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You can say whatever you want about this Luigi situation. There are some things you shouldn’t say about it on the internet. But whatever you say, here’s the thing: it’s now a popular idea that powerful people should just be shot in the street because the American system is too corrupt for justice to be... Read More
Rumble link Bitchute link Note: David Skrbina joins at the 29 minute mark. In the wake of CEO-slayer Luigi Mangione becoming a folk hero, an anti-genocide fighter getting arrested for targeting genocide perpetrators, and less-defensible non-state-sponsored violence reaching epidemic proportions in the USA, it’s a good time to talk about the minuscule fraction of human... Read More
Related: 41% of American Young People Think Luigi’s Drastic Actions Were “Acceptable” Luigi should face the life reward, not the death penalty. What are they even saying he did wrong? Since when has anyone in New York faced the death penalty? Who was the last person? Some sorry Irish drunk from “Gangs of New York”?... Read More
As is typically the case after a high-profile murder, people are speculating about suspect Luigi Mangione's state of mind when he allegedly killed United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson outside a Hilton hotel in Manhattan. We have a likely (political) motive in the form of a handwritten statement Pennsylvania police say they found on Mangione when... Read More
Related: Fundraiser to Cover Luigi Mangione’s Legal Bills Raises More Than $120,000 The country has never been more united. If Donald Trump comes out and says the Obamacare stooge “deserved it,” we’ll be off to the races. Note that Trump hasn’t said anything about this. But of course, Trump is saying horrible, gay things. It... Read More
Who is the terrorist? The United States is assassinating Russian generals outside of their homes. The Russians didn’t do anything. This CEO was colluding with the government to drain the blood of the American people. AP: Why didn’t he get an Italian lawyer? Most lawyers are Jewish, but there are a lot of Italian lawyers.... Read More
James Harr, CEO of socialism clothing See: No One is “Against Vigilante Justice on Principle” One thing I will say here is that you couldn’t make a list “Most Wanted Jews” with names and faces and suggestions that they should be shot. I will be interested to see how many Jews are on these cards.... Read More
Previously: Luigi Doesn’t Have to Go to Prison – The People Can Choose to Let Him Go Free There is a whole movement of people in the government and media talking about how they are so opposed to Luigi Mangione taking out a fat cat corporate terrorist because they are against vigilante justice generally. Many... Read More
It’s clear that CEO-slayer Luigi Mangione made some mistakes. He should not have had evidence on his person, he should have left the country. If he was planning more justice, he still should have dumped everything, waited several months, and kitted back up. I’ve seen it suggested in conspiracy circles (which to be fair is... Read More
The arrest of a suspect in the assassination of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson on a street in midtown Manhattan leaves some questions unanswered. But the gleeful reaction to the executive's slaying leaves nothing subject to interpretation. Many Americans feel they have been treated so shabbily by the health insurance industry that they despise it and... Read More
Précis On December 4th at 6:45 am, Brian Thompson was shot in the back while walking along West 54th street toward the Hilton. Less than half an hour later, upon being rushed to Mount Sinai West, Thompson was declared dead. Targeted for his line of work (Brian was the CEO of UnitedHealthcare), Thompson’s murder triggered... Read More
image][F] It’s so sad an insurance CEO got popped. I’ve been crying myself to sleep every night since I heard the news he was white and only killed for his race. Like my Aryan brother the Aryan leader Matt Walsh, I love white people so much that every time a white man dies, I shave... Read More
source: @_johnsonator on X From what information I have seen online so far, the recently arrested New York UnitedHealthcare CEO shooting suspect, Luigi Mangione, appears to have political interests ranging from Silicon Valley tech optimists and NRX, intellectual dark web centrists, anti-DEI, the HBD sphere, plus interest in the Unabomber’s Manifesto. A lot of normie... Read More
Learning is a societal and individual good. American businesses, however, have weaponized higher education into an overcredentialization racket that coerces millions of young people to borrow hundreds of billions of dollars in tuition, room and board, often to study subjects in which they have little interest, for the chance to be hired for a job.... Read More
Liberals believe a compromise that gets us closer to a goal is better than no progress at all. But compromise can lead to the dead end of dilution and a false sense of resolution. The early 20th-century progressive and presidential candidate Robert "Fighting Bob" La Follette argued that politics played into different a psychological dynamic.... Read More
I’ve spent most of this past year – from April to October – trying to take care of my ill mother, who passed away on October 3 at the age of 90. She fell in April and broke her right hip and arm. Her orthopedic surgery went well, and she got transferred from the hospital... Read More
On September 4, Labor Day, I reported on the conclusion of two Japanese scientists that Covid and its variants are manufactured viruses created by humans, and that they did not get into circulation by escaping from labs. I explored the serious implications. Clearly agendas are being served at the expense of the population. Yesterday morning... Read More
Earlier this month I reported that my Medicare account has been billed by three separate labs for expired Covid tests sent to me as “totally free, paid for by the Government. Please Do Not Return.” “Paid for by Government” means paid for by Medicare. I now have 24 expired Covid tests for which Medicare has... Read More
We are constantly told we cannot afford Social Security and Medicare. Fighting Russia in Ukraine is more important than the survivability of the American population. I doubt anything can wake up the ignorant insouciant American population, but perhaps the Biden regime’s rip-off of Medicare in the interest of Big Pharma profits can introduce some reality... Read More
Right-o, George. Criminals should be (humanely) locked up in prisons away from law-abiding citizens. Mad people should be (humanely) locked up in asylums away from normal people. Homeless people should not be allowed to camp in public places. If mad, as is commonly the case, they should be locked up in asylums; if sane, they... Read More
As the COVID-19 pandemic has made painfully clear, our health care system is a disaster; 12% of Americans are uninsured and 21% are underinsured. Many counties have zero or just one health care plan on offer through their local Affordable Care Act marketplace, so there is no price competition whatsoever. Due to the lack of... Read More
My August 2019 Diary contained a segment titled "Fun with lexicography" in which I mentioned—in fact, I think, re-mentioned—my favorite page in the 1979 Xinhua Zidian Chinese-Chinese pocket dictionary. (For completeness I should also have mentioned every Second Amendment enthusiast's favorite page and every night-club cocktail hostess's favorite page.) Then in my third podcast this... Read More
This essay is part of my series on Big Pharma titled "A Litany of Pharma Crimes" [1] This is of special importance because it relates to our current COVID-19 catastrophe and all these separate segments form dots that need to be connected to fully appreciate and understand what is happening to our world today. In... Read More
This essay is part of my series on Big Pharma titled "A Litany of Pharma Crimes" [1] This is of special importance because it relates to our current COVID-19 catastrophe and all these separate segments form dots that need to be connected to fully appreciate and understand what is happening to our world today. In... Read More
It may surprise you to learn that the world’s pharmaceutical industry has arguably the dirtiest underbelly of all economic sectors in the world today, so totally riddled with crime and corruption that it probably cannot be fixed. As one measure, in the past few decades Big Pharma has created a toll of deaths and injuries... Read More
One of my complaints about mainstream media is that they recruit reporters from inside the establishment: Ivy League colleges, expensive graduate journalism programs, rival outlets with similar hiring practices. Some staffs develop admirable levels of gender and racial diversity. But they all come from the same elite class. Rich kids believe in the system and... Read More
Gainesville, Florida – The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services “Innovation Center” recently announced that by 2030, they will move all traditional Medicare enrollees into a “care relationship” with a 3rd party private, for profit middleman, labeled a “Direct Contracting Entity (DCE) without seniors’ knowledge or consent, and without Congressional oversight. Every enrollee in traditional... Read More
When you crank out five editorial cartoons and a couple of opinion essays a week, not to mention opining on the radio about this issue and that, it is easy to forget about the basics. The big issues. The stuff that really matters to you. It's just as easy to forget to ask: What are... Read More
The raging argument on the left between progressives who argue for radical change and centrists who advocate for incrementalism is hardly new. Nearly a century ago, progressive titan and Wisconsin Gov. Robert La Follette and then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt were often at loggerheads over the same question. Roosevelt, La Follette complained, was too quick to... Read More
Just as with the quality of US education, most of what you are told about the superiority of the American medical system is just false propaganda and brand marketing. The US spends more than twice as much as any other Western nation on a health care system widely considered to be the most dysfunctional in... Read More
Watching the network news on television or reading about current events in the newspapers seemingly transports one to an alternate universe where nothing seems to make sense. The profit driven news cycle in the United States is admittedly a poor mechanism for actually gaining an understanding of what is going on, but seven days of... Read More
Insurance is not a financing mechanism for regular and predictable expenses. It is not a kind of "Ali-pay" for treating colds and tonsillitis. Insurance and re-insurance are used to cover the costs of unpredictable calamities for which a person or corporation cannot be reasonably assumed to be able to cover on their own. We carry... Read More
Why is the media so preoccupied with Sweden? And why is the media so determined to prove that Sweden's approach to the coronavirus is wrong? Are we supposed to believe that the same MSM that promoted every bloody coup, intervention and war for the last 30 years has suddenly become a selfless advocate for elderly... Read More
The coronavirus pandemic has laid bare two fundamental flaws in the American health care system. No. 1: There's a reason that other rich countries treat health care as a taxpayer-financed social program. Employer-based health insurance was stupid pre-COVID-19 because our economy was already steadily transitioning from traditional full-time W-2 jobs to self-employment, freelance and gig... Read More
Big Pharma and its minions such as Anthony Fauci and Robert Redfield are determined to use Covid-19 to vaccinate us all at the expense our lives and pocketbooks. They are using the media, grant-dependent professionals, medical journals, and the presstitute media to conduct a campaign of disinformation about an inexpensive and successful treatment in order... Read More
At present, there is no vaccine for the coronavirus. That means that one of the two paths to immunity is blocked. The other path is “herd immunity,” in which a critical mass of infection occurs in lower-risk populations that ultimately thwarts transmission. Herd immunity is the only path that is currently available. Let that sink... Read More
Sometimes, the best thing to do, is to do nothing at all. Take Sweden, for example, where the government decided not to shut down the economy, but to take a more thoughtful and balanced approach. Sweden has kept its primary schools, restaurants, shops and gyms open for business even though fewer people are out in... Read More
Some of my commentary about politics is presented in the form of "advice" to the ruling classes. Please understand: I don't really expect those in the ruling class to take my advice. My advice is not really directed toward them. It is a theoretical exercise. I am really speaking to you, the people. My goal... Read More
The US airline companies have bankrupted themselves by buying back their stock in an enrichment scheme for CEOs and board members ( ). With the impact of the virus on their revenues, Congress is handing them a $50 billion bailout. Instead of being bailed out they should be nationalized. In the health and economic crisis... Read More
“I have delivered food parcels to four families this morning,” says Paula Spencer, who runs the community centre in Thanington, a deprived district on the outskirts of Canterbury. Two of the families had called for help because they had symptoms of the coronavirus, and two simply needed food to eat. There are no signs of... Read More
Writing anything about COVID-19 at this moment is a daunting task since the situation is evolving so rapidly, and in so many different locations. Information contained in this piece could be thoroughly outpaced by transformative events by the time it reaches publication, or even by the time I finish up and click “save.” There is... Read More
If a disease can teach wisdom beyond our understanding of how precarious and precious life is, the coronavirus has offered two lessons. The first is that in a globalised world our lives are so intertwined that the idea of viewing ourselves as islands – whether as individuals, communities, nations, or a uniquely privileged species –... Read More
Some clear thinking is required to counter incessant, statist propaganda against the use of N-95 filtering facepiece respirators, to protect against the spread of the novel coronavirus. The message has been seconded at every turn by the Center for Disease Control, a cumbersome bureaucracy, which tightly controls both testing capacity and criteria. Such centralization is... Read More
Political correctness recently took a dangerous turn in the United Kingdom when the North Bristol National Health Service Trust announced that hospital patients who use offensive, racist, or sexist language will cease receiving medical care as soon as it is safe to end their treatment. The condition that treatment will not be withdrawn until doing... Read More
Last week, the House of Representatives voted in favor of a Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education appropriations bill amendment to repeal the prohibition on the use of federal funds to create a “unique patient identifier.” Unless this prohibition, which I originally sponsored in 1998, is reinstated, the federal government will have the authority... Read More
The US health system is the most high cost and dysfunctional health care system in the world. The reason is that it is privatized. In the rest of Western civilization the system is socialized. The reason health care is socialized in civilized countries is not only to provide health care to citizens who otherwise could... Read More
Introduction Republicans and Democrats are befuddled by President Trump’s attacks on Canada and Prime Minister Trudeau; has repudiation of NAFTA; the bilateral agreement with Mexico; tariffs, trade quotas and threats of trade constraints of billions more to come. Many are the experts, political leaders and media commentators who have offered a variety of explanations. The... Read More
Introduction The US political and economic elites have always bragged that capitalism is far superior to socialism in terms of providing people’s personal welfare. They claim that citizens live longer, healthier and happier lives under capitalism. The debate between the supporters of the US Affordable Care Act or ‘Obamacare’ and its most vehement opponents under... Read More
This week the Senate Republican leadership unveiled its Obamacare replacement plan. Like its House counterpart, the misnamed Senate plan retains most of Obamacare’s core features.Both the House and Senate plans allow states to obtain waivers providing relief from some Obamacare mandates, although the waivers in both bills are too restrictive to be of much value.... Read More
This Thursday, the House of Representatives will vote on a Republican bill that supposedly repeals Obamacare. However, the bill retains Obamacare’s most destructive features. That is not to say this legislation is entirely without merit. For example, the bill expands the amount individuals can contribute to a health savings account (HSA). HSAs allow individuals to... Read More