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2006年7月16日 (日)


先制攻撃三馬鹿は許さんバナー 先制攻撃三馬鹿は許さんバナー






投稿者 ジリノフスキー松田 日時 2006 年 7 月 11 日 06:44:45: YsYC0m30wm2Rw


Jul 10, 9:26 AM EDT

Japan considers strike against N. Korea

Associated Press Writer

TOKYO (AP) -- Japan said Monday it was considering whether a pre-emptive strike on the North's missile bases would violate its constitution, signaling a hardening stance ahead of a possible U.N. Security Council vote on Tokyo's proposal for sanctions against the regime.

Japan was badly rattled by North Korea's missile tests last week and several government officials openly discussed whether the country ought to take steps to better defend itself, including setting up the legal framework to allow Tokyo to launch a pre-emptive strike against Northern missile sites.

"If we accept that there is no other option to prevent an attack ... there is the view that attacking the launch base of the guided missiles is within the constitutional right of self-defense. We need to deepen discussion," Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe said.

Japan's constitution bars the use of military force in settling international disputes and prohibits Japan from maintaining a military for warfare. Tokyo has interpreted that to mean it can have armed troops to protect itself, allowing the existence of its 240,000-strong Self-Defense Forces.

A Defense Agency spokeswoman, however, said Japan has no attacking weapons such as ballistic missiles that could reach North Korea. Its forces only have ground-to-air missiles and ground-to-vessel missiles, she said on condition of anonymity because of official policy.

Despite resistance from China and Russia, Japan has pushed for a U.N. Security Council resolution that would nations from transferring missile-related items, materials goods and technology to North Korea. A vote was possible later Monday, but Japan said it would not insist on one.

"It's important for the international community to express a strong will in response to the North Korean missile launches," Abe said. "This resolution is an effective way of expressing that."

China and Russia, both nations with veto power on the council, have voiced opposition to the measure. Kyodo News agency reported Monday, citing unidentified Chinese diplomatic sources, that China may use its veto on the Security Council to block the resolution.

The United States, Britain and France have expressed support for the proposal, while Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso has said there is a possibility that Russia will abstain.

South Korea, not a council member, has not publicly taken a position on the resolution, but on Sunday Seoul rebuked Japan for its outspoken criticism of the tests.

"There is no reason to fuss over this from the break of dawn like Japan, but every reason to do the opposite," a statement from President Roh Moo-hyun's office said, suggesting that Tokyo was contributing to tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

Abe said Monday it was "regrettable" that South Korea had accused Japan of overreacting.

"There is no mistake that the missile launch ... is a threat to Japan and the region. It is only natural for Japan to take measures of risk management against such a threat," Abe said.

Meanwhile, a Chinese delegation including the country's top nuclear envoy - Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei - arrived Monday in North Korea, officially to attend celebrations marking the 45th anniversary of a friendship treaty between the North and China.

The U.S. is urging Beijing to push its communist ally back into six-party nuclear disarmament talks, but the Chinese government has not said whether Wu would bring up the negotiations. A ministry spokeswoman said last week that China was "making assiduous efforts" in pushing for the talks to resume.

Talks have been deadlocked since November because of a boycott by Pyongyang in protest of a crackdown by Washington on the regime's alleged money-laundering and other financial crimes.

Beijing has suggested an informal gathering of the six nations, which could allow the North to technically stand by its boycott, but at the same time meet with the other five parties - South Korea, China, the U.S., Japan and Russia. The U.S. has backed the idea and said Washington could meet with the North on the sidelines of such a meeting.

Still, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill questioned just how influential Beijing was with the enigmatic regime.

"I must say the issue of China's influence on DPRK is one that concerns us," Hill told reporters in Tokyo. "China said to the DPRK, 'Don't fire those missiles,' but the DPRK fired them. So I think everybody, especially the Chinese, are a little bit worried about it."

The DPRK refers to the North's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Hill is touring the region to coordinate strategy on North Korea. He has emphasized the need for countries involved to present a united front.

"We want to make it very clear that we all speak in one voice on this provocative action by the North Koreans to launch missiles in all shapes and sizes," Hill said. "We want to make it clear to North Korea that what it did was really unacceptable."


Associated Press writers Audra Ang in Beijing and Chisaki Watanabe in Tokyo contributed to this report.








毎日新聞 2006年7月10日 20時24分 (最終更新時間 7月10日 23時04分)

敵基地攻撃論「先制ではない」 安倍官房長官が反論 【写真】  2006/07/13 00:28




『鎮霊社』からみた靖国神社 ひっそり鉄柵の中【東京新聞】


« 安倍が統一協会へ祝電を送った事実を再度確認しておこう。(サブタイトル:検索のお勉強) | トップページ | 安倍壷三Google検索の怪と、透けて見えるおおわらわ火消し工作を嗤う。 »




この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: カルト関係でアホだと思ったが、先制攻撃論でますます馬鹿が証明された。:

» 北朝鮮基地先制攻撃の法理と政策☆プロ市民の朝日新聞投書を導きの糸として [松尾光太郎 de 海馬之玄関BLOG]
font size=3 あるプロ市民の方の投書を目にした。朝日新聞『声』欄。九条の会事務局やワールド・ピース・ナウ(WPN)の実行委員会でご活躍の高田健さんのfont color=red「「北」を理由に軍拡許されぬ」/font(平成18年7月13日・東京本社版)である。ここ数日このBLOGでも取り上げている「北朝鮮ミサイル基地への先制攻撃と憲法」の復習としてこの投書を俎上に乗せる。以下、引用開始。 font color=green&gt..... [続きを読む]

受信: 2006年7月16日 (日) 16時19分

» 敵地攻撃!? [映画と出会う・世界が変わる]
防衛の為に敵地への攻撃能力を持つべきか?ミサイル基地への攻撃か?それでは遅いだろう。ミサイル製造工場への攻撃か?造られる段階では、遅い。研究所や大学への攻撃か?研究される段階では、遅い。そうした研究を行う人間を何とかしろ。大学、高校、いや、小学校を攻撃...... [続きを読む]

受信: 2006年7月17日 (月) 12時10分

» ハンギョレ新聞を読んでみよう(6) [薫のハムニダ日記]
今日はとっても忙しいわ~! だからハンギョレ新聞の今日の社説でまたお茶を濁しておきま~す。 北朝鮮はいつまで現実から目をそらすのか 北朝鮮を6カ国協議に復帰させようという試みは、成果を見せることができないままになっている。釜山で開かれた第19次南北閣僚級会談は共同報道文も出せないまま一日早く終わったが、これは初めてのことだ。平壌を訪問中の武大偉中国外交部副部長の説得にもほとんど反応がなかったようだ。もうすぐ国連安保理で対北批難制裁決議案が本格的に論議され、アメリカと日本は別途に... [続きを読む]

受信: 2006年7月17日 (月) 15時30分

» 燃やすしかないよ、この半島はもうだめじゃ・・・ [【非公式】世界日本ハムの間抜けblog@非公式]
 北の偉大なる将軍様主催の実に盛大なる花火大会から早1週間半。制裁決議案もどうやら日本の外交下手と支那の各国懐柔によってぽしゃりそうです。  つか制裁以外ありえなくね?何言っても時間が経てばまた撃つわけなんですから、これはもう撃てないようにするしかない...... [続きを読む]

受信: 2006年7月17日 (月) 21時54分

» ミサイル発射騒動で日本のマスメディアが伝えない二つのこと [クリエーター支援&思想・表現・オタク趣味の自由を守護するページ]
北朝鮮(朝鮮民主主義人民共和国)による、ミサイル発射事件。彼の国の関係当局者が、事実上、発射を認めたとも取れる発言をしたこともあって(URLhttp://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/2006/07/05/k20060705000086.html) ?波紋が更に広がることは避けられがたい見通しです。 今後、外... [続きを読む]

受信: 2006年7月18日 (火) 18時59分

» 北朝鮮のこと [はじめの一歩]
軍事演習は日本もやっている.専守防衛が基本だから他国へ打ち込むためのミサイルの訓練はしていないだろう.でもミサイル防衛のためのミサイルは,実は他国に打ち込むのも簡単にできそうな気がする. 今回のミサイルの問題があった時に,どこが国際法に違反しているのか気になった.でも,なかなか聞ける雰囲気ではなく...そういうことを公の場で発言した人には,反論がたくさん来ているらしい...言論の封殺とまでは言わないけど. 以下は,昨日届いたきくちゆみさんの地球平和ニュース(⇒登録ページ)からの引用です.... [続きを読む]

受信: 2006年7月18日 (火) 23時11分

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