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I love how the media constantly refers to niggers as “Jeep drivers.” Fox 13 Seattle: Haha. No reports of arrests, either. Blacks can just do whatever in this joke country. The libs have to at some point say “it doesn’t matter if blacks have guns because they never manage to hit anyone.”
And you were right to be one, because a dark-skinned Guatemalan called Sebastian Zapeta was clearly identified on CCTV as the culprit and is now in police custody. In Western societies, non-Whites commit a vastly disproportionate share of crime, particularly violent and sexual crime. But it’s precisely when people are right about racial patterns of... Read More
Unfortunately, America’s sweetheart, Zendaya, was arrested this Christmas for burning a woman alive on the subway in New York City. Police say that the actress, known for her famous beauty, lit the woman on fire and then just watched her burn to death, before going on with her day. Police have said that they will... Read More
We brought all of these strangers into our country so they could fight each other in parking lots. Finally, I understand the logic behind multiculturalism: there were not enough fights in mall parking lots. KTLA: A parking dispute at the popular Citadel Outlets in Commerce turned into a violent, all-out brawl and robbery Wednesday that... Read More
Derek Chauvin was convicted as part of a social movement. Everything he did was exactly what he was supposed to do, and it is proof that America is a tyranny that the government switched it up and said “actually, the suspect is black, you’re supposed to let them flee.” It was also impossible, given the... Read More
Is the worst of the madness over?
Thumbnail credit: © Gina M Randazzo/ZUMA Press Wire This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Daniel Penny is a free man. This is a huge step forward after the insanity that swept the country after George Floyd died in 2020, and some people are claiming this is the end of an era. If... Read More
Daniel Penny is free. He was on trial for restraining Jordan Neely, a black man who was threatening people on the subway. Several people helped Mr. Penny, but Neely died soon after. It may not be accurate to say even that he accidentally killed him, because Mr. Neely was evidently alive when police arrived. Events... Read More
Oh, man. The “Voodoo Massacre.” That’s what I call Chicago. The Guardian: Don’t the voodoo people also believe they are capable of sending such a spell? Is there any evidence that they can’t do this? [image][F]https://dailystormer.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Screenshot-2024-12-10-at-08.34.17.png=https://dailystormer.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Screenshot-2024-12-10-a
Jay-Z doesn’t look like a rapist. He looks like someone who would corner you in the jungle and demand you teach him the secret of making fire and singing about how he wants to learn how to be a human. I’m sure Jay-Z wouldn’t break any consent laws. He just I can easily peg him... Read More
It was pretty obvious to me Daniel Penny was not going to be convicted of “manslaughter.” Woke has cooled down a lot. Presumably, that’s because some kind of super-advanced computer models determined that whatever is left of civil society would collapse if it was pushed any further, and people would start lynching Jews. If Derek... Read More
Black celebration turned to black tragedy yet again last Sunday morning at the tail end of the 100th Homecoming Week festivities at Alabama’s historically black Tuskegee University. Is there a historically black college richer in black history than Tuskegee? Founded by famed black educator Booker T. Washington in 1881 as Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute,... Read More
I’m the creator of the universe. And so are you. There’s a huge and immensely complex universe, crammed with color, sound, taste, scent and sensation, that exists only because of me. It’s the universe of my personal experience, brought into being by my brain, even (or especially) when that brain is asleep. Pseudo-mystical leftist nonsense... Read More
Sweden’s rising crime rate: A riddle no one can solve Grenade attacks? In Sweden? What has caused the placid Swedes to become so unhinged that they are throwing grenades at one another? A couple short decades ago, Sweden was like Japan: a country where the worst threat to your life is being overwhelmed with boredom.... Read More
Here’s the shocking headline: “MAN RAPED AND KILLED UNCONSCIOUS WOMAN.” Here’s the feminist response: . No, that isn’t a typo. There has been no feminist response. Bestial male violence has been greeted with stubborn feminist silence. There have been no hard-hitting polemics in the Guardian or at the BBC, raging righteously against the horrors of... Read More
Excessive idolization of one group may lead to blind hatred for whatever groups hated by the idolized group.
There are two ways to promote or authorize prejudice, the negative and the positive. The negative way is brutally simple. Pick any group and tar them, defame them, or dehumanize them. It could be a racial group, ethnic entity, religious community, or ideological camp. For example, consider all those Hollywood movies where Arabs/Muslims were rarely... Read More
Say what you want about the damn nuisance blacks, they get theirs. This whole system is against everyone who lives in it (except Jews and women). White men just go along with the system and play by the rules, acting like Jon Voight in Deliverance, “the system’s done alright by me” as they scrounge around... Read More
Chief Keef’s Finally Rich (2012)
I’ve never knowingly heard a moment of his music. And I’ll do my best to ensure that I never will. But the Chicago rapper Chief Keef (born 1995) has still supplied me with an excellent symbol of the noxious nature of Blackness. What is that symbol? The cover of his first album: It’s a good... Read More
He won’t attack Kamala Harris where it would really hurt.
Thumbnail credit: © Al Grillo/ZUMA Press Wire Service This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. Non-white candidates make racial appeals all the time. White candidates just hint at race. Even the allegedly “racist” Donald Trump is no different. So far, in this campaign, he refuses to go for the jugular — to highlight... Read More
The Jewish philosopher Nathan Cofnas is highly intelligent. The Black politician Dawn Butler is deeply stupid. But Butler has effortlessly demolished Cofnas’ thesis that wokism – the ideology of woke – is “simply what follows from taking the equality thesis of race and sex differences seriously, given a background of Christian morality.” In fact, wokism... Read More
Nelson Beckett, 90, was fatally during a Houston, TX carjacking. 21-year-old Kyliel Denzel Arceneaux was charged with capital murder. The carjacking occurred at an independent living community. Police responded to a call about an assault in progress involving a weapon. They found Beckett lying in the parking lot with gunshot wounds. Beckett was transported to... Read More
Missouri executed black murderer Marcellus Williams earlier this week. Black political leaders and their progressive allies were outraged. You may not have heard of Mr. Williams before this week, and neither had many others. However, all those outraged seem convinced he was innocent. In reality, Mr. Williams had confessed to a girlfriend and a fellow... Read More
Before 1973, when I arrived for my first year at the University of Chicago Law School, I had encountered black people only as isolated individuals in mostly-white environments. My high school in upstate New York had no black students, the university I attended in the South had barely begun to integrate, and the black airmen... Read More
If the blacks do a gang war with the Venezuelans, the blacks are going to lose badly. It will be very violent though, and destroy a lot of American infrastructure. America used to be a white country, so it is very interesting that whites have made the decision to turn their country into a battleground... Read More
While promoting the idea that the child-killing Jews are the ultimate victims of the entire world, Jews have also promoted the idea that blacks are also victims, and legalized black crime. The Jewish New York Post is now referring to the blacks as “maniacs.” Somehow, even while virtually all violent crime in America is committed... Read More
Why don’t rappers ever rap about doing the crab-walk to rape women? This seems like a really good theme for a rap song: “I crab-walked on da bitch, I jumped her bones, next time I might bring my homies, instead of goin’ alone.” A rapper could even name himself “MC Crab” and do crab-walks during... Read More
Like the great redeemer of humanity, Martin Luther King, the worshipped Messiah of the new religion of diversity now sweeping the West, Mossad trained Nelson Mandela,[1] the saviour of South Africa, the anti-White leader of the terrorist group Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation) was in reality a “communist mole” determined to destroy capitalism... Read More
Nathan Morris, 35, was fatally shot in Canton, MI. Devereaux Christopher Johnson, 47, was charged in connection with the shooting . According to detroitnews.com Johnson became upset that the victim's daughter had touched his mulch. Johnson allegedly confronted Morris, a father of two girls, as he was walking down the street. Police believe that Johnson... Read More
Blacks have figured out a way to commit check fraud by exploiting a “glitch” in Chase ATMs. If this was a white country, this “glitch” would not mean anything, as everyone would know that this is fraud and you could be put in prison for it (at the very least you would have to pay... Read More
Britain has now almost completely fallen to cultural Communism. This has become clear in the wake of the protests of August 2024, which were sparked by a 17-year-old second generation Rwandan immigrant murdering three little White girls, and stabbing many more, at Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport in the northwest of England. It was... Read More
For many people, the nation-state is no longer the primary identity, but international relations are still based on Westphalian norm of theoretically sovereign states. And yet, today’s political orthodoxy requires that Western states be for everyone. Anyone of any race can be American, European, Australian, or Canadian. However, many people, even liberals or multiculturalists, are... Read More
When thousands of blacks were pouring across the Mexican border, no one expected they were coming into America to commit crimes. We thought they were coming here because they believe in the values of who we are in a democracy. We thought that they believed that America is the greatest country in the entire history... Read More
Related: Utopia Closer Than Ever After NYC Puts Gun-Detecting Tech at Busy Subway Station I didn’t realize Mayor Eric Adams loved tech so much. Here I am learning that he’s a tech-lover, and I didn’t even know that. New York Post: Central Park frolickers could soon find themselves under Big Brother surveillance from NYPD drones... Read More
In the UK, Islamophobia is so bipartisan, so normalised, that BBC reporters refer to anti-Muslim pogromists as ‘pro-British protesters’ Imagine this scene, if you can. For several days, violent mobs have massed in the centre of British cities and clashed with police in an attempt to reach synagogues to attack them. Draped in England flags... Read More
In general, putting former intelligence agents on the media as expert commentators is a really weird move. But this guy is something else altogether. “Ivan told them to become anti-stabbers” is a lunatic statement, and it really discredits the entire British establishment that this argument The Guardian: There is “clear” Russian involvement in the far-right... Read More
August is traditionally a quiet month in the United Kingdom. The British go on their summer holidays, perversely leaving the country during the hottest month of the year to seek sunshine in foreign climes. Parliament goes into recess, and so no new laws are passed. Even the media take a break, the lack of newsworthy... Read More
The central strategy of leftism is very simple and very effective. It runs like this: “Heads we win, tails you lose.” In pursuit and preservation of power, leftists will distort, mutilate and censor reality ad libitum. Or they will simply lie. When the Black criminal George Floyd caused his own death in 2020, the left... Read More
British Police Commissioner Declares Extra-territoriality of UK Law
Washington’s practice of declaring the extra-territoriality of its laws has spread to the UK. The woke white British commissioner of police threatens to extradite American citizens from the US for exercising their free speech rights and jailing them in the UK for violating UK rules about political speech that criminalize protests against immigrant invasion as... Read More
Sending white women out on the streets to fight the blacks is so funny. I love this. New York Post: Blacks are doing the jobs that… Well. I’m not going to finish that sentence. [image][F]https://dailystormer.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/female-cop-punched-1-1-1-1.webp=https://dailystormer.in/wp-content/uploads/2
See: UK: Pro-Stabbing Cops Monitoring Anti-Stabbing Protesters on TikTok, Looking for Incriminating Footage So as it turns out, people were rioting because they saw online fake news that said immigrants are bad. Immigrants are actually good, but people don’t know that, because of misinformation. It’s possible that AI is responsible. The Guardian: What? There h
We never encourage lawlessness. Of course, we also denounce selective justice. There is no “rule of law” in Britain, if it is defined as applying the law equally to all groups. The state is calling for harsh repression against white, working-class rioters while seemingly tolerating shows of force from Muslims. At least one influential person... Read More
The police are just like “if you’re down with stabbing, come with us! We’re going to take the fight to the anti-stabbers!” Then they literally have gangs of brown people marching with them to attack whites. This is basically the same thing that happens in the US, but for whatever reason (it’s because they’re fat),... Read More
“When I stopped that stabber, I never expected that Keir Starmer would become the Lord of All Stabbers, and assemble a pro-stabbing military defense force.” We didn’t expect that either, brother. And when I say we didn’t expect it, I mean we did not expect it. HH. The Guardian: John Hayes I’d say that’s probably... Read More
We’ve seen where they’re going to people’s houses and arresting them for posting on the internet that they’re against stabbing. The pro-stabbing British government has made it illegal to be anti-stabbing. If you ask them why they support stabbing, they will start talking about the Holocaust, and then arrest you for asking. They’re talking about... Read More
So, apparently this media policy of “not promoting Nazism” has gotten out of control. They are now just reporting “someone said something, somewhere.” Very strange. The Guardian: Who is he??? I understand the Guardian’s position of “not promoting Nazism” or whatever, but “there’s someone somewhere doing something” is not a news article. This is ridiculous.... Read More
Why has England seen a week of serious rioting by “far right thugs” (regime code for “working-class White people”) and “thugs” (regime code for “South Asian Muslims”)? Evolutionary Psychology – the evolutionary examination of human behaviour – gives us a clear and crisp answer. In his book Ethnic Conflicts: Their Biological Roots in Ethnic Nepotism... Read More
Teddy bears. Unicorn balloons. And the bathing of public buildings in pink light. Leftists regard such sickly sentimentality as an entirely acceptable response to the slaughter of three little White girls in Southport by a Black savage. It’s entirely acceptable to leftists because it is absolutely no threat to the leftism that creates such tragedies.... Read More
The British have been rioting against immigrants after a Rwandan immigrant (born in the UK) stabbed up a Taylor Swift dance class, killing three little girls. I’ve reported on this as news items, but I haven’t really given much commentary on it. This is not because I’m lazy, but rather because I don’t really have... Read More
There comes a time when people have to come together and decide that children dying is good. That time is whenever a Jew or a brown person decides to start killing children. The Guardian: [image][F]https://dailystormer.in/wp-content/upload
I soiled these pages last Thursday with news that Liverpool authorities had charged 17-year-old Axel Rudakubana with last Monday’s gruesome stabbing attack at a “children’s Taylor Swift-themed yoga and dance workshop” in the seaside town of Southport, England. Three white girls ranging in age from six to nine were killed. Several others, including two white... Read More
The hideously white girls slaughtered by an un-hideous Black (image from PA and The Independent
“Hideously white.” That was the phrase used by the BBC apparatchik Greg Dyke to describe his own organization in 2001. But the phrase also applies to the crowd that held a vigil in 2024 for the victims of a mass stabbing in the English town of Southport. The victims, the three dead and the others... Read More
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