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A Powerful, Riveting, and Masterful Documentary Series Begins
It is hard for those who have not lived through the shattering political assassinations of the 1960s to grasp their significance for today. Many might assume that that was then and long before their time, so let’s move on to what we must deal with today. Let some old folks, the obsessive ones, live in... Read More
First off, it must be said the Boomers came in a variety of flavors. Polls show that close to half or more of the Boomers in the 60s and 70s were tilted to the right. Many supported the Vietnam War and voted for Nixon. And the majority weren't into the Drug Culture and the Sexual... Read More
How the Culture of Conspiracy Theories went from the Left to the Right
Alex Jones would never characterize himself as a man of the Left. He wouldn’t necessarily call himself a rightist, but his politics clearly leans to the Right. He likes to see himself as a Libertarian Patriot who believes the greatest threat to mankind comes from Globalists with their monstrous fusion of Big Business and Big... Read More
There are various aspects to human nature. They can be approached in terms of Good and Evil, Body and Soul, Light and Darkness, Yin and Yang, and so on. What goes for human nature goes also for social/political values. One should be wary of anyone who defines himself/herself as entirely ‘rightist’ or ‘leftist’. While some... Read More
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism
The evidence is clear — but often ignored
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?