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They’re just open about it, you know. They just say it. They treat every single one of us like Palestinians. RT: The US is considering additional sanctions against individuals in Georgia it has deemed responsible for brutal violence amid the ongoing unrest, according to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The country’s pro-Western political parties... Read More
We’ve all seen the videos of beardless boys on the frontlines. So the Ukraine has been doing this for a while. It’s unclear what exactly the situation is in terms of who is able to squirm out of the meat grinder. It’s been obfuscated for obvious reasons. As I understand it, you can already be... Read More
This is the keynote talk I gave on Nov. 1 at the conference, The End of Empire, at University of Califonria Santa Barbara. The conference was organized by Professor Butch Ware, who is also the Green Party’s vice-presidential candidate. University administrators banned advance publicity about the talk on university social media accounts. Transcript Extermination works.... Read More
Trump unlikely to oppose Netanyahu’s genocide
Well, it’s over…or is it? Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States backed by a GOP controlled Senate and possibly even a majority in the House of Representatives. And one should not discount the advantage derived from having a largely conservative Supreme Court, but much depends on who Trump appoints to... Read More
The United States can never tell the truth about Israel or enforce its own laws
As the United States national election draws ever nearer the fringe stories that just might influence the outcome are increasing both in magnitude and in number. On Thursday I participated in a fascinating talk sponsored by Washington’s Committee for the Republic, which is “a citizen-based, non-partisan, nonprofit organization founded in 2003 [that] sponsors speakers monthly... Read More
Attacking UN peacekeepers is a dangerous policy
That Israel is now attacking United Nations peacekeepers in south Lebanon might well be decisive in turning its few remaining “friends” against it. Spain, France, Ireland and Italy, all of which contribute to the peacekeepers force (UNIFIL), and which continued to look the other way when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his band of war... Read More
Is it Israel and its Powerful Lobby or The White House or No One at all?
It probably would surprise no one to learn that there are several viewpoints among critics of the current wars devastating the Middle East regarding who is actually encouraging a growing bloody conflict which might soon involve at least six countries in the region. In simple terms, there is a school of thought that believes that... Read More
No, it would be even better to arrest him for war crimes
Some might argue that Antony Blinken is the worst Secretary of State that the United States has ever had to suffer under even though the competition for that accolade is fierce and includes his recent predecessor Hillary Clinton. Clinton, who more than anyone launched the war against Africa’s most developed nation, is remembered fondly for... Read More
Again we bear witness to just how fat and stupid Americans are. It is truly beyond the pale. As always, I exclude you, my dear reader and close parasocial friend, but the general populace is so braindead that it’s beyond comprehension to someone with what used to be considered “average intelligence.” Bibi has been saying... Read More
This nigger Lampy has been trying to stop the Jews in Israel, but he still loves sucking these Jews in KEEV. He’ll suck that Jew Blinken too. It continues to boggle the mind that someone could be against the US imperial mission in Israel, and yet be in total support of the US imperial mission... Read More
Previously: Jews Kill American-Turkish Activist During West Bank Protest Hey, do you think Blinken is going to rein in the Jews? Or is he just saying that because people are mad some skank with US citizenship got killed in the West Bank (not Gaza, by the way – the West Bank)? That’s a trick question.... Read More
The United States must disengage from the Israeli Death Grip
There are some simple truths surrounding all the nonsense being spewed by Israel’s agents and its cheerleaders in the United States, Canada, Europe as well as elsewhere in the Anglophone world. First of all, Israel is no democracy and never has been one since its foundation over seventy-five years ago. It used massacres of entire... Read More
Some people say that the Democrat leadership is secretly pro-massacre, and is just pretending not to be, because they are continuing to send infinity money and weapons while claiming they want a ceasefire. Meanwhile, Donald Trump claims that the Democrats are pro-Hamas and want to destroy Israel. What is clear is that America has never... Read More
Related: Media: “Architect” of October 7th Attack Now New Leader of Hamas Israel assassinated the negotiator, guys. They’re not going to do a ceasefire. There is zero chance that is going to happen. If they would have been interested in a ceasefire, they would have negotiated with the negotiator, who was somewhat moderate. Instead they... Read More
How do you put more sanctions on Iran? Iran is already sanctioned almost as much as Russia. Before the Ukraine invasion, they were the most sanctioned country in history. This is like threatening a homosexual with gay sex. Or, it’s like some less offensive analogy, perhaps. Threatening a fat kid with a cake? Something along... Read More
You know, you hear something like this, and you laugh. But look at what they’re saying. Antony Blinken, from the US Department of State website: Is that wrong? Here, look. More Blinken: On his first day in office – and you heard the letter from the President, but on his very first day in office... Read More
Good news! Israel has agreed to accept Biden's ceasefire deal as long as it can keep fighting. This is from CNN: Can you see how absurd this is? It's like the fat man who agrees to go on a diet as long as he can still eat as much as he wants. It's nonsense. A... Read More
“Israel has offered a comprehensive new proposal.” -Joe Biden, May 31st “Conditions for ending the war have not changed … the destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel.” -Bibi Netanyahu, May 31st “It’s an Israeli proposal.” -John Kirby, June... Read More
The Biden administration's ceasefire resolution is a cynical fraud aimed at airbrushing Israel's tattered image while laying the groundwork for the final expulsion of the Palestinian people. In truth, there won't be a ceasefire because Netanyahu and his entire cabinet are adamantly opposed to ending the hostilities. There's not even any gray area here. After... Read More
Here is a modest proposal, nothing too radical, just good sense. Turn over Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan to the Iranian authorities on the understanding the two statesmen, very loosely defined, would spend 444 days at the U.S. embassy compound in Tehran. Let’s think of it as a reenactment. Said premises, long a mess of... Read More
They’ve taken our money & weapons and made us complicit as war criminals
The Jewish Virtual Library asserts that “The US-Israel relationship is based on the twin pillars of shared values and shared interests. Given this commonality of interests and beliefs, it should not be surprising that support for Israel is one of the most pronounced and consistent foreign policy values of the American people.” That is, of... Read More
The discourse of military escalation is in fashion in Europe, but both in the Middle East and Ukraine, western policy is in deep trouble. The paradox is that Team Biden – wholly inadvertently – is midwifing the birth of a ‘new world’. It is doing so by dint of its crude opposition to parturition. The... Read More
Claims of “terrorism” and “antisemitism” promote the perpetual victim narrative
Judging by developments over the past several weeks, it would appear that nothing going on in Washington matters quite as much as defending Israel no matter what the Jewish state does. The White House and its befuddled leader President Joe Biden are obsessed with every twist and turn of the Israel and media shaped narrative,... Read More
I spend a lot of time trying to process how “normies” view this situation of the Americans giving this unconditional support to Israel. It appears to me that the only way you could explain this is that the US government is controlled by the Jews. There are still some evangelical Christians who support slaughtering all... Read More
The White House and Congress rally around the Star of David Flag
When, as expected, President Joe Biden signs off on the Antisemitism Awareness Act the Department of Education will be empowered to send so-called antisemitism monitors to enforce civil rights law at public schools as well as at colleges to observe and report on levels of hostility towards Jews. The monitors’ reports will eventually wind up... Read More
Blinken Accuses China of helping Trump Steal the Election in November Last time it was Russiagate. This time will it be Chinagate? While Blinken accuses China out of one side of his mouth, he threatens China out of the other side with sanctions unless China abandons its support of Russia. At the same time, Blinken... Read More
Antony Blinken is now in China for his second such journey as secretary of state and his third encounter with senior Chinese officials: This is our news as April marches toward May. I have to say, it is a stranger state of affairs than I can figure when the State Department and the media that... Read More
Over and above industrial-scale mass murder of individual people—Israel is engaged in the eradication of Gazans as a People ~ilana Inarguably, to condemn Israel’s industrial-scale campaign of slaughter and starvation in Gaza ought to be ethically straightforward. Basic really. That Israel is committing the “the crime of all crimes” against the Palestinians of Gaza is... Read More
The Jews are making all of these moves they’ve always wanted to make, settling all their business. Part of this is annexing the West Bank, along with Gaza. But the actual plan of Netanyahu and his lunatics doesn’t end until destruction of Iran. RT: The Israeli government has designated nearly 2,000 acres in the West... Read More
After six months of blocking ceasefire resolutions at the United Nations, the US delegation submitted its own draft resolution on Friday ostensibly aimed at stopping the hostilities so humanitarian aid can reach the starving people of Gaza. Unfortunately, the American team linked the proposed ceasefire to the release of hostages and to the repudiation of... Read More
“At the times and places of our choosing” is one of the gayest of all the US government slogans. Honestly, it’s really gay that the military engages in this constant sloganeering in the first place. It’s so obviously a result of focus-group testing. At some point, PR goes too far, and when you’re doing focus... Read More
I sometimes wonder what the Founders, if they could return to life and see their creation, would think of today’s American Republic. President George W. Bush described the Constitution of the United States as “just a goddamned piece of paper” before he went on a rampage all over the world in what he called the... Read More
Are the United States and its friends already off to a bad start this year?
It seems that the administration of President Joe Biden ably supported by a know-nothing bought Congress leans over backwards to make sure that it never is tempted to do the right thing for the American people. I am not necessarily talking about Genocide Joe’s regrettable interactions with our favorite comedian pretending to be a head... Read More
The Biden Administration will lie, cheat and go to war to protect its “best friend”
A friend of mine who follows international developments closely recently observed that the United States and Israel have “own goaled” themselves to become widely perceived as together the two most evil governments on earth. It is a judgement that is hard to disagree with regarding the Jewish state if one examines the abundant evidence that... Read More
I-am-an-Israeli Blinken, Israel’s Secretary of State for America, damned the case against Israel filed in the International Court of Justice as “meritless” and “galling” for two reasons. The case could stop the ongoing genocide of Palestinians prior to completion of the job, and the case also applies to the US which enables the genocide with... Read More
Washington’s shameful behavior marks a new low for the Biden Administration
The first week in December of this year was all about America’s apparent inextinguishable love for the state of Israel. After a short pause to exchange hostages for prisoners, the Israelis re-launched their drive to exterminate the Gazans and steal what remains of their land and property. President Joe Biden, ably assisted by his ever-present... Read More
And when will its political and media leaders be tried, condemned, and executed?
Even Israeli experts call it “a textbook case of genocide.” Those are the exact words of Raz Siegal, an Israeli historian and professor of Holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University. On October 16, Siegal told Democracy Now: And it isn’t just Israelis who are guilty. Leaders of Western countries have given the Gaza Holocaust... Read More
Kiev has finally admitted that they could have ended the war in spring of 2022, and that the reason they didn’t is that Boris Johnson flew in and told them they were not allowed to make peace. You all know I’ve been saying this since it happened. The media does not admit it and claims... Read More
Constitutional rights and genuine national interests are ignored as governments surrender to Jewish power
There are numerous one-liners like “wag-the-dog” that constitute a long running joke about how Israel exploits Jewish power in the United States to limit and control Washington’s options in foreign policy as well as in many other aspects of international interaction. This has been accomplished by a cleverly executed neoconservative takeover of the foreign policy... Read More
It’s another 9/11 or Pearl Harbor but who actually did what to whom?
It’s amazing how America’s thought-controlled media is able to come up with a suitable narrative almost immediately whenever there is an international incident that might be subject to multiple interpretations. Since 1948 Israel has expelled hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes, has occupied nearly all of the historic Palestine, has empowered its army... Read More
You know. I’m an American. And for me, this attack on Israel was not ten times worse than 9/11. In fact, for me, that statement feels very much like an attack. It feels a bit like the Jewish Secretary of state is telling me “Jewish lives are ten times more valuable than yours.” RT: Note... Read More
Again, we have to ask who this speech is for. I don’t think it would even make sense to the average normie who believes that US power is a good thing. It is tinged with a super-villain tone. In theory, it is for the elite – but do they need this kind of pep talk?... Read More
Antony Blinken
In May of 2023, the Biden Administration released the first U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, a document which President Biden claimed “represents the most ambitious and comprehensive U.S. government-led effort to fight antisemitism in American history.”[1] The historical significance of this document diminished considerably in light of the legal disclaimer which preceded its content.... Read More
They will never give up until we’re all dead
It is interesting to observe how, over the past twenty-five years, the United States has become not only a participant in wars in various places on the planet but has also evolved into being the prime initiator of most of the armed conflict. Going back to the Balkans in the nineteen-nineties and moving forward in... Read More
Or was it possibly something quite different?
“A riddle wrapped up in an enigma” is a shortened form of a quotation made in October 1939, just one month after the Second World War had begun, by Sir Winston Churchill in a radio broadcast to the British people. At the time, Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty. The full comment was "I... Read More
While Blinken tells AIPAC of Team Biden’s “iron clad” support for Israel
There would appear to be no limit to Israeli bestiality towards the Palestinians and likewise no limit to how much that brutality has been enabled by the positions taken by successive US governments and the national media. Indeed, the self-defined Jewish state, which ironically claims to be a democracy, is perhaps the leading human rights... Read More
Some senior officers are retiring but who and what will replace them?
There are a lot of anonymous bureaucrats that man the offices in the nation’s capital. If one were to mention the name Wendy Sherman at a Washington DC cocktail gathering it is likely that few in the room will have ever heard of her, but she has long been one of the most important players... Read More
Antony Blinken and others have much to answer for
The corruption engaged in by the Democratic Party leadership appears to be never-ending and no one is ever held accountable. A recent report described how Michael Morell, the former acting Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director, colluded with Antony Blinken, who was then a senior official in the 2020 Joe Biden presidential campaign, to prepare and... Read More
Failing banks, inflation, soaring interest rates and the flight from the petrodollar could become a disaster for...
Watching a once great nation commit suicide is not pretty. President Joe Biden does not seem to understand that his role as elected leader of the United States is to take actions that directly or indirectly benefit the folks who voted for him as well as the other Americans who did not do so. That... Read More
HA! It’s happening! This faggoty limp-wristed Jew KIKE Antony Blinken was saying for OVER A YEAR that he would never allow the Ukraine to negotiate with Russia…! He was the one who, in March of 2022, cockblocked Zelensky’s own attempts to enter negotiations! NOW??? “Oh, well, it looks like they might have to negotiate, actually.”... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?