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Will it help Trump defeat the party that harbors anti-Israel dissenters?
There is some speculation in Washington about a so-called October Surprise being engineered by either party or their supporters to change the outcome of the upcoming election. The original October Surprise took place in 1980, when Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager William Casey conspired with several senior CIA officers in Europe to convince the Iranian government... Read More
RAMALLAH, Occupied Palestine: It comes back in a rush, the stench of raw sewage, the groan of the diesel, sloth-like Israeli armored personnel carriers, the vans filled with broods of children, driven by chalky faced colonists, certainly not from here, probably from Brooklyn or somewhere in Russia or maybe Britain. Little has changed. The checkpoints... Read More
Bibi is just trying to trigger wars everywhere. That is his strategy. If he can get things hot enough, then the Americans (and presumably the Europeans) have to come save the Jews. This is basically the exact same strategy they used in Germany in the 1930s. The Guardian: Israeli soldiers have destroyed 11 homes and... Read More
Many people are familiar with the argument in favor of the Border Wall that invokes the national security needs of Israel. Whenever the Anti-Wall activists(who happen to be disproportionately Jewish) decry the calls for heightened border security as unrealistic, ineffectual, and/or immoral, the Pro-Wall advocates point to Israel and its mostly effective system of walls.... Read More
There are two kinds of justice in the world, metaphorically speaking. Jewish Justice and Palestinian Justice. Notice that Jews & Israel can do just about anything and get away with it. Build nukes, pass nuke technology to apartheid South Africa, aid ISIS fighters, shoot missiles into Syria, mow down Palestinian protesters, occupy Palestinian territory(Israel itself... Read More
Israel will become much bigger
Rahm Emanuel, up until recently the mayor of Chicago and before that a top advisor to the president in the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama White Houses and still earlier a volunteer in the Israeli Army, famously once commented that a good crisis should never be allowed to go to waste. He meant, of course,... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?