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Tishua Astrea (ティシュア・アストレア) was the mother of Theresia van Astrea and the wife of Veltol Astrea.
Tishua had flax-colored hair and a slim face. Despite her age, she was a youthful and spirited beauty.
A comely and sharp-minded woman who had something of a mischievous streak, especially when it came to interacting with her husband, in which she was often seen teasing Veltol's habits, such as his over-protective nature and general floppish behavior. Although most of time she sided with her daughter when Veltol and Theresia argued, particularly when Wilhelm was involved, Tishua was still very supportive of her husband.
During the post-war, she helped Theresia set up her marriage and honeymoon, mainly by often keeping her husband out of the way in crucial moments.