecution of Jews increased and as a result many of them fled north to the Christian kingdoms. This later resulted in Spain and Portugal having a rather large crypto-Jewish problem.
‘ The Jews manage well in Semitic countries but were never as spectacularly successful as they have been in the US and England’
Because the arabs kept them in their place-as well they should because as fellow semites they know how devious Jews can be.
A good portion of Indian Jews were crhistianised at an early stage and India was under Islamic occupation by the Mughals for around 400 years.
‘In short, the Jews and the Christian Church are mutually counter-initiative. The Church waits and fights for Christ, and the Jews wait and fight for Antichrist. That’s why there can never be peace betwixt them; they are at eternal war. And unexpectedly the Jews are winning this war’
Jews and greeks had a sometimes genocidal antipathy and conflict hundreds of years before Christianity existed. Explain that?
‘Christians should continue to strive to baptise Jews, as baptised ex-Jews saved by Christ can (through the power of the Holy Spirit) become just like the people they live amongst’
Herein lies the crux of the issue. To protect oneself from Jewry there must be a racial basis for action. Speaking as a person who grew up around dozens upon dozens of ‘assimilated’ Jews whose ancestors had had magic water splashed on them, I can tell you with complete sincerity that religious or even secular attempts at ‘assimilation’ do not work and that there must be an impermeable boundary between the two gene pools. The ‘assimilated’ Jews I grew up with remained Jews and the vast overwhelming majority of them knew they were ethnically Jewish. On a personal level interacting with these people and giving them the benefit of the doubt that they were ‘just like me’ has only ever been to my detriment. I believe DNA tests, surname examination, geneaology and AI facial recognition can be used to exclude such people from the White gene pool.
Judaism is not a religion- there is nothing transcendent about it. Jews do not believe in heaven or hell and when they practice judaism their godhead is simply their own gene pool. I would suggest at a minimum for Whites we need to mirror this strategy- like German national socialism but this time much,much more strict.
Excellent person M-le Simone Weil considered even the Iliad – a premonition of Christ. Hellenes had a premonition of Christ before His Nativity. While the ancient Jews surely had a premonition of later Judaism. That is a possible explanation.
The main figure of racial anti-Semitism, Adolf Hitler, was an anti-Christian and wished (in his own words) squash the church as a frog. So he is not a good model for Christians.
Well, so you discovered Maimonides could lie. How shocking! And he wrote in Arabic…
As for Indian Jews, I doubt it is a very old community.
“Finally, Jews should be banned from owning and operating media companies”
Oh dear.
In other words: “Government to the rescue!” 🤣😂
Mr Shamir is just another “government can fix it”, fantasist, it seems. 😢
To quote Larken Rose:
“You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims. And you certainly aren’t atheists. You all have the same god, and its name is ‘government.’ You’re all members of the most evil, insane, destructive cult in history. If there ever was a devil, the state is it. And you worship it with all your heart and soul.”
Song: “Dreams(Matrix Blues)”:
Video Link
Regards, onebornfree
Perhaps, but perhaps not in the way that you envisage. The U.S. could turn antisemitic, but that doesn’t mean Europe would. The trend now in Europe is in the opposite direction, i.e., Islamophobia. And the criminalization of opinion in several European countries are a bigger deterrent to antisemitism than to Islamophobia. For one, immigration can be tackled without resort to a big change in discourse.
An alliance of Europe and Russia would be a possible outcome; that would leave an antisemitic U.S. geopolitically isolated. It would lose world leadership.
There is nothing preventing Putin from being friends with Jews *and* Muslims. He’s already that.
I’ve written about related stuff recently.
Like I’ve said before you have supposed semites calling semites anti-Semites! These scumbags do have a twisted, warped mentality.
They are not a race, they are the anti-race.
Their megalomania is a means of compensation.
” There’s nothing like a dangerous external enemy to galvanize and define a group. Antisemitism serves the same role for Jews that racism does for black Americans ”
Well said.
I would say : ” like a dangerous ( and NON-EXISTENT enemy ) . Even better
Judaism is ethnoreligion, something typical for MENA. Ethnoreligion exists so its believers would stay together and retain their particularity. This is obvious in case of nominally universal religion, Christnaity,which in Lebanon became particular (Maronites). Therefore, for example, Druzes and Maronites also worship their own gene pool. Druzes have similar ideas to Kabbalah, that there is limited number of (Jewish)/Druze souls that reincarnate only in biological bodies of Druzes. No wonder Druzes fare so well in the state of Israel.
Basically anyone who practices cousin marriage (popular in MENA), worship his/her genes. I suspect these genes are treally hose shards of light which Kabbalists strive to preserve from the assault of Demiurge.
Israel Shamir assumes that we are retarded. Yes, we are.
Because they want to be what they are not and can never become, just as Satan can never become god-like, despite his eternal desire.
Jews are not/ never have been Semites.
Three Biggest Historical LIES of JEWS debunked: Jews are NOT Semites, but Hamites. They themselves are also Goyim. They are NOT descendants of the true Israel https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/three-biggest-jewish-lies-debunked
Check what language the Israelis (not Israelites) speak, then answer why do you call them Semites?
Are you stupid or playing dumb, deceiving the brainless morons, I mean masses.
“Semite, name given in the 19th century to a member of any people who speak one of the Semitic languages, a family of languages spoken primarily in parts of western Asia and Africa.”
A great and timely article. E Michael Jones calls this “Eternal Enmity” the “Jewish Revolutionary Spirit”. Anti-Christ is another word we can use, which is perhaps the most accurate description of this particular human condition. The Jews oppose Christ. This fact is often overlooked, partly because it is so obvious, and partly because it is so revealing. No one wants to be the bad guy, pointing out the fact that the Jews oppose Christ while we profess to love Him. But sooner or later this fact is going to become the elephant in the room. We cannot permit ourselves to be ruled by people who openly despise Christ.
I’m for a thorough secular, technologically-mediated race separatism as sketched by Pheasant (AI-assisted DNA tests, genealogical research, physiognomic measurement and indexing) and freedom of thought, speech, and religion for whites within the whites-only cooperation zone. I think people of fully European extraction are capable of getting along, respecting each other, and working together while respecting differences in beliefs (even religious and metaphysical disagreements) *if* the biological wellbeing of the ethnos is agreed to be of primary practical importance. It is certainly the case that Christians are commanded to live well among their neighbors, all the better if those neighbors aren’t warring against them for ethnocultural reasons.
Dude, jews have (and have always had) a “genocidal antipathy” toward everyone. It’s the most basic aspect of their sacred scripture for God’s sake! If you don’t hate, you’re not a true jew, and you’re certainly not a Good Jew.
It’s like trying to blame whites for the extreme levels of violent crime among negroes. Anyone who bothers to look beyond the headlines will notice that negroes target everyone and always have. Asians and Latinos are victimized by blacks at the same rates as whites. Blacks themselves even more so! Are you going to blame Asians and Latinos for slavery now?
A true Judean (Jew) is one who actively participates in the temple and its associated sacrifices and in the apostle Paul’s day this was still possible but as Christ had prophesied, the temple was soon destroyed within that generation and their house was left desolate by God’s hand.
Paul spoke of the Jews in his day in his letter to the Romans, that not all of them were of Israel who claimed to be so but only those who were chosen of God were the remnant and true Israel which are circumcised of heart (Rom 2:29) as confirmed also to Elijah and the seven thousand who did not bow their knee to Baal in his day.
He also spoke of God’s plan for the true Jews in his day who were eventually converted to Christ, that all of them would be saved and that this would be finalised when the time of the Gentiles had been fulfilled which happened at the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple and sacrificial system in 70AD as Christ prophesied (Luke 21:24).
If there are no longer any Jews because there is no longer any old covenant, temple or priests or proof of genealogy, then there are also no Gentiles anymore which Paul also confirmed in his day as he referred to those who were once called Gentiles (Eph 2:11), therefore today there is no Jews or Gentiles as confirmed in the Scriptures below, but only those who are in Christ Jesus who lives in His temple which are His people (2 Cor 6:16) and His royal priests (1 Pet 2:9) who are called the Israel of God (Gal 6:16).
The New Testament Scriptures declare that the true Jew (Judean) is he who is circumcised of the heart in the Spirit and not of the flesh (Romans 2:28-29). The Apostle Paul further states in Galatians 3:28-28 that there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
This confirms the Scripture in Ephesians 2:14-18 that Christ has broken down the wall of division between Jew and Gentile and made them one in Him in fulfilment of the promise given to Abraham that in him all nations shall be blessed.
Therefore the true Jew today are they who are the seed of Abraham by grace through faith in Christ Jesus and all others who claim they are Jews today, have no direct lineage to the Israel of old and are as Christ confirmed twice in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, imposters of the Synagogue of Satan
The biblical origins of antisemitism – it was always integral to Judaism
That is my response, I say I am a pro-Semite, I support the Semitic Palestinians resistance against the Eastern European invaders who are not Semitic at all.
The Jewish trading enclave on the west coast of India dates to the 3rd century BC
“Antisemitism” is an indispensable ideological weapon – like the “Holocaust” – to justify and cover-up not only crimes, including corruption, paedophilia, human trafficking, drugs, etc. committed by Jews world-wide but also to justify the extermination of the Palestinian people. Antisemitism is a scam enforced on the public by by Jews who have an iron grip on all U.S.-led Western regimes and the Jews-controlled mass media. It is a clever trick to deflect attention away from Jewish crimes and the persecution of the Palestinian people.
There is no antisemitism in Europe or elsewhere to justify a mobilization of public opinion. People have the right to condemn Jewish terror and crimes against humanity in Palestine. People have the right to condemn racist Jews who support and finance an ongoing Genocide of the Palestinian people. In truth, there is Arab antisemitism. There is anti-Muslim bigotry and Islamophobia across the world promoted and financed by by Jews and the Jews-controlled mass media.
Over the past few days, I’ve posted several interlinked comments in the Philip Giraldi’s thread, which present a special perspective and hypothesis on the origin of Ashkenazi Jews and Yiddish. That version of the Israeli-American professor emeritus (86 years old), Paul Wexler, has been suppressed for the past 3 decades and even Ron did not mention him in his recent text on the origin of the Jews.
Those interested can read the comments on the links below, and here are just a few sentences where Prof. Wexler’s claims –
Wexler also says that Yiddish is actually a Serbian language that has adopted many German words but ‘it has a native Serbian syntax and phonology‘. In addition to a Serbian language, Wexler writes, the ethnic origins, folkways and religion of the Ashkenazic Jews are also largely of Slavic origin.
This Wexler’s claim is in agreement with the recently discovered and documented fact that the native Serbs lived in today’s Germany, and that the Germans crossed the Rhine and came to the Serbian territories only in the time of the Charlemagne. He further explains the voluntary and involuntary reasons for the conversion of the Baltic Serbs to Judaism and that they make up majority of the Ashkenazis. So, according to Wexler –
So how would you propose addressing the problem?
This would certainly be the central problem with Christian Judeophilia.
Sweden criminalising holocaust denial ? is this the same country that allowed Koran Burning as free speech?
Arabs do cousin marriages too on a massive scale
2 of the Moroccans I used to hang with 20 years ago married their first cousins in Marocco which they imported. They both have heavily handicapped kids . Cousin marriage is stil accepted in many Muslim nations.
Moroccans do it, Lybians do it, Algerians do it.
There’s been a spectacular rise of handicapped people from Arab migrant society’s in my country Belgium. Of course this will never be discussed in mainstream media. I had a friend longtime ago who worked as a medic with handicapped people and he told me that in my country Arabs are heavily over represented in institutions for handicapped people just because of cousin marriages. They also heavily outnumber locals in mental health institutions, cousin marriages also being the main reason for that. He was a radical leftist, I’m pretty sure what he told was true.
He also said PC policy’s blocked information campaigns about this.
Irish also did cousin marriages just like other closed of nations.
There’s many diseases that still roam in Ireland that are non existing on the European continent all because of centuries of cousin love.
Cystic Fybrosis being the most dangerous one
Cousins having sex’s is really fucked up and it should be banned.
No society should allow it
What we can add is that Judaism has been and still is a theocracy and “ give to Cezar what belongs to Cezar and to God what belongs to God” is not applicable in Judaism.
If you could clarify who or what is meant by a counterfeit; is it the persona of Martin Luther or the direction that Protestantism took over time of engaging in Jew worship. Either way, no matter how judaized the Protestant denominations become, the Jewish rabbinate will always refuse to melt in a mainstream religious movement for fear of losing its privileges and its tight control over Jews.
Choosing the misogynist Tates and the ‘Flat Earther’ Owens seems bizarre, to me. Why not Max Blumenthal, Atzmon, the Mates or Chomsky? Jews, or should I say Judaics, love Judeophobes because their antipathy justifies Judaic hatred of all goyim, retrospectively and prospectively. Thirty-five hundreds years of xenophobic hatred is culminating in the outburst of blood-lust we see in Palestine, and they will not, I fear, stop until they are stopped.
There are NO ‘antisemites’, a concocted category. Real Judeophobes do exist, inevitably. It’s the Judaic anti-goyites who threaten humanity, as Voltaire predicted.
‘Half full or half empty?” Actually the ‘antisemitism’ glass is (at least) twice as big as it ought to be.
Great article by Shamir most beneficial to the lost sheep of Christendom: Vatican City under the reign of its impostors.
The problem with Christianity is that it never really broke away from Judaism. The New Testament is saddled with the Old Testament because it relies on the OT for validation. Jesus’s claim to messiahhood rests on a series of OT prophecies (often badly interpreted or poorly translated OT passages). Christians also wish to usurp the Jewish ‘chosen people’ position by attempting to use the highly ethnocentric Jewish scriptures against them, a fool’s errand in my view.
Muhammad modelled his religion on elements from the OT and NT, but was smart enough to craft his own scripture so as not to be beholden to the Jews for legitimacy. The Buddhists, however, made a clean break from Hinduism. They simply declared the Hindu scriptures nonsense and threw them out the window altogether. And Buddhists are so much better for it.
Christianity will forever remain subordinated to Judaism as it relies too heavily on it for legitimacy; just as Saxons are doomed to forever bow before their Jewish masters.
Thank you for the etymology, but it’s not nearly as complicated as that.
Semitism is the bad behaviour of some Jews, from Wall Street scams, through Epstein blackmail, to israeli offence force killing toddlers.
Antisemitism is criticising, or being against, that bad behaviour.
It fascinates me endlessly how most people, such as yourself, think that if we could just have an ethnostate we could all just get along and all will be fine.
Nobody denies that it would be much better that way, but the fact that is always neglected is that WE ALREADY HAD ETHNOSTATES and we lost them even when people were still normal.
You think that your ethnostate will remain so without taking serious precautions even when confessional states with dogmatic religions and death penalty for insulting the king collapsed?
No free speech for evil, no freedom to worship devils, error has no rights.
Jews are using the government everyday .
They came into existence because some governments were behind them . They survive because some governments allow them . Both occurred and last continues despite voters saying no to .
France government and American government are trying to destroy free speech and control Telegram and Tik Tok. Citizens do not want them get into this field . Citizen dont want government to cater to the Israeli needs of news suppression and Israeli needs of Hasabara amplification.
Its the bribed and raped foreign governments that arent elected by Israelis but by non- Israelis keep on rescuing and rescuing Israel.
That governments fail the citizens who elected them .
Here on a perfidious note , Israeli and diaspora Jews manage to elevate Regan’s claim – -Government is not the solution.Government is the problem — to the sanctum Santorum of the money -changing temple with two different meanings- one for the goym and one for the Jewish.
Antisemtism as reaction to injurious behaviours of tribal judaism collectively arose in Egypt in 5 th century BC .Priest Mathia is a hated name in the book of Benzoin Netanyahu. Mathia saved Egyptian.
Jews love false anti semitism. Correcting… Victimhood masters need exagerated or false flags of negative discrimination to work on. But they fear real one, the most.
There’s not much difference between Talmudist Jews and Satanists. In fact most Satanists were/are Jews.
After Christ, the religion of the ancient Hebrews split between Pharisees (future Talmudists) and Christians. Most people in the region converted to Christianity, but those who didn’t became more entrenched in their anger.
Islam (a Judaic offshoot) actually gets along well with Judaism. It’s just the land occupation they don’t like. But they cooperate on other things such as invading and destroying Christian Europe.
Mohammad Halimy – Please, Rest In Peace!
Humans of Gaza: 19-year-old TikToker who documented life amid war silenced forever
Halimy gained popularity on social media platforms Instagram and TikTok by creating videos that chronicled his personal struggles and stories of his friends and neighbors amid the genocidal war on Gaza that has now completed 327 days.
In recent months, his followers surged, surpassing 200,000 across Instagram and TikTok, as he posted daily updates about life amid daily massacres, deaths and destruction.
Halimy’s last Instagram post documented his life in the Al-Mawasi refugee camp, a small town on the southern coast of the besieged Palestinian territory, where hundreds of thousands of displaced people have sought refuge in recent months.
In a June 2024 interview with Fault magazine, the Palestinian teenager expressed his happiness with the response he was getting on his social media pages.
“The most joy I get now is from the comments on my videos and the support from people worldwide. Seeing people recognize the truth and view the situation from an unbiased perspective is very uplifting,” he was quoted as saying.
“After this genocide is over, I will pursue my life dreams, no matter how long it takes—even if it takes 50 years. I aim to achieve so much that everyone will remember my name.”
Earlier this month, Halimy was also featured in TIME magazine. He told the magazine that he initially began posting videos on TikTok as a way to cope with depression amid the ongoing genocidal war.
This is not conspiracy. You can hear this straight from mouth of Jewish rabbis.
Video Link
Who is more ANTI ?????? Christians antisemitic or Jews anti Christians????????
This antisemitism farce is just invented to get what they want.
I’m amazed that Mr. Shamir, whom I admire even if I don’t agree with everything he writes, is so pessimistic in his article about the temporary victory (it can only be temporary) of the forces of the Antichrist.
He quotes René Guénon who, in his Summa ” the reign of the quantity and the signs of times “, explains that the world must go to the very depths of Evil before the divine Order is suddenly restored in its entirety, and the forces of evil finally crushed and destroyed.
All the great religions teach the same thing.
‘Their first and most popular text of the first millennium was called Maaseh Taluy, a parody of the Crucifixion of Christ. It was also called Toledot Yeshu, making Judas its hero.’ — Israel Shamir
Turnabout is fair play when it comes to parody. Already the coolly analytical approach has been pushed to its limit. Researchers exposed the engineering and logistical constraints which made the mass execution of six megakikes factually impossible. They were arrested for their trouble.
Why not try a more light-hearted dramatic approach instead, casting the Holocaust narrative along the same lines as Springtime for Hitler, a fraudulent scheme hatched by a couple of Jew producers, which ends up succeeding beyond their wildest dreams? Jewish heads would explode, claiming a greater toll than Hitler’s concentration camps ever did.
What pagan Serbian customs became Askhenazi staple?
Anyway, this theory would also mean that Slavs are true Jews, Jews who simply do not practice Judaism.
Also note that Jews/Serbs were part of the Indoeuropean invasion. That would be coherent with the Indoeuropean religion being a veneration of Heavenly Father, who could be named Jahwe.
Recently, a Middle Eastern, Christian friend who had lived in the West told me the following: if the Christian West would get over their hatred for the Arabs and Muslims, generated by the Jews, get their head out of their hubris, they would realize that the Jews are destroying Western Christendom and through the enslavement of the West they are destroying Eastern Christendom along with Islam in preparation for the Jewish Messaih or the anti-christ.
He added, when the West rids itself from the Jewish reverse racism poisoning their souls and destroying Western institutions, they will come to realize, Islam was sent to check the power of the Jews. Should the West lift their hand off the scales of the Palestinian problem, there would be no Shitrahell tomorrow.
The West cries about the Jews but they help the Jews by fighting the Muslims. The problem has been always with Western Christianity. It hates everyone else.
“So how would you propose addressing the problem?”
What are you implying? Do you really want the likes of a Harris, Biden, Trump, Pelosi, Schumer, et al to have the power to decide who can and cannot own a movie co.?
Fact: The 1st and 9th amendments to the US constitution prevent the federal government from having that power. (Of course, these days nobody cares what the Bill of rights actually says/does 😏).
A perhaps even more important fact:
Even if the fed. government had the constitutional power to decide who can/cannot own movie companies , the plain fact of the matter is simply that:
Government “solutions” never work .
Fact: Government “solutions” never fix problems, they _always_ create more, bigger problems.
Please read (x2):
“Why Government Doesn’t Work”:
Regards, onebornfree
They are the least of all Semites with many not being Semitic at all.
“For the love of antisemitism is the root of all evil.” — Timothy 6:10
The Jews love antisemitism for the same reason they love money: because it allows for the manipulation and control of the masses. And the Jews create “antisemitism” in the exact same manner as they do money: out of thin air. The accusation of antisemitism is just like fractional reserve banking: the Jews leverage a fraction of fake antisemitism to the hilt, by spreading these lies all through the Jew-controlled media. And so they accumulate social capital by playing the victim card with the masses who are mostly oblivious of their schemes.
And just like money, the Jews just might be printing too much antisemitism lately: there is a risk that they will devalue their antisemitism currency to the point that it gets so debased from overuse that even the sheeple will become skeptical. That’s what the Jews fear the most: a run on the bank, in which the antisemitism coin becomes worthless.
This is what seems to be happening with the ongoing genocide in Gaza: people protesting the Israeli attrocities are getting accused of antisemitism when everybody knows antisemitism has nothing to do with it. The Jew fiat antisemitism scheme might be wearing thin.
So just as the financial sector will crash sometime in the near future — $35 trillion of debt and rising is becoming unsustainable — the antisemitism industry may be on its last legs as well. Maybe they will both crash and burn at the same time. But let’s not our hopes up too much: the Jews are the masters of deception and they will do everything in their power to maintain control of the money printing and the antisemitism schemes, both of which are the objects of their adoration and love.
“We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity… In fact our movement is Christian” ~ Adolf Hitler 1928.
Funny, I’m absolutely certain that you know that modern jews are genetically connected to the Arabs, but yet you pretend to be ignorant.
Arabs are semitic and jews are semitic.
Not hard to understand, unless you’re a retarded nazi cunt who has an incentive to pretend not to.
I wish to ask a hypothetical question. It is a “what if,” so for those who can’t handle a “What If”, spare us the mental midgetery. It is just a “what if” question, OK.
What if Jesus Son of Marry, was ruserected, as I believe he shall and declared, “I am not the son of God and the Jews tried hard but they failed and my Lord saved me from crucifixion and instead He raised me for my return.” Thomas was the only one that knew.
What would you imagine the Christians would do?
Remember it is just a “what if” question.
The most important truth to know about Jews and what they are doing in the world is the proclamation by Jesus of who they really are. For so many people who read the Bible and call themselves Christians to be blind to this has to be the work of the Devil himself. No one, outside of Satan, has the natural ability to lie and deceive like a Jew. Lying is their native language just as with their father.
John 8:44
Euro elites probably allow Arab immigrants for that because cousin marriage is a residual of pagan religions they both stem from (cousin marriage was already present in Minoan Crete), religions which worshipped the Great Mother, and well, it is chromosome X which is preserved by cousin marriage.
Let us just remember that Darwin and Huxley families practiced cousin marriage.
Cousin marriage is so important that its purveyors twist every religion for it. If Roman Catholicism banned it, Luther allowed it in his version of Christianity immediately.
Muslims twisted very straightforward ban of it in Quran, interpreting the words as concerning dowry if I well remember.
You have abstained lately from posting your lengthy disquisitions on your favorite theme:
“In the beginning God made Serbs and the Serbs spread all over the world, multiplied, and gave their offspring their languages, which are superficially diverse but in their true essence Serbian.”
This self-imposed abstinence led to an unbearable pent-up need to burst forth, which it did now, culminating in the most astounding revelation: the Ashkenazi Jews are Serbs too!
I guess it follows then that to be an anti-semite is to be a Serbophobe, albeit unwittingly through ignorance.
Note: Every single word in my comment has a Serbian origin.
Jews are really white niggers ! The typical Congo Man will torch his own hood, slum dwellings, stores and all and then wonder what happened. And, if YOU dont feel sorry for him its “systemic racism !” LOL
Do Jews really believe that with a nuclear WW3 Jews will be the last men standing ? Those vaporized in the blast will be the lucky ones. Those still in one piece will have to contend with horrific wounds, starvation and disease. In addition, with no US to back them they become easy meat for everyone else especially the Moslems and Dindoos !
Anti Semitism is a self fulfilling desire. Jews, where ever they go, are chronic shit disturbers. People get fed up with them and kick them out. With that they howl about anti-semitism, proceed to the next place and repeat the process. Like the Nigger, they then cry out “we dindu nuffin !”
Its a strange psyche. Why live in a place where you believe everyone is racist and hates you ? The reason is that like the jungle bunnies, Jews are useless in and of themselves. They cannot even hold onto the promised land. In a word, for all their pretensions at intelligence, without the White Man, they are nothing other than perpetual fuck ups.
These people need to be all deported to their own island which they are forbidden to leave. However, they have to have someone to hate and someone to hate them. Otherwise, they cannot be happy. Result ? They end up hating each other.
Even the people in a simple Guatemalan Village dont want them around. Unless there is continual drama and daily conflict the Jew remains perpetually unhappy. He will turn things upside down without knowing why and then wonder why, even if his actions are to his own detriment and disadvantage.
Like darkies, its a waste of time trying to understand their neuroses. That is why segregation is best. It makes things easier for everyone………except them.
Check out this video where the Jewish cunt, living in a remote Guatemalan village trots out the Holocaust bullshit once again.
Video Link
Yup! Took the words right out of my mouth! Keep talking. Our “coalition of the willing” is forming. Make sure you support those who are actually fighting the Jewish evil. Even a simple social
Media message of support lets each other know that we are MANY. We can squash this tiny clan of desert pirates.
I see that Shamir is responding to comments, so I have a question for him – did the ‘Holocaust’ happen or it is a 100% hoax, i.e. is the actual number of Jews killed in the camps (for being Jews) zero, or not?
I also see that Shamir has been labelled a holohoax denier, but I can’t find any examples of him actually saying it didn’t happen. I did come up with http://israelshamir.net/English/Who_Needs.htm, where Shamir and G. Atzmon discuss the Holocaust ‘narrative’, but neither says that it didn’t happen.
So, Mr. Shamir, this is your chance to answer this I would say most important question of our time – did the ‘Holocaust’ happen, or is it a hoax?
BTW, the vid below documents the true provenance (thanks PBS Frontline) of the photos/film footage of ‘gassed Jews’ used to promote the holohoax – see also holocaust101.com –
Shamir writes:
He hastens to add:
These two sentences appear in the same paragraph, no less.
I enjoy your work Israel, and thank you taking a stand.
Semetic is a language, like Arabic or Aramaic. Imagine someone on a street corner holding a placard on which is written “Stop Anti-Languagism!” Rightfully, he’d be ignored and dismissed as mentally ill.
“Anti-semitism” then as a word is absolute word salad non-sense. Unfortunately, said word salad has been weaponized and has had mass adoption.
It’s important to make this distinction and repeat it as nauseatingly as those at the ADL and who other nefarious jews do.
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But let us not forget that the O.T. is two books. One that caters to the fantasies of the chosenites with stories of genocidal massacres and glorious battles against the other compiled through the oral traditions, and one that has true spiritual value that could have been a precursor to the spiritual empire that should have been the intended Israel. Salvation does not come from the Jews as the name applied after the crucifixion of Christ but from the Hebrews who accepted the message of Christ and became Christians.
The breaking of the dependency of Christianity on the O.T. requires at a minimum an overhaul or a clean break declaration from the latter as of the day the compilation of the N.T. was achieved.
Choosing matrilineality over biblically-mandated patrilineality, rabbinic Judaism proved that it favours chromosome X over chromosome Y too. No wonder they even created female goddess – Shekinah.
“Two Tate brothers, Candace Owens, the brash opinions of Carlson Tacker and Musk shake the Internet.”
Now that you’ve openly challenged the powers that be by naming the culprits, they will be brought to heel… starting with poor Candace because she names which ought not be named in the public square. Poor Candy… oh, well! It was good while it lasted… the good life that is.
Good to see you replying to comments, Mr. Shamir. Your brief article this time reminds me of an old essay by Horst Mahler (late nineties or early 00s), when he was the major theoretical writer for Germany’s National Democratic Party.
Of course, he didn’t couch it in Christian terms (although I would), just that latter-day false ‘ebrews should recognize themselves as simply menschen among others.
Also, fake Jewish converts and influencers have had such a destructive effect, at least from Reconquista times of Spain, through many of the Protestant sects, the ‘Living Church’ in first, Orthodoxy, then in the Lutheran Church, radiating from East Germany (Angela Diablo Merkhin’s father was a major figure there), and most recently, Vatican II.
Especially since the majority never take aliyah, the whole situation is precisely as predicted by Hitler a century ago.
Horst Mahler is an interesting and very ill-treated character. Started as a lawyer for the Red Army Faction in Germany. Later, he started to participate. Spent some years locked up for that.
His political opinions completely reversed.
At one point (very late 1990s), he stated that if Ulrike Meinhoff had still been alive, she would have agreed with him. It is not unlikely: however, she had been long dead at the time, so we can’t know.
National Democratic Party was becoming popular at that time, so the Bundessekuritate massively infiltrated them, and then they were banned by the ‘Constitutional Court’.
Horst Mahler didn’t become a cow, he was still speaking.
He was then locked up for about ten years on beialf of Modern ‘ebrew influence of now in Deutschland.
This seems a common practice, when David Irving was locked up in Austria, they kept him in such bad conditions that he can’t walk comfortably again, everyone should also know of the effective murder of Milosevic.
In the case of Horst Mahler, when he was finally released, he had had both feet and much of his calves amputated because of witheld medical care, total denial of exercise and forced confinement in a too-small space.
Not sure if this is antisemitic. Let me know in comments.
Video Link
While I agree with your analysis, it is a pipe dream to believe that America is ready to cast of the yoke of zionism. They have deceived to many Christians into believing zionism is some kind of biblical prophecy
Agree in broad terms. Islam and Arabs need a public relations management team to present a different perception to the West. They end up sabotaging their own advocacy and degrade their image with stupid, impulsive stunts and front men in the West.
Half time they act like monkeys and inbred sociopaths. Of course, The West made sure to import the worst and most destructive. Under various smoke screens, e.g., “human rights”.
Do not underestimate Candace. She is made of stern and stable stuff. Perhaps you project your limitations and tolerance for strive and stress. She’s got a lot of backdrop in the background.
Anyway, do what you like.
Video Link
Christianity is not the antithesis of Judaism (the revised version that is). For it is an Abrahamic religion alongside Islam. As long as Yahweh is recognized as God and the Father of Christ, then, not only is Christianity not a challenge/threat to Judaism, but almost just as much malevolent to humanity. The early Christians called the Gnostics and Marcion understood that and so did the Cathars later on. Jesus, if actually a real person, would have rejected Christianity since it distorted and perverted his message. His teaching have nothing to do with faith and religion but about knowledge and understanding who we (collectively) are. For he was an enlightened messenger and not anymore divine than any of us. Essentially there are 2 major points that he was attempting to rely to us(using metaphors in order for us to comprehend these concepts). The first is who God isn’t and who God ….is. In John 8:44: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”. He was clearly referring to Yahweh, rejecting him as God(Father). In Luke 17:21, he states that the “kingdom of heaven is within you “. The correct interpretation is that God is not some external entity but…..us! We are , collectively, God. The better description is collective consciousness or one divine mind. Here is what I mean https://www.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2MUX5qeXkAIln_WUzIZPPchJz-ggpje3k0d7Q2SbAZvNgLTZUNn5OmdJs_aem_znAxmiqGM9aW8PFoQmM2wQ&v=e90ZEEeNTKU&feature=youtu.be
The next point is who God isn’t. Yahweh is clearly not God. He is either a fictional character created by the Levites to control the masses and for them do their bidding or a more esoteric explanation is that he is a trans dimensional ET . According to ancient Judiasm, he was one of El Elion’s many sons. He was was an entity of lesser importance compared to some of the others. Thy were known as the Elohim(plural). Becasue he was was a vicious, bloodthirsty, vengeful, narcissistic, psychopathic wargod, he waged war on the rest of the Elohim and when his tribe slaughtered all the others, the religion became monotheistic. If you worship an evil entity like that, then obviously you will behave like him. And that is exactly what we have witnessed from the tribe since then. Global domination being the end game.
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Nothing like a common enemy to bring people together.
I have always admired Mr Shamir as a very talented writer (“Flowers of Galilee”) and a profound, courageous and sincere humanist.
His conversion to Christianity, however, may have turned him into one of those neophytes who try too hard. This statement is an example:
“Christians should continue to strive to baptise Jews, as baptised ex-Jews saved by Christ can (through the power of the Holy Spirit) become just like the people they live amongst.”
Countless baptized Jews who faithfully nursed their crypto-judaism after they became Marranos in the Iberic peninsula present evidence to the contrary.
From their earliest beginnings, the ancient not-yet-Jews-but-forefathers-of-Jews Hebrew tribes were an ethnocentric, separatist group that defined its identity by negation.
A Jew does not define himself by what he is (as any other non-Jew, of any nationality or religion does) but by what he is against— a whole world of ‘enemies’ that forever threaten his divinely ordained supremacy. The main expression of this identity by negation is hate. Their hate is universal.
Non-Jews may hate one another, or Jews, but Jews hate all humanity outside their tribe.
This is the cement that solidifies jewish tribal solidarity and it predates Christianity.
It cannot be dissolved by a ritual baptism. Not anymore than the conversion to Islam of the Jews, urged by rabbi Sabbatai Zevi in Thessaloniki in the 17th century, which created the Dönme, the crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire who retained their Jewish faith and Kabbalistic beliefs in secret, rather than becoming Muslims.
Any and all manifestations of rejection, hostility and reactive repression from the host populations, far from leading to introspection and an attempt to understand their causes, fuel the useful tribal mantra of “irrational anti-semitism.” So, anti-semitism is so useful that when non-existent it must be faked (Jews caught painting zvastikas).
In an apparent paradox, a Jew’s liberation from his negationist identity comes from the ultimate negation, as expressed by Shahak:
“The Nazis made me afraid to be a Jew, and the Israelis make me ashamed to be a Jew.”
The difference is that this is only possible through the painful process of that ethical exercise rejected by judaism: ethical introspection.
Mr Shamir recommends:
“The financial machinery of International Jewry (bourses, banks, insurances and various rent-extracting devices) should eventually be voided as anti-Christian. The ill-gotten capital amassed by Jews must be confiscated and re-distributed to their host populations. This would be an example of Christian justice, because the Jews gather their vast wealth by dispossessing Christians.”
Although the financial machinery has been at work in the western world in (at least nominally) Christian nations, the redistribution recommended should be extended to majority Muslim nations dispossessed by international jewry as well, as an example, not of “Christian justice,” but of universal justice. Palestine!
“It does seem as though the evil Jewish overlordship over America is finally coming to its long-awaited demise.
It is enough just to say after Candace Owens: Christ is King!”
I fail to see any evidence of the Jewish power over America coming to an end. And no, it is nowhere near enough to say “Christ is King!”
It would not even be enough to accomplish the improbable task of dispossessing the international jewry of its immense accumulated wealth and to remove those of judaic faith from positions of political/media power.
At this very late stage, judaism has seeped in the form of jewish mentality, into the ethos of not only the subservient non-Jewish “elites” but deeply into the population at large.
Signs of it are the conviction that “success” is defined by the accumulation of loot by any means, churches (more “ Christian” denominations than you can shake a cross at) teaching “prosperity prayers,” anything-goes moral relativism, we are “the essential nation,” etc. The last is one is funny as we are less and less anything resembling a nation, what with the systematic atomization of society into a never-ending growth of “identities,” destruction of the nuclear family, and the fact that the very idea of “nation” (with the exception of jews, although they are not a nation but a ubiquitous tribe) is suspect as fascism in disguise and an enemy to globalism.
How to de-jewify a nation? I cannot begin to imagine a solution.
“She is made of stern and stable stuff.”
I am sure she is exactly as you say. Incidentally, I like her. She is where she is because of strong mettle. Yet the strongest engender the more powerful opponents. Be on guard!
‘the antisemitism industry may be on its last legs as well.’ — Fin of a cobra
One is surprised only that the antisemitism industry has not been tokenized on the blockchain. Let’s call it KippahCoin©.
It’s only fair that the promoters of antisemitism, who have put decades of effort into building up their legal/media machine, should be able to monetize their investment within their own lifetimes.
Meanwhile, the Israeli shekel serves as a proxy for the related zionism industry. The shekel began weakening in 2022, broke through a 20-year strengthening trend line later that year, and has continued sliding to 4 to the dollar. Note that the upward direction on this chart corresponds to shekel weakness, not strength:
Israel announcing foreign exchange controls to stop the bleed as dual citizens flee the Zionist Supremacist Paradise would be a watershed event. Bring it, Lord!
So how would you propose addressing the problem?
Mirroring the Jews in the refusal to see ones own wrongdoing, accusatory inversion towards whites, ignorance and insanity.
They believe that their Messiah ( in fact the Antichrist ) will take care of everything and preserve them from all harm.
If you don’t believe it, THEY do.
Did i just dreamed it or that was actually a far-right article that :
1) Attack the problem of jewish supremacy on western state frontally
2) Does not dwelve into ridiculous jew-propaganda about islam and muslims
Seems like the end of times are closer than i thought
I maintain that the “God” of Christianity is NOT the same “god” as the “god” of the jews.
The “god” of the jews was a vengeful, vindictive “god” which demanded that his “tribe” commit acts of genocide and total destruction of other cultures not aligned with the jewish “god”.
I maintain that the jewish “god” is actually satan and is in no way related to the “God” of Christianity.
Judaism and Christianity are at polar opposites and as such, conciliation is not possible.
However, the satanic “god” of the jews has been somewhat successful in attempting to graft judaism on to the tree of Christianity. Even the Catholic Church was not immune; witness the changes made by the Vatican II Ecumenical Council.
I must be a Jew because I love anti Semitism too. 😆😈😆
Very good points. Israel Shamir noneless is right for many things, too.
The question is very complex.
Anti Semitic ? ” It is a trick we always use it to stifle legitimate criticism of jews and zionist Israel.” Per Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli cabinet member.
To top it off, criticizing Israels genocide of the Palestinian people will get you to be called anti semitic, you can not make this insanity up! October 7 was a false flag by the Mossad front Hamas to give the Israelis the excuse to genocide the Palestinian people, this the truth of the matter.
I agree with everything except the last paragraph:
“the proper response is to take offense, claim to be pro-semitic and say you are a huge supporter of the palestinians and that they are ignorant for not knowing the definition of the word, or worse yet a “nazi” zionist supremacist, baby murderer. shove it right back in their face and accuse them of chutzpah.”
I don’t think the proper response is to engage in an absurd exchange of “I am not a nazi, you’re a nazi,” nor in dissecting the etymology of the term “anti-semite.”
Instead, how about agreeing with them:
“I know that by “anti-semite’ you mean you “anti-judaic,” and I am that indeed and can show you the receipts. It is an unassailable position.”
Haiti would be a fit place for all jews to reside. I propose that Haiti be declared the new “jewish homeland”.
They could practice forming a government among the locals. Jews have centuries of experience in herding and controlling blacks.
They would be kept busy for a few hundred years–a good thing.
There would have to be strict controls on emigration by jews to other countries.
The Dominican Republic government doesn’t mess around and could be contracted to provide customs and immigration services. Once jews are “planted” in Haiti, they are there for life. The waters around Haiti would be heavily patrolled to keep the jews from leaving.
Just think of the opportunities that jews will have. They could easily procure their slaves without issues.
This is not sarcasm.
Since jews believe in “tikkun olam”, let them perform their “magic” in Haiti.
“This is a boiled New England dinnah. What makes this different than thousands of comments, essays, and opinions that are identical is the addition of a pinch of parsley.”
Lawdy Lawd!
thanks for this.
Mefobills used the term “apiru (aiparu) a few days ago.
AI had nothing to say about apiru (or was scrubbed with soap made of kosher fingers).
wikipedia offers up arguments (“scholars”) opposing claim that aiparu – ‘iparu – apiru – hapiru refers to Hebrews — “Hebrew is an ethnic distinction while apiru refers to class . . . apiru are not even Semitic . . .” . However, wikipedia continues, passages in Hebrew bible do refer to “Hebrews” as multi-ethnic —
Mefobills @
bests wikipedia, imo.
Once again, TUR goes where Lügenpresse fails to tred.
I can. America will eventually, very likely sooner than later, be incoherent, chaotic, dysfunctional, and vulnerable to outside forces or all types. It will be tumultuous and gaining entropy. A few cylinders will fail, output power will be decreased, and the resulting strain and overload will shut down the machine and the lights go off.
At that point an inert Americur is a vacuum. That vacuum, created by its inherent stupidity and catalyzed by RussiaChina, will be filled ever so slightly the directions and actions will be ratcheted toward cooperation and direction from the formerly mentioned, regardless of volition.
Under these circumstances, Jewish power and institutions dominated by the Heebie Jeebies will have no bearing or valence or agency. Russia and China have no use for Jews, and both understand them inside and out, up and down, and sideways.
IOW, the parasite will be without its host; its nutrients and essential elements of sustenance will be gone.
In udder words, America will get its broom dusted.
“What pagan Serbian customs became Askhenazi staple?”
Gefilte fish? Both words are of Serbian origin anyway.
The more Talmudic Jewry makes itself known as (stated in John 8:44, Revelation 2:9 and 3:9) “ye are of your father, the devil” or the “Synagogue of Satan,” the better, for even Christian Zionists are capable of waking up from (2Thessalonians 2) “strong delusion, that they believe a lie.” In fact young Christians are rejecting Christian Zionism in droves (thank God for that!). Because “do unto others” has a tendency to work…some would call it karma. And didn’t Christ also say “You reap what you sew”? Because it sure looks as if these days that what Satanyahu calls “Amalek” is (drum roll please) present-day Israel! And if “Israel has a right to defend itself” then why must it rely on the US to defend it? Or is this part of their “2800 gentile slaves per Jew” Talmudic crapola?
Speaking of gentile slaves to Jews, isn’t that why that Talmudic rabbi handed Trump that “non-Jewish Messiah” crown…to lead the gentile enslavement to Jews? That is, Americans dying for a nation that hates them (not to mention hating Christ….)
“Very good points. Israel Shamir noneless is right for many things, too.”
It goes without saying but thanks for saying it. It’s not for nothing he is reviled as a “holocaust denier.”
“The question is very complex.”
No kidding…
And no true Christian has yet been found. Each denomination(30,000 in all globally) claims to hold the “true Christianity”. If all are ‘true’ then none are true. “god is not the author of confusion” indeed. But this is what you get when you allow Jewish religious claptrap to be poured into your soft heads. smh
@no one in particular-
Why would a people have a written law AND an oral law? For the same reason a dishonest accountant keeps two sets of books: one is for the public and the authorities, the other reflects the true nature of the business but is kept hidden because of it’s self-incriminating nature. In the middle ages the penalty for a jew revealing the contents of the Talmud was death because of it’s so self-incriminating.
“For what is a Jew without his Nazi?”
“Und, Ich bin Christos.” – Aloph Hilter.
“The rabbis contend that the Jews await their Messiah. Is it just a coincidence that their Messiah matches up with the Anti-Christ recorded in Revelations?”
It is called “Revelation”, singular. It t is the account of a revelation given in one sitting.
Mr. Shamir does not live in a country where one can openly express opposing thoughts on this subject without fear of fines or imprisonment.
While DaSynagogue of Satan itself is jewish, the non-jew servants of Satan far outnumber the jews – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2023/05/who-are-daservants-of-satan-does-it.html?m=0 – in fact, if it wasn’t for the outright churchian jew-cheerleading stupidity displayed in the last few hundred years, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Infiltrate, infest and corrupt the church first……and the rest is easy peasy!
You can say we’re the true Israelites or the true Chosen, but please don’t call us the true jews. That word is tainted.
So you throw out history for scriptural ‘purity’?
As Paul said: “We all see through the glass..darkly.” Also, remember that Jesus said He came to fulfill……..and not toss OT into the trash. If you need more – http://www.crushlimbraw.com – been at this a while and learning every day…..often from other commenters.
Prehistoric peoples that lived in small tribes must have engaged in a considerable amount of cousin mating. Perhaps there are other factors at play.
This is a perception developed by Jewish owned media, which focuses primarily upon extremists in order to advance the divide and conquer strategy referenced by one nobody.
The vast majority of Muslim immigrants are no more responsible for their extremists than the average Christian is for the Zionists among them.
This question and a possible answer are criminalised in Europe and Israel. I am against the cult of H, which is a parody of Christianity.
When did you wake up Rip Van Winkle???
I have a great respect to Horst Mahler and consider him my friend. He came to rejection of racialism and of the Jewish paradigm.
Of course it’s antisemitic. Expressing anything contrary to the desired jewish narrative is called antisemitism. The way the word is used, it’s more often used to describe anyone criticizing them or questioning their lies, than about any racial animus.
That’s why there are no go districts in European cities, e. g., Malmo, etc., where police and ambulances dare not go. These are in fact “Little X”, meaning the replica and facsimile of their former country? And their demonstrations that end up destroying material property and attacking women, among others?
“That’s why there can never be peace betwixt them; they are at eternal war. And unexpectedly the Jews are winning this war.”
Minor correction. They are unexpectedly winning a battle about 2 or 3 days in God time after the resurrection of Christ. The war has already been lost and it was at the foot of the Cross.
What you say sounds good in theory, but there are problems. For one, some might accuse you of cherry picking ‘the good stuff’s (as you see it) from the OT while leaving out the bad. This could lead to skepticism and cause many to leave the religion and go back to worshipping Jews. Secondly, you’re still relying on the OT as scripture, so it’s not much of a break. Muhammad re-told many stories from the OT, but did so on his own terms. The OT isn’t even part of Islamic scriptural canon. I honestly don’t know the solution. I guess Judaism (and philo-semitism) is just Christianity’s cross to bear.
“Great article by Shamir most beneficial to the lost sheep of Christendom: Vatican City under the reign of its impostors.”
Vatican City is the same as it ever was: the imperfect but faithful shepherds of Christ. It is under constant attack from media and social media, including in the US the Protestantinized culture. That culture exists as so much the baseline that I can see American Orthodox converts engaging in Protestant denominationalism/purity spiraling online while thinking they’ve converted to the one true faith.
All it takes to find the truth is reading original source Vatican documents. Not what talking head type thought Pope Francis said or did, but source reports on what he actually said or did. Also ignoring what amounts to unverified gossip columns of all kinds. It’s unreal the sorts of reports people believe on nothing.
In other words, don’t read a “helpful” article by someone potentially hostile to Catholicism. Let the Vatican speak for herself on any number of issues. The article here is pretty good, but it does contain errors of varying importance regarding the faith. Do the work when it comes to Vatican, if it’s important to you.
PM, did you personally go to any of these no go districts?
New York City past 100th street is a no go for a White male past 10 pm.
In Chicago, past Sheridan on Lake Shore Drive, the White supremacists will not let a black guy walk in peace.
Turf is as old as man.
Why Do the Jews Love Antisemitism?
I say:
Gimme sum more of dat old time aunti-semitism stuff, instead of that nu fangled crud without the dash!
I believe CHEAP JEWS sold the dash in so-called “anti-Semitism” to turn it into so-called “antisemitism” and I believe that these CHEAP JEWS took the proceeds from the sale of the dash to buy vodka for the Torah scholars to really fuel up their debates about their Jew book.
Evil And Demonic Jews Have Sold The Revenue For The Dash In There So-Called “anti-Semitism” For Six Thousand Dollars.
They Got A Lousy Deal; The Dash Is Worth At Least 6 Hundred Thousand Dollars.
The Evil And Demonic Jews In JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) Could’ve Leased The Dash In There Phony “anti-Semitism” Fraud Like That Deal Where The Jew-Controlled American International Group Or That Jew-Controlled Goldman Sachs Leases Airplanes And The Like.
The Jew Fraud Called “anti-Semitism” Has Become This Fraudulent Thing Called “antisemitism.”
Sneaky Jews stole the word “holocaust” from Jimmy Stewart!
Jimmy Stewart was mumbling and speaking in his hesitating style voice in a movie when he used the word “holocaust” in some scene with Connecticut needle-nose skinny-dipper swimmer Katharine Hepburn and Jews Organized Globally(JOG) stole that goddamn word “holocaust” like that Jew bankrobber Sam Bankman-Fried robbed loot out of his own damn bank.
Sneaky Jews have stolen the use of the word HOLOCAUST, and they ain’t even paying any royalties!
Sneaky Jews leased out the dash in that so-called “anti-Semitism” to make it so-called “antisemitism” and the sneaky Jews got that idea from some Sneaky Jew leasing out planes to airlines.
So-called “HOLOCAUST” word was used in a Jimmy Stewart screwball comedy romantic lark type movie from 1940 called The Philadelphia Story and Jimmy Stewart did his best reserved Scottish guy gets emotional acting and don’t all the movie watchers love that Jimmy Stewart.
Scriptwriter of 1940 movie The Philadelphia Story, Donald Ogden Stewart, was a Massachusetts guy who went to Yale and got caught up in the commie commotion. Scottish dope.
The evil and demonic JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire uses this rancid propaganda horseshit about this so-called “holocaust” to stifle any and all debates about too many topics such as the nation-wrecking mass immigration invasion, treasonous Israel First foreign policy and other anti-White, anti-Christian matters.
The so-called “holocaust” horseshit propaganda is designed to stifle criticism of the hostile Jew element in the evil and demonic JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire.
The evil and demonic diasporan Jews in JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) keep bringing up the so-called “holocaust” to justify the demographic attacks of mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration on the USA and other European Christian nations.
I think this is the clip with Jimmy Stewart using the word now-sanctified by the Jews (((HOLOCAUST))) in the movie The Philadelphia Story:
Some Rude Dude… To bad you are hiding behind your keyboard. If I had heard you call anyone what you just did, I would have hanged my leg in your ass, you fucking coward.
I bet you wouldn’t dare talk to any woman this way face to face, you fucking coward. Go back to your porn and meth and shut the fuck up.
It’s time to take those bitchy Moma’s boys to the tool shed.
The irony here is that you’re contributing to the very strategy that Zionists are implementing.
Even if there’s a grain of truth to the ‘no-go zone’ innuendo, it isn’t representative of the vast majority of Muslim immigrants in Europe.
As far as demonstrations are concerned, like many on the left, right-wingers tend to engage in confirmation bias, exploiting sordid details about a minority within a group they dislike in order to broad brush the entirety of it.
You’re a smart guy, but sometimes you’re way off the mark. You grossly misrepresented Americans protesting Israel’s genocide and you’re doing the same with Muslims here.
“Muhammad re-told many stories from the OT, but did so on his own terms. The OT isn’t even part of Islamic scriptural canon. I honestly don’t know the solution. I guess Judaism (and philo-semitism) is just Christianity’s cross to bear.”
Islam is best thought of as a Christian sect/heresy gone so bad it’s lost the plot. It parallels pretty neatly with Mormonism.
And yes, one hazard of a genuine Christian faith is philo-semitism. I suspect that’s why we got the warning about the Jews in Revelation.
If JP(Jewish Power) wants it, it gets it.
Universities Silence Israel Critics! w/ Chris Hedges
Ethnic homogeneity serves the Antichrist, the satanic fake-pope is convinced. He encourages all of black Africa to participate in the gene pool of white Europeans, who would be committing a grave “sin” [sic!] to deny them this. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/pope-francis-says-refusing-aid-migrants-grave-sin-2024-08-28/
Christians should continue to strive to baptise Jews, as baptised ex-Jews saved by Christ can (through the power of the Holy Spirit) become just like the people they live amongst. The financial machinery of International Jewry (bourses, banks, insurances and various rent-extracting devices) should eventually be voided as anti-Christian. The ill-gotten capital amassed by Jews must be confiscated and re-distributed to their host populations. This would be an example of Christian justice, because the Jews gather their vast wealth by dispossessing Christians. This would also be an example of Christian prudence, because the Jews instinctively exercise their power in preparing the world for Antichrist. Finally, Jews should be banned from owning and operating media companies because their eternal enmity inevitably spreads anti-Christian ideas.
I say:
The financial liquidation of all Jew billionaires and the removal of all Jews from any involvement in the mass media are two worthy goals to advance the interests of White Core America and the European Christian ancestral core of the USA.
I would financially liquidate all non-Trump billionaires and make damn sure that the vile anti-White rats in the Murdoch Organized Crime Syndicate were financially liquidated and forcibly deported to a concentration camp in a hot, swampy and fetid part of sub-Saharan Africa.
A lot of scumbag rat non-Jews must be financially liquidated and removed from the USA too.
I pledge to outlaw all non-Trump billionaires — just like Ronald Reagan outlawed the Soviet Union — but I will not harm the billionaires in any way, unlike Reagan, who declared his intention to begin bombing the Soviet Union in five minutes. At least Reagan understood the difference between the USSR and Russia and the Soviets from the Russians.
Jews Organized Globally(JOG) have declared total war on the European Christian ancestral core of the United States of America.
Patriotic White Core Christian Americans must acknowledge that the Mass Immigration problem and the anti-White propaganda problem brings up the JEW QUESTION.
There is no doubt that certain JEWS have a disproportionate control of the corporate propaganda apparatus in the United States. There is no doubt that the Jew-controlled corporate media pushes an anti-White and anti-Christian message of total hatred for European Christians. No honest person would disagree with that.
The JEW-controlled corporate propaganda apparatus constantly pushes nation-wrecking open borders mass immigration and multicultural mayhem. In order to stop mass immigration and anti-White propaganda it will be necessary to remove disproportionate media power from the Jews.
A political chieftain from the White Core Christian American Patriots will have to dislodge from power all Jew-controlled media outlets in the United States.
Certain JEWS must be recognized as a hostile element within the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire.
The United States is a European Christian nation, and elements hostile to the European Christian ancestral core of the United states must not be allowed to have disproportionate power in the media to attack Whites and Christians.
Go read “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” by Walt and Mearsheimer to see how certain JEWS use their disproportionate political and media power to shape the foreign policy of the American Empire.
The JEW QUESTION explained:
Jews form a nation within a nation everywhere they reside. Can Jews ever be considered to be part of the larger nation in which they reside when they are genetically and culturally predisposed to put the interests of the Jew Nation over and above the interests of the larger nations in which they reside?
I’ve to almost every major port city in the World. I’ve lived abroad in Europe. My wife’s family is Brazililan. There are slums called favelas that are infested with vicious criminals. Being a merchant seaman, I have traveled and waited in American port cities for a ship berth as an Engineer Officer. During these waiting periods, I have walked through various neighborhoods of all types. I attended Marine Engineering School in downtown Baltimore. And resided in the same building. I lived in a warehouse in downtown Los Angeles, and later in a Hollywood bungalow. Most of my university student time was spent residing in slums, and even in Black neighborhoods. My youth could be characterized as being that of a Hippy, but I prefer Bohemian, Wanderer, or even Drifter for a time. I hitchhiked across the USA several times, sleeping outside, or in the homes of people who were kind and put me up for the night. I lived the life of “On The Road” by Jack Kerouc. I walked through the Blackest neighborhood in New Orleans after leaving my ship, and had no problem. I felt like Henry Stanley making his way through the Dark Continent to find Dr. Livingstone.
I was held up while on an extensive visit to a Black acquaintance, along with other White friends, when we were invaded by a Black gang that tied everybody up, and threatened to kill all of us. My friend had wealthy parents. This neighborhood was the upper class Black neighborhood of Houston, TX. I bought my first firearm after that. Subsequently, in Baltimore, New York, and Sarasota, FL I have had to brandish it in the face to aggressiveness by Negronians. Early on, I had a 5 shot Colt Python .38 Special with +P ammo, but later upgraded to an H & K .45 semi-auto, with max load, 220 grain bullets, one for home and one for concealed carry.
Most ships dock at dangerous areas and districts of American cities. And I certainly passed through and spent a lot of time in those locales.
Any questions?
[You grossly misrepresented Americans protesting Israel’s genocide and you’re doing the same with Muslims here].
Please provide that reference and my specific words or reference. Thank you.
This is like a perfect response because it sounds like a hostage message and therefore highlights the current circumstances outside the U.S.
Romans 11:11-12
Israel’s Rejection Not Final
11 I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall? Certainly not! But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles. 12 Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their fullness!
Daniel Pipes, a well-known Zionist and anti-Islam pundit, was among the first individuals to popularize the term ‘no-go zone’. Upon personally visiting all of the most sensationalized regions he had helped to define as such, he wrote the following:
Bottom line: Those who endeavor to verify the truth of the matter usually discover the ‘no-go zone’ propaganda is nothing more than innuendo.
I agree – Islam is a Christian sect, similar to Gnostics.
Satan was nothing more than 1 of many Yahweh’s foot soldiers. He was only responsible for 5 deaths while Yahweh personally murdered over a million.
The reason for Satans’s reputation is because he was used by the Church as a scapegoat. In reality he was an insignificant figure.
Antisemitism is just convenient. It rallies the Jewish hoi poloi around a common complaint.
As credulity keeps buying incredibility, the International Jew rules.
Back in early March, you wrote “Palestinians in the West, in the majority (sic), demonstrate illegally, disruptively, and violently.”
None of the subsequent data you offered proved this statement correct.
And you’re welcome.
Just a rhetorical one:
Who is Soeren Kern?
Answer at the Friends of Israel website:
With friends like these, eh?
(Heads up: I’ll be away from the keyboard for a few hours.)
Without false modesty, I can say that the recent publication of a series of comments about the time when indigenous Serbian toponyms in today’s Germany were replaced mechanically with so-called German ones, after the Germans entered the territory of today’s Germany, was the biggest revelation of historical falsification on unz in my memory. That forgery had enormous consequences.
During that discovery, which is still ongoing and will continue, the works of Prof. Paul Wexler on the origin of Ashkenazi Jews and Yiddish were discovered. He concluded that Yiddish is in fact a Serbian language (then, in the 10-11th century, there were no special so-called Slavic languages yet) with many German words added, and that the Ashkenazis are at least of Palestinian origin, somewhat more of Turkish tribes and so-called ‘Indo-Europeans’ (probably refers to the descendants of primitive Yamnaya nomads, i.e. today’s Western Europeans, whose ancestors came to Europe from the Asian steppes) and most of them are of Baltic Serbs origin.
If we now look at case by case (for e.g. mostly celebrities since they are known to everyone) or close acquaintances, we can conclude that Paul Wexler’s claim is well founded. What else could Ashkenazis be, those who have the physiognomy of Prussians or Poles, since it was not so long ago after all. One could probably find typical representatives of each of the mentioned groups.
Wexler pointed out the illogicality of the so-called ‘Rhineland hypothesis’, which cannot explain either the origin of Jews or the origin of Yiddish. According to this hypothesis, there is no difference between Ashkenazim and Sephardi, which is obviously false. I have only presented the works of Prof. Wexler and have not yet expressed my opinion.
It is unfortunate that, after a great deal of hesitation, reactions first come forward from the dullest end of the readership. As in many other cases, here too, we have that the most dumbass readers follow the mainstream, even when there is no logic, i.e., they follow the official narrative that we know who formed it, especially in this case.
This is why it is difficult to find the works of Prof. Wexler, so that he has remained almost completely unknown in the past 30 years. We can guess why that is. The current cohesion would be broken if it became clear that Jews are not a homogeneous genetic and linguistic group, and a lot of things would happen with it in a domino effect. I am not a student of Jewish history and it would be interesting to know what it is about in religious and para-religious manuscripts that creates such a strong connection that transcends genetics, linguistics, anthropology and geography.
It’s actually rather funny, because like every other group on the planet, if the jews would just leave us (Christians, Whites, Americans and Europeans) alone, I wouldn’t give two shits about them; Who they are, where they are, what or who they worship, what kind of funny hats or silly costumes they wear… nothing.
Just like I don’t care about Hindus, or Mormons, or Scientologist whackos, or any other religious, ethnic, or racial group.
If all the blacks were still in Africa, I wouldn’t care about them. Hell, whomever lives in Tajikistan, or Bali, or downtown Moscow is none of my concern, and neither would be anyone else, if they left us the fuck alone!
But the goddamned jews can’t do it! They can’t leave us alone, Neither can the Muzzies.
This is why multiculturalism should be shunned, and undone! Send everyone back to their shithole countries to live their shithole lives.
Especially the jews! They have an ethno-state, and they should ALL be required to go live there, even if they are wiped out by the Muslims!
If my people had an ethno-state, I’d go live in it in a heartbeat!
For the same reason that women love anti-feminism. For the same reason that any totally protected class of people whose every action is consequence-free love to pretend that they’re victims, that they walk around with a target on their backs and why can’t everybody just leave them alone because all they want to do is live in peace and they’re not trying to antagonize anyone but the world hates them simply for existing, etc., etc. For precisely the same reason. It’s an ugly, sadistic conceit in which powerful people love to indulge.
Check this out! Entryist Ziokike Cohen gets stuck out there as Marlowe’s human shield. Note Cohen got sleazed into CIA from the traditional Jewy thievery of the AML slot at Treasury – the pretext was, “At least he’s not a torturer! He’s too chicken!” But now Cohen has to act like Z’s not Marlowe’s puppet. It’s very funny seeing him lie his hairy ass off. His insane beady eyes blink with verminous Jewy deceit from deep within his malformed skull.
When Marlowe loses this war he started, he’s gonna get promoted to Deputy Pétoukh of Dolphin Prison. He’s going to lose his sphincter tone and fart with musical asshole embrouchure. His rectum’s gonna prolapse out to arm’s length like an accordion. So Cohen has to go out there and pretend to guess what Marlowe made Z do.
Amusingly, Russian proof of CIA’s unacknowledged responsibility makes Marlowe’s sissy war an act not in a sovereign capacity per UNTOC. That means CIA’s national security get-out-of-jail-free card is not valid. At Russia’s option, it may also mean the US can avoid a nuke war by throwing Marlowe over the side. Trump would recognize that as a damn good deal!
Marlowe is a good bet to be the first perp of the multipolar world order, the headline Major War Criminal of Khabarovsk II.
The Churches all failed massively. Protestants in particular the Anglos (disenters, Puritans, baptists, and so on) were the most pro Jewish from all churches.
But it doesnt mean Orthodox or Catholics or Anglicans are innocent.
The last thing Christians need to do is convert Jews. That only leads to crypto Jews and subversion.
And its not Jews who love anti-semitism. Its Zionists who are okay with anti-semitism under the condition you bend to their will.
And finally Freemasonry (which developed around the world, especially the Anglo countries) which made people fall in love with Jews and become tolerant of religions.
Never let them off the hook.
Im so thankful to have left Catholicism and Christianity. Failures of religions as the last several decades if not centuries have proven.
Enough of the Jew worship. If Christianity was such a bulwark against Jews it would not have failed in the first place.
Todays self-called Christians are heretics from yesteryear.
Many think Satan is Yahweh.
The “is” have a concentration/ death camp called Gaza. It is a small part of Palestine. Do the “is” provide a swimming pool, plus drinking water, for the inmates? No. That, my friend, is semitism.
Your video shows how National Socialist Germany provided clean water for the inmates during the second world war. That is innocent antisemitism.
That part of your comment above reminded me of a quote from Julian Jaynes (The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind):
Obviously Jesus wasn’t too successful in reforming Judaism — and even less in turning the Bicameral Jews into conscious men. But since only conscious men can become aware that the “kingdom of heaven is within you“, this is something the Jews will never achieve: their “god” will forever remain “some external entity”. It was because Jew consciousness never went through this essential reform that the Jews have always demanded some kind of external and concrete authority: they are still waiting for their Messiah.
If they are so dependent on this kind of external authority, can the Jews even be said to possess a form of consciousness in which moral actions are guided by inner reflection and conscious thought? By the way the Jews are treating the defenseless Palestinians in Gaza — utter senseless slaughter of women and children — the answer seems to be “no”. That’s what we have to get through our heads: when dealing with the Jews, we are not really dealing with conscious beings. Gibbon called them “a different species of men”.
Jaynes also posits that consciousness is something that is not biological, but rather cultural: it has to be learned and passed down from generation to generation. This could mean that the type of consciousness that the Jew parent teaches his offspring will reflect this ancient type of consciousness — the bicameral mind thus cascades down through the ages, in saecula saeculorum.
Therefore, as heirs to the ancient Hebrews — the “khabiru”, which in Akkad means “vagrant” — the Jews have also inherited their warped mentality, and this is something all of us must contend with to this very day, as seen by the havoc the Jew is causing all over the world. All of humanity, we — who are now conscious men — have, walking among us, the barbaric Judaic Bicameral Aliens, who are hell-bent on doing to us what they did to Jesus millennia ago: the Jews won’t rest until they wipe humanity off of the face of the earth.
Could the reason be that ‘antisemitism’ justifies their individual and collective paranoia and excuses the atrocities they commit everywhere they settle?
Cardinal Fulton: end of Christendom? i don’t believe he is right. God’s Holy Church shall survive, but sadly many souls are being lost.
These religions Jews will end the world if we let them.
Anyway, bamsters. Please, I’zze been away for so many days. I don’t know really?
And am so sorry for being so rude sometimes. Anyways, again…
Hello again all on Unz. God Bless You All! And all of you forever and ever, Amen.
Everyone, please, the IMPERATIVE message to all survivors is disco dance! dance disco? its all the same!
Christendom means the West’s culture and governance running under Christian framework. That did die in the early 20th century, as Bishop Fulton Sheen stated.
Blinken lied to the world about Netanyahu’s stance in the ceasefire talks to allow for more Israeli massacres.
Death to Blinken and his Jewish mafia tribe. They should be mascaraed. These scum of humanity are not going to stop the genocide. The entire genocidal Biden regime is rotten, they must be executed as war criminals.,
Death to the criminal west and its extension. Biden along with Netanyahu should be executed at least 10x. The world spit at these criminal zionist bastards.
Demographic studies indicate that during the Middle Ages there were no more than 25,000 to 35,000 Jews in Western Europe. These figures are hard to reconcile with other studies showing that by the 17th century there were hundreds of thousands of Jews in Eastern Europe.
“You just can’t get those numbers by natural population increase,” Dr. King said. In a paper published in 1992, he argued that the origins of Yiddish were not in the Rhineland, but eastward along the Danube — in Bavaria and as far east as Hungary and the Czech and Slovak lands. From there, he argues, the language radiated both westward, into the Rhineland, and eastward into Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and other areas..
Some scholars believe the roots of Yiddish, and even the Ashkenazic people themselves, lie much farther east. In his 1976 book, “The Thirteenth Tribe,” Arthur Koestler made the startling suggestion, never taken seriously by linguists, that the Eastern European Jews were not really Semitic — that they were largely descended from the Turkic Khazars, who converted en masse to Judaism in medieval times.
Mr. Koestler’s controversial thesis has been revived and expanded in a 1993 book, “The Ashkenazic Jews : A Slavo-Turkic People in Search of a Jewish Identity”, by Dr. Paul Wexler, a Tel Aviv University linguist. Dr. Wexler uses a reconstruction of Yiddish to argue that it began as a Serbian language whose vocabulary was largely replaced with German words. Going even further, he contends that the Ashkenazic Jews are predominantly converted Slavic and Turkic people who merged with a tiny population of Palestinian Jews from the Diaspora.
While few linguists are convinced by this radical hypothesis, the notion of a Serbian origin for Yiddish is being taken as a serious challenge to the field. “Even if he is not absolutely right,” said Dr. Jacobs, “we are forced into a discussion of the issues he has raised.”
Odd. James, Peter, and the Ebionites would say that Paul was the heretic who lost the plot.
The Demiurge.
VERY SNEAKY… So typical Jewish. The Jewish owned New York Times:
The paper made no public announcement of the switch (2021), which was formally adopted in August, according to Phil Corbett, the associate managing editor for standards at the Times.
While the new spelling by the paper of record may seem merely cosmetic, it reflects a deeper linguistic debate that has long been brewing within the Jewish community.
IN 2015, THE INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE ALLIANCE began advocating for “antisemitism” over “anti-Semitism” — a term popularized in the late 1800s by the right-wing German polemicist Wilhelm Marr — out of concern that the “hyphenated spelling allows for the possibility of something called ‘Semitism.’”
With the publication of ‘Antisemitism: Here and Now’ in 2019,
DEBORAH LIPSTADT, Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies, the Biden administration’s special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism, helped introduce the discussion to a wider audience.
“It should be spelled as one word,” she said in an interview with Jewish Insider (JI). “Its inventor wanted it to mean one thing and one thing only: Jew hatred. He coined this word because he want his word to encompass, not just Jews who are religious, but Jews who have abandoned all links to the religion. He wanted to depict Jews as a metaphysical enemy.”
WHY is nobody talking about the JEW HATRED TOWARDS THE NON-JEWS, GOYIM ?
Their Torah and Talmud are full of it.
Soon, thanks to the JEWISH owned mainstream media and Deborah Lipstadt, everyone will write ‘antisemitism’ instead of ‘anti-Semitism’.
I will never write ‘antisemitism’. I will always write ‘anti-Semitism’.
It’s obvious that THE JEWS in Israel and the world, aided and abetted by Western governments, are the REAL anti-Semites by genociding the Palestinians, THE TRUE SEMITES, and stealing their land.
ARE JEWS A RACE ? The short answer is NO – Jews are NOT a race.
JEWS are the followers of Judaism.
The reason why Zionists lied about Jews being a race (and later re-labeled an ethnicity) was because early Zionists were atheists, and had to lie about being Jewish, when they weren’t. Race was re-labeled to ethnicity when race was debunked as a social construct, and pseudo-science.
JUDAISM is not a religion.
It is a LICENSE to lie, cheat, steal, rob, exploit, prostitute, enslave, destroy, torture, murder… as long as the victim is not Jewish. It’s a mental disease somewhere in between bipolar disorder and psychopathy. It’s the membership in a terrorist, satanic cult.
Just look at what THE JEWS have been doing to Palestine for the past 76 years and what they are doing today in Gaza and the West Bank.
Never met him, but share your respect. Thanks for the reply.
The “Jewish Problem” existed long before there was the “WASP problem”.
THE JEWS are clearly THE problem in this world. They are like a cancer in this world and if not cut out will kill this world.
Video Link
The Reformation was started by John Calvin. Calvinism is of Jewish origin.
John Calvin was born as Jehan Cauvin in France in 1509. He was Jewish. His real name was more than likely COHEN. Calvin broke from the Roman Catholic Church around 1530.
Calvinism is a denomination of Protestantism that adheres to the theological traditions and teachings of John Calvin and other preachers of the Reformation era.
It was deliberately conceived to split the adherents of the Christian religions, and divide the people.
It led to The Thirty Years’ War from 1618 to 1648: Catholics vs Protestants and is considered one of the most devastating wars in Central Europe causing the deaths of 4 to 12 million people.
The continuing divisions between Sunnis and Shiites are also keeping Muslims apart.
THE JEWS created Christianity and Islam and must be laughing their heads off at the stupidity of the Goyim. Christians and Muslims, half the world’s population, worship Mr. Yahweh, the Jewish God.
The Aramaic Language of the Qur’an
Aramaic is the language Jesus spoke, IF he ever existed.
The word Torah is mentioned 18 times in the Quran in 16 verses.
Jesus is the most mentioned person in the Quran by reference; 25 times by the name Isa, third-person 48 times, first-person 35 times, and the rest as titles and attributes.
The Torah and the Gospel are integral to the Quran.
Video Link
King Edward expelled the Jews in 1290 from England, but they found a willing creature and hireling in Oliver Cromwell, an orthodox Calvinist, to get the Jews back into England again.
The “English” Revolution was financed by the Amsterdam Jews who were expelled from Spain in 1492 and Portugal in 1496. Cromwell then let the Jews back into England by the 1650s.
The Jews then moved their Amsterdam Headquarters to London and made Dutch Willem III King of England. The Jews later used the British Empire to conquer the world for them.
The rise of the British Empire is clearly linked to this Jewish Messianic ideal, bearing today the name of Zionism, which aims at universal economic and financial control to be followed by political power in every nation.
The more Britain expanded, the greater grew the Jewish power and control in the economic and financial realm.
If we’re talking the New Testament, Peter plainly states that Paul is one of the apostles, but hard to understand. That in fact people will misunderstand Paul to their destruction. (2 Peter 3:15-16) James epistles are shorter versions of Paul’s in many respects. Paul does say works are necessary and so does James, for instance. The Ebionites exist both outside of the end of NT and also when a Church was available to say they were heretics.
The problem unfortunately is that a lot of American Protestant commentary does not know particularly the New Testament very well. The framework itself does not read comprehensively nor with a sense of history. It’s looking for reasons why this thing is different that thing, largely without acknowledging that even the rest of the NT exists, let alone the context of NT. It will by nature also not go looking for patterns outside of itself.
Islam as a Christian heresy is not hard to see. It includes Jesus and Mary, but strips Jesus of some key features. There’s no reason for Jesus to be there to give legitimacy to either the Quran or Mohammed and yet He is. It’s militancy and insistence that it knows something is also about a very Christian set of ideas.
With all due respect [?!] there is no ‘creator of the world’ [proof = conservation laws = matter/energy may neither be created nor destroyed]. The big bang was ‘merely’ a phase-change = no creation, all that ‘is’ forever ‘was.’ Really; I think you know that and are just ‘playing with words,’ eh? rgds
Agree; you can say that over and over – as we all should – by waking, then before sleep, say. Revoke their licence! thnx
This is a pretty neat trick considering the #1 enemy of modern Judaism is any form of sincere Christian belief. “Yahweh” is just modern name silliness. The traditional language of Christianity is of God, the uncreated Creator as Lord/Rock. It’s also Father/Son/Holy Spirit.
Modern secularism/materialism, the philosophy of your post, is an extension of modern Judaism. It’s right at home in any reform synagogue . The crazy making and upside part of modernity is that to sincerely hate something is not necessarily be effectively opposed to it in the least. Rants about the stupidity of Christians could be said very neatly with a Jewish accent. You help Jews by tearing down Christians.
Our author, in declaring a public and sincere belief in Christ, is much farther away from modern Judaism and modern Jews than your post.
You hit the nail on the head, F…cobra. “kingdom of heaven is within you“,
Thanks again.
It’s all psychological, above biology. A privilege only available to people who can recognize themselves as separate beings and are able to live within symbols.
The latest I’ve heard, the Jews have the right AND the responsibility to kill us.
There are no words.
Ethnic homogeneity serves the Antichrist, the satanic Fake-Pope is convinced. He encourages all of black Africa to participate in the gene pool of white Europeans, who would be committing a grave “sin” [sic!] to deny them this. Maybe the whole idea of conversos wasn’t the best plan. The nose knows. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/pope-francis-says-refusing-aid-migrants-grave-sin-2024-08-28/
Ask “award-winning rabbi” Moffic whether the 6-shaped nose for the “perception of s*xual organs” and Zyklon-B from “smoking (fake) chimneys” and the typical oversized mouse ears for recognizing “anti-Semitic” whispering, but also the crackling of bills and the jingling of coins were created by Yahweh himself.
This does not have to be a contradiction in Judaism and both attributes have a high recognition value for all Goyim despite increasing “nose jobs”. So is Francis a cunning chicken who secretly crept among the capable duck people?
In contrast to the rest of the world, Argentina has an above-average proportion of Jews, which is also taken into account by weirdo Shabboys-Goy Milei. Already genocider “Julio” Popper disguised himself as a “conquistador”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Popper
Shakespeare’s “Hamlet:”
x-tian ‘believers’ [in their imaginary ‘god’] are acutely focussed on ‘life after death.’
Muslim ‘believers’ [in their imaginary ‘god’] ditto, with their bonus = ‘72 virgins.’
Common theme = ‘life after death.’
IIRC, lots of jews maintain that they are not believers, but *do* believe that ‘god promised them Palestine.’
IF @Han is correct THEN all who worship Mr. Yahweh, the Jewish God make themselves accessories to the Jewish crimes in Palestine, starting latest with the 1st Zionist congress in 1897, right up to the current vicious ongoing mass-murdering genocide of innocent Palestinians. Jews as illegal occupiers have *zero* right to self-defence, rather as occupiers they have a responsibility for the welfare of their ‘prisoners’ = all native Palestinian residents = still-valid property owner/occupiers.
IF @skrik is correct [naturally!] THEN there is no god, and it’s all for nought for all ‘believers.’
But: Accessories share the guilt, and may be prosecuted and punished as ‘equals’ to the perpetrators.
As it is said, there is no such thing as ‘a free lunch,’ and it’s *all* god-believers’ [+ RoW] for not effectively intervening = their fault.
@ Piffle
Good luck with your God and Christianity.
Atheism, the denial of God, exists before modern Judaism. However, the ability of modern Judaism to teach it’s beliefs through the media and academia means I’m arguing with TVee, teachers/professors, and Jewish culture that exists with that.
Militant atheism/spreading of the “Bad News” serves modern Judaism/Jewish interests. Most non-observant Jews are atheists. The Talmud encourages acceptance of the Jews who have washed their hands of the admitted rubbish of that blend of chicken based superstition, randomness from ancient Hebrew Scripture, and a whole lot of “God loves me bestest”. In contrast, the Talmud encourages treating sincere Christians very poorly.
You are more than welcome to continue rambles that sound Smart or something(TM) with other people. Just know that your arguments is mostly Jewish propaganda.
In answer to your two question, yes really. Given the deep association of militant atheism with Jews historically, it’s something to think about. You’re working for them voluntarily when you spread atheist propaganda and repeat falsehoods about Christianity.
And unfortunately, there is no more propagandized bunch on the planet than those that keep shaking their fist at a Jewish concept of a Santa Claus God when nobody else is talking about it. I suspect it’s because they like their modern vices, but that’s another post.
Only as an archetype. The better explanation is that he is a trans dimensional ET
I don’t ‘do’ propaganda.
Ahem: My arguments are truth-seeking. Kindly recall:
I’m not arguing *with* jews, but *against* them, attempting to spur *somebody* to effectively procure justice for the hapless Palestinians and for jews be cast upon the rubbish-heap of history – after being ejected from Palestine.
Would you place Archbishop Vigano or Michael Hoffman in the category of the gossip mongers? Listen to the first and read the books of the other. Two highly recommended readings are Hoffman’s books “The Occult Renaissance Curch of Rome” and “ Usury in Christendom”.
As long as God is a concept for idiotic rubes, it remains that your arguments are siding with Jewish culture and a great many ethnic Jews. Ironically many Jews are also all for ejecting themselves from Palestine, too. The great divide is not over Palestine.
I absolutely would, particularly Vigano, who has lately ex-communicated himself. If you won’t read Vatican source documents, why would I read your homework? My request at least sounds like work, where your request sounds mostly like the titles to movie scripts. If there’s some exciting emotional component to it, we are probably firmly in gossip columns.
Au contraire.
The Islamic perspective: Jesus, as the Messiah, would be the last of Israel’s prophets, the one to herald the coming of Shiloh, the Messenger of the Covenant (Gen. 49: 10) ,who would not be a descendant of Judah, yet receive the scepter and staff (signifying leadership) previously consigned to Israel.
The Torah, Psalms and Gospel are purportedly a record of Israel’s history, one that culminates in Jesus, whose ‘good news’ (literal translation of ‘gospel’) is that God is about to provide a means by which all of mankind — and not just Israel — may attain salvation.
Saul of Tarsus convinced the unwashed masses that Jesus was Shiloh, though this presents a problem, since Jesus himself, via Mary, is a descendant of Judah and could not be the fulfillment of prophecy given in Gen. 49: 10.
I’m personally familiar with both Christian and Islamic arguments about this particular topic, as I delved into it many years ago. Ultimately, the biggest problem for trinitarian Christians is the plain fact that the trinity, with all its trappings, would be anathema to the monotheism advanced throughout the length and breadth of The Bible itself.
In stark contrast, Islam dovetails with that central biblical theme rather smoothly.
Israel Shamir, would you be so kind as to document your claim that “in 19th c. France they worked closely with the Huguenots.”?
Maybe you mean the Victor Hugo-nauts?
You may have numerous points worth discussing but your sloppy approach makes it a fruitless task.
There are many serious writers on unz.com. They realize that their theses might be repeated by readers and correctly footnote what they claim which permits readers not to make fools of themselves.
Get it?
Great fable.
As for Popper
(per wiki: “The most controversial aspect of his life was his participation in the Selk’nam genocide against the native communities on Tierra del Fuego”),
the man couod not help himself, genocide was a call in bis genes.
“Most non-observant Jews are atheists. ” You are peddling red heifer scat.
Their missing prepuces, adherence to the judaic main tenet of Jewish supremacism, and worship of holocaustianity proves otherwise.
Are you a freshly whelped hasbara peddler (only 3o comments coming in at a fast pace),
or a reformatted one from an former impersonation?
Which of course is objectively silly. Jesus of a virgin birth and miracles is the merely a witness to a mortal war mongering man with no miracles and no virgin birth? Nah. Islam claims to descend from the other son of Abraham Ishmael, which appears very little in the rest of the OT. We only follow Isaac to Jesus. It makes sense that Islam gets the OT wrong, but we have no need to do so.
Jesus’ existence in Islam speaks to it’s origins as a Christian cult and the need for post-Christ religious cults of personality to deal with Jesus somehow.
No, not really, something that someone who had read all of those things would know. It’s easy to tell when people have read about the Bible, rather than reading it.
This concept is exactly none of Paul’s epistles. I’d invite you to read the NT (it’s short) rather than read about the NT.
I would start by reading the Bible first. I don’t really care how many erudite articles you’ve read about either topic. Your comments have very little relation to what’s in the Christian Bible.
All those things can exist without believing in God. In fact they are better served by not believing in God. That’s why like 70% of self id Jews believe that “remembering the Holocaust” is part of their identity/religious beliefs and the law only garners like 30% or so, per Pew Research.
But then, they protected Roman Polanski forever
Regarding 2 Peter:
Not sure if that helps your case.
James is specifically referring to Torah, unlike Paul. James and Paul were preaching two entirely different religions around jesus. James practiced the religion of Jesus while Paul invented the religion about Jesus. The religion we know as Christianity today is the bastard theology of Paul
If by ‘key features’ you mean foreign ideas like the divinity of Jesus and the Trinity, then you’re right. Ironically, Muslims get more right about the historical Jesus than Christians do. However Muslims (and Christians) do get some critical things wrong about the historical Jesus who believed that the kingdom of God was around the corner where God would intervene and setup a new Israel which would be ruled by Jesus and the disciples. In the worldview of the historical Jesus, Muhammad would be redundant. Still, the Jesus according to Islam is much closer to the historical Jesus than the Christian one, now more myth than man.
Let’s not play jewish semantics here.
The Holocaust™ is the religion of all self-identified Jews, including your so-called atheists.
It has temples all over the US, with the “cathedral”– Yad Vashem– in Israel.
It has its scriptures, contributed to by the Surviors’ imaginative “testimonies,”
It has its reliquae (the Jew fat soap and the lamp shades).
It has official worship days (Holocaus Remembrance Day/Month).
It has organized pilgrimages to sacred sites like Yad Vashem, through which non-Jewish digniitaries can obtain extended sufferance from their Jewish overseers.
Objectively, it makes much more sense.
After all, Jesus is of the line of Judah, while Muhammad is not, and that’s the linchpin factor of Gen. 49: 10 you’re ignoring. Miracles aren’t the relevant criterion here.
Islam doesn’t claim to ‘descend from’ any person, which is its distinction from the other Abrahamic faiths whose titles are inherently bound to concrete persons (e.g. Judah and Jesus, respectively). Islam translates as ‘submission’, which is an abstract verbal noun which, according to Muslims, describes the condition of every prophet of God, not just Muhammad, and The Qur’an repeatedly affirms the prophethood of Adam, Noah, Moses, Jesus, and so forth.
In that sense, it enjoys a more reasonable claim to universality.
FWIW, I’ve read The Bible. My statement on the ‘good news’ of Jesus is entirely, objectively accurate, the sole difference between Christians and Muslims being that the former believe the means of salvation is Jesus himself. That Saul of Tarsus didn’t allude to Gen. 49: 10 is irrelevant, as the passage was cited as fulfillment of prophecy frequently by many early Christian patriarchs:
Unless, of course, you want to claim these individuals hadn’t read The Bible.
I would read ‘new Israel’ as well as ‘Jesus and the disciples’ as metonyms for the Kingdom of God and its spiritual inheritors, respectively.
In that sense, such prophecy would not contradict the arrival and proliferation of Islam.
What part of noticing that non-observant Jews are mostly atheists is a problem, exactly? It’s not like most of these replies are long.
Ah, I see. The counter arguments are:
a)Obviously the apostle who wrote the epistle didn’t write it
b)Epistle was clearly referring to something else over there despite not actually being named
c)The apostles of Jesus obviously couldn’t agree, despite the NT being a library of epistles collected by Christians who believed that they did.
We can’t discuss comparative religion if the general mode is to throw out one of the religion at random when it’s inconvenient. Why the Mohammedians would believed over the Christians is an open question, but certainly I’m used it.
Again, it’s painfully obvious you’ve read about the Bible, but not the library itself. Read the NT and take it face value, seeking reading comprehension. Then maybe we can have a discussion. Until then this is just so much hot air over a history invented for the sake of convenience.
If you had comprehended anything about any part of Scripture, miracles are exactly a relevant criteria here. They are everywhere in the OT and the NT. The OT is more than literally one sentence. We must look at the whole, rather than some silly “linchpin”
The inability to see the God and the miracles is exactly why atheistic lean people can’t read the Bible very well. As it is, the premise is silly. Mohammed was a garden variety cultist, right down the pursuit of women, wealth, and power. The story in the OT through to Jesus has something a great deal more interesting about it. Jesus Himself is far more remarkable than Mohammed will ever was. That He was the witness to a dude that inspires worship of a great big black rock in the desert ( is mostly wishful thinking.
If you did, it didn’t take. I’ve met people who claim to have read the Bible multiple times and clearly didn’t comprehend it. Your theories fall into that category.
Absolutely willing to go to there with comprehend. People BS about the Bible all the time. They publish books to people who equally have no interest in truth, but like to think of themselves as learned. Read at least the NT again and you’ll know how silly the theories sound.
The Christian Dilemma?
How very interesting that you should say that as that’s precisely what most modern scholars urge Christians to do. Let’s try a thought experiment. Imagine we find some illiterate from a remote village in India or Africa, someone who has never heard of Jesus or christianity. Now we teach this person to read, and have him read the earliest translated manuscript of Mark’s Gospel (the first written gospel). Do you honestly think this person, who has zero preconceived notions about Jesus/Christianity, will come away thinking that Jesus is God, or co-equal to God in some Trinitarian configuration?
Unless you believe the rural Aramaic speaking followers of Jesus took night classes in Koine Greek.
I suppose that’s one way of reading it, but if you read the earliest sources (Mark, Q, Mathew) then it becomes clear that the historical Yeshua bar Yosef was awaiting a kingdom of God that would sweep aside the Romans and would arrive within his own lifetime (and those of the disciples). Since this promised kingdom never came, and since Jesus got himself unexpectedly killed, the later Gospels like Luke and John began to slowly phase out the KoG material (or re-interpreted it as a spiritual kingdom and not a physical one). But at least to me, it seems unlikely that the historical Jesus thought there would be a need for future prophets once the KoG arrived.
True, the Jews, a tiny unheard of tribe of weirdos (that’s how the Romans would describe them) were unknown to the world before Jesus made them infamous at the cross. At least to the Western world as they were known to the Middle East and were already expelled from many places before Rome brought them within the empire in their luggage.
The fact that they built their reputation using Jesus fame is obvious, but West Asia was already fed-up with their mischief long before Christ, hence the constant expulsions, nothing to see with anti-Semitism.
However, it could be argued that the book they base all their self-titled “superiority” as being ‘chosen by God” has been written by them over few decades or centuries as it reflects quite well their mean , paranoid, psychopathic, manipulating and hateful state of mind.
What kind of “God” would do all this to his alleged creations in the old testament ?
Certainly not a compassionate, loving and pardoning God for his imperfect creatures.
This is where, their vision of a God is typically antichristic because it is petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully (Richard Dawkins).
Richard Dawkins is right, this is not a loving or lovable God. This is more of a devil.
So the logic conclusion is that their “god” is a made-up one, invented by them to justify their many crimes while giving them the pretense of being some kind of superior chosen people, which is bullshit of course, no one is and if God created Man, then all men are his chosen people.
Some say the Jews in fact worship Satan, in the light of what they’ve done since centuries, and what we see today, it’s quite logical.
Now comes Jesus who, unlike Jews, tells people that his kingdom is not of this earth, and that is the problem for the Jews whose main goal is and seems to have always been world domination.
To achieve this goal they always use the same tactics, victimization, acceptation, infiltration, infestation, devastation of the host from inside, reaction from the host and expulsion or death of the host.
In modern history theses parasites have used the British empire and the USA as their main hosts (and other western nations), but as usual their misdeeds is turning the populations against them while corrupt “elites” collbaorate with them.
Given the level of deliquescence of the Anglo-zionist empire, it is tempting to conclude that their grip on the host won’t last much longer.
But, if western people keep not reacting like they’ve done since 1945, the host might die before the parasite.
I believe it is incontestable that Palestinian protesters and their sympathizers have produced often violent and illegal. I am puzzled why they have historically chosen to take the asocial and illegal, confrontational approach. The driving idea seems to be the same as BLM, Negro riots, and Antifa.
That works for some people in the weak minded West sometimes. It worked for the communist/socialist party in the Spanish presidential of 2004, where the Spanish people revealed their lack of character and collective cowardice, after an Islamist terror attack on a train. The Conservative candidate was in the lead, but after the attack the Far Left was elected. So much for honor of the Spanish Soul.
Historically, people who called themselves Palestinians have used extreme violence and terror often.
Remember George Habash?
George Ḥabash (born 1925/26, Lydda, Palestine [now Lod, Israel]—died January 26, 2008, Amman, Jordan) was a militant Palestinian and leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).
Remember the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)?
organization providing an institutional framework for militant organizations associated with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), notable for its Marxist-Leninist ideology and its hijacking of a number of aircraft between 1968 and 1974.
From then to now, the actions of Palestinians and Muslim Arabs expressed through confrontation, terror, crime, and violence, have not yielded substantial results for their cause.
You may argue that antisocial behavior HAS led to results-more like concessions-from the polity and government, but those changes are only to be viewed positively, when the goal is a takeover of a nation with a Muslim theocracy or caliphate.
No idea what the video is about. There really isn’t a dilemma, but then I’m in the bad habit of reading sources rather than watching videos.
I believe the following video clarifies the situation:
Yes. The problem is precisely that people in the West are not approaching the NT like this. They let any number of modern “scholars” color their vision of texts that while not easy, are at least reasonably accessible. People read books about books, they don’t read the book.
Read with as fresh eyes as possible, Jesus is either God or ego driven lunatic. Either reaction is honest. What is not described in the NT is a prophet for some other coming prophet. Jesus is all of it, or nobody would want him as their prophet.
The universal language of the Mediterranean Sea at the time was Greek. It served as an international language of communication, academia, and commerce, as English serves today. Most Israelites would have spoken Greek and/or significant portions of the language. The complete Bible details the conquering of the region by the Greeks right before Christ (Macabees). The NT discusses the sign that Pilate put on Jesus’ cross was in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, the later a 2nd language of conquest/colonization. Paul switches to Hebrew at least once in the NT to reassure the crowd that he was an Israelite.
The Greek conquest/colonization influence around the Mediterranean Sea is not under any particular dispute by scholar. “Rural” is relative in such a small area, highly dependent on the sea and trade. If I can believe a rural Chinese man might learn English to better his prospects, I can believe Greek of Galilean.
I’m not sure where this history is coming from, but it’s extremely poor on some very basic understandings about 1st century Palestine.
It’s statements like this that make it so very clear you’ve never read the NT or rather simply prefer to argue about an NT and a religion that doesn’t exist.
What Jesus is adamant about in the Gospels is that He’s come to die. That He has to die. There was no “unexpectedly” killed. He deliberately let the crowd take Him day. The narrative of his Passion explains that the Kingdom of God is indeed a spiritual one, at least on earth. There was no substitution later on.
Further, you don’t have to believe the claims of the resurrection. However, 10 apostles went their death proclaim his resurrection of Jesus. From the POV of the believers, Jesus did not die. So even this strange set of statements that professes to read minds cannot get their motivations correct.
“I said,
Their missing prepuces, adherence to the judaic main tenet of Jewish supremacism, and worship of holocaustianity proves otherwise.” [i.e., disprove the “atheism”] you insist on.]
Your obdurately obtuse response was,
“All those things can exist without believing in God.”
So all your “atheists” have the sinister vampiric pedophiles (mohels) perform the blood ritual of sexually mutilating their newborn baby boys because … why?
I am trying to connect the dots between the fact that Judaism is Pharisaism, the argument that the Hebrews were roaming thugs and Jayne’s Bicameral Mind theory.
To the best of my knowledge, Persia created Pharisaism as a colonial tool to get rid of polytheism in Canaan. The so-called returning captured Jews were in reality colonists (not different than today’s Israelis). Which begs the question: were the Khabirus used by Persia as colonists and did Pharisaism lack the conscisouness Jaynes postulates about?
“Among the innumerable misfortunes which have befallen… the most fatal in its consequences is the name Judaism… neither in biblical nor post-biblical, neither in Talmudic nor in much later times, is the term Judaism ever heard…”
– Yahvism: and other discourses, Rabbi Adolph Moses in collaboration with Rabbi H.G. Enlow
“Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout these changes in name . . . the spirit of the ancient Pharisees survives, unaltered . . . From Palestine to Babylonia; from Babylonia to North Africa, Italy, Spain, France and Germany; from these to Poland, Russia, and eastern Europe generally, ancient Pharisaism has wandered . . . demonstrates the enduring importance which attaches to Pharisaism as a religious movement . . .”
– The Pharisees. The Sociological Background of Their Faith. Rabbi Louis Finkelstein
Thanks for the straw man.
Saves me the bother of responding to something that doesn’t prove your quoted statement at all.
Because they can complain about something new.
Why did the Jews wander the desert for 40 years?
Someone dropped a quarter.
How was copper wire invented?
Two Jews fighting over a penny.
That argument was addressed yesterday, up here:
Pipes is one of the godfathers of the ‘no-go zone’ propaganda and he himself took down his own blog once he realized its falsity.
Nothing that succeeds it is really worth consideration. It’s all a bunch of horseshit.
You mean that “terrorist attack” involving the FUCKING CHIEF OF THE FUCKING BOMB FUCKING SQUAD???
Your standards for information are seriously lacking.
Don’t get me wrong here, I do not doubt the criminal aspirations of Islamic terrorists.
Any clear-minded fucktard at greater than 70 IQ has got to have questions about some of the terror attacks in the 2000s!
The 7/7 tube bombing happening not only at the same STATIONS and TIMES as the “drill” being run, but the entire affair being previewed on fucking BBC months earlier!
Islamic terror exists. But let’s be honest here for a minute. There raghead assholes didn’t get NORAD to stand down for their big plan. They didn’t schedule the National Reconnaissance Office (satellite monitoring) to stand in the parking lot all fucking day during their attack. They didn’t mysteriously drop their passport on a Jew York street in lower fucking manhattan.
They didn’t send the air forces of USA and Canada out on maneuvers hundreds of miles over the fucking pacific and atlantic fucking oceans you fucking twat.
Get a clue there bud – our governments are fucking killing us for their own gains.
I don’t give two fucks if the god damned Spics elected a left wing government. They also had a general strike after which the entire terror attack spector mysteriously fucking disappeared (imagine that).
We could all take a note from people who still remember the Franco fascists, “good guys” they may be compared to the Republican nun-raping maniacs.
Fuck Spain and FUCK YOU.
This ain’t rocket surgery – you should fucking know better.
Our governments are not trustworthy and anyone who believes a word out of their mouths, needs to get that cock out of their ears.
You are spot on Ariadna !
Piffle is British slang for nonsense, rubbish, stop talking such piffle, absolute tripe, nothing right about it, foolish, something that is insignificant, etc.
Piffle: What an appropriate handle.
The best way to stop Piffle The Shill is to completely ignore and thereby depriving him/her of oxygen. There is nothing more infuriating to a Shill than being ignored as it thrives on discord to deflect the attention from the real issues, like:
AT 2.1 billion people, Christianity is the largest religion on Earth. And yet, not a fraction of a percent of these people understand even the basic facts of their own so-called religion. If they did, they would be utterly appalled. Their entire religion is a fraud; it is based in Jewish lies and Jewish duplicity to an extent that is astonishing.
If only Christians knew that they had been duped!
Jesus Christ – Matthew 15:24
Then Jesus said to the woman, “I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep—the people of Israel.”
Jesus Christ – Matthew 10:34
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”
The Cunning Jews created Christianity and Islam, The Great Jewish Psyop.
While the Christians and Muslims are eagerly waiting for the Second Coming of Christ to save this world and create the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, THE JEWS have been busy conquering the world and are now desperate to trigger World War III so that their Moshiach will come and rule the world.
Jews dancing and singing: WE WANT MOSHIACH NOW !!!
This video, not a second hand OPINION, vicarious statement paints a different picture.
Random stabbings-by Muslims and Africans-are a daily constant in the UK and Europe. A clash of civilizations, perpetuated by naivete, stupidity, and mentally disordered and weak over-internationalization.
You make a lot of single sentence accusations and declarations [in between an overload of swearing and cursing]. But your opinions has no stated reference, no detail, no exposition, and origin. In short, it is worthless; nothing more than a rant. A good representation for a drunken one at that, with a brain that is handicapped and limited.
Are you sure about your name? I mean perhaps a letter misplaced, e.g., Looser. Loser. There is this thing that serious people refer to use.
Well, that’s more than you deserve as a retort of your rambled, scrambled, disheveled, rag box of insults, buffoonish, slobbering off the wall facsimile of a homeless screaming wretch, hallucinating and spouting spittle and drivel with snot running down his nose. What a clown.
“ My request at least sounds like work, where your request sounds mostly like the titles to movie scripts. ”
Inversion, or call it self projection at its best.
If you condone a pope who has advocated for unrestrained open borders, environmental concerns in line with that of the Club of Rome, the vaccine mandates, rehabilitated Cardinal McCarrick the pedophile sentenced by Bergoglio’s predecessor to a life of penitence and topped it all with Fiducia Supplicans while keeping mum about the genocide in Gaza, then Hello, time to wake up to reality.
And putting the works of scholars like Vigano and Hoffman at the level of movie scripts can be explained by extreme arrogance or sheer ignorance. If you are so self assured of your case then I suggest that you debunk the claims and research of Vigano and Hoffman by publishing your own.
And who do you think is responsible for that ?
THE REFUGEE CRISIS – ISRAEL’S WARS AND INTERVENTIONS IN THE MIDDLE-EAST, WORKING THROUGH ITS US PROXY, were the direct catalyst for the European refugee crisis which boiled over in 2015 and has lead to violence, terrorism, rape and political repression against native Europeans. The two major points of entry for refugees and migrants to Europe are Greece and Italy.
THE US / ISRAELI ORCHESTRATED FALL OF QADDAFI in 2011 opened up a major route for refugees from the Middle-East and Africa to flow into Europe. According to the Washington Post 400,000 migrants from the Middle-East and Africa flowed into Italy from Libya between 2014 and 2017 due to the overthrow of Qaddafi.
This was a reversal of what had been a successful joint effort between Qaddafi and Europe to block migrants from reaching European shores. In 2004, Qaddafi began offering to control refugee flows as an incentive for normalization agreements with European states.
These deals were a success. With the help of Qaddafi, the flow of migrants and refugees into Italy was drastically cut in 2009.
This mutually beneficial arrangement between Italy and Libya was DESTROYED BY ISRAEL AND THE US IN 2011, resulting in his morbid prediction coming true in 2015.
“I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century.
JEWS ARE GOING TO BE AT THE CENTRE OF THAT. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.”
And who do you think did the 7 July 2005 London Bombings ? Muslims ? REALLY ?…
Academic, Nick Kollerstrom lives in London and has been researching the 7/7 case since it happened. He attended the Kingston trial in 2008 and also attended the 7/7 inquest in 2010 and 2011.
His book “Terror on the Tube” casts huge doubt over the official “islamic suicide bomber” story.
The evidence clearly suggests the event was a false flag terror attack orchestrated by authorities, and the so called terrorists were innocent patsies, duped into taking part in a mock terror training drill. This show is part one of two interviews with Nick examining different aspects of the case. Nobody should be happy with the recently completed inquest as Nick explains.
The 7/7 London Bombings.
This scenario is based only on informed speculation and until MI5 are made accountable for their actions the truth will never emerge because while it remains entirely unclear who conducted the London atrocities of 2005, there is simply no doubt that MI5 have not been honest in this matter, they know the truth behind these attacks and all logic and available evidence indicate that these were not authentic Islamist terror attacks or suicide bombings as they and the rest of the British Government dogmatically assert.
It is also clear that whomever may have been responsible, all roads lead to MI5, and there can be little doubt that they know who was really responsible for these heinous atrocities whomever they may be.
‘Well, so you discovered Maimonides could lie. How shocking! And he wrote in Arabic…’
A Jew lying? Never!
I have dozens of other quotes about how muslims rightly hated Jews (as should everyone) so never call antisemitism a ‘European disease’. And Indian Jews are one of the oldest Jewish communities anywhere…
Best you can do is post a video of a false flag sttack on 7/7 which was the only way to get the British public on board to invade other countries after millions of people marched on the streets saying no to going to war.
I agree somewhat. Look at the alawites in Syria for example. But as the old quote goes ‘Judaism is bot a religion but a law recognised’. Druze and other have a transcendent element to their belief – Judaism is a bout money and worldly power in the here and now. There is no other ‘religion’ like it. And those other groups you mention do not oppress others much less do they have writings like the talmud and the kabbalah which call non-Jews inhuman cattle. Jews are simply put horrible- My attitude to them is much like that of the German people in the 19th century. First they wanted to assimilate them on a genetic level but later they realised this was not possible and so wanted them expelled.I would do similar starting at the elite level and moving on down.
Islam and pre-Islamic culture demands cousin marriage.
‘leftist, I’m pretty sure what he told was true.
He also said PC policy’s blocked information campaigns about this.
Irish also did cousin marriages just like other closed of nations.
There’s many diseases that still roam in Ireland that are non existing on the European continent all because of centuries of cousin love.
Cystic Fybrosis being the most dangerous one
Cousins having sex’s is really fucked up and it should be banned’
This is true but nowhere even remotely close to Arab levels. Look at a map of consanginity. Ireland is only slightly higher than Britain.
I’ll take your advice and ignore the troll
“’Tis strange–but true; for truth is always strange, Stranger than fiction.” Lord Byron
Even as the third world is replacing the peoples of Christendom, so also the Biblical Semites, Hebrews, Israelites, Judaeans were replaced by the Canaanite peoples around them, in the late first century A.D.
This holds the key to understanding history and current events and Bible prophecy. If ever you came into a movie in the middle, or began reading a multi-volume set novel in the middle… you are going to be confused, especially if you don’t know who the characters are, if you mistakenly think the bad guys are actually the good guys, etc. Those who resist truth in lieu of what they have thought was true, choose to be ignorant and do not love the truth. Truth is simple. The issue is the will. Those who have been brainwashed, especially over many decades, resist truth and refuse to even look at the evidence.
A concise summary of our exchange to date:
You: Islam needs better PR. Half of them act like savages.
Me: That’s a perception fostered largely by Jewish media.
You: [ignoring factual statement about Jewish media] But, but… ‘no-go zones’!
Me: The Jewish godfather of ‘no-go zone’ propaganda admitted he was wrong based on first-hand observation . [provides proof]
You: [mischaracterizes observation as ‘second-hand opinion’, links to video produced by Jewish media]
Good. I’d link to articles but that was two entire internets ago and the events were overshadowed by 9/11 and 7/7, which honestly is a shame but whatever.
The event smells, it glows, and if you can’t see that, good. It’s for the best really that you don’t acknowledge the fucking reality in front of you. It makes it easier for others to step past you as you are mesmerized by the pretty pretty lights out of that box in the corner of your living room.
It’s best that you ride out this wave to full-term stupidity. Just keep believing government horse-shit. It’s good for you. Take the shot, eat the bugs, get in the pod.
Our governments, the same ones who import muslims by the boatload, also lied about who was behind the very strategic and orchestrated attacks decades ago. Notice how it’s NOT the low-level knife attacks we see now?
BTW, 18 Islamic terrorists were convicted of the crime of mass murder in 2007.
Auf Wiedersehen, Scheißkopf
You are so repulsive and putrid, that Swiss vulgarity is appropriate:
Figg di! Giggu.
Here is a wiki-excerpt of Rudolf Steiner’s view of Jesus and Christianity
Steiner and Christianity[edit]
Steiner appreciated the ritual of the mass he experienced while serving as an altar boy from school age until he was ten years old, and this experience remained memorable for him as a genuinely spiritual one, contrasting with his irreligious family life.[154] As a young adult, Steiner had no formal connection to organized religion.
In 1899, he experienced what he described as a life-transforming inner encounter with the being of Christ. Steiner was then 38, and the experience of meeting Christ occurred after a tremendous inner struggle. To use Steiner’s own words, the “experience culminated in my standing in the spiritual presence of the Mystery of Golgotha in a most profound and solemn festival of knowledge.”[155] His relationship to Christianity thereafter remained entirely founded upon personal experience, and thus both non-denominational and strikingly different from conventional religious forms.[24]
Christ and human evolution[edit]
Steiner describes Christ as the unique pivot and meaning of earth’s evolutionary processes and human history, redeeming the Fall from Paradise.[156] He understood the Christ as a being that unifies and inspires all religions, not belonging to a particular religious faith. To be “Christian” is, for Steiner, a search for balance between polarizing extremes[156]: 102–3 and the ability to manifest love in freedom.[24]
You can link almost all Islamic terrorism, misbehavior, and anti-social behavior to Jewish sources and actors. It depends on how long the cause and effect change you want to use. Example: A Jewish source creates an NGO, bribes and blackmails government officials to carry out atrocities via CIA, NSA, MI5, MI6, etc, etc. This elicits counter action by the affected. It’s called psyops, indirect provocation. Include MD Ultra, etc, etc. Also, include the numbness, moral laxity, and suppression and Distortion Field created by Jews, easily enacted and effectively utilized on the sheepheads of Christian Euro baaaaaad people.
However, by comparison and contract, cross-culturally, these same tactics and strategy do no work on Asians and Hindoos very well. Why is that? Why are Gentiles, Browns and Blacks (more obliquely), so susceptable?
Euro Whites give themselves a permanent pass on their absence of moral action, their paralysis of thought regarding their very survival due to and via the Talmudic Termites. This is collectively disgraceful. Blaming the Other, CONSTANTLY, is mentally and intellectually and spiritually weak.
Of course there are Israeli agents in the happenings and actions of Palestinians, and Southeast and Middle East Muslims. But no one is publicly identifying or accusing the primary and initial progenitor and all these dystopian nightmares.
Like Credence Clearwater Revival put in: “Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself.”
You response is typical and expected. Like almost all people in this and related subject matter, the explanation and cause seem to be immediate and and contiguous, instead of multi-plex and extended, either in series or parallel.
Who is most responsible: YOU ARE, AND THE ENTIRE WESTERN CHRISTIAN WORLD. You all let in millions of Yiddish Communists with destruction on their mind, from Eastern Europe and the Pale of Settlement. You made it possible and nurtured their accumulation of enormous wealth from the 17th (and previously) century on, peaking in the 19th century. The West is a naive girl who wears short skirts and provocative clothing, drunk and staggering, through the ghettos of primitive, indigenous high sociopathy, and expects to emerge pristine and untouched at the exit on the other side.
I’m disgusted by the collective projection, level of stupidity and self-delusion and denial of the West, refusing responsibility or culpability in ANY form.
So, you and others, thinking in constant circles can, in Frank Zappa’s terms: “You can cool it, you can heat, take your tv tube and eat it, and all that phony stuff on sports….”. Hopefully, there will come a day when the West’s more advance thinkers, can expose and utilize the thoughts and philosophies of the East, instead of the analogy of amusement park bumper cars, driving in circles, seeking and believing that they are actually going somewhere other than circles.
They found Mohammad Atta’s passport on the street outside of the WTC.
You know, the radical muslim who lived with a pink haired stripper and did lines of blow off the tables of strip bars.
His team included pilots who “trained” at US-military linked academies and who lived with FBI informants.
For any sham operation to get a couple of news reports in (which is all the general public looks into things), they just need a few patsies.
And a few million re-tards to believe and parrot the information.
You’re delusional. You got knocked out, and are being carried out in a stretcher and loaded in an ambulance. And croaking, “I won, I won”.
You are displaying low info, low IQ, low aptitude, hallucinatory manifestations, and marginalization across the range of variables and parameters. Low octane. Below the minimums standard.
You should change your name to Booger, which is solidified snot.
I did no such thing.
The idea of historical blame, collective guilt, is nothing but pure unadulterated commie horse shit spouted by Jews and the Jew-loving kikesuckers who parrot their trash.
Good luck in your quest to make us all “responsible.” I’m quite certain many of the surviving whites will give two fucks about historical baggage they don’t belong to.
It’s time to lock you in your cage with all the Jews, niggers etc., and start a new country of whites only.
Those who blame whites for anything at all, well the internet is forever and you’ll be locked up outside trying to get on the other side of the wall.
Don’t forget to tell them that muslim terrorists on cell phones with kidney dialysis machines in caves in afghaniraq can coordinate the most complex strikes against NATO all while infiltrating western intelligence and scheduling drills on the same day as their attacks!
Whenever you refer to the ‘Holocaust’ or the ‘Holocaust narrative’ without noting that it is a 100% total fabrication, you are in effect promoting the holohoax. The word has a definition, the gassing of the six million, using the word without noting that it didn’t happen promotes the hoax.
Yeah, because Russia doesn’t suffer from any of that.
You have no idea how cliche your diatribe appears, comrade.
Always ‘The West’, ain’t it?
Whether produced by anybody, videos, film on the scene, is a direct signal to the brain, not through the Front Lobes of the Cortex. Now, constructs and explanations, discussions, causes, and attribution are abstract in nature. That, these two different realms, are what you are conflating and confusing.
You spend wasted time in your fixated, circular cause and effect chain of sparse elements. Therefore, to me, your credibility and integrity are compromised by subjective yearnings for excuses and subjective illogical and inadequate evaluation of root causes.
I tire of this didactic and pedagogic track. Learn to think “outside the box” of Western epistemology and group acceptance, collective approval and reinforcement. Think for yourself. Try meditation to disconnect from your tether and leash.
Your amateur psychoanalysis not only falls wide of the mark, it reveals nothing more than a pathetic and desperate effort to impress us with diversionary, pseudo-intellectual claptrap while the 800 pound gorilla in the living room squats firmly on your chest.
Look in the mirror, abandon your hypocrisy, and acknowledge your own subjective and inadequate evaluations.
Then we can talk.
I believe that you are quite young and lack experience, direct observation, and direct participation of the phenomena you propound. Like the Cat Stevens Song, “You’re young, that’s no your fault, there’s so much you have to go through.”
A silly statement, almost infantile. Black or White, digital; and meaningless.
Prepubescent, at most. You should have used, “cliched”.
…and who brought them there??
You are talking to yourself in the mirror. Some engines are built for cruising on highways at approx. 20% continuous power.
“Marine-ized” engines are reinforced for ~90% continuous power. You, by my standards are of the former. Either by design or choice of exclusion.
An old seaman once told me: “Travel is the best school”.
I’ll stack my own personal experience with Palestinians and Muslims against yours any day of the week, particularly since my profession has required me to develop personal relations with them for over three decades.
“Palestinians in the West, in the majority (sic), demonstrate illegally, disruptively, and violently” remains a patently false statement, one for which you’ve presented no evidence, demonstrating the very ‘lack (of) experience, direct observation, and direct participation of the phenomena’ which you ignorantly and arrogantly attribute to me.
As opposed to obsessively railing against “the collective projection, level of stupidity and self-delusion and denial of the West” whose residents refuse “responsibility or culpability in ANY form”?
This westerner isn’t projecting a thing. He, along with many others, are fully conscious of the responsibility they bear. He knows better than to blame Jews for what his own hands set forth. If he criticizes Jews on the one hand while falling prey to their more sordid influences on the other, that’s on him and nobody else. What’s more, he’s also responsible for acknowledging the mistakes of his forebears.
Yet the matter of Jewish influence remains irrepressibly significant to most of us here; it’s the bond that ties us together. It constitutes no paradox, nor any measure of hypocrisy to accept personal responsibility for one’s actions while justifiably identifying and criticizing the deleterious societal influences of Jews.
By own standard of evaluation, your characterization of westerners is as silly and infantile as it gets.
Try these search terms: “Oh, how cliche,” he said.
You’ll find the term used frequently this way in contemporary colloquial English, with which you appear to lack familiarity.
That’s okay. There’s always time to learn.
And who ALLOWED them to come, commit untold crimes, lie unceasingly, take over every instituion and bend over the West with no grease? YOU did. And every other White Christian.
Wake up, grow up, and listen you me. You might learn something.
Why do Jews love anti-Semitism?
Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.
And an old poet once told me, “Knowledge is a dangerous thing.”
In your case, the danger arises from its manifest potential to make you imagine you know more than you actually do.
I wouldn’t ever dream of pretending to know as much about marine life or ships as you.
You would do well to accord me the same kind of respect in relation to the Muslim world, where I have not only traveled, but lived and worked for years.
Correction: “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.”
And don’t I know it. 🙂
You’ve let sentiment and emotion color your judgement. Thinking and feeling need to be balanced.
“We” didn’t bring them here. JEWS infiltrated the U. S. government by both stealth and blackmail of our so-called “politicians”.
Wherever JEWS go, they are a cancer that, after time metastasizes and must be excised.
JEWS always overreach, not being satisfied to just live in western cultures, but always attempt to control western cultures which they have been successful in doing…
Both world wars were executed at the behest of jewish interests and made the world safe for world jewry.
For thousands of years, JEWS have always been a pestilence upon the societies that they lived in.
Expulsion from country 110 cannot come fast enough.
Country 110 will not be the USA but will be presently occupied Palestine and Gaza.
The handwriting is on the wall…
Those attuned to the language of the heart think just fine.
It’s not me holding atheists as the “rational” pinnacle of humanity. That would be the non-observant people with access to the media/academia/etc.
In any event, religion is not irrational. It is human. All humans have beliefs about the supernatural and act them. It’s okay.
Thanks for posting Specter’s video, which should be done periodically in case someone has missed it
I have no need. My message is still the same: Let the Vatican speak for herself. Do the real work, rather than let people predigest emotional intellectual junk food for you. Real scholars are not afraid of original sources, personal time investments, and feeling bored/uncomfortable rather than angry.
If you were even vaguely willing to do that, most of your accusations would fall away for the need to deal with some complexity and the endless lies of coming mainstream media on those topics at large.
In the end, it’s up to you to be fair to the Vatican and her current occupants. If you don’t want to, you don’t. I have done enough work to be satisfied. Have an excellent weekend.
But if hardly any understand the basic facts of their religion then they aren’t following that religion and therefore remain unduped. They follow their own religion. Not the one they were duped into because they don’t understand that religion.
It makes more sense to say they undeestand their religiin but are duped into mistakenly following it.
REALLY, Poupon Marx ?…
How about: How the Jews conquered the Western Christian World ?
Better still: How the Jews conquered the World.
Rabbi Ari Shishler: Our Goal As Jewish People For The Last 3300 Years Since The Revelation At Sinai Has Been To Control The World
The first Jews in England arrived after the Norman Conquest of the country by William the Conqueror in 1066.
The “Norman Conquest” of England in 1066 was financed by Jewish loans from Rouen, Normandy, and was the first JEWISH conquest of any Western country.
In return for financial support William The Conqueror brought the Jews to England with him. The Jews soon acquired a reputation as extortionate moneylenders which made them extremely unpopular with both the Church and the general public.
King Edward in 1290 expelled THE JEWS when he outlawed USURY.
THE JEWS, however, found a willing creature and hireling in Oliver Cromwell, an orthodox Calvinist, to get the Jews back into England again.
The Reformation was started by John Calvin. He was born as Jehan Cauvin in France in 1509 and was Jewish. His real name was more than likely COHEN. Calvin broke from the Roman Catholic Church around 1530.
Calvinism is of Jewish origin and is a denomination of Protestantism that adheres to the theological traditions and teachings of John Calvin and other preachers of the Reformation era.
It was deliberately conceived to split the adherents of the Christian religion, and divide the people.
It led to The Thirty Years’ War from 1618 to 1648: Catholics vs Protestants and is considered one of the most devastating wars in Central Europe causing the deaths of 4 to 12 million people.
The continuing divisions between Sunnis and Shiites are also keeping Muslims apart.
THE JEWS created Christianity and Islam, THEY wrote the Bible and the Quran and they must be laughing their heads off at the stupidity of the Goyim. Christians and Muslims, half the world’s population, while fighting each other, 9 Crusades, etc., are worshipping Mr. Yahweh, the Jewish God.
The “English” Revolution was financed by the Amsterdam Jews who were expelled from Spain in 1492 and Portugal in 1496.
The 1917 “Russian” Revolution was financed by the Jewish Wall Street Bankers.
Cromwell in the 1650s then let THE JEWS back in again with disastrous consequences for the Brits. Just look at the JEWK or Gross Britain today, totally controlled by the Jews.
THE JEWS then moved their Amsterdam Headquarters to London and made Dutch Willem III King of England. THE JEWS later used the British Empire to conquer the world for them.
The rise of the British Empire is clearly linked to this Jewish Messianic ideal, bearing today the name of Zionism, which aims at universal economic and financial control to be followed by political power in every nation.
The more Britain expanded, the greater grew the JEWISH POWER and control in the economic and financial realm.
It is the blinding obvious to everyone BUT Poupon Marx that THE JEWS INFESTED the countries of the world and in spite of those countries banning them, still managed to conquer the world.
Video Link
By their deeds you will know them.
I have read the justification for Fiducia Supplicans and it almost made me puke for the casuistry and the vagueness that it entails.
Now if I were a lawyer by formation then I might indulge myself in the legal jargon that most official documents entail but I have better things to do with my life.
Hope you enjoy your weekend too engaging in lawyerly mumbo jumbo if that brings you pleasure.
REALLY, Poupon Marx ?…
The stench of THE JEWS is all over the World. World War I and II, the Wars before and after those Wars, 9/11 and The War On Terror, UN, WHO, WEF, COVID-19, Jewish Big Pharma and their vaccines to depopulate the world, the Jewish driven Wars in the Middle East and North Africa, Ukraine, Gaza and the millions of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Africa pouring into the Western countries.
Video Link
Well, you just cannot stop them since THE JEWS have never done anything to US directly.
They have always done everything through OUR own governments, OUR own laws designed to support and protect THEM and NOT US !
It is OUR government which WE obey that allows THE JEWS to exercise their so-called “JEWISH POWER”.
Without OUR government protecting them and working for them, THEY HAVE NO POWER AT ALL.
As a matter of fact, if it weren’t for OUR governments, they would have never dared to do a thing to US because they know that WE outnumber them and would wipe them out in no time !
WE just cannot fight them and stop them without fighting our own governments, which they own and control.
THE JEWS control the governments of the world through the UN, WHO, WEF, BlackRock, International Banking, BIS, IMF, World Bank, Big Pharma, Media, etc.
This is World War III: The Jewish endgame to finish off the Goyim and rule the World.
Klaus Schwab is a JEW and a Communist. His World Economic Forum (WEF) will impose The Great Reset with the Digital ID and CBDC onto the world.
SCHWAB is recorded as a Jewish family name with Nathan Schwab of Frankfurt am Main in 1590; Chouabe and Chevaube in 1614; Schvaub in 1670; Schwabe in 1715; and Schowabe in 1720.
Distinguished bearers of the Jewish family name Schwab include the French scholar and librarian, Moise Schwab (1839-1918), and the 19th/20th century American physician, Sidney Isaac Schwab. – 253292 ID Number. Written by researchers of the ANU Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv
People have the right to condemn Jewish terror and crimes against humanity in Palestine. People have the right to condemn racist Jews who support and finance an ongoing Genocide of the Palestinian people.
These are key points. Thank you for expressing them so clearly.
Why does everyone take their sweet time throwing them out? They only lasted a short time in that village, maybe 2 weeks as I recall.
Maybe village life was the answer all along…
Greetings Han,
Thanks for the reply. I find your comment, in response to mine, to be mostly incoherent, rambling, and without a central point. Nowhere to be found-which is typical-is a whiff of a solution or starting point to retire this predominance of a tiny minority on the rest of the World.
You have not written one work that addresses my central theme, in blockquotes. “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me”. Get that? Get a blue collar job and take a year off from your comfortable job in an air conditioned office. Go out and get your hands dirty.
Greetings Pompous Marx,
Thank you for your reply. It has been duly noted and filed appropriately.
When I turn back I still don’t see anyone in sight. Instead, we still have the usual stereotypes and no desire to see how Europe and the whole world got into the current situation. We also can read such fantastic things, like that 3000 years ago, when on the Serbian mountain (Mt Serbal) which is still called that, on the Sinai Peninsula (previously Serbal), Moses received the 10 commandments directly from God, and, in this moment the Judeans decided to conquer the whole world.
Now, we can see that they almost succeeded. If not the whole world, they succeeded in that part, which we call the West and where Europeans and derivatives live. We have here too much whining, depression and a sense of hopelessness.
If we go back in time, we will see that depending on the source, there were in the 12.c AC only about 20-35 K Judeans lived in Western Europe. Already in the 17th century, their number increased tenfold. Even some serious researchers mention that this demographic explosion happened organically and in isolation from the rest of the population, which is really amazing. So, in that period, a turning point occurred, and it affects the current situation in Western Europe (and America) and beyond.
So, we have the fact that the number of Judeans has increased at least tenfold in a few generations. In order to verify that assertion, it is necessary to determine the number in, for example, the 12th century and the number in the 17th century. Since it is clear that it could not have happened organically, then we have a question – which grouping spilled over into the Judeans?
Despite the mainstream version, it is certain that the largest part of that increase were not Judeans from France/Italy or Turkic tribes about which linguistics is very explicit, but we will see if any reader has an objection to that. We keep all options open until they are unequivocally shown to be false.
If we go back in time we will see that depending on the source there are only about 20-35 K Jews in Western Europe. Already in the 17th century, their number increased tenfold. Even some serious researchers mention that this demographic explosion happened organically and in isolation from the rest of the population which is really amazing. So, in that period, a turning point occurred that affected the current situation in Western Europe (and America) and beyond.
So, we have the fact that – the number of Jews has increased at least tenfold in several generations. In order to verify that assertion, it is necessary to determine the number in, for example, the 12th century and the number in the 17th century. Since it is clear that it could not have happened organically, then we have a question – which grouping spilled over into the Jews? Despite the mainstream version, it is certain that the largest part of that increase were not Judeans from France/Italy or Turkic tribes about which linguistics is very explicit, but we will see if any reader has an objection to that. We keep all options open until they are unequivocally shown to be false.
There are only two possible groups that are candidates for that mechanical increase of Jews. One claim is that – It seems that one of the consequences of medieval Crusades in Germania/Slavia was the racial transformation of the European Jewish community, one that transformed the Ashkenazic Jews into a predominantly Slavic community, more Serb/Sorb (Serbja) than Semitic.
We also have that – that Yiddish began as a Serbian language (specifically, a Judaized form of Serbian) that was re-lexified to High German at an early date, and that Modern Hebrew is, in turn, Yiddish that became re-lexified to Hebrew, and thus is also a form of Serbian.
From all the above, the following thesis can be derived: the drang of proto-panzers into today’s Germany caused the Judean population to metastasize.
To be precise, the population of European Ashkenazi Jews (but also Germans!) increased due to the pressure of the proto-panzers on the native population, which was partly Germanised and partly defected to Judaism due to forced Christianisation, as well as the forced Judaization of the enslaved native population by the ‘original’ Judeans, who originated in the Middle East and Central Asia and possible from Spain.
Yiddish language and Ashkenazic folk culture and religion provide a wealth of varied evidence that supports a primarily Baltic Serbian ethnic origin for the Ashkenazic Jews.
So, to repeat, the thesis is that – the drang of the proto-panzers that crossed the Rhine, consequently led to the swelling of the Judean population in Western Europe.
I’m opening a subscription to that thesis and I’m awarding the first honorary subscription to Ron, a passionate researcher of the last century panzer history.
I apologize for accidentally repeating two paragraphs in my last comment.
A cursory look at the front page of the unz and the insulting name for Jews – kike – often appears in the comments. I have the impression that no one knows, maybe not even many Jews. The wiki version is unlikely and very far-fetched, almost obviously wrong.
Even some specialized dictionaries say – First recorded in 1900–05; of obscure origin; the popular belief that it derives from a Yiddish word for “circle” is dubious.
We also have – probably variant of kiki, reduplication of -ki, common name-ending among Jews from Slavic countries.
So, until someone offers something more convincing, I will consider the meaning of the word unknown. This is nothing strange when we consider that, for example, the Panzers do not know the meaning of the word ‘German’, and neither do the Greeks know the meaning of their name, but they still do not like it.
Let’s see if someone can explain the meaning of kike (Israel, you can participate too).
All satisfactory responses will receive the free subscription mentioned in #253.
A noble Serbian like you shouldn’t be interested in dubious slurs like “kike”.
You won’t convince Jews that they are Slavs talking like that. Instead of that, you should introduce some Kabbalah and its talk about “true names”.
And it is in the interest of all Slavs to convince Jews that they are Slavs. This is your great mission.
Peace between Russia and Ukraine will arise the day after you have succeeded since Jews never war among themselves, and other good things will happen.
If those things will become reality, I am even ready to accept that all Slavs are really Serbians. After all, why should Poles, Jews, Ukrainians, Russians shun their only true name?!
Why have we not evolved to be as amused observers traversing through a museum of ignorant myths? We have more pressing needs such as preserving our planet for the enjoyment and survival of intelligent people who know do not believe in mythical gods.
I could paraphrase Aristotle here that I love my Polish brothers, but I prefer the truth (Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas). Unfortunately, not a single Pole here can accept their own history and the fact that they are the direct inheritors of the oldest European culture, language and mythology, but firmly cling to the Panzers’ falsehood that Slavs (including Poles) are rootless gourds that fell from Mars. The strongest and typically Lolek’s argument is that the Polish (!?) name Wanda comes from the fact that the Poles arose from the Vandals, and a moment later, it is the other way around.
I will not gain any prestige (on the contrary) for either the Serbs or the Slavs by showing (proving) that the Ashkenazi are predominantly former Serbs (Slavs), especially at this moment, in the context of events in Ukraine and Gaza. The fact is that Ashkenazis are a huge majority (in America maybe 85%), while in Israel at least two thirds of Jews are Ashkenazis. It is not my discovery that the Judeans (Jews) became a ‘Slavic’ population at one moment in time, but there are reasons for them to hide it from the whole world.
That is why we have the illogical, mainstream Rhineland hypothesis as valid. My original thesis (at least I haven’t seen it anywhere if someone has already written it) was that the penetration of proto-panzers from present-day France into present-day Germany consequently led to an enormous increase in the number of Jews in Europe. That assertion became logical after a series of my comments under Germany Destroyed about the destruction of the indigenous population in today’s Germany. Therefore, my claim (for which I invite everyone to subscribe) has nothing to do with current events in Europe, the Middle East, and someone politically correct and sensible, would probably wait a year or two to publish it.
By the way, I invited someone to explain the derogatory name for Jews – kike, but so far no one has dared. I am surprised that even Wikipedia presents such dumbass version, even though its editors should know it. I’m sure Israel S. knows this (I don’t think Ron does) but I understand that he won’t to expose himself. We already have too many unexplained terms – ‘Germans’, ‘Greeks’, ‘Europe’, etc., which is becoming unbearable. That’s why I explained the meaning of ‘stan‘ (Afghani-stan, etc.) and for the ‘kike’ I will extend the time by a few more hours. The first to respond during the extended time with a golden comment will receive the mentioned subscription for two people.
In the context of all the above, let me repeat that it is still unclear to me what it is about in religious and para-religious manuscripts that creates such a strong and uncritical bond that transcends genetics, linguistics, anthropology, time and geography.
Not sure what you mean by Panzer. I thought Germans/German culture but now you write Panzer came from France ??!
As for Poles, the newest theory, of which I have informed you already once, says that Poles came (similarly to non-Celtic Czechs) came from remnants of the Great Moravia State.
As for Jews, yes, they were earlier here than postulated by “Rhineland” theory. It seems that remnants of the lost 10 tribes somehow got to area, and brought with them early judeochristianity (of St James kind, not of St Paul), as evidenced by early popularity of the cult of St John the Baptist, often associated with early judeochristianity. Another quasi-Jewish part could be Karaites, not often recognized as Jews by Talmudic Jews.
Be that as it may, early Polish coins often bear Hebrew inscriptions, Poland shows no signs of active paganism/pagan temples in times preceding its official birth (pre 10th century), and early Piasts, like Mojmirowice of Great Moravia, were engaged in massive slave trade, which means they were somehow foreign to surrounding tribes which they enslaved.
the West’s? framework?
the world wide body of all Christians or Christian countries.
Sorry, but I’ve already wasted too much time and energy trying to explain some things to the Polish readers here (recently, there was one limited anonymous Bolek). There is simply no desire to learn something and to overcome some mental blocks probably caused by Catholic brainwashing.
Pagan temples do not exist in Poland because Catholicism systematically destroyed them, just as there was a state program of systematic destruction of Orthodox churches, after a period of religious tolerance. The role of the Catholic Poles in the persecution of the neighbouring (pagan) Serbian tribes in cooperation with the proto-panzers is shameful and probably little known to the Poles themselves.
Now, the Poles no longer came from the Vandals, but came from Great Moravia. And where did the ‘Moravians’ come from to Great Moravia? The wiki map showing Great Moravia (900 AC) is idiotic. Why Poles ignore their own texts by Polish authors who write that the (European portion of) future Poles came from the Danube (from where they brought the language, mythology and culture), and give preference to the Asian part of the future Poles, from whom they received nothing, I can’t understand, but I don’t have time to deal with it at the moment. If anyone wants to subscribe to my thesis above, they are welcome, even if they don’t know the meaning of the insulting name for Jews – kike.
There doesn’t seem to be a critical mass of interest in the meaning of the derogatory name kike for Jews that is often used here. That’s why we’ll leave it on the back burner and Unz readers, for a time being, can settle for one of the two idiotic versions (as if panzers invented them) propagated by the mainstream –
(1) one is a derivative of the English word circle because (urban) Eastern European Jews were allegedly illiterate (?), but did not want to sign with X, when entering the US, because it looked like a cross, so they signed themselves with circles, or
(2) it is variant of kiki, reduplication of –ki, common name-ending among Jews from Slavic countries (e.g. SikorsKIKI). LohohoL.
The former may be funny, but that’s normal since the panzers may have actually invented them, but the low subscription response to my thesis presented in #253 is worrying. That is already a question for Ron, who should think what the profile of his readers is desirable and not just how much traffic there is on his site.
kike is a an ancient Serbian word..?
Your thesis as presented in #253 is incongruous. Why would Jews follow Germans? They knew even then that they don’t like them.
… ancient Serbian, ancient proto-Polish, no difference…
The Jews followed the proto-Panzers? Who said that?
You. Do you understand your own sentences?
It means that without Germans there, there wouldn’t be any Jews in Western Europe.
I understand that I need to be patient with my potential subscribers. Although, it would be easier to use at least a finger to read, if not the brain. My thesis is just a simple sum of 2+2. The first addend is my comments under Germany Destroyed and the other is works by prof. Wexler.
Maybe I should also publish a version of my thesis for dummies in parallel – the drang of proto-panzers from today’s France (left side of the Rhine) into today’s Germany caused the enormous growth of Jews in Western Europe.
APP: It means that without Germans there, there wouldn’t be any Jews in Western Europe.
No, without panzers there would be 25 K of them (in the Middle Ages), and today – proportional to that. But their number would not increase more than tenfold, which some authors consider a slightly increased, but normal. There was no such thing even in Kosovo, where the Albanians were a cancer and used the social state to the maximum to increase their population, plus Muslim tactics to demographically suppress the Christians by increasing the population, larger than in Africa.
Now, many of them nostalgically remember those times, when they had at least ten children each, because now they have American democracy, lbgt and everything else, but the Yankees are not so financially and socially generous, so their growth has fallen to the European level.
But maybe I still need to explain my thesis even better because it shows the roots of the current situation in the (Western) world. I’m even thinking of explaining the meaning of the derogatory name for the Jews – kike – because it’s really absurd that the goyim use it, but, neither they, nor even the Jews know its meaning, so both of them look like panzers (‘land of spearmen?’ -LOL).
Even this sounds absurd. What’s the connection between Jewish fecundity in Western Europe (let’s say, Spain and Portugal) and German tribes movements?
Looks like you skipped some lessons. What did you conclude from my comments (multiply that by 100) below Germany Destroyed? Until you absolve it, you cannot move on. Another option is to wait for the dummy version.
I did not read the article “Germany destroyed” and do not intend to!
It is a sign of your arrogance – moderators take notice – that you write comments in such a way that they are not self-contained within one comments section enough to be understood on their own!
Instead of displaying your arrogance, you could simply answer my simple question in the comment no. 267!
LOLek, I noticed that you have no sincere desire to learn anything. I didn’t mean the GD text itself, but my comments below the text. Also to my comments below Giraldi’s text – “Israel Will Discard America Like an Old Shoe”.
Maybe this is too complicated material for someone who doesn’t even know where the Polish language and (pre-Christian) mythology originated, so you have to go step by step, and everything on a small spoonful.
Except, if you surprise me and like in the case of Great Moravia, you reveal to us where the Polish language originated.
You are an arrogant, narcistic prick who doesn’t even respect people on names (I am not a “Lolek” and Germans ane not “panzers”) and yet demand respect to one specific name – “Serbians”!
If Serbians really were everywhere in Europe, they would be chameleon people. Why become someone who doesn’t want to be himself?
You must admit : no other peoples on Earth have turned in so many other peoples…
You bend any thesis, even Wechsler’s. From his clam about Sorbian being a substrate of Yiddish, you o build a massive, sincere (!) conversions of Sorbians to Judaism, for the sole reason of their contact with Germans (!), who in this perspective turn out to be the greatest missionaries of Judaism in this world, and do not know it (not a word in German chronicles about that activity)! Yet the few instances of Knannic language came from Czechia and Poland, not Sorbia /Lusatia. Since Poland and Czechia were parts of Great Moravia, the Jews could be very well there, not in Sorbia. No need for emigration out of Germany too. We also do not know really early Czech and Polish and how similar they were to Sorbian, besides, Lusatia/Sorbia became part of Czech crownlands, not German principalities.
Plus, Sorbian language is very different to Serbian; but you do not care since they are both SRBN!
So, how did the number of Jews increase tenfold in the Middle Ages?
Second, there are no Sorbs, only Serbs.
Third – maybe it’s best to take a little commenting break until you find where the Polish language came from as anything else just doesn’t make sense.
The number of Jews did not increase tenfold in the Middle Ages (in fact, they disappeared from Iberia and England), only later. This is one of your problems BTW.
Poles are not Serbs. They are R1a people.
Sorbs themselves claim they are Sorbs, not Serbs. You see? Even Sorbs want to distinguish themselves from Serbians. Serbs must be deeply unattractive. Otherwise, why Serbs became Jews and not stayed Serbians…?
Not from Serbia – I was there, and mutual understanding between Polish and Serbian is almost null, unlike between Polish and Czechs. Plus Serbian is tiresome, claiming two alphabets – Latinica and Kyrylica – at once. Let’s say that it is expression of Serbian schizoid nature.
A Question to the Serbian jinn, which can be summoned by simply saying “Serbs were here”:
Why everyone else – Poles, Czechs, Hungarians, Rusins, in early middle ages decided to become Christian but Serbs/Sorbs decided to become stateless Jews, hm ?!
Tenfold increasing of a population in 4-5 centuries is not at all difficult just by organic growth.
A mere 18% net (newborn minus deaths) per generation and 25-year intervals between consecutive generations for four centuries equals approximately the tenfold factor (1,18^15 ~ 12)
Barefoot, RU mistakenly thinks the same thing.
A complete ignorance of what Orthodoxy (Christian although it was Hebrew as well till Jesus) really believes.
Also religions are man made constructs in contrast with the God given Orthodox Faith.
If this is not sufficient (what is the mistake?) for you, add also:
flux (or flight) of Eastern Roman Jews & compromised Orthodox (bringing Renaissance) from a failing empire to the rest of Europe not occupied by Turks.
unmasking their identity either because of their perceived strength or fear
There is no “originalist” Constitution. There is only the Constitution to be interpreted by
(1) the basic “what does it actually say” rule,
(2) looking at extrinsic evidence when the actual language isn’t clear, and
(3) refusing to do a Great Karnak imitation when examining the terms “due process” and “equal protection.”
I’m interested. I see that the Establishment source Wikipedia mentions your 2 theories. I always assumed (with zero evidence) that “kike” was a corruption of the common Jewish name “Isaac” just like in wartime the locals called all American GIs “Joe.” Did I hear that somewhere or make a lucky guess? An article in the Forward includes the “Isaac” theory.
Are Serbs and Sorbs related, outside of both being Slavs? I’ve read that “Sorb” is another word for “Lusatian” (a slavic tribe of eastern Germany.) One of my great-grandparents had a Lusatian surname but I know very little beyond that.