はてなキーワード: impressとは
First dates can be exciting and nerve-wracking all at once. You’re meeting someone new, learning about their interests, and trying to figure out if there’s chemistry between you. And then there’s flirting, that delicate dance of showing someone you’re interested without being too forward or awkward.
Flirting doesn’t have to be a high-pressure situation. In fact, it can be the most fun part of getting to know someone. Whether you're meeting someone on MixerDates or any other platform, the most important thing is to be genuine, stay calm, and let the connection develop naturally.
If you’ve ever found yourself wondering how to flirt on a first date without feeling uncomfortable, you’re not alone. Everyone has their awkward moments, but the more you understand the art of flirting, the easier it becomes. In this article, we’ll break down how to flirt in a way that feels natural, exciting, and authentic to who you are. So, let's dive in and learn how to make the most of your first date experience—without overthinking it.
When it comes to flirting, confidence is key. But what does it really mean to be confident on a first date? Confidence doesn’t mean you need to be perfect, or even outgoing—it simply means being comfortable in your own skin and showing up as your authentic self.
Have you ever noticed how people are drawn to those who radiate self-assurance? It’s not about bragging or dominating the conversation—it’s about presenting yourself with ease. If you feel good about yourself, it will naturally show. A great smile, good posture, and eye contact can go a long way in making a good first impression.
For instance, think about the last time someone walked into a room and immediately caught your attention—not because they were the most attractive person in the room, but because of their energy. They were confident, they were present, and they made you feel at ease. That’s the kind of confidence you want to project on your date.
When you're confident, you're not worried about saying the perfect thing. Instead, you focus on enjoying the moment, making the other person feel comfortable, and letting the connection happen naturally. That’s the magic of confidence—it allows you to be present, fun, and, most importantly, yourself.
Let’s face it—no one wants to feel like they’re being “worked” or put through a game. That’s why subtlety is such a powerful tool when it comes to flirting. It's all about showing interest without being over-the-top or too obvious.
Flirting doesn’t always mean complimenting someone non-stop or using cheesy pickup lines. In fact, the most successful flirting is the kind that happens behind the scenes—subtle, playful, and lighthearted. Think about the little moments, like a teasing comment about how they always order the same thing at a restaurant or the way you laugh at a silly joke they make.
The key is to find a balance. A simple smile or a playful comment can convey interest without being too much. For example, if your date tells you they love hiking but they tend to get lost easily, you could say something like, “So, you’re telling me you need a personal guide? I could get behind that!” It’s lighthearted, humorous, and most importantly, it keeps the conversation fun without putting too much pressure on the situation.
By keeping it subtle, you allow your date to feel at ease. It takes the pressure off them to be perfect and allows both of you to enjoy the interaction more naturally. Flirting doesn’t need to be a performance—it’s about creating an environment where both of you can feel comfortable and authentic.
Now, let’s talk about something incredibly important in the flirting game: active listening. When we’re on a date, we often get caught up in thinking about what to say next, how we’re coming across, or if we’re being interesting enough. But the best way to make an impression? Truly listening to your date.
Active listening means you’re fully engaged in the conversation, giving your date your full attention and responding thoughtfully. It’s about showing that you care about what they’re saying and that you’re genuinely interested in getting to know them better. When you listen actively, you’re also giving them space to open up, and that can create an immediate connection.
For example, if your date mentions they recently traveled to Japan, instead of simply saying, “That’s cool!” you could follow up with something like, “What was the most memorable experience you had there?” This shows that you’re not just hearing their words but are genuinely curious and invested in their experiences. It’s a great way to build rapport and let them know you’re not just there to impress them—you’re there to connect.
While your words are important, body language often speaks louder than anything you can say. Whether you realize it or not, your body is constantly communicating how you feel. How you sit, stand, and move tells your date whether you’re relaxed, engaged, or distracted.
Small gestures can go a long way in flirting. A light touch on the arm, a subtle lean in when they’re speaking, or maintaining good eye contact—all these body language cues help signal your interest. And the great thing is, when done naturally, these cues can be just as effective as words.
For example, if you’re sitting at a café on your date and you lean in slightly when they’re sharing a funny story, you’re not just showing that you’re interested—you’re inviting them into your space. It’s an invitation to connect further. And when they respond by leaning in too, that’s when the magic happens—the unspoken connection that tells you both that there’s potential for more.
Flirting through body language doesn’t mean making grand gestures or being overly touchy. It’s about being present and showing that you’re engaged with your date in a subtle, but meaningful way.
It’s easy to get caught up in overthinking how to flirt or trying to figure out if your date is into you. But here’s a secret—when you let go of the pressure and allow yourself to have fun, everything flows much more naturally. Flirting on a first date doesn’t need to feel like a test or an assignment. It’s supposed to be a fun, lighthearted experience that sets the stage for more great dates ahead.
When was the last time you had a genuinely fun date? Was it when you were trying too hard to impress, or when you were both laughing, chatting, and enjoying each other's company? Flirting becomes effortless when you're present, enjoying the moment, and letting the connection grow naturally.
Sometimes, it's the small moments—like sharing a laugh or swapping embarrassing stories—that make a first date truly special. When you focus on having fun, you create an environment where both of you can relax, flirt, and let the chemistry grow. That’s the secret to a great date.
One of the best things about using a platform like MixerDates is that it takes the guesswork out of the equation. By connecting with someone who already shares your interests and values, you’ve got a head start on making a real connection. No more swiping through countless profiles hoping for a spark—on MixerDates, you already know there’s something in common.
When you’re already on the same page with your date, flirting comes more easily. There’s less of that awkward, “Are we even on the same wavelength?” feeling, and more of the fun, “Wow, we really click!” vibe. Whether you’re talking about favorite hobbies, movies, or life goals, the conversation flows naturally, making the flirting feel effortless.
If you're looking for a place to meet like-minded people and build genuine connections, MixerDates is the perfect platform. It's a great place to find someone who appreciates you for who you are and who you can naturally flirt with, without the stress.
Flirting on a first date is all about confidence, connection, and fun. When you let go of the pressure and focus on enjoying the experience, the chemistry will naturally follow. Remember, the best way to flirt is by being yourself—let your personality shine through, listen with intention, and embrace the moment.
And if you’re ready to meet someone new, who’s just as interested in making a connection as you are, MixerDates is the perfect place to start. So go ahead, take the leap, and see where it leads. Who knows? Your next great connection might be just a click away.
Sign up for MixerDates today and start your journey to exciting first dates and meaningful connections!
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internet.watch.impress.co.jp | 46(0.3%) |
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748 | 裏紅白歌合戦2024 | jiyujoho.a.la9.jp |
713 | 新鮮スパイスと旬のレシピ | インターネットオブスパイス | internetofspice.com |
713 | 「旧字体」は「昔の漢字の形」ではない | web.quizknock.com |
612 | 弊社所属タレント 松本人志に関するお知らせ | お知らせ | 吉本興業株式会社 | www.yoshimoto.co.jp |
587 | 当社元社員の逮捕について | NOMURA | www.nomuraholdings.com |
534 | 自分のプロジェクトが炎上しない理由について整理する - HIRAエンジニアブログ | hira-k.hatenablog.com |
520 | ラウンドワンの米国展開成功から考えるアメリカでウケる「マイルドヤンキー」型ビジネスモデル デザイン会社 ビートラックス: ブログ | blog.btrax.com |
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508 | なぜ日本の出生率は韓国より高いだろうか | www.nli-research.co.jp |
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504 | 【ヨッピー】破天荒ライターは何故、結婚したのか?「結婚は雑に。育児は運転と捉えよ」 | ナレソメノート | naresome.net |
488 | 積読を消化する技術 - sasasin’s blog | sasasin.hatenablog.com |
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417 | 横道誠 著『「心のない人」は、どうやって人の心を理解しているか』より。教員に勧めたい。 - 田舎教師ときどき都会教師 | www.countryteacher.tokyo |
415 | マンガの表紙に金が出ない件の話|デンノー忍者|pixivFANBOX | dennou319.fanbox.cc |
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397 | 【お知らせ】「シナモロール」担当デザイナーについて|SanrioTimes | sanriotimes.sanrio.co.jp |
395 | モス「逆まわし開け」解答編(たぶん。でも忘れない) - 小学校笑いぐさ日記 | filinion.hatenablog.com |
387 | バキ童 - 視力 | shi-ryoku.hatenablog.com |
385 | 「財源がない」は本当か~「103万円の壁」引き上げを巡って~ | www.nli-research.co.jp |
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2024年8月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 |
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note.com | 52(3.4%) |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 49(3.2%) |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 36(2.4%) |
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zenn.dev | 22(1.4%) |
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www.asahi.com | 18(1.2%) |
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speakerdeck.com | 16(1.1%) |
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ascii.jp | 11(0.7%) |
shonenjumpplus.com | 10(0.7%) |
newsdig.tbs.co.jp | 10(0.7%) |
automaton-media.com | 10(0.7%) |
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smhn.info | 6(0.4%) |
internet.watch.impress.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
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shueisha.online | 5(0.3%) |
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xtech.nikkei.com | 4(0.3%) |
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www3.nhk.or.jp | 944(5.3%) | news.yahoo.co.jp | 471(2.6%) |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 432(2.4%) | twitter.com | 434(2.4%) |
note.com | 430(2.4%) | www.asahi.com | 344(1.9%) |
www.asahi.com | 426(2.4%) | qiita.com | 300(1.7%) |
mainichi.jp | 354(2.0%) | www.itmedia.co.jp | 299(1.7%) |
zenn.dev | 277(1.6%) | mainichi.jp | 294(1.6%) |
www.nikkei.com | 273(1.5%) | gigazine.net | 262(1.5%) |
qiita.com | 225(1.3%) | zenn.dev | 242(1.4%) |
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dailyportalz.jp | 123(0.7%) | automaton-media.com | 125(0.7%) |
nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 107(0.6%) | president.jp | 121(0.7%) |
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automaton-media.com | 103(0.6%) | shonenjumpplus.com | 117(0.7%) |
www.jiji.com | 102(0.6%) | courrier.jp | 107(0.6%) |
www.publickey1.jp | 88(0.5%) | www.cnn.co.jp | 105(0.6%) |
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forest.watch.impress.co.jp | 85(0.5%) | nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 95(0.5%) |
pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 84(0.5%) | pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 94(0.5%) |
president.jp | 83(0.5%) | www.publickey1.jp | 89(0.5%) |
coliss.com | 74(0.4%) | www.techno-edge.net | 77(0.4%) |
www.bengo4.com | 64(0.4%) | gendai.media | 74(0.4%) |
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blog.livedoor.jp | 45(0.3%) | coliss.com | 56(0.3%) |
jp.reuters.com | 44(0.2%) | xtech.nikkei.com | 53(0.3%) |
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2023年12月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 |
togetter.com | 263(17.4%) |
anond.hatelabo.jp | 200(13.2%) |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 68(4.5%) |
qiita.com | 57(3.8%) |
note.com | 53(3.5%) |
www.asahi.com | 39(2.6%) |
mainichi.jp | 28(1.8%) |
gigazine.net | 28(1.8%) |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 24(1.6%) |
www.sankei.com | 21(1.4%) |
www.yomiuri.co.jp | 20(1.3%) |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 20(1.3%) |
zenn.dev | 19(1.3%) |
www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 16(1.1%) |
nordot.app | 16(1.1%) |
automaton-media.com | 15(1.0%) |
bunshun.jp | 12(0.8%) |
www.cnn.co.jp | 11(0.7%) |
speakerdeck.com | 10(0.7%) |
newsdig.tbs.co.jp | 10(0.7%) |
www.bengo4.com | 9(0.6%) |
pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 9(0.6%) |
www.nikkei.com | 8(0.5%) |
toyokeizai.net | 8(0.5%) |
president.jp | 8(0.5%) |
www.techno-edge.net | 7(0.5%) |
www.jiji.com | 7(0.5%) |
shonenjumpplus.com | 7(0.5%) |
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fujii-yuji.net | 6(0.4%) |
coliss.com | 6(0.4%) |
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sizu.me | 5(0.3%) |
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nazology.net | 5(0.3%) |
internet.watch.impress.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
courrier.jp | 5(0.3%) |
ascii.jp | 5(0.3%) |
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www.lifehacker.jp | 4(0.3%) |
logmi.jp | 4(0.3%) |
k-tai.watch.impress.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
gendai.media | 4(0.3%) |
dailyportalz.jp | 4(0.3%) |
blog.tinect.jp | 4(0.3%) |
blog.livedoor.jp | 4(0.3%) |
2023年11月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 |
togetter.com | 247(16.8%) |
anond.hatelabo.jp | 194(13.2%) |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 57(3.9%) |
note.com | 45(3.1%) |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 37(2.5%) |
www.asahi.com | 35(2.4%) |
www.yomiuri.co.jp | 27(1.8%) |
mainichi.jp | 25(1.7%) |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 20(1.4%) |
zenn.dev | 19(1.3%) |
speakerdeck.com | 19(1.3%) |
www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 18(1.2%) |
www.sankei.com | 18(1.2%) |
www.cnn.co.jp | 17(1.2%) |
president.jp | 17(1.2%) |
dailyportalz.jp | 17(1.2%) |
www.nikkei.com | 16(1.1%) |
gigazine.net | 16(1.1%) |
bunshun.jp | 16(1.1%) |
nordot.app | 15(1.0%) |
qiita.com | 12(0.8%) |
toyokeizai.net | 11(0.7%) |
shonenjumpplus.com | 11(0.7%) |
newsdig.tbs.co.jp | 10(0.7%) |
courrier.jp | 10(0.7%) |
automaton-media.com | 10(0.7%) |
www.publickey1.jp | 9(0.6%) |
www.hotpepper.jp | 9(0.6%) |
news.denfaminicogamer.jp | 8(0.5%) |
logmi.jp | 8(0.5%) |
diamond.jp | 8(0.5%) |
www.jiji.com | 7(0.5%) |
www.oricon.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.bloomberg.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.bbc.com | 6(0.4%) |
www.afpbb.com | 6(0.4%) |
dev.classmethod.jp | 6(0.4%) |
comic-days.com | 6(0.4%) |
blog.tinect.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.newsweekjapan.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.fnn.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.bengo4.com | 5(0.3%) |
shueisha.online | 5(0.3%) |
pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
internet.watch.impress.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
game.watch.impress.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
xtech.nikkei.com | 4(0.3%) |
www.youtube.com | 4(0.3%) |
www.sponichi.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
www.nhk.or.jp | 4(0.3%) |
www.gizmodo.jp | 4(0.3%) |
piyolog.hatenadiary.jp | 4(0.3%) |
nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
news.tv-asahi.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
konifar-zatsu.hatenadiary.jp | 4(0.3%) |
huyukiitoichi.hatenadiary.jp | 4(0.3%) |
forest.watch.impress.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
dain.cocolog-nifty.com | 4(0.3%) |
2023年10月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 |
togetter.com | 248(16.3%) |
anond.hatelabo.jp | 189(12.4%) |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 56(3.7%) |
note.com | 43(2.8%) |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 42(2.8%) |
www.asahi.com | 30(2.0%) |
speakerdeck.com | 29(1.9%) |
mainichi.jp | 28(1.8%) |
qiita.com | 26(1.7%) |
zenn.dev | 23(1.5%) |
www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 22(1.4%) |
gigazine.net | 21(1.4%) |
bunshun.jp | 21(1.4%) |
www.sankei.com | 20(1.3%) |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 20(1.3%) |
www.cnn.co.jp | 16(1.1%) |
dailyportalz.jp | 16(1.1%) |
www.nikkei.com | 13(0.9%) |
president.jp | 13(0.9%) |
newsdig.tbs.co.jp | 13(0.9%) |
pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 11(0.7%) |
toyokeizai.net | 10(0.7%) |
nordot.app | 10(0.7%) |
courrier.jp | 9(0.6%) |
automaton-media.com | 9(0.6%) |
www.sponichi.co.jp | 8(0.5%) |
www.publickey1.jp | 8(0.5%) |
www.hotpepper.jp | 8(0.5%) |
nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 8(0.5%) |
news.denfaminicogamer.jp | 8(0.5%) |
www.watch.impress.co.jp | 7(0.5%) |
www.oricon.co.jp | 7(0.5%) |
www.gizmodo.jp | 7(0.5%) |
shonenjumpplus.com | 7(0.5%) |
news.tv-asahi.co.jp | 7(0.5%) |
natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp | 7(0.5%) |
xtech.nikkei.com | 6(0.4%) |
www.nikkan-gendai.com | 6(0.4%) |
www.fnn.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.dailyshincho.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.bbc.com | 6(0.4%) |
www.afpbb.com | 6(0.4%) |
nazology.net | 6(0.4%) |
logmi.jp | 6(0.4%) |
coliss.com | 6(0.4%) |
www.youtube.com | 5(0.3%) |
www.nhk.or.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.j-cast.com | 5(0.3%) |
www.famitsu.com | 5(0.3%) |
www.bengo4.com | 5(0.3%) |
rocketnews24.com | 5(0.3%) |
gendai.media | 5(0.3%) |
forest.watch.impress.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
forbesjapan.com | 5(0.3%) |
dot.asahi.com | 5(0.3%) |
diamond.jp | 5(0.3%) |
blog.tinect.jp | 5(0.3%) |
2023年9月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 |
togetter.com | 229(15.6%) |
anond.hatelabo.jp | 202(13.7%) |
note.com | 58(3.9%) |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 55(3.7%) |
www.asahi.com | 42(2.9%) |
mainichi.jp | 41(2.8%) |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 31(2.1%) |
speakerdeck.com | 24(1.6%) |
www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 21(1.4%) |
qiita.com | 20(1.4%) |
www.sankei.com | 19(1.3%) |
www.nikkei.com | 19(1.3%) |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 19(1.3%) |
zenn.dev | 16(1.1%) |
bunshun.jp | 16(1.1%) |
dailyportalz.jp | 15(1.0%) |
nordot.app | 14(1.0%) |
gigazine.net | 14(1.0%) |
automaton-media.com | 13(0.9%) |
nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 10(0.7%) |
gendai.media | 10(0.7%) |
www.yomiuri.co.jp | 9(0.6%) |
www.bloomberg.co.jp | 9(0.6%) |
www.sponichi.co.jp | 8(0.5%) |
toyokeizai.net | 8(0.5%) |
www.oricon.co.jp | 7(0.5%) |
president.jp | 7(0.5%) |
pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 7(0.5%) |
news.tv-asahi.co.jp | 7(0.5%) |
diamond.jp | 7(0.5%) |
courrier.jp | 7(0.5%) |
www.jiji.com | 6(0.4%) |
www.bbc.com | 6(0.4%) |
shonenjumpplus.com | 6(0.4%) |
newsdig.tbs.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
dot.asahi.com | 6(0.4%) |
ascii.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.tokyo-sports.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.publickey1.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.fnn.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.dailyshincho.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.chunichi.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.afpbb.com | 5(0.3%) |
studyhacker.net | 5(0.3%) |
pandora11.com | 5(0.3%) |
mond.how | 5(0.3%) |
coliss.com | 5(0.3%) |
biz-journal.jp | 5(0.3%) |
ameblo.jp | 5(0.3%) |
2023年8月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 |
togetter.com | 257(16.9%) |
anond.hatelabo.jp | 238(15.7%) |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 43(2.8%) |
note.com | 35(2.3%) |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 33(2.2%) |
mainichi.jp | 23(1.5%) |
www.yomiuri.co.jp | 20(1.3%) |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 20(1.3%) |
www.asahi.com | 20(1.3%) |
gigazine.net | 19(1.3%) |
zenn.dev | 18(1.2%) |
www.sankei.com | 17(1.1%) |
qiita.com | 16(1.1%) |
bunshun.jp | 16(1.1%) |
www.nikkei.com | 14(0.9%) |
news.denfaminicogamer.jp | 14(0.9%) |
speakerdeck.com | 13(0.9%) |
newsdig.tbs.co.jp | 13(0.9%) |
www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 12(0.8%) |
toyokeizai.net | 12(0.8%) |
www.bbc.com | 11(0.7%) |
president.jp | 11(0.7%) |
pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 10(0.7%) |
dailyportalz.jp | 10(0.7%) |
www.techno-edge.net | 9(0.6%) |
nordot.app | 9(0.6%) |
www.cnn.co.jp | 8(0.5%) |
nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 8(0.5%) |
gendai.media | 8(0.5%) |
automaton-media.com | 8(0.5%) |
shonenjumpplus.com | 7(0.5%) |
logmi.jp | 7(0.5%) |
blog.tinect.jp | 7(0.5%) |
www.publickey1.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.oricon.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.jiji.com | 6(0.4%) |
www.hotpepper.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.bengo4.com | 6(0.4%) |
smart-flash.jp | 6(0.4%) |
omocoro.jp | 6(0.4%) |
news.tv-asahi.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.j-cast.com | 5(0.3%) |
shueisha.online | 5(0.3%) |
news.livedoor.com | 5(0.3%) |
kaden.watch.impress.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
jp.reuters.com | 5(0.3%) |
huyukiitoichi.hatenadiary.jp | 5(0.3%) |
forest.watch.impress.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
diamond.jp | 5(0.3%) |
courrier.jp | 5(0.3%) |
blog.shibayu36.org | 5(0.3%) |
2023年7月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 |
anond.hatelabo.jp | 257(16.9%) |
togetter.com | 224(14.7%) |
note.com | 44(2.9%) |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 38(2.5%) |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 36(2.4%) |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 28(1.8%) |
www.asahi.com | 27(1.8%) |
qiita.com | 24(1.6%) |
toyokeizai.net | 20(1.3%) |
mainichi.jp | 19(1.3%) |
bunshun.jp | 19(1.3%) |
gigazine.net | 17(1.1%) |
www.yomiuri.co.jp | 16(1.1%) |
speakerdeck.com | 16(1.1%) |
nordot.app | 16(1.1%) |
www.sankei.com | 14(0.9%) |
automaton-media.com | 14(0.9%) |
zenn.dev | 13(0.9%) |
shonenjumpplus.com | 13(0.9%) |
www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 12(0.8%) |
www.techno-edge.net | 12(0.8%) |
www.nikkei.com | 12(0.8%) |
dailyportalz.jp | 12(0.8%) |
courrier.jp | 12(0.8%) |
www.publickey1.jp | 11(0.7%) |
nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 11(0.7%) |
newsdig.tbs.co.jp | 10(0.7%) |
www.cnn.co.jp | 9(0.6%) |
somethingorange.jp | 8(0.5%) |
diamond.jp | 8(0.5%) |
ascii.jp | 8(0.5%) |
smart-flash.jp | 7(0.5%) |
nazology.net | 7(0.5%) |
www.oricon.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.gizmodo.jp | 6(0.4%) |
president.jp | 6(0.4%) |
pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.watch.impress.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.nikkan-gendai.com | 5(0.3%) |
www.famitsu.com | 5(0.3%) |
www.bengo4.com | 5(0.3%) |
www.afpbb.com | 5(0.3%) |
suumo.jp | 5(0.3%) |
karapaia.com | 5(0.3%) |
gendai.media | 5(0.3%) |
forest.watch.impress.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
blog.tinect.jp | 5(0.3%) |
xtech.nikkei.com | 4(0.3%) |
www.tokyo-sports.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
www.moneypost.jp | 4(0.3%) |
www.hotpepper.jp | 4(0.3%) |
www.businessinsider.jp | 4(0.3%) |
www.4gamer.net | 4(0.3%) |
shueisha.online | 4(0.3%) |
prtimes.jp | 4(0.3%) |
piyolog.hatenadiary.jp | 4(0.3%) |
p-shirokuma.hatenadiary.com | 4(0.3%) |
news.tv-asahi.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
news.mynavi.jp | 4(0.3%) |
news.denfaminicogamer.jp | 4(0.3%) |
natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
mond.how | 4(0.3%) |
logmi.jp | 4(0.3%) |
kyoko-np.net | 4(0.3%) |
game.watch.impress.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
dev.classmethod.jp | 4(0.3%) |
comic-days.com | 4(0.3%) |
av.watch.impress.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
2023年6月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 |
anond.hatelabo.jp | 237(16.1%) |
togetter.com | 177(12.0%) |
note.com | 71(4.8%) |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 43(2.9%) |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 38(2.6%) |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 29(2.0%) |
qiita.com | 28(1.9%) |
gigazine.net | 28(1.9%) |
www.asahi.com | 25(1.7%) |
mainichi.jp | 23(1.6%) |
www.yomiuri.co.jp | 21(1.4%) |
speakerdeck.com | 21(1.4%) |
zenn.dev | 15(1.0%) |
www.sankei.com | 15(1.0%) |
nordot.app | 15(1.0%) |
www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 14(1.0%) |
toyokeizai.net | 14(1.0%) |
dailyportalz.jp | 14(1.0%) |
bunshun.jp | 11(0.7%) |
pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 10(0.7%) |
xtech.nikkei.com | 9(0.6%) |
www.nikkei.com | 9(0.6%) |
www.bbc.com | 9(0.6%) |
shonenjumpplus.com | 9(0.6%) |
internet.watch.impress.co.jp | 9(0.6%) |
automaton-media.com | 9(0.6%) |
ascii.jp | 9(0.6%) |
rocketnews24.com | 8(0.5%) |
news.denfaminicogamer.jp | 8(0.5%) |
www.publickey1.jp | 7(0.5%) |
www.cnn.co.jp | 7(0.5%) |
forest.watch.impress.co.jp | 7(0.5%) |
courrier.jp | 7(0.5%) |
comic-days.com | 7(0.5%) |
coliss.com | 7(0.5%) |
www.dailyshincho.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.bengo4.com | 6(0.4%) |
www.afpbb.com | 6(0.4%) |
nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
febri.jp | 6(0.4%) |
bunkaonline.jp | 6(0.4%) |
blog.tinect.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.youtube.com | 5(0.3%) |
www.techno-edge.net | 5(0.3%) |
www.oricon.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.nhk.or.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.fnn.jp | 5(0.3%) |
president.jp | 5(0.3%) |
diamond.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.watch.impress.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
www.lifehacker.jp | 4(0.3%) |
www.hotpepper.jp | 4(0.3%) |
suumo.jp | 4(0.3%) |
news.ntv.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
logmi.jp | 4(0.3%) |
2023年5月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 |
anond.hatelabo.jp | 220(14.5%) |
togetter.com | 185(12.2%) |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 66(4.3%) |
note.com | 60(3.9%) |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 58(3.8%) |
zenn.dev | 28(1.8%) |
www.asahi.com | 28(1.8%) |
qiita.com | 24(1.6%) |
gigazine.net | 22(1.4%) |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 21(1.4%) |
mainichi.jp | 20(1.3%) |
bunshun.jp | 19(1.3%) |
automaton-media.com | 19(1.3%) |
speakerdeck.com | 17(1.1%) |
president.jp | 17(1.1%) |
twitter.com | 15(1.0%) |
nordot.app | 15(1.0%) |
www.nikkei.com | 12(0.8%) |
toyokeizai.net | 12(0.8%) |
shonenjumpplus.com | 11(0.7%) |
nazology.net | 11(0.7%) |
dailyportalz.jp | 11(0.7%) |
www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 10(0.7%) |
www.publickey1.jp | 10(0.7%) |
pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 10(0.7%) |
www.cnn.co.jp | 9(0.6%) |
www.bengo4.com | 9(0.6%) |
nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 9(0.6%) |
xtech.nikkei.com | 8(0.5%) |
www.sankei.com | 8(0.5%) |
courrier.jp | 8(0.5%) |
diamond.jp | 7(0.5%) |
www.famitsu.com | 6(0.4%) |
www.afpbb.com | 6(0.4%) |
newsdig.tbs.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
logmi.jp | 6(0.4%) |
jp.reuters.com | 6(0.4%) |
forest.watch.impress.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.j-cast.com | 5(0.3%) |
www.huffingtonpost.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.hotpepper.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.bloomberg.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.bbc.com | 5(0.3%) |
www.4gamer.net | 5(0.3%) |
omocoro.jp | 5(0.3%) |
natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
getnews.jp | 5(0.3%) |
amass.jp | 5(0.3%) |
2023年4月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 |
anond.hatelabo.jp | 209(14.3%) |
togetter.com | 173(11.8%) |
note.com | 52(3.6%) |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 41(2.8%) |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 39(2.7%) |
twitter.com | 33(2.3%) |
zenn.dev | 24(1.6%) |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 24(1.6%) |
www.asahi.com | 23(1.6%) |
qiita.com | 22(1.5%) |
www.sankei.com | 21(1.4%) |
gigazine.net | 19(1.3%) |
speakerdeck.com | 18(1.2%) |
mainichi.jp | 18(1.2%) |
courrier.jp | 15(1.0%) |
www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 14(1.0%) |
www.nikkei.com | 14(1.0%) |
toyokeizai.net | 12(0.8%) |
dailyportalz.jp | 12(0.8%) |
www.nhk.or.jp | 11(0.8%) |
nordot.app | 11(0.8%) |
nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 11(0.8%) |
bunshun.jp | 11(0.8%) |
newsdig.tbs.co.jp | 10(0.7%) |
blog.tinect.jp | 10(0.7%) |
automaton-media.com | 10(0.7%) |
www.publickey1.jp | 9(0.6%) |
president.jp | 9(0.6%) |
xtech.nikkei.com | 8(0.5%) |
www.techno-edge.net | 8(0.5%) |
www.gizmodo.jp | 8(0.5%) |
shonenjumpplus.com | 8(0.5%) |
diamond.jp | 8(0.5%) |
www.jprime.jp | 7(0.5%) |
www.watch.impress.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.fnn.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.afpbb.com | 6(0.4%) |
shueisha.online | 6(0.4%) |
nazology.net | 6(0.4%) |
logmi.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.youtube.com | 5(0.3%) |
www.newsweekjapan.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.hotpepper.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.famitsu.com | 5(0.3%) |
www.cnn.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.bloomberg.co.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.bengo4.com | 5(0.3%) |
www.4gamer.net | 5(0.3%) |
saasis.jp | 5(0.3%) |
nikkan-spa.jp | 5(0.3%) |
gendai.media | 5(0.3%) |
coliss.com | 5(0.3%) |
ascii.jp | 5(0.3%) |
2023年3月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 |
anond.hatelabo.jp | 168(11.1%) |
togetter.com | 151(9.9%) |
twitter.com | 105(6.9%) |
note.com | 68(4.5%) |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 39(2.6%) |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 30(2.0%) |
www.asahi.com | 28(1.8%) |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 28(1.8%) |
qiita.com | 27(1.8%) |
gigazine.net | 27(1.8%) |
mainichi.jp | 25(1.6%) |
zenn.dev | 24(1.6%) |
www.nikkei.com | 22(1.4%) |
nordot.app | 18(1.2%) |
gendai.media | 17(1.1%) |
bunshun.jp | 16(1.1%) |
speakerdeck.com | 15(1.0%) |
shonenjumpplus.com | 15(1.0%) |
www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 14(0.9%) |
www.sankei.com | 13(0.9%) |
president.jp | 12(0.8%) |
newsdig.tbs.co.jp | 12(0.8%) |
dev.classmethod.jp | 12(0.8%) |
dailyportalz.jp | 12(0.8%) |
pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 11(0.7%) |
nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 11(0.7%) |
www.cnn.co.jp | 10(0.7%) |
www.jiji.com | 9(0.6%) |
nazology.net | 9(0.6%) |
courrier.jp | 9(0.6%) |
www.j-cast.com | 8(0.5%) |
www.techno-edge.net | 7(0.5%) |
www.bengo4.com | 7(0.5%) |
rocketnews24.com | 7(0.5%) |
blog.tinect.jp | 7(0.5%) |
www.watch.impress.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.nikkansports.com | 6(0.4%) |
www.gizmodo.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.fnn.jp | 6(0.4%) |
www.bbc.com | 6(0.4%) |
omocoro.jp | 6(0.4%) |
news.denfaminicogamer.jp | 6(0.4%) |
automaton-media.com | 6(0.4%) |
www.publickey1.jp | 5(0.3%) |
www.hotpepper.jp | 5(0.3%) |
toyokeizai.net | 5(0.3%) |
logmi.jp | 5(0.3%) |
comic-days.com | 5(0.3%) |
www.sponichi.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
www.nhk.or.jp | 4(0.3%) |
www.newsweekjapan.jp | 4(0.3%) |
www.huffingtonpost.jp | 4(0.3%) |
pandora11.com | 4(0.3%) |
openai.com | 4(0.3%) |
natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
k-tai.watch.impress.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
jp.reuters.com | 4(0.3%) |
internet.watch.impress.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
huyukiitoichi.hatenadiary.jp | 4(0.3%) |
forest.watch.impress.co.jp | 4(0.3%) |
coliss.com | 4(0.3%) |
chatgpt-lab.com | 4(0.3%) |
2022年12月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 | 2023年1月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 | 2023年2月 | 人気エントリー入り回数 |
anond.hatelabo.jp | 227(15.0%) | anond.hatelabo.jp | 248(16.5%) | anond.hatelabo.jp | 173(12.6%) |
togetter.com | 214(14.1%) | togetter.com | 244(16.2%) | twitter.com | 151(11.0%) |
twitter.com | 130(8.6%) | twitter.com | 129(8.6%) | togetter.com | 143(10.4%) |
note.com | 53(3.5%) | news.yahoo.co.jp | 62(4.1%) | www3.nhk.or.jp | 45(3.3%) |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 52(3.4%) | note.com | 53(3.5%) | news.yahoo.co.jp | 41(3.0%) |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 49(3.2%) | www3.nhk.or.jp | 43(2.9%) | note.com | 40(2.9%) |
qiita.com | 43(2.8%) | www.itmedia.co.jp | 35(2.3%) | www.itmedia.co.jp | 33(2.4%) |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 41(2.7%) | zenn.dev | 25(1.7%) | gigazine.net | 26(1.9%) |
www.asahi.com | 30(2.0%) | gigazine.net | 25(1.7%) | www.asahi.com | 23(1.7%) |
gigazine.net | 24(1.6%) | www.asahi.com | 24(1.6%) | qiita.com | 23(1.7%) |
www.nikkei.com | 23(1.5%) | www.nikkei.com | 22(1.5%) | mainichi.jp | 22(1.6%) |
mainichi.jp | 22(1.5%) | mainichi.jp | 22(1.5%) | zenn.dev | 18(1.3%) |
zenn.dev | 20(1.3%) | qiita.com | 21(1.4%) | speakerdeck.com | 14(1.0%) |
shonenjumpplus.com | 14(0.9%) | dailyportalz.jp | 19(1.3%) | www.sankei.com | 13(0.9%) |
nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 14(0.9%) | www.sankei.com | 16(1.1%) | toyokeizai.net | 13(0.9%) |
nordot.app | 12(0.8%) | speakerdeck.com | 15(1.0%) | shonenjumpplus.com | 13(0.9%) |
bunshun.jp | 10(0.7%) | nordot.app | 13(0.9%) | www.nikkei.com | 12(0.9%) |
www.afpbb.com | 8(0.5%) | www.techno-edge.net | 10(0.7%) | nordot.app | 12(0.9%) |
pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 8(0.5%) | www.publickey1.jp | 10(0.7%) | courrier.jp | 12(0.9%) |
www.bbc.com | 7(0.5%) | shonenjumpplus.com | 10(0.7%) | dailyportalz.jp | 11(0.8%) |
toyokeizai.net | 7(0.5%) | bunshun.jp | 10(0.7%) | bunshun.jp | 10(0.7%) |
dailyportalz.jp | 7(0.5%) | president.jp | 9(0.6%) | gendai.media | 8(0.6%) |
av.watch.impress.co.jp | 7(0.5%) | www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 8(0.5%) | www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 7(0.5%) |
www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 6(0.4%) | courrier.jp | 8(0.5%) | www.techno-edge.net | 7(0.5%) |
www.publickey1.jp | 6(0.4%) | toyokeizai.net | 7(0.5%) | www.nhk.or.jp | 7(0.5%) |
www.cnn.co.jp | 6(0.4%) | automaton-media.com | 7(0.5%) | www.fnn.jp | 7(0.5%) |
speakerdeck.com | 6(0.4%) | www.watch.impress.co.jp | 6(0.4%) | president.jp | 7(0.5%) |
automaton-media.com | 6(0.4%) | www.jiji.com | 6(0.4%) | kaigainohannoublog.blog55.fc2.com | 7(0.5%) |
www.techno-edge.net | 5(0.3%) | pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 6(0.4%) | forest.watch.impress.co.jp | 7(0.5%) |
www.sankei.com | 5(0.3%) | nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 6(0.4%) | coliss.com | 7(0.5%) |
www.jiji.com | 5(0.3%) | kaigainohannoublog.blog55.fc2.com | 6(0.4%) | blog.tinect.jp | 7(0.5%) |
www.gizmodo.jp | 5(0.3%) | forest.watch.impress.co.jp | 6(0.4%) | www.hotpepper.jp | 6(0.4%) |
president.jp | 5(0.3%) | www.sponichi.co.jp | 5(0.3%) | pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
news.denfaminicogamer.jp | 5(0.3%) | www.buzzfeed.com | 5(0.3%) | nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
medium.com | 5(0.3%) | rocketnews24.com | 5(0.3%) | newsdig.tbs.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
internet.watch.impress.co.jp | 5(0.3%) | huyukiitoichi.hatenadiary.jp | 5(0.3%) | nazology.net | 6(0.4%) |
gendai.media | 5(0.3%) | coliss.com | 5(0.3%) | natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp | 6(0.4%) |
courrier.jp | 5(0.3%) | blog.tinect.jp | 5(0.3%) | natalie.mu | 6(0.4%) |
blog.tinect.jp | 5(0.3%) | www.j-cast.com | 4(0.3%) | www.highriskrevolution.com | 5(0.4%) |
www.sponichi.co.jp | 4(0.3%) | www.cnn.co.jp | 4(0.3%) | www.e-aidem.com | 5(0.4%) |
www.j-cast.com | 4(0.3%) | piyolog.hatenadiary.jp | 4(0.3%) | www.cnn.co.jp | 5(0.4%) |
www.hotpepper.jp | 4(0.3%) | internet.watch.impress.co.jp | 4(0.3%) | www.bloomberg.co.jp | 5(0.4%) |
www.bloomberg.co.jp | 4(0.3%) | av.watch.impress.co.jp | 4(0.3%) | www.4gamer.net | 5(0.4%) |
rocketnews24.com | 4(0.3%) | ascii.jp | 4(0.3%) | automaton-media.com | 5(0.4%) |
kyoko-np.net | 4(0.3%) | www.sponichi.co.jp | 4(0.3%) | ||
fujii-yuji.net | 4(0.3%) | www.publickey1.jp | 4(0.3%) | ||
forest.watch.impress.co.jp | 4(0.3%) | www.oricon.co.jp | 4(0.3%) | ||
engineers.ntt.com | 4(0.3%) | www.ms-ins.com | 4(0.3%) | ||
developers.freee.co.jp | 4(0.3%) | www.j-cast.com | 4(0.3%) | ||
coliss.com | 4(0.3%) | www.bbc.com | 4(0.3%) | ||
smart-flash.jp | 4(0.3%) | ||||
shueisha.online | 4(0.3%) | ||||
news.denfaminicogamer.jp | 4(0.3%) | ||||
dot.asahi.com | 4(0.3%) | ||||
blog.livedoor.jp | 4(0.3%) |
被ブクマサイトのドメイン | リテラ左翼総ブクマ数 | 総ブクマ数 | ユーザー全体と比べた多寡 |
www.nikkan-gendai.com | 1,902 | 5,646 | +66% |
www.jcp.or.jp | 691 | 2,082 | +64% |
www.okinawatimes.co.jp | 830 | 2,546 | +61% |
+60%の壁 | |||
www.afpbb.com | 7,851 | 24,737 | +57% |
friday.kodansha.co.jp | 857 | 2,714 | +56% |
www.cnn.co.jp | 5,162 | 16,355 | +56% |
www.jiji.com | 7,190 | 23,107 | +54% |
smart-flash.jp | 1,449 | 4,724 | +51% |
www.tokyo-np.co.jp | 10,344 | 34,686 | +47% |
www.news-postseven.com | 1,523 | 5,140 | +46% |
www.asahi.com | 26,298 | 88,922 | +46% |
mainichi.jp | 23,941 | 82,912 | +43% |
nordot.app | 12,808 | 44,997 | +41% |
+40%の壁 | |||
www.sankei.com | 6,567 | 23,281 | +39% |
www.newsweekjapan.jp | 1,023 | 3,631 | +39% |
jp.reuters.com | 2,817 | 10,022 | +39% |
www.dailyshincho.jp | 1,943 | 6,986 | +37% |
www.tokyo-sports.co.jp | 1,854 | 6,675 | +37% |
www.bbc.com | 4,814 | 17,407 | +37% |
www.bloomberg.co.jp | 1,602 | 5,807 | +36% |
www.bengo4.com | 4,762 | 17,511 | +34% |
www.buzzfeed.com | 2,452 | 9,029 | +34% |
gendai.ismedia.jp | 3,010 | 11,214 | +33% |
bunshun.jp | 11,182 | 42,214 | +31% |
newsdig.tbs.co.jp | 3,714 | 14,076 | +30% |
twitter.com | 88,678 | 340,805 | +29% |
gendai.media | 2,213 | 8,564 | +28% |
www3.nhk.or.jp | 55,968 | 218,726 | +26% |
www.sponichi.co.jp | 1,195 | 4,707 | +25% |
courrier.jp | 8,101 | 31,934 | +25% |
www.nikkei.com | 15,512 | 61,546 | +24% |
kabumatome.doorblog.jp | 2,569 | 10,225 | +24% |
news.yahoo.co.jp | 56,214 | 227,540 | +22% |
www.fnn.jp | 3,581 | 14,537 | +22% |
news.tv-asahi.co.jp | 2,428 | 9,893 | +21% |
dot.asahi.com | 1,769 | 7,212 | +21% |
+20%の壁 | |||
diamond.jp | 1,684 | 7,022 | +18% |
www.huffingtonpost.jp | 2,769 | 11,809 | +16% |
www.j-cast.com | 2,513 | 10,954 | +13% |
toyokeizai.net | 3,830 | 17,015 | +11% |
shueisha.online | 1,012 | 4,561 | +10% |
president.jp | 4,797 | 21,754 | +9% |
www.nhk.jp | 1,030 | 4,931 | +3% |
www.gizmodo.jp | 1,398 | 6,737 | +2% |
togetter.com | 153,338 | 740,424 | +2% |
blog.livedoor.jp | 2,199 | 10,671 | +2% |
ameblo.jp | 1,286 | 6,314 | +1% |
0%の壁 | |||
nlab.itmedia.co.jp | 5,224 | 26,081 | -1% |
www.nhk.or.jp | 1,289 | 6,577 | -3% |
www.youtube.com | 1,082 | 5,553 | -4% |
www.watch.impress.co.jp | 1,147 | 5,939 | -5% |
xtech.nikkei.com | 1,704 | 8,922 | -6% |
www.itmedia.co.jp | 18,538 | 97,682 | -6% |
www.techno-edge.net | 1,018 | 5,366 | -6% |
gigazine.net | 9,043 | 47,748 | -6% |
anond.hatelabo.jp | 112,092 | 601,340 | -8% |
k-tai.watch.impress.co.jp | 1,164 | 6,357 | -10% |
automaton-media.com | 3,766 | 21,186 | -12% |
av.watch.impress.co.jp | 2,160 | 12,381 | -14% |
rocketnews24.com | 1,217 | 7,350 | -18% |
pc.watch.impress.co.jp | 3,226 | 19,560 | -19% |
-20%の壁 | |||
dailyportalz.jp | 4,804 | 30,064 | -21% |
shonenjumpplus.com | 5,221 | 32,825 | -21% |
internet.watch.impress.co.jp | 1,498 | 9,567 | -23% |
news.denfaminicogamer.jp | 1,630 | 10,572 | -24% |
note.com | 22,931 | 156,115 | -27% |
blog.tinect.jp | 2,862 | 20,467 | -31% |
forest.watch.impress.co.jp | 2,820 | 21,470 | -35% |
-40%の壁 | |||
www.hotpepper.jp | 1,554 | 12,720 | -40% |
honeshabri.hatenablog.com | 1,249 | 10,452 | -41% |
www.publickey1.jp | 2,362 | 21,837 | -47% |
logmi.jp | 1,387 | 13,099 | -48% |
-60%の壁 | |||
coliss.com | 1,290 | 16,082 | -60% |
qiita.com | 4,707 | 63,600 | -63% |
zenn.dev | 4,993 | 69,474 | -65% |
speakerdeck.com | 2,379 | 37,816 | -69% |