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It's been said(by Mark Twain?) that history doesn't repeat itself but rhymes. A notable historical rhyme is between the current Taiwan crisis and the Manchurian crisis of the 1920s/1930s. In either case, a non-Chinese, even anti-Chinese, imperialist power attempts to pry away a key Chinese territory under dubious pretexts. Japan coveted parts of northeast China,... Read More
There was an interesting article by Michael Lind in Tablet: The New National American Elite - America is now ruled by a single elite class rather than by local patrician smart sets competing with each other for money and power BY MICHAEL LIND - For all his insights, he might have put it more succinctly... Read More
The Jewish media outlet “Reuters” is weeping and gnashing its teeth, for the Big Satan AKA Analmerica is helpless to stop the smiling faces of South America from joining the glorious Sino-Friendship Alliance for freedom and joyful family happiness. The people of earth are no longer interested in Creepy Uncle Sam’s vicious and hateful threats... Read More
But if the GOP wants to survive, it better figure out Realpolitik real fast. A key point: Making the Democrats the black party requires understanding how much Hispanics disdain and in some cases dislike blacks, and why remaining in the party does not serve Hispanic interests. The Democrat coalition is a hodgepodge of loud, non-white,... Read More
If you've gotten most of your news, ideas, and information from modern Western media and schools, you likely associate 'racial purity' with hate, war, genocide, slavery, imperialism, conquest, and oppression. And you likely associate 'race mixing' with love, tolerance, equality, 'diversity', and liberation. The prevailing narrative owes mainly to four factors: Anglo-imperialism, American slavery, National... Read More
Earlier (2003!) by Steve Sailer: The Wind from the South—Anti-White Populism A loyal VDARE.com reader recently sent me Michael M. Rosen’s piece in the Washington Examiner that tried to explain Venezuela’s economic and political collapse [How Venezuela was destroyed from within, July 14, 2022]. Rosen blamed corruption and the socialist economic policies of successive regimes.... Read More
Earlier, by Steve Sailer: The Wind from the South—Anti-White Populism The timing could not have been worse for the supposedly “right-wing” Supreme Court to end President Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy. Surging Leftism in Latin America is about to spawn the Mother of All “refugee” crises [Supreme Court: Biden Can End Trump-Era ‘Remain In... Read More
'Latinos' is out, 'Latinx' is in at UC San Diego in nod to evolving gender and sexuality terms The real moral outrage should be this: Why use 'Latino' or 'Latinx'(or Latin-whatever) to designate so many people of Mexico, Central America, and South America who are NOT of Latin identity, history, or heritage? Latin-whatever is an... Read More
[See also: The Literal End of “America” by James Kirkpatrick, July 1, 2014] The “Summit of the Americas” that concluded last Friday may go down as marking the point when the United States of America lost its status as a superpower, and even its sovereignty. The U.S. did try to play its traditional role as... Read More
PART I Castillo’s Victory in Peru Validated On July 28th, 2021, Pedro Castillo, son of illiterate Andean peasants will be inaugurated as President of Peru, celebrating the victory of his socialist party Perú Libre in the elections of June. Peru has strong historical ties to other regional powers, most notably Ecuador and Bolivia. Castillo’s victory... Read More
Earlier by Benjamin Villaroel: The War On Whites And White Heritage Has Arrived In Chile Crossposted from American Renaissance In the USA, the GOP’s share of the white vote is highest in states with the most blacks. Whites in northern states with few blacks, from the Pacific Northwest to New England, vote majority Democrat. But... Read More
Catherine and the Baroness The only character who actually dies in Disney’s Cruella is the sweet, good servant, Catherine, who consents to raise Cruella – condemned to death by her birth mother, the grotesquely unfeeling Baroness De Vil - as her own daughter. Cruella and the Baroness shall dance a burlesque that plays out to... Read More
Tax Warfare On April 5 2021, the so-called “tax reform” bill was presented by Colombia’s current government under President Iván Duque. Its purpose was to raise an additional 23 trillion Colombian pesos ($6.3 billion) and help the country recover from the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. The proposal provoked mass street protests and transportation blockades... Read More
I just interviewed an American who'd traveled for five years straight, but you have been outside the US for 18 years altogether. Why, first off, and how have you been able to sustain yourself? Was there no place you wanted to settle? Will you ever return to the US to live? I had always wanted... Read More
When the Trump administration revived Reagan-relic Zionist Elliot Abrams early this year to orchestrate regime change in Venezuela, a new era of instability was born in the Western Hemisphere. Approaching a year into this project, the domestic flames have mostly been put out by the willful Nicolas Maduro, while Washington-backed liberals in Chile, Colombia, Bolivia... Read More
An integral part of America’s brutal colonisation of undeveloped nations is the little-known US Army “School of the Americas” located in Fort Benning, Georgia, which trains Latin American military officers and soldiers to subvert their governments and kill hope in their own countries. This so-called university, also known as the “School of Dictators”, has produced... Read More
Darkness fell over the São Paulo skyline. Like most cities, dusk brings the evening commute, but this one is a little different. One by one, all across the business district, helicopters lifted off buildings and roared into the humid night sky. São Paulo has one of the largest private helicopter fleets in the world. Usually... Read More
Introduction Not since the US pronounced the Monroe Doctrine proclaiming its imperial supremacy over Latin America, nearly 200 years ago, has a White House regime so openly affirmed its mission to recolonize Latin America. The second decade of the 21st century has witnessed, in word and deed, the most thorough and successful US recolonization of... Read More
As the US strives to overthrow the democratic and independent Venezuelan government, the historical record regarding the short, middle and long-term consequences are mixed. We will proceed to examine the consequences and impact of US intervention in Venezuela over the past half century. We will then turn to examine the success and failure of US... Read More
The Neocons never cease to amaze me and their latest stunt with Venezuela falls into this bizarre category of events which are both absolutely unthinkable and simultaneously absolutely predictable. This apparent logical contradiction is the direct result of a worldview and mindset which is, I believe, unique to the Neocons: a mix of imperial hubris... Read More
Washington has chosen a president for Venezuela. I wonder if Trump saw the black humor in doing to Maduro what the Democrats and presstitutes are doing to him. Few Latin American governments have ever had a government that represents the majority indigenous people or a president who was not of Spanish descent. Chavez in Venezuela... Read More
The latest “caravan” community planning to crash borderless America is not part of Latin America’s problems; it’s escaping them. So say America’s low-IQ media. And Latin America’s problems are legion. The region, “which boasts just eight percent of the world’s population, accounts for 38 percent of its criminal killing.” Last year, the “butcher’s bill …... Read More
Introduction Business writers, neo-liberal economists and politicians in North America and the EU heralded Latin America’s embrace of a ‘new wave of free markets and free elections’. Beginning in 2015 they predicted a new era of growth, stability and good government free of corruption and run by technocratic policy-makers. By early 2018 the entire neo-liberal... Read More
The United States government has never allowed independent governments in Latin America. Every time people elect a government that represents them instead of US economic interests, Washington overthrows the elected government. Marine General Smedley Butler told us this as have many others. There is no doubt about it. Currently Washington is trying to overthrow the... Read More
Introduction Journalists, academics, pundits and experts have ignored the complexity of President Trump’s impact on the state of the US Empire. To properly assess the geopolitical configuration of power, we will consider the military, economic, political and diplomatic advances and setbacks of the Trump regime in Latin America, the European Union and Asia (including the... Read More
The victory of Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) in the recent Mexican presidential election likely means an increase in immigration to the United States. AMLO has called immigration a “human right that we will defend” and will probably continue the Mexican government’s meddling in American affairs. AMLO has also reportedly promised to demand “respect” from... Read More
Introduction President Trump cancelled his attendance at the Summit of the Americas meeting of all the 35 presidents of the region designed to debate and formulate a common policy. Trump delegated Vice President Michael Pence in his place. VP Pence a known nonentity with zero experience and even less knowledge of Latin America – US... Read More
Introduction Clearly the pendulum has swung to the right in the past few years. Numerous questions arise. What kind of right? How far right? How did they gain power? What is their appeal? How sustainable are the right wing regimes? Who are their international allies and adversaries? Having taken power, how have the rightist regimes... Read More
Introduction Many experts and commentators describe the political process in Latin America as one of ‘alternating right and left governments’. Journalists focus on the abrupt regime changes from democratic to authoritarian; from neo-liberal to progressive programs; and from oligarchs to populists. The financial media present the ‘right’s’ socially regressive policies and strategies as ‘reforms’, a... Read More
Introduction: Over thirty year ago a savvy Colombian peasant leader told me, “Whenever I read the word ‘peace accords’ I hear the government sharpening its knives”. In recent times, ‘peace accords’ (PAs) have become a common refrain across the world. In almost every region or country, which are in the midst of war or invasion,... Read More
Introduction: China and the United States are moving in polar opposite directions: Beijing is rapidly becoming the center of overseas investments in high tech industries, including robotics, nuclear energy and advanced machinery with collaboration from centers of technological excellence, like Germany. In contrast, Washington is pursuing a predatory military pivot to the least productive regions... Read More
Introduction: Amid raging corruption, social pathologies and outright political thuggery, a new gang of vassal regimes has taken-over Latin America. The new rulers are strictly recruited as the protégé’s of US financial and banking institutions. Hence the financial press refers to them as the “new managers” - of Wall Street. The US financial media has... Read More
Currently, Washington is conducting operations against Latin American presidents who tried to represent their own peoples instead of American business interests and Washington’s foreign policy. Washington is trying to unseat and indict President Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela, President Evo Morales in Bolivia, President Rafael Correa in Ecuador, and President Dilma Rousseff in Brazil. Washington has... Read More
The role of the class struggle has been the most slighted dynamic dimension of Latin American development. The most influential writers have at best paid passing reference to the class struggle in discussing the capital accumulation process, while the high priests of underdevelopment, dependency and world systems have relegated it to the status of a... Read More
Introduction: Over the past three years Latin American leftist leaders, who presided over heterodox ‘free trade’ and commodity based welfare economies, lost presidential, legislative and municipal elections and referendums or faced impeachment. They fell because they lost competitive elections, not because of US invasions or military coups. These same leftist leaders, who had successfully defeated... Read More
Introduction: Pundits and commentators on the Left and Right are pronouncing ‘the end of the progressive cycle in Latin America’. They cite the recent presidential elections: 1. Argentina, where hard-right Mauricio Macri was elected; 2. Brazil, where President Dilma Rousseff has appointed a neo-liberal ‘Chicago Boy’ economist, Joaquin Levy, as Finance Minister and launched an... Read More
Introduction:The post neo-liberal regimes which flourished in five Latin American countries in the first decade of the 21st century were a product of three inter-related historical processes. The breakdown of the neo-liberal development model, which in turn ignited mass popular movements for radical political-economic transformations; the incapacity of the mass movements to produce a viable... Read More
Introduction: Class conflict is always present, endemic, in Latin America. What changes, over time, is the character of the class struggle. By ‘character’ we mean, the principal classes and leaders, who direct in the struggle, set the political agenda and define the parameters of socio-economic changes. What is striking about the class struggle in Latin... Read More
Introduction: Everyone, from political pundits in Washington to the Pope in Rome, including most journalists in the mass media and in the alternative press, have focused on the US moves toward ending the economic blockade of Cuba and gradually opening diplomatic relations. Talk is rife of a ‘major shift’ in US policy toward Latin America... Read More
His book Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent came out in 1971 and proved to be the first vampire thriller of our American imperial age. Its blood-sucker of a plot was too outrageous not to be mesmerizing: a country called the United States declares a “good neighbor” policy... Read More
Numerous prominent progressive US pundits, whose political pronouncements carry great weight in the alternative media, have proclaimed ‘Latin America’s decisive break’ with US domination and have gone on to announce the beginning of a new ‘post-imperial epoch’. “One of the most spectacular developments of this period is occurring in Latin America – For the first... Read More
An aim of this laudable patch of the internet is to give people in the United States some faint idea of the lands to their south. It is hard slogging. I can think of few ideas more tenaciously and lovingly held, more treasured and more satisfying to the North American mind than that Latin American... Read More
The complexities of the new political relations in Latin America require that we breakdown what previously was the unified components of anti-imperialist politics. For example in the past, anti-imperialist regimes pursued policies which opposed US military aggression and intervention in Latin America and throughout the third world; opposed foreign investment especially in extractive sectors; and,... Read More
To approach the role of class struggle in a dynamic mitreux we will focus exclusively on Latin America over the past two and a half decades 1990 – 2014, a period of significant changes in economic models, political regimes and class structure. Introduction One looks in vain among the writings of historians and social scientists... Read More
This book “O Canto da Sereia” is a major contribution to the clarification of several important political and scholarly issues. In the first instance the essays critically analyze the new ideological, political and social instruments utilized by ruling classes to undermine the class struggle. Specifically the contributors focus on the ruling classes’ engagement in the... Read More
Introduction: Class struggle is central in framing the issues of political rule, the relations of classes, the economic structures and strategies and the distribution of wealth. Especially in the era of imperialist globalization, the class struggle takes on an internationalcharacter, as multi-national corporations, international financial organizations and imperial states, directly intervene, or act through proxy,... Read More
[Podcast] Professor James Petras of Binghamton University joins us to discuss the prospects for the Latin American economy in a global economy that is increasingly dominated by developing markets and emerging powers like China. We talk about the region’s links to the emerging Asian markets, internal trade, and deepening regional ties in bodies like MERCOSUR... Read More
Let's start with a bomb. Over 10 days ago a new brand of coup d'etat took place in Paraguay against elected president Fernando Lugo. It was virtually unnoticed by global corporate media. Anything unexpected? Not really. A March 2009 cable from the US Embassy in Asuncion, revealed by WikiLeaks, [1] had already detailed how oligarchs... Read More
Introduction: The leading agro-mineral exporting countries, including those engaged with the world’s leading mining and energy multi-national corporations(MNC) are also those characterized as having the most independent and progressive foreign policies. Apparently the primacy of “extractive capitalism” and commodity-export based economies are no longer correlated with ‘neo-colonial’ regimes. It can be argued that the concessions... Read More