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After erroneously stating that The Grayzone was funded by Iranian media, the Washington Post had to issue a retraction. The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal explains how and why it happened. Click to subscribe on: Apple / Spotify / Amazon / YouTube / Rumble Everyday the Washington Post’s “democracy dies in darkness” grows evermore ironic and detached... Read More
It’s shocking they posted this at all, and it shows that someone didn’t like what was happening. RT: The Washington Post has cut a large segment from an interview with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, in which he pushed the newspaper to reveal alleged traitors in his ranks and angrily accused its reporters of aiding Russia... Read More
The Washington Post has always been a CIA asset. The CIA used the Washington Post to orchestrate the Watergate narrative used to drive President Nixon out of office. The CIA wanted Nixon gone, because Nixon was threatening the military/security complex’s budget and power by making arms control agreements with the Soviets and by opening to... Read More
The Washington Post has been long regarded as a CIA asset. That does not mean it is, but whether it is or isn’t, the Washington Post behaves as one. Consider its March 26 editorial. The Washington Post champions Alexei Navalny, “an irrepressible spirit” attempting to rescue Russia from Putin’s corruption and dictatorship, despite being “in... Read More
"In ten years or so, we'll leak the truth," the Dead Kennedys sang. "But by then it's only so much paper." But it might just score you a Pulitzer Prize. Award bait and bragging rights are no doubt the principal goals of The Washington Post's self-congratulatory data dump, "The Afghanistan Papers." The papers — 2,000... Read More
Newly elected presidents are frequently afforded what is described as a “honeymoon period” in which the criticism of their campaign positions diminishes sharply as the public and media stand by to see what actually will develop as an administration takes shape. The honeymoon can sometimes extend well into the post-inauguration time frame, as it did... Read More
Off the top of my head, I can’t think of anybody who achieved notoriety in the political blogosphere quicker than John Pomfret. Pomfret, of course, is the editor of the Washington Post Outlook section responsible for the much maligned Charlotte Allen piece about women entitled “Women Aren’t Very Bright” (belatedly retitled “We Scream We Swoon... Read More