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Re:Zero Wiki

Gionis Lugunica (ジオニス・ルグニカ) was the 40th King of Lugunica. He was succeeded by Randohal Lugunica.

Debuting in Ex 2, Gionis played a passive but important role, influencing and kickstarting many events in Ex 2, Ex 3, and Sword Demon Battle Ballad.


Gionis had glistering red eyes and moderately short gold hair. He was described to have a cheerful look to his face, and quite a relaxed demeanor. 


Gionis was a generous and compassionate figure who was beloved by his people. This could be best seen in the handing of Wilhelm's transgression in the end of Sword Saint Ceremony by overlooking them because he was highly moved by the affection he had seen. He was known to not have much of a mind for military affairs but he was nonetheless a decisive person who did not shy from action to safeguard his Kingdom.


Gionis ruled the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica during the Demi-Human War, commanding the Royal Army who was trying to suppress the Demi-Human uprising, though it's not stated what exactly he did during those days.

In the year following the end of the War, Gionis continued to rule the now-united nation. Roughly two months after the end of the conflict, he hosted the Sword Saint Ceremony for Theresia van Astrea, in return for all she had done for the Kingdom in the last two years of the war.

In the post-war period, Gionis had shown such strong support for Wilhelm and Theresia's relationship that he and a young Miklotov McMahon hatched a plot that would allow Theresia to retire as the Sword Saint and allow Wilhelm to assume her place as the Kingdom's strongest fighter. This was to be carried out by having Wilhelm defeat the Kingdom's most elite military squad, the Zelgeff Squadron, numbering in 40 expertly trained and battle hardened soldiers, simultaneously with Gionis as his wittiness to prove that the Sword Demon's victory over the Sword Saint wasn't just a fluke. Although Wilhelm managed to accomplish what he was tasked with, it later turned out to be mostly unnecessary. When the wedding was held he attended it in secret to affirm his approval.

During the months of Stride Vollachia's devastating rampages across the entire Kingdom, Gionis desperately tried to put an end to the seemingly endless damage caused by him. It was only after Stride had unleashed Valgren onto one of the Five Great Cities of the Kingdom, Picoutatte, in hopes of toppling the entire nation, that Gionis was finally able to make contact with the Divine Dragon itself, summoning it to the devastated city and ending the nightmare once and for all.


  • It is unknown when Gionis was succeeded by his son, Randohal Lugunica. He was around 40 years old during the events of Ex 3 and Sword Demon Battle Ballad, and he could have ruled for a maximum of 24 more years until he either died or abdicated himself.

