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Imanuel Doza is a character who appears in the animated series, Star Wars Resistance. He is the father of Torra Doza, who operated the refueling-station: the Colossus.


Captain Imanuel Doza runs the Colossus platform from a pristine office in his namesake tower. Although he has a soft spot for his daughter, Torra, he is seen as a stern man who will not be easily intimidated, even by the First Order.

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Star Wars Resistance logo
Kazuda XionoBB-8Tam RyvoraJarek YeagerTorra DozaImanuel DozaNeeku VozoFreya FenrisGriff HalloranBB-9EPoe DameronLeia OrganaPyreCaptain PhasmaGeneral HuxFirst Order TIE PilotsElrik VonregTiernyFirst Order StormtroopersKylo Ren
Season One: "The Recruit" • "The Triple Dark" • "Fuel for the Fire" • "The High Tower" • "The Children from Tehar" • "Signal from Sector Six" • "Synara's Score" • "The Platform Classic" • "Secrets and Holograms" • "Station Theta Black" • "Bibo" • "Dangerous Business" • "The Doza Dilemma" • "The First Order Occupation" • "The New Trooper" • "The Core Problem" • "The Disappeared" • "Descent" • "No Escape"

Season Two: "Into the Unknown" • "A Quick Salvage Run" • "Live Fire" • "Hunt on Celsor 3" • "The Engineer" • "From Beneath" • "The Relic Raiders" • "Rendezvous Point" • "The Voxx Vortex 5000" • "Kaz’s Curse" • "Station to Station" • "The Missing Agent" • "Breakout" • "The Mutiny" • "The New World" • "No Place Safe" • "Rebuilding the Resistance" • "The Escape"

T-70 X-Wing FighterFirst Order TIE fighterFirst Order Special Forces TIE FighterFirst Order Star DestroyerColossus
See Also
First OrderResistanceNew RepublicHosnian PrimeStarkiller Base