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2020 was meant to be a year of celebration for Beethoven who was baptized 250 years ago (his exact date of birth is unknown) in Bonn on December 17, 1770. COVID-19 prompted the cancelation of commemorative concerts of Beethoven’s music, but the pandemic didn’t quell efforts by anti-White activists to attack the composer’s reputation and... Read More
It’s one of those quintessential journeys that make people dream: Istanbul-Tehran-Islamabad by train. Let’s call it ITI. Soon, in early 2021, ITI will become a reality. But, initially, just as a freight train. The deal was recently sealed at the 10th meeting of the transport and communication ministers of ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization) in Istanbul.... Read More
One of the most perplexing narratives presented during the waning days of the administration of President Donald J. Trump is his apparent disengagement from dealing seriously or providing leadership regarding the surging Coronavirus while at the same time continuing an activist foreign policy that in no way benefits any American. Ironically, the new administration of... Read More
With the near-universal demonization of the Third Reich, historians have developed a blind spot for the genesis of German anti-Semitism. Michael Kellogg, in his 2005 work The Russian Roots of Nazism, sheds a sharp light on this topic and points our attention eastward. He reveals how the post-World War I atrocities of the Soviet Union... Read More
The focus of the worldwide public’s attention on masks, lockdowns, infection rates, and vaccines serves to prevent any investigation of Covid’s origin. Did a disease of bats or some other creature mutate so that humans became susceptible? If so, why was research on how to make pathogens more infectious going on at the University of... Read More
I've been mostly preoccupied with various things, but here are a couple of recent podcasts I had done in the wake of the election that I should have highlighted much earlier. First, here's a very long two and a half hour discussion I had in November with Danish Nationalist Fróði Midjord on his Guide to... Read More
It sure looks like Biden will take over the White House one way or another, and while Trump and his supporters might still try a few things, the political correlation of forces inside the US ruling classes is clearly against Trump. As for the “deplorables†- they have been neutralized by stealing the election. Which... Read More
Last night, President Trump signed a $2.3 trillion spending package that combined COVID-19 relief with funding to keep the government running. Earlier that day, President Trump had reposted the speech in which he warned Congress to “increase payments to the people, get rid of the ‘pork.’†He folded hours later. This is a pattern. In... Read More
2021, the centennial of Mao’s founding of the Communist Party, was long planned to be a breakout year. When the Party took power in 1949, China was the poorest country on earth, which makes these achievements the more remarkable: GDP will expand by 10%. Western experts predict 8% and, since their predictions are always low,... Read More
One can have two approaches to viewing the world; if one is a materialist, he believes that the world, our world, was a consequence of natural processes, and that it is governed by the success of those, both animals and men, who are “dominant†and that any considerations of a higher nature, of spirituality, of... Read More
The resistance to the apparent election of Joe Biden as President of the United States is continuing to play out. Current President Donald Trump is continuing to fight against the presumed results of the November national election with his final card appearing to be a vote in Congress when it reconvenes on January 6th to... Read More
Who could have predicted how dreadful a year 2020 would be. By this New Year's Eve, 19 million to 20 million Americans will have contracted a deadly virus in a pandemic that exploded out of China to carry off 333,000 Americans, one of every 1,000 of us. As 2021 begins, Americans will be dying at... Read More
National Justice recently had the opportunity to interview the American Defense Skinheads (ADS), a group of musicians based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania who are keeping the spirit of white rock alive. In contrast to media perceptions of skinheads, ADS members are patriotic family men focused on creating dissident art, work physically demanding jobs, and are model... Read More
Catholic & Identitarian: From Protest to Reconquest Julien Langella Arktos, 2020. For better or worse, I’m fairly certain there hasn’t been a Catholic in my family tree since the Reformation, and I remain unsure about a strict definition of “Identitarianism.†It was with an ambivalent but open mind, then, that I recently read Julien Langella’s... Read More
The Nashville bombing raises questions about the Oklahoma City bombing. In 1995 the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was blown up. Allegedly, the building was destroyed by a fertilizer bomb in a Ryder rental truck parked on the street. The Murrah building had massive reinforced concrete columns, some being 2 feet by 3 feet... Read More
170 days of racial terrorism struck the White residents of San Francisco from October 20, 1973 until April 16, 1974. Known as the Zebra murders or Zebra killings, four Black men—Jessie Lee Cooks, Larry Craig Green, Manuel Moore, and J.C.X. Simon murdered 15 Whites. 13 victims were shot to death, while the killers hacked the... Read More
Ingmar Bergman’s Fanny and Alexander (1982) is one of his finest works. Fanny and Alexander runs 312 minutes—more than five hours. Bergman cut it down to a 188-minute version for theatrical release. The full version was shown as a miniseries on Swedish television but was also released in theaters, making it one of the longest... Read More
Last week Congress passed a massive coronavirus relief and omnibus spending bill. President Trump threatened to veto the bill, saying he wants an increase in the amount for “stimulus†checks authorized by the bill from 600 dollars to 2,000 dollars. The checks are designed to help those harmed by the lockdowns. President Trump also demanded... Read More
The year 2020 has seen signification changes and further centralization of power in the European Union. There appear to be three major causes for this: British withdrawal from the EU which occurred on February 1, 2020. The coronavirus crisis, whose lockdowns have inflicted tremendous damage on the European economy, particularly in southern Europe, annihilating in... Read More
Fear is at a high point in Britain at the moment and with very good reason. There is much to be frightened of as it turns out that Covid-19 has been quicker to learn from experience than bumbling Boris Johnson and his third-eleven team during a calamitous year in which they have zig-zagged between panic... Read More
Following a summer of violence that inflicted billions of dollars in property damage and led to 25 deaths, the FBI has finally come up with a response for one of the worst intelligence failures in history: the violent riots that simultaneously engulfed the major cities in America were "random" and have no organizational culprit. This... Read More
As the Trump administration winds down, the growing movement calling for a pardon of physically ill incarcerated Australian journalist Julian Assange has been snubbed once again in favor of thugs and fraudsters connected to the Chabad-Lubavitch sect. The latest clemency proposal granted to the Aleph Institute, which is controlled by members of Chabad-Lubavitch, is Philip... Read More
[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through VDARE.com] Earlier by Steve Sailer: Biden Vows To Rip Out Roots Of Systemic Racism, i.e. Seize The Equity In Your Home You have surely heard the phrase "Systemic Racism" recently. What is it, though? A friend has directed my attention to a speech by Derrick... Read More
St Petersburg, the Tsars’ seat and still the most civilised city, the culture capital of Russia, enjoys its wonderful Yuletide. Fluffy snow had covered the streets, decorated hills and seashore, softened the air, and turned this fascinating city into a fairy winter tale. Christmas trees adorn the city squares and private dwellings. The magnificent imperial... Read More
Revisiting Theodore W. Adorno’s work on the ‘authoritarian personality’ and the ‘F Scale’ reveals that in 2020, it is actually liberals, progressives and the so called ‘Left’ that manifest 8 out of the 9 most problematic, antidemocratic and authoritarian attitudes. The theory of an authoritarian personality was introduced in the 1930s in an attempt to... Read More
It’s cold yet sunny on this Christmas morning. Standing outside, I’m surrounded by a squadron of winged insects. Dots of light, they hover and meander in air tirelessly. Like drunk pinballs, they jerk, dance and bounce down invisible grooves, and around unseen obstacles. No, they’re more like ponderous thoughts. (Your jumped-up synapses are but flying... Read More
What will it take for most white people to wake up to the growing threat of dispossession in our homelands? It is a central question facing our movement. Some answers to that question can be found in a series of first-person accounts written for American Renaissance (organized here by perspective and available here in book... Read More
Primo Levi, Italian author of If this is a man (1947) — “a pillar of Holocaust literature†according to Wikipedia —, wrote a short fictional story titled “un testamentoâ€, consisting of the last recommendation of a member of the guild of the “tooth-pullers†to his son. Its ends with these words: There is no literary... Read More
The raging argument on the left between progressives who argue for radical change and centrists who advocate for incrementalism is hardly new. Nearly a century ago, progressive titan and Wisconsin Gov. Robert La Follette and then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt were often at loggerheads over the same question. Roosevelt, La Follette complained, was too quick to... Read More
With the hindsight offered by ninety-nine years, it is obvious that the outbreak of the World War I marked not merely the beginning of the most destructive war in history up to that time, but a fundamental civilizational watershed. While the fighting was going on, nearly all participants assumed they had been forced into the... Read More
I do not know how many times since 1210 there have been interruptions in the village celebration of Christmas. Few, I would imagine. The present church was built on or near a previous one, and not completed till 1230. There are records a former Lord of the Manor collected and placed in a filing cabinet,... Read More
Allied with landlords and monopolists, the finance sector is extracting economic rents from the economy that’s impoverishing US government, industry and labor says Michael Hudson discussing the chokehold of pro-finance, pro-rentier capitalism reaching into the present COVID-19 crisis. TRANSCRIPT LYNN FRIES: Hello and welcome. I’m Lynn Fries producer of Global Political Economy or GPEnewsdocs. I... Read More
When it comes to sowing – and profiting – from division, Erdogan’s Turkey is quite the superstar. Under the delightfully named Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), the Trump administration duly slapped sanctions on Ankara for daring to buy Russian S-400 surface-to-air missile defence systems. The sanctions focused on Turkey’s defence procurement agency, the... Read More
It may have been President Bill Clinton who once justified his wrecking of the Balkans by observing that liberal interventionism to bring about regime change is a good thing because “Democracies don’t start wars with other democracies.†Or it might have been George W. Bush talking about Iraq or even Barack Obama justifying his destruction... Read More
Thank you for your support in 2020. Although you have kept me working yet another year, I find it encouraging that there are still some Americans who can think independently and who want to know. As Margaret Mead said, it only takes a few determined people to change the world. Perhaps some of you will... Read More
A dozen years ago I wrote two essays showing that the War on Christmas in recent times has in fact been conducted by Jews out of their historic hatred of Christ, Christians, and European Whites. Recently, I was a guest on Guide to Kultur, hosted by Frodi Midjord, and we talked about my 2008 essays... Read More
The departure of Britain from the European Union should be the moment when the country would at last be free to determine its own future and start to transform itself for the better. The damaging rupture with the world’s largest trading bloc – and the political traumas within the UK – can only be justified... Read More
Let’s hit the road in the search for the real Jesus. Galilee, Year 27: baptized by an itinerant preacher, John the Baptist. That’s when the story really begins. We know virtually nothing of his life till then. Galilee is ruled by shabby client kings of the Roman empire – first Herod, then his son Herod... Read More
This is the ninth in a series about the continuing disappearance of whites from American cities (see our earlier entries for Birmingham, Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, Richmond, Milwaukee, Baltimore, and Philadelphia). Many people still pretend that The Great Replacement is a myth or a conspiracy theory, but the graphs that accompany each article... Read More
Denouncing the $900 billion COVID-19 relief bill as a parsimonious "disgrace" and hinting at an Alamo-style finish on Jan. 6, when Congress votes to declare Joe Biden the next president, Donald Trump is not going to go quietly. The anti-Trumpers and "Never Trumpers" celebrating at Christmas 2020, in this "dark winter" of Joe Biden's depiction,... Read More
The Western World’s concept of objective truth was challenged by Karl Marx, who declared truth to be class truth. The capitalists had their truth, and the workers had their truth. The workers’ truth had more validity, because they were oppressed, whereas the capitalists’ truth was self-serving. This assault on objective truth did not succeed except... Read More
A pair of new bills put forth in the House of Representatives will move the United States towards open borders if it gains traction. The Protect Asylum Seekers Act and Practical Alternatives to Detention Act, both authored by Libertarian Party congressman Justin Amash, would decriminalize unauthorized entry by illegal aliens to the United States and... Read More
American political dissident Robert Rundo is teaming up with Serbian solidarity group Fondacija Junak (Heroes Foundation) for a relief effort to bring gifts to hundreds of Serbian children living as persecuted minorities in Kosovo. Kosovo, the historic heartland of the Serbian people, was taken over by an Albanian criminal organization, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA),... Read More
This has been the year of counting the days. On Saturday morning people in England were preparing for a family Christmas. By 5 pm that afternoon they were phoning their regrets, in sadness and sometimes rage. All this may be good news. Opinions differ. The story so far is that the United Kingdom has not... Read More
In the final week of September, an Azerbaijani offensive renewed hostilities in the perennial armed conflict and territorial dispute in the South Caucasus between Armenia and its neighbor over the Nagorno-Karabakh (“Mountainous Karabakhâ€) region. By October, the clashes had escalated past the state border between Azerbaijan and the internationally-unrecognized Republic of Artsakh which suffered heavy... Read More
The upcoming year should be interesting. The Establishment “Deep State†has won a major victory in the United States with the election of Joe Biden as president. What remains to be seen is whether or not there will be significant bloodletting as a consequence, revenge for the presumed misdeeds that constituted the core legacy of... Read More
If America were a company and not a country, we would have long ago dissolved the corporation, split the blanket, and gone our separate ways. What still holds this disputatious and divided people together? Consider. In announcing the $900 billion stimulus bill to deal with the pandemic, Speaker Nancy Pelosi did not mention that the... Read More
Other than President Trump, no one cares enough about America to protect it. So why are we spending $1,000 billion annually to defend ourselves from alleged foreign threats when there is no defense against our country’s theft by the ruling Establishment and woke Democrat identity politics ideologues? Why vote Republican when the party does not... Read More
No one wants white privilege. Being white can cost you a job, a raise, or admission to an Ivy League college. Now, it might even kill you. The Centers for Disease Control advised states to consider non-whites a critical group for vaccine distribution. About half the states, including “red states†such as Idaho, Utah, and... Read More
Attorney General Bill Barr, another of Trump’s mistakes, has sold out not only President Trump but also American democracy, thus proving that it is pointless to vote for Republicans. Barr has again repeated in the face of conclusive evidence that the November presidential election was organized to be stolen and successfully was stolen that the... Read More