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Merry Christmas, Everyone!
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Hello everyone, and Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone is very good and enjoying time with their family.

Everything is good for me, except that unfortunately, last night, the beautiful actress Zendaya broke into my house and stole all the presents from under my tree, dragging them back to her filthy underground shack, where she wallows in her own ooze.

Zendaya lives in an underground ditch where she ponders her own beauty and enjoys her stolen products.

However, not even Zendaya and her nasty tricks can ruin my joyful Christmas, because even without presents, we feel the joy of love.

Love was always the message, and maybe the presents were getting in the way. Maybe by stealing all of our presents, Zendaya unwittingly taught us the real message of Christmas joyfulness.

Maybe she isn’t so evil after all. They say that beauty is on the inside, so I don’t expect that someone as beautiful as Zendaya would have much inner beauty, given that she has such great external beauty.

Authorities on three different continents have attempted to press charges against Zendaya for causing self-esteem problems in people who are jealous of her loveliness.

But with no presents to open, we are opening our hearts to joyfulness.

But seriously, the meme that Christmas is too commercialized was very true when I was a kid, but as I’ve grown up, it seems to be less so. Maybe I’m just not tapped into the mainstream, but the kids seem less excited about gifts than they are about spending time with their cousins. What’s more, in general, people seem to be getting more religious, and not in the commercialized Americanist “evangelical Christianity” sense, but in a more authentic and spiritual sense.

Religion has a purpose, which is not something so plain as prayer and ritual. Religion is intended to connect us to one another through our shared identity as children of God. The word “religion” means “to bind,” as in “to bind the people together.” And surely, Christ told us: “love one another as I have loved you.”

Indeed, that is what we do as children of God, what we do as families: we love one another.

The act of getting together with our families and enjoying one another’s company, bonding with one another, is a spiritual act, and it is commanded by Jesus that we do this. Love is a divine act, as God is the source of all love. When you love others, you are channeling the Holy Spirit.

Prayer and going to church is important, of course, but the real purpose of the Christian faith is love, and there is no more meaningful Christian act than loving your family.

So I do hope everyone is spending time with their family today, and I hope everyone followed my advice and did not bring up the Jews or other issues that would create conflict. I know that some of you might have liberal families, and that is unfortunate, but it doesn’t change your own duty to love your family.

Whereas God tells us to love one another, the worldly creature Zendaya has a very different message, which is totally negative. Her message is: “Ooga booga.”

Reject the world, reject the frivolous beauty of Zendaya, and focus on the things that are real, the things that matter in this life.

When we look at the nativity, we do not see prayer per se, but a family together basking in the majesty of a newborn child. Of course, that was a very special child, but all children have the spark of the divine in them.

These moments of connection are what you will think of when you are old. These are the moments that will live on beyond your mortal coil, the love you give and receive imprinting itself on the fabric of reality.

Family is the most import thing of all, and it is the simplest thing.

Please enjoy yourself today. In fact, get off your phone right now. Go spend time with your family. If you have family members you don’t get to see during the rest of the year, try to talk to them. Even if all they want to talk about is some sports thing or whatever, just talk to them and smile and make them feel like you care about whatever it is they’re saying.

Savor these moments. It’s the only thing in life that matters. And life does not go on forever.

Zendaya could be outside of your house right now, waiting in the bushes, and she could be planning something worse than a robbery. You never know when your number will come up. You’ll never regret time spent with your family. Those are the most important people, and most likely, they will be the only people who you can ever really trust and know you belong amongst.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Ideology •�Tags: Christianity, Christmas
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  1. Zduhaci says:

    Merry fucking Christmas

    •�Replies: @aNoNyMouSSSSS
  2. Protogonus says: •�Website

    Actually, for us today, there is another, more profound message of Christmas.

    The birth of the Nazarene–specifically the question of its exact year in antiquity–has been turned over for more than a century. A compelling case for the birth in the spring of 1 B.C. was made some years ago, in 1990 (https://www.ips-planetarium.org/page/a_pratt1990), with the implication being that the God-Man’s CONCEPTION was in 2 B.C.

    This in turn becomes hugely important for a reason not often discussed in that context but which first appeared in the idealism of J. Boehme (d. 1624) (“JB”), who set forth in 1619 a procedure (linking it to the year of the incarnation) to determine the decade of the Last Judgment.

    This determination by a world-famous writer was published in German and in English in the 17th century and has been read (perhaps without full comprehension), by hundreds of thousands of people over the centuries, even including Charles I, King of England.

    According to JB’s calculation (for reasons that are not scriptural but rather based on insights into fundamental physical reality), if the year of the incarnation was 2 B.C., the Judgment will occur “before noon” on the 6th day of January 2028. There will be no warning and no escape.

    Some years ago, we presented JB’s case for the Last Day comprehensively in an academic paper and discussed related issues in idealism:


    Note that to view the article, simply SCROLL DOWN; no sign-in is necessary. Thanks.

  3. Anonymous[350] •�Disclaimer says:

    all children have the spark of the divine in them.

    so leave them with the divinity, rather than dragging them down here to suffer a “life” of wage slaving and bad american music just because you had to have your cheap 3 seconds of orgasm

  4. Anonymous[370] •�Disclaimer says:

    Hello everyone, and Merry Christmas!

    I hope everyone is very good and enjoying time with their family.

    Oh, that’s a nice sentiment. Thank you li’l buddy.

    Zendaya could be outside of your house right now, waiting in the bushes, and she could be planning something worse than a robbery.

    Ok, Anglin, better ease up on the egg nog.

    •�LOL: Liza
  5. White Christmas

    I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
    Without niggaz in the snow
    With their loud rap rhyming
    And burn loot criming
    Snatch’n grab
    Everywhere they go

    I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
    Just like the one in days of old
    With white folks singing
    White children playing
    Sleigh bells ringing through the snow

    I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
    With No Mohammad call to prayer
    No more jihad swearing
    And suicide vesting
    Sleigh bells exploding in the snow

    I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
    Without gays or tranny’s there
    No more drag queen stories
    And child porn orgies
    Just Straight people in the snow

    I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
    Without Jews and dumbass toys
    With their big nose whining
    And hate whitey lying
    Just Whites everywhere you go

    La la la la la la….la la
    Do do do do do do do doooo


    •�Thanks: Sharonbaron
  6. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Johnny Mathis joins the Anglinathon.

    Video Link

    Video Link

    •�Thanks: Richard B
  7. Dule says:

    Please,note that for a few hundred million ortotodox christians, Christmas comes on January 7th.

    •�Replies: @Liza
  8. meamjojo says:

    In the spirit of XMAS I offer the article below, which is an interview between the well known and respected NY Times writer and a Princeton University professor of religion.

    I found it interesting that there is some apparent history that this guy named Jesus was likely fathered by a Roman soldier named Panthera who was having relations with the town whore, Mary, who already had 7 or more other children! Who knew? Surely the Pope knows the truth?

    A Conversation About the Virgin Birth That Maybe Wasn’t
    Dec. 21, 2024
    By Nicholas Kristof

    This is the latest in my occasional series of conversations about Christianity, aimed at bridging America’s God gulf. Previously, I’ve spoken with the Rev. Timothy Keller, President Jimmy Carter, the evangelical writer Beth Moore and others. Here I speak with Elaine Pagels, a prominent professor of religion at Princeton University and an expert on the early church. Our conversation has been edited for clarity and length.

    Merry Christmas! This is a time when Christianity celebrates “Miracles and Wonder” — and that’s the title of your fascinating forthcoming book. Your book raises questions about the virgin birth of Jesus, even pointing to ancient evidence that Jesus might have been fathered by a Roman soldier, possibly by rape. But before I ask you about that, I want to be respectful of readers who have a deep faith and may be upset by this line of inquiry. How do we follow the historical research without causing offense?

    I love these stories from the Gospels. The skies opened up when I heard them. They picture human lives drawn into divine mystery: “God in man made manifest,” as one Christmas carol says. But at a certain point I had to ask: What do they mean? What really happened? They are not written simply as history; often they speak in metaphor. We can take them seriously without taking everything literally.

    So let’s go back to the Nativity. Of the four Gospels, two describe the virgin birth of Jesus, and two don’t mention it. The Gospel of Mark has people of Galilee referring to Jesus as the son of Mary, when the norm was to describe somebody as the son of his father. So did the neighbors growing up with Jesus regard him as fatherless?


    •�Troll: Sharonbaron
    •�Replies: @arbeit macht frei
  9. meamjojo says:

    Happy XMAS! Was Jesus really real?

    Findings cast doubt on the existence of Jesus Christ
    December 24, 2024

    Most antiquities scholars think that the New Testament gospels are “mythologized history.” In other words, based on the evidence available they think that around the start of the first century a controversial Jewish rabbi named Yeshua ben Yosef gathered a following and his life and teachings provided the seed that grew into Christianity. At the same time, these scholars acknowledge that many Bible stories like the virgin birth, miracles, resurrection, and women at the tomb borrow and rework mythic themes that were common in the Ancient Near East, much the way that screenwriters base new movies on old familiar tropes or plot elements. In this view, a “historical Jesus” became mythologized.

    For over 200 years, a wide ranging array of theologians and historians grounded in this perspective have analyzed ancient texts, both those that made it into the Bible and those that didn’t, in attempts to excavate the man behind the myth. Several current or recent bestsellers take this approach, distilling the scholarship for a popular audience. Familiar titles include Zealot by Reza Aslan and How Jesus Became God by Bart Ehrman.

    By contrast, other scholars believe that the gospel stories are actually “historicized mythology.” In this view, those ancient mythic templates are themselves the kernel. They got filled in with names, places and other real world details as early sects of Jesus worship attempted to understand and defend the devotional traditions they had received.

    The notion that Jesus never existed is a minority position. Of course it is! says David Fitzgerald, the author of Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed at All. Fitzgerald points out that for centuries all serious scholars of Christianity were Christians themselves, and modern secular scholars lean heavily on the groundwork that they laid in collecting, preserving, and analyzing ancient texts. Even today most secular scholars come out of a religious background, and many operate by default under historical presumptions of their former faith.


  10. “…beautiful actress Zendaya…”

    That’s why I can’t watch the Dune remake. In the original, we had the transcendently lovely Sean Young. And in the remake, we have a female that a typical Homo erectus would have passed on.

    I’m supposed to think that Zendaya is the best that the Fremen had to offer? If I were Paul Atreides, I would have caught the first ship off that benighted planet.

    Sorry. No can do.

  11. darío says:

    Helene Fischer | Feliz Navidad (Live aus der Hofburg Wien)

    Video Link

    •�Thanks: Protogonus, Felpudinho
  12. @meamjojo

    We’re taking up donations for the UR’s #1 zionist asshole meanjew:

    find out more about the likes of asshole meanjew here:


  13. @meamjojo

    The Jews love to say everyone hates them, but they never say why. You’re a prime example of why.

    •�Thanks: meamjojo
  14. Rodney says:

    Another pointless read from Mr. Anglin. I still don’t understand why he is published here. Some things f his writings in the past were insightful, but he doesn’t produce that same level anymore. I don’t buy into the rumors of Andy being a homosexual, but I do think he’s abit deranged.

    Anyhow, I hope everyone had a great Christmas!

    •�Agree: Cloud Posternuke
    •�Replies: @Sharonbaron
  15. Dumbo says:
    @Wade Hampton

    One of the good things of the original Dune by Lynch was the casting, which was great (well, maybe except for Sting). It was a bit of a mess in script/editing and it would have benefitted from a longer duration (three-hour movies were not in vogue back then, today there are way too many). But the casting? Top notch. Sean Young, unfortunately, appeared way too little (she’s beautiful also in Blade Runner).

    I didn’t watch the new Dune except for a few scenes and was not impressed. Art direction was better in the original too. I don’t like Villeneuve, extremely overrated director.

  16. Nat X says:

    Again, its hard to believe that us dindoos used to be scared of you cock suckers…

    •�Replies: @Richard B
    , @CelestiaQuesta
  17. @Zduhaci

    Merry fucken hanukkah too, cocksucker

    •�Replies: @Sharonbaron
    , @Zduhaci
  18. Chaskinss [AKA "Septic Guirini"] says:

    1st, let me wish you all have a Merry lil con sumeristic Xmas.

    2nd, let me state that we don’t give a warm bucket of baby diarrhea abt the current flap regarding Blakey Lively. Lively, Schmively. This is pseudo-news, like most news in the cesspool imperialistic US.

    We are quite happy w/the life we’ve led, but sometimes we think abt possible alternatives we’ve missed.

    For example, we wd love to have been a great mathematician, like Gauss, Bierbaums, Monsky, or Cauchy or Fermat. But one other (almost) missed life is to be a thug. And it turns out,we are one, because we really are a godfather! Perhaps Trumpinio will hire us to dismantle the NYT. We would enjoy that. We will hafta drop him a note.

    So that’s abt it, as we head toward 2030 and the further, inevitable self-destruction of the US empire. Maybe the attn being paid to Blakey Lively is part of that, we dunno. Her shoes are too dry; they need buckets of Wafer urine.

    That’s the Christmas spirit here in the vile U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!, U.S.A.! Shots were fired inside a shopping mall while people did their Holiday shopping.


    Of course not only now but every day of the year there always is “good cheer” on the roads here.



    And one funny sign of this shithole country’s demise, in addition to its crumbling infrastructure, is its pathetic transportation network. With airline traveling being the “in thing” to do, of course many flights were grounded because of another glitch fuckup. LOL!


    Only here in the U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!, U.S.A.!

  19. Richard B says:
    @Nat X

    Well, if it isn’t Nat Xstein.
    How are things over at the ADL/$PLC/FBI (but I repeat myself)?

    its hard to believe that us dindoos used to be scared of you cock suckers…

    That’s because they’re not the same cocksuckers.

    Whereas in the past the whites were motherfuckers, today when it comes to blacks, most whites are literally cocksuckers. So, you’re right, there’s nothing to be afraid of when it comes to them. Today blacks are just afraid of Latinos, and with good reason. Latinos are not afraid of blacks and are definitely not at all interested in their historical revisionist bullshit sob story. A bullshit story taught to them by the Nat Xsteins of this world.

    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  20. @Nat X

    T’was the night after Christmas – aka Kwanzaa

    T’was the night after Christmas
    All the Jews were mad
    Christians were happy
    But blacks were sad

    Kawanza came late
    All over the hood
    So they looted white people
    Stoled all they could

    Looting toys
    Made by chinks in Pong Yang
    They called santa names
    Fatso, drunk, ding ah ling dang

    They ask Rabbi Madoff, a genius Jew
    And Hanukkah Harry, just what to do
    With a carriage pulled by Jews
    And all of them gay
    What do you expect on this Jewish payday

    Herr Moishe, herr Hershel, and Shlomo too
    They wanted St. Nick but got another Jew
    What do we do with so many unsold toys
    Not one made for us circumcised boys

    With tax season near
    And time at an end
    They wrote it all off
    With money to lend

    Tis the season to be Jew
    I heard one say
    I make more money
    On this one glorious day

    Now every year
    Jews they come
    The night after Christmas
    For their Kwanzaa run

    While Christians are sleeping
    With nightmares of gays
    The Jews of Christmas
    Make a quick get away

    Back to Bagelville
    The Jews all returned
    With sacks full of money
    To the promised land

    Happy Kwanzaa

    •�Replies: @Sharonbaron
    , @Happy Tapir
  21. Wokechoke says:
    @Wade Hampton

    The film does a reasonable job explaining it.

    Paul cuts her down publicly while demanding Florence Pugh as a bride. Sullen nigger runs out of the room.

  22. @Richard B

    All dat oth’ nonsense don’, matter, juz de Re-po-ray-shuns:


    •�Replies: @Richard B
  23. Chaskinss says:

    Merry USian con sumerism

  24. Liza says:

    Until last year, some Ukrainian Catholic parishes (here) observed Julian (Jan. 7th) Christmas. Date of observance was on a parish by parish basis in North Amerika.

    However, as of 2023, it’s now official: all Ukie Catholic parishes everywhere, both in Ukraine and here. have to go by the new (Gregorian) calendar. That’s my understanding.

    Prolly something to do with anti-Russianism? I dunno.


    Too many sects in Christianity. Maybe it’s time to dump the whole thing.

  25. Richard B says:

    Another JIDF Troll. TUR is crawling with them.
    But thanks for the video. Sums it all upperfectly.

    “N all dis uda noncents dont meen nuttin. ”

    Yeah, things like self-control, personal responsibility, stable black families, etc, etc. etc.

    I say give them the three million per and then watch them run through the money in less than a week while shooting each other up until the money runs out, at which point those still alive will come crawling back for more. Only there won’t be any whites left to shake down. Just lots and lots and lots of Latinos who don’t want to hear it and won’t hesitate to put a bullet in the brain of each one of them.

    •�Replies: @Felpudinho
  26. @Richard B

    Another JIDF Troll. TUR is crawling with them.
    But thanks for the video. Sums it all upperfectly.

    Not a Jew, just a guy who, through experience, doesn’t buy into the BS that Muslims are wonderful. Both Jews and Muslims, for their own reasons, suck, the Western world would be far better off without have either within. As for the second part: you’re welcome.

    I say give them the three million per and then watch them run through the money in less than a week while shooting each other up until the money runs out, at which point those still alive will come crawling back for more. Only there won’t be any whites left to shake down. Just lots and lots and lots of Latinos who don’t want to hear it and won’t hesitate to put a bullet in the brain of each one of them.

    Once again, Latinos doing the jobs Americans will no longer do. With the speed at which white American men are losing all sense of manliness, they’ll soon be paying Latinos to bang their wives and girlfriends.

    •�LOL: Cyclingscholar
    •�Replies: @John Johnson
    , @Richard B
  27. Anon[204] •�Disclaimer says:

    For a little holiday cheer, a reminder that accession of the groveling kikesucker Trump is not relevant to Jew supremacist genocide. The world, including Turkey will end it.

  28. @CelestiaQuesta

    Genius! That captures something real too. The oligarchs have us infighting over meaningless theological issues, while they control the issues that really matter!

  29. Lets not forget that ORTHODOX Christmas doesn’t come for a week or two. I always thought that if I became a die hard orthodox, I could do all my shopping after “Western Christmas” and save BIGTIME with after “Christmas sales.” Holiday cheer to all of you!

    The FBI is shouting “Happy Kwanzaa” from the rooftops. Hopefully they are not too steep.

    •�LOL: Felpudinho
  30. Mac_ says:

    Personally my recognition times are more natural centered i.e. solstice etc, and as far as dna associations, as with everyone I tend sort whether individuals are concerned or make effort against destruction, or not, or are at least open. Sharing energy with others of like mind is a cycle. Otherwise, putting energy into those who don’t care about what matters, feeds a void, however false polite.

    A difference in perspective could be Anglin’s family isnt ignorant, or if are, he doesnt care about wasted energy that could be spent otherwise. And its not necessarily either/or, as seeing dna associations is opportunity to share what we know, and of change, and though would agree talking about jews is difficult except to say there isn’t one group, there are many, and, the cabal are not necessarily ‘jews’, anyway.

    In any event appreciate Anglin’s work, well deserved vacation.

  31. @Felpudinho

    Not a Jew, just a guy who, through experience, doesn’t buy into the BS that Muslims are wonderful. Both Jews and Muslims, for their own reasons, suck, the Western world would be far better off without have either within. As for the second part: you’re welcome.

    Anglin and his fans don’t actually like White people. They’re misanthropes that hate the Jews more than everyone. White men are merely the least hated. He has gone on many rants about White women where he calls them whores and dogs.

    Anglin would happily get on his knees five times a day for a sand raider religion if it meant sticking it to the Jews. He would shrug if his fellow Whites were thrown in prison for crimes like eating pork or having a pet dog.

    Ironically he would subject us all to an oppressive Islamic state if it meant getting rid of the Jews.

    He should really just call his website the Daily Nihilist.

    His position is nothing new. There have been British White nationalists that have suggested converting to Islam to create an alliance against the Jews. They hate the Jews to where they would adopt a semitic religion with beliefs they privately doubt. White men once fought off Arab hordes that would kidnap White women to sell in Eastern slave markets. This went on for hundreds of years in Easter Europe. Today we have White men that would fully submit themselves to Islam out of spite.

    •�Replies: @anon
  32. Colin Wright says: •�Website


    Did you drop a lot of acid back in the Hippie days?

  33. Chaskinss says:

    Merry usian CON sumerism to all and all a good amerikant debt

  34. Wokechoke says:

    Enjoy Philomena’s History Takes!

  35. @meamjojo

    … cast[ing] doubt on the existence of Jesus Christ …

    The Jews have failed to do so for more than two thousand years, and their efforts and yours will continue to end in failure till Christ’s return at the Second Coming, when Truth and Payback will hit your tribe in a big way.

    In the meantime, Merry Christmas and all good wishes for a Happy New Year! Remember, too, that He has left the door wide open for sincere converts, who have always been welcome.

  36. @Wade Hampton

    Thank you for indirectly explaining that Zendaya is a movie star of sorts, presumably one of “diverse” origin and complexion. My assumption had been that she was a comic book character who had piqued Anglin’s fancy.

  37. Richard B says:

    With the speed at which white American men are losing all sense of manliness, they’ll soon be paying Latinos to bang their wives and girlfriends.

    Most real white men have left the country.

    In fact, not a few of them are in Latin America either banging, or even starting families with, beautiful Latino women who have no time for Latino men. Especially the short, illiterate ones, whose hobbies include drunk driving, and raping 12 year old girls.

    As for the unmanly white men, who cares? In the first place, they won’t have any money to pay anyone to do anything to their wives. In the second place, being broke they probably won’t have wives. In the third place, those Latinos who will get the chance to bang such women will know when she’s about to cum when they hear her moo!

    So bang away mi pequño amigo. Moooo! Moooo!

  38. anon[416] •�Disclaimer says:
    @John Johnson

    More boomerific word-slop from panty-sniffer Jew Jewson.

  39. Anonymous[410] •�Disclaimer says:

    artificial kikes


    You can tell because they’re not quite as repulsive as the real ones.

  40. You’re great, Andy, BTW. Even though you might be a shill, or CIA or Mossad or FBI or whatever-the-fuck. Even though. Like me! LOL, you don’t know what I am! LOL.

    Keep going. You write what many of us want to shout!

    And, man, you really are right about that Toyota Hilux. I have a Jeep, because I can, because I don’t take life seriously, but I know you are right about the Toyota Hilux.

  41. Chaskinss says:

    happy con sumerism usians

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