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Richard D. Wolff & Michael Hudson
NIMA ALKHORSHID: Hi, everybody. Today is Thursday, November 21st, and we have Michael Hudson and Richard Wolff with us here. Welcome back. RICHARD WOLFF: Thank you, Nima. Glad to be here. MICHAEL HUDSON: Yep! NIMA ALKHORSHID: And let's get started with the breaking news about Netanyahu and Gallant. We've learned that ICC, we've learned about... Read More
The G20 summit in Rio earlier this week offered the quite intriguing spectacle of a deeply divided world, geopolitically and geoeconomically, trying to put on a brave ‘holiday in the sun’ face. There was plenty of fluff to amuse attentive audiences. French President Emmanuel Macron surrounded by a beefy security detail strolling on Copacabana beach... Read More
(From Asia Times) Balinese culture, a perpetual exercise in sophisticated subtlety, makes no distinction between the secular and the supernatural – sekala and niskala. Sekala is what our senses may discern. As in the ritualized gestures of world leaders – real and minor – at a highly polarized G20. Niskala is what cannot be sensed... Read More
(Courtesy of PressTV) Southeast Asia is right at the center of international relations for a whole week viz a viz three consecutive summits: Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit in Phnom Penh, the Group of Twenty (G20) summit in Bali, and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Bangkok. Eighteen nations accounting for... Read More
The G20 leaders have reached a consensus of a magnitude previously observed at Warsaw Pact summits. News in brief: they want to vaccinate us, and then, before we become restless, switch to combating global warming. If we survive masks and vaccines, austerity will kill off the survivors. Remember, before the pandemic there was Greta? Greta... Read More
[This piece originally appeared on Asia Times Online on April 26, 2013.� It can be reposted if ATOl is credited and a link provided.] Oscar Wilde wrote, "When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers." Perhaps this is how Kurt Campbell feels today. Campbell, after all, as assistant secretary for East Asia... Read More
The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism
The evidence is clear — but often ignored
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?